Exposing Dems (1, 2)!
Divider-In-Chief (1)! Impeach (1)!
Lawlessness! Voter Fraud!

Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Witch Hunt! Jan. 6, 2021!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

<< Index Page! Sponsors!


Warning! Upcoming Elections!

Stand-Your-Ground against
Lawless Socialist Obama
Obama's (1, 2, 3, 4) Sidekick Biden!
Clint Eastwood Speak at Republican National Convention (1)!
Lawless Obama, Biden Adm and Biden, Harris Adm have Failed Parallel Policies!

Green Right Arrow Obamacare!
Green Right Arrow ObamaFruit!
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama's Birth Certificate!
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama Declared War!
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama's Treason!
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama's Power Grab (1, Video) Dick Morris, Eileen McGann, Authors of Power Grab: Obama's Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation !
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama's Czars!
Green Right Arrow Lawless Obama's Amnesty
       to non-citizen
(1, 2, 3, 4),
       Illegal Immigrants
(1); ICE Officers (1)!

Green Right Arrow Criminal Illegal Alien Invasion!
Green Right Arrow Open Borders, Open Door, Backdoor; Locked Door (1)!
Green Right Arrow Dangerous (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Border with terrorists (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) crossing, etc.!

Green Right Arrow Evil V.P. sidekick Joe Biden!
Green Right Arrow Obama's NSA's domestic spy program Unconstitutional!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Police State!
Green Right Arrow Putin's invasion of Ukraine (1)!
Green Right Arrow Obamacare,
       Argument against Mandate,
       More Middleman!

Green Right Arrow ObamaFruit!
Green Right Arrow ObamaLaw!
Green Right Arrow Robbed/Raided S.S Trust Fund,
       Benefits to Illegal Aliens!

Green Right Arrow THEY BECOME VOTERS (1, 2, 3, 4)!
Green Right Arrow Impeach Lawless Obama (1)!
Green Right Arrow Voting, Election' (1), and
        Voting Machine (1) Fraud!

<< Index Page! Sponsors!


Warning! Upcoming Elections!

Exposing Dems (1, 2)!
Divider-In-Chief (1)! Impeach (1)!
Lawlessness! Voter Fraud!

Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Witch Hunt! Jan. 6, 2021!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

God At Work!

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