David N. Bossie


(CUF) Citizens United Foundation

(P.O. Box 96408, Washington, D.C. 20090-6408)




Dear Fellow American,


[2-2014 letter] If you're outraged that Federal Appeals Court Judge Stephen Reinhardt took it upon himself to reverse Proposition 8, the California law that defined marriage as between one man and one woman... then please take just 30 seconds to [request for and] sign your " IMPEACH JUDGE REINHARDT!" petition and mail it back to me immediately in the enclosed reply envelope.


Activist judges like Stephen Reinhardt who legislate from the bench, trampling on our right as free citizens to make our own laws -- must go! The ultimate outrage is that, we the taxpayers, pay Judge Reinhardt a salary of $184,500 a year!


His ruling overturning the will of 7 million California citizens, who voted to uphold traditional marriage, is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Judge Reinhardt's over-reaching and leftist court decisions.


Judge Reinhardt also decided to outlaw the Pledge of Allegiance in nine U.S. states because it contains the words, "under God." And he ruled that individual citizens do not have a right to own firearms! But only a congressional impeachment can get this rogue judge off the federal bench -- and off the backs of patriotic Americans like you and me.


My friend, the choice is up to you: Do you agree with Judge Reinhardt that the courts have a right to strike down traditional marriage -- even though law-abiding citizens voted to uphold it? Do you think the words "under God" should be illegal? And do you think a reckless and liberal-biased judge like Stephen Reinhardt should earn $184,500 in tax dollars every year to attack and undermine the United States Constitution?


If you say "NO," then please [request for and] sign your petition and mail it back to me right away -- in the next 72 hours if possible. Only massive public pressure will force Congress to order impeachment hearings for Judge Reinhardt.


Just 30 seconds to sign your " IMPEACH JUDGE REINHARDT!" petition and mail it back to me is all I ask. For the sake of our nation, I hope you will act now. Judge Reinhardt's ruling against traditional marriage set a dangerous precedent where the courts get to decide what marriage means... overturning the will of the people!


If we don't send a message now that rogue judges who legislate from the bench will not be tolerated... it won't be long before activist judges in all 50 states -- including yours -- are erasing the traditional definition of marriage... and making it illegal for children to say "under God" when reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.


Liberal groups across the nation are already swamping federal courts with lawsuits to outlaw the Ten Commandments in public buildings, remove "In God We Trust" from government buildings, erase religious symbols from monuments and schools, and silence prayer in town halls.


Michael Newdow, the atheist who originally filed suit to get the Pledge out of America's schools, has even filed a suit to have our national motto, "In God We Trust" stripped from all U.S. currency!


My friend, as long as there are liberal judges like Stephen Reinhardt sitting on federal benches, radicals like Michael Newdow will win their battles to destroy the traditional values you and I love.


Never again will marriage be protected as a holy union between one man and one woman. Never again will our children place their hands over their hearts and pledge allegiance to "one Nation under God." And when you use a coin or dollar bill, never again will you be reminded that our nations thrives because "In God We Trust." Never again -- unless you and I take action today.


Your petition to " IMPEACH JUDGE REINHARDT!" is not only the best way to get Reinhardt off of the 9th Circuit Court... it's also the key to stopping all renegade judges just like him. How do I know?


My name is David Bossie. As the former Chief Investigator for the U.S. House of Representative's Committee on Government Reform and Oversight, I uncovered Bill Clinton's dirty secret of trading U.S. missile technology to Red China for millions in campaign contributions.


I also served on the staff of the Senate Whitewater Committee, which investigated Clinton's corrupt dealings in Arkansas and the cover-up he led in the White House. My research laid the groundwork for the impeachment proceedings against Bill Clinton.


Now, as the President of Citizens United Foundation, I'm once again working to expose corruption wherever I find it in the federal government. And I've certainly found it in Judge Reinhardt. Judge Reinhardt is so biased that Newsweek magazine called him a "longtime liberal lion."


And then consider that Reinhardt should never have even heard the Proposition 8 case. He should have recused himself when it came to light that his wife had been a high-ranking official at the ACLU!


As long as Judge Reinhardt sits on the federal bench, he will continue to attack the U.S. Constitution and work to strip away the Judeo-Christian values upon which our nation was built. And maybe worst of all, his liberalism will continue to spread through the 9th Circuit Court and others like a cancer.


My friend, the only way to get a federal judge off the bench is to impeach him. That's why your signed petition is so vital today.


It was massive public pressure that force Congress to hold impeachment hearings against Bill Clinton. And that kind of outrage can work again today -- but only if I have your signed " IMPEACH JUDGE REINHARDT!" petition back in the next 72 hours!


As reported in Newsweek magazine, Citizen United Foundation is leading this battle to impeach Judge Reinhardt. But we can't do it without your help. Mounting our massive nationwide petition campaign will require at least $25,000 in funding.


So when you mail your signed petition back to me today, won't you please include a vital $25, $50, $75, $100 or even $500 check payable t "Citizens United Foundation?"


President George Bush said it best that "we need common sense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God." But without your signed petition and contribution of at least $25 today, Judge Reinhardt will continue to trample on our God-given rights at your taxpayer expense!


Remember, Judge Reinhardt gets paid $184,50 a year to attack the U.S. Constitution and our Judeo-Christian values. And you and I foot the bill!


If you want this dangerous radical off the federal bench, won't you please sign your petition and send your most generous check possible to "Citizens United Foundation" today? Whether you can spare $25 or $250 to impeach Judge Reinhardt every dollar will help!


Thank you for whatever amount you can send -- and may God bless patriots like you who believe that our Constitution and traditional values should be protected!



David N. Bossie


P.S. Judge Reinhardt struck down the traditional definition of marriage and he voted to take God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. Please [request for,] sign and return your petition to impeach this rogue judge And please consider sending $59 -- one dollar for every year Americans have proudly recited "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. Regardless of what you can send, any amount will help us get Judge Reinhardt off the bench (CUF, P.O. Box 96408, Washington, D.C. 20090-6408)!