Impeach Obama and Adm.

Green Right Arrow ATJ: ...Citizen Articles of Impeachment Against Attorney General Eric Holder!
Green Right Arrow AIJC: ...massive cover-up occurring within the Obama Administration... Impeach!
Green Right Arrow DA: And treason, according to... U.S. Constitution, is an impeachable crime!
Green Right Arrow FW: B.H. Obama... [Impeach] INDICTED & CONVICTED!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...[impeach] indicted both Obama and his evil sidekick Joe Biden...!
Green Right Arrow FW: Impeach Obama!
Green Right Arrow FW: NSA SLAYER GOES ON OBAMA IMPEACHMENT HUNT ...impeachment of Obama!
Green Right Arrow FW: H. OBAMA... LAUNCH A COUNTERATTACK AGAINST FW... "don't have the guts" to Impeach Obama!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...his [Obama's] illegal, treasonous and impeachable actions during his presidency!
Green Right Arrow IOC: ...the imminent impeachment of B. Obama and his removal from office...!
Green Right Arrow JW: ...Obama's willful measures to undermine our nation's laws are impeachable offenses!
Green Right Arrow NCIO: ...tangible proof needed for them to introduce a resolution to impeach B. Obama!
Green Right Arrow TFIO: Impeach: B.H. Obama has committed treason and must be held accountable...!
Green Right Arrow TFIO: ...B. Obama is terrified that efforts to impeach him will be successful!
Green Right Arrow TTP: We're going to Impeach that sorry mess and kick him all the way back to Hawaii!
Green Right Arrow TTPC: The impeachment and ultimate removal of a President from office...!
Green Right Arrow USIU: ...Articles of Impeachment should be introduced against B. Obama and if there is enough evidence to convict in the Senate...!
Green Right Arrow USIU: The Addendum (A.) to the Articles of Impeachment that I have been requested to send you...!
Green Right Arrow USIU: it seems clear that Hillary Clinton is a key in the Impeachment of B. Obama... two-fold investigation...!
Green Right Arrow USIU: Jury Instructions in the Impeachment of B. Obama!
Green Right Arrow USJF: B. Obama must be impeached for defrauding the American people!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...if Mr. Obama is impeached and removed from office, every piece of legislation that he's signed...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...court determination will serve to both remove Mr. Obama from office, and wipe clean every illegal and illicit act signed by his Presidential Pen!
Green Right Arrow USJF: President can be impeached... But B. Obama IS NOT the President of the U.S.!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...This may be your LAST chance to stop B. Obama... ..."dethrone" B. Obama (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!
Green Right Arrow WCJ: ...impeached and removed from office when he's committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors!
Green Right Arrow WHW: Committees in the U.S. House of Representatives have unearthed enough evidence to warrant impeachment hearings!
Green Right Arrow WHW: As Pres. B. Obama faces impeachment for the "high crimes and misdemeanors" that he has committed...!
Green Right Arrow WHW: ...B. Obama seems to have committed "high crimes and misdemeanors"... grounds for Impeachment...!
Green Right Arrow WHW: the U.S. House of Representatives... and then he will be tried in the U.S. Senate and Impeached!
Green Right Arrow WHW: Should B. Obama be impeached or be allowed to resign?!

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