Denise Singleton

Project Chairman

A project of (FRC)

(NCIO) The National Campaign to Impeach Obama

(P.O. Box 96435, Washington, D.C. 20090-0435)

210 North Patrick Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

Ph: (703) 548-1708


Dear Patriot,


[1-2014 partial letter] On behalf of National Campaign to Impeach Obama, I am issuing what could become one of the most historically important documents of our time... I am taking this action for a single reason: you and I have no time to waste...


As Chairman of National Campaign to Impeach Obama, I am issuing a 2014 Impeachment Tally. Because National Campaign to Impeach Obama has not yet reached the one million signature mark for impeachment.


I made the commitment of reaching that tipping point by January 1, 2014, but we fell short. I am still registering and checking over every single petition – and we are rapidly climbing towards the one million signature mark. But, in the meantime, action must be taken.


You and I must supply the U.S. House of representatives with tangible proof needed for them to introduce a resolution to impeach Barack Obama...


For the sake of our nation, I am asking you to [request for,] complete this Impeachment Tally and return it to National Campaign to impeach Obama... This tally addresses one single burning question: do you support initiating impeachment hearings against Barack Obama in the U.S. House of Representatives?


This 2014 Impeachment Tally could be the most critical document you sign this year in our fight to move Congress into action on impeachment. With 2014 being a critical year when the future of America will be determined, the liberals will do everything in their power to avoid discussions or debates about Impeachment.


Even though Barack Obama's popularity is plummeting. Even though polls show that the number of people who support impeachment is climbing. And even though there is already enough tangible evidence to indicate abuses of power, circumventing the U.S. Constitution and betraying the American people.


You and I must initiate momentum to force Congress to rise up and protect our nation before it's too late... Please help National Campaign to Impeach Obama supply Congress with immediate proof that a rising number of Americans support action this year – not next.


Our conservative leaders in the House and Senate need to know that they have the full backing of loyal National Campaign to Impeach Obama members [and Patriots]... I know that you are well aware of how critical 2014 is for the conservative movement... and how crucial the timing of introducing articles of impeachment against Barack Obama is. Your response is imperative.


Liberal special interest groups, big unions, Obama political pit bulls – all of them are working overtime to raise money to fight impeachment. I have made tremendous headway in the fight to gather one million signatures supporting impeachment... but you and I are still short. Meaning that National Campaign to impeach Obama must continue to have the needed funds to continue to gather support for the fight.


I'll be blunt – this is an uphill battle. Liberals are hoping that they can buck the conservative mandate through 2014 and that conservatives will be too resigned to step up and fight. But I know you and other conservative-patriots and I know that you are standing with me in this battle. I know I can count on you and your fellow National Campaign to Impeach Obama supporters to stand up and do what's right.


Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid want to count you out – they want National Campaign to Impeach Obama to fail... But I know you and other conservative-patriots and I know that you are standing with me in this battle. I must supply Congress with tangible proof of support now.


Our conservative leadership cannot wait until National Campaign to Impeach Obama has amassed one million signatures. Please answer a single question: do you support our conservative congressional leadership introducing articles of impeachment against Barack Obama in 2014...?


Answer that question in your 2014 Impeachment Tally and return it to me at National Campaign to Impeach Obama without delay... Without proper funding I'm afraid our efforts may fail and Barack Obama will drive our nation into deeper debt, betraying the American people in favor of foreign governments and wall street manipulators...


Your Friend,

Denise Singleton, Project Chairman


[Please request for 2014 Impeachment Tally (FRC, P.O. Box 96435, Washington, D.C. 20090-0435)!]