Floyd Brown


(WHW) White House Watch

(P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442)

Project of Policy Issues Institute, 5405 Alton Pkwy., Suite 5A #369, Irvine, CA 92604

www.TheWhiteHouseWatch.com; ph# (202) 558-6491




Dear Patriot,


...I am declaring a FEDERATED ALERT and asking all members to act with urgency. I am taking this action because I am tired of Barack Obama's lies.


I am disgusted by the Obama White House's evasions and manipulations. And I am outraged by Barack Obama's well-crafted scheming and excuses.


The time is now – Barack Obama must not be allowed to escape Impeachment any longer... That is why I am sending you the [requested] enclosed HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BALLOT for delivery to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.


At this point, it seems clear that Barack Obama has indeed committed "high crimes and misdemeanors" as specified in the U.S. Constitution as grounds for the Impeachment of the President of the United States of America...


...through violating the War Powers Act, the Hatch Act, refusing to defend our borders, nationalizing the banks and arming terrorists enemies of our nation...


...these high crimes make Bill Clinton's sexual escapades and lies look like nothing.


Because what Barack Obama has done through his abuse of power, corruption and disregard for the U.S. Constitution has destroyed our economy, dismantled our democracy and denigrated our nation's standing in the world... (1)


With the Obama Political Machine in full gear and ready to smear any and all who speak out against the lies and corruption of the White House – I am urging you to move with urgency...


I want to bundle your BALLOT with hundreds of thousands of others – perhaps even one million – making it clear that the American people have had enough.


I want the House Judiciary Committee to have no choice but to take action in moving forward with Impeachment because it is the demand of the American people.


And I want the national media to report that BALLOTS are flooding in to Congress – the American people have issued a mandate... even in the face of the lies and intimidation from the White House.


Because right now Barack Obama seems to think that he is above the law.


And despite the fact that millions of dollars have rolled into the liberals coffers to push Barack Obama's radical agenda any way possible while hiding the truth from the American people – YOU AND I MUST BE READY TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH.


As Congress evaluates whether or not to move on Impeachment – they need to know where you stand NOW.


I plan on deluging Chairman Bob Goodlatte of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee with White House Watch BALLOTS.


Let me be clear – Congressman Goodlatte has been considering whether to begin Impeachment proceedings for quite some time. But he has not been able to move forward quite yet.


He cannot move forward until there is proof that this action is warranted and wanted by the majority of the American people.


By now, it is clear that Barack Obama seems to have committed "high crimes and misdemeanors":


>   In initiating military action in Libya, Barack Obama has clearly violated the War Powers Act and even members of his own Party have been outraged, calling for sanctioning or Impeachment. Meanwhile, his Administration's actions of covering-up the terrorist attack on Benghazi must be exposed and those responsible for lying to the American people brought to justice.


>   In approving ATF operation "Fast and Furious," (1) the Obama Administration actually armed terrorist enemies of the United States of America, resulting in the loss of both Mexican and American lives. This clearly violates the Arms Control Export Act.


>   In refusing to enforce immigration law in Arizona and New Mexico and refusing to protect the border, Barack Obama has violated his Oath of Office and jeopardized American lives.


>   In revealing covert CIA operations and terrorist interrogation techniques during his reelection campaign, Barack Obama's Administration endangered the lives Of countless intelligence agents in the field and compromised our intelligence operations – acting against the best interests of our nation and jeopardizing national security.


>   In choosing to move forward in implementing ObamaCare, Barack Obama is putting the Medicare of millions of seniors on a fast track to bankruptcy.


Yes, Impeachment is warranted. But Chairman Bob Goodlatte can only move forward if he shows that the call for Impeachment is not coming from a radical right-wing fringe element... but from the majority of Americans.


This could be the most important BALLOT you cast this year – the future of our nation must be decided NOW – we cannot wait another day, month or year.


Barack Obama must not be allowed to replace political rhetoric as a substitute for the truth and law.


Please do not let another minute go by without justice. [Request for and] Complete your White House Watch HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BALLOT and return it...


And please be sure to include your generous and urgently needed contribution to White House Watch – every penny is needed in this fight. I am counting on your urgent response and generous contribution of $60 – whatever you can manage.


Thank you for your commitment... you and l cannot afford to allow the lies and corruption of Barack Obama to Continue.


Awaiting your urgent response,

Floyd Brown, Chairman


[Please request for "HIGH CRIMES AND MISDEMEANORS BALLOT"(WHW, P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442)!]




(Sample Ballot)



Please carefully read and answer each question based on your understanding of the facts and complete your ballot in its entirety. Thank you!


Do you believe that there is sufficient evidence to Impeach Barack Obama based on the apparent abuses of power, corruption and illegalities that have been uncovered?

[ ]yes                    [ ]no


Do you believe that Barack Obama should be brought to justice for his disregard for the U.S. Constitution, and willful destruction of the U.S. economy through political paybacks and collusion?

[ ]yes                    [ ]no


Do you support the U.S. House Judiciary Committee in initiating Impeachment proceedings immediately?

[ ]yes                    [ ]no