Michael Connelly

Executive Director

Attorney at law    Constitutional Expert  • Author

(USJF) United States Justice Foundation

(P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)



Here's smoking-gun evidence that proves Barack Obama is NOT a U.S. citizen, and cannot legally serve as President!


 July 21, 2014


Dear Patriot,


Barack Hussein Obama is not a citizen of the United States!


You read it right -- NOT a U.S. citizen! That's why he goes to such great lengths to keep his mysterious past hidden from the American public.


But I've got "smoking gun" proof of the truth! And I'm putting this substantiation into your hands!


So, please, hear me out, because the enclosed irrefutable evidence, applied in your state and in other states across our beleaguered nation, will expose this premeditated pretender in a way that the mainstream media won't be able to ignore.


You see, "Exhibit A," included with this letter, will prove in a court of law that Mr. Obama is a treacherous usurper, whose Presidency is constitutionally illegal -- making his subsequent actions a myriad of high crimes and misdemeanors!


The evidence contained herein shows that the man that we know as Barack Hussein Obama has perpetrated the biggest hoax ever, he is the vilest traitor that America has ever known, and he is guilty of the most heinous fraud in U.S. history. Why, the fact is that Obama isn't even Barack's official last name, as Exhibit A shows!


It's embarrassing how this arrogant, would-be dictator fooled election officials in state after state, to criminally commandeer the Oval Office in his covert bid to transform America into a socialist nation. And now he's done it again!


The United States Justice Foundation (USJF), thus, is using Exhibit A to expose Mr. Obama as a foreign-born imposter in the White House.


Exhibit A offers definitive proof that Barack Obama does not meet the U.S. Constitution's requirements to serve as President! I believe this is grounds for impeachment!


Congress must take a closer look at Mr. Obama's claim to be a U.S. citizen who was born in Hawaii, because Exhibit A offers proof positive that his alleged U.S. citizenship was voided!


Here's what Congress and every patriotic American need to know:


Back in the 1960's, Indonesia pointedly didn't allow dual citizenships. To be a citizen of that nation, there could be no other allegiances.


Exhibit A is a copy of an official Indonesian government document that shows that Obama is the acknowledged son of an adoptive father who was an Indonesian citizen. This alone arguably dashes any chance of Mr. Barack Obama being a "natural-born citizen," as required by the U.S. Constitution.


While Barack Obama readily admits to living in Indonesia and attending school there, the fact is that Indonesia barred foreign students from attending its public schools. Every time a child registered in an Indonesian school, the child's name and citizenship status had to be verified through the government.


Exhibit A, the form used for that purpose, shows that Mr. Obama was registered as an Indonesian citizen by the name of Barry Soetoro, with Lolo Soetoro listed as his father. This is important because, by acknowledging Barack Obama as his son on the government form, Mr. Soetoro legally established the boy as an Indonesian citizen.


So, in effect, Exhibit A legally renounces any claim that Barack Obama may have had to U.S. citizenship, because if he is an Indonesian citizen, as the document clearly shows, by law he cannot also be a U.S. citizen.


And there could be no mistake because at that time Indonesia was a police state that required all students to carry government and family identity cards.


What's more, Exhibit A means that Mr. Obama never could regain U.S. "natural born" status, if he ever had it. At best, Mr. Obama could become "naturalized" if the proper paperwork were filed with the U.S. State Department, through the U.S. Immigration Service, after his return to the United States -- something his U.S.-born mother never did.


There's so much more to this case, such as evidence proving that Mr. Obama was born in Kenya to a mother too young at age 18 to confer U.S. natural-born citizenship status to him. Or that his grandmother has repeatedly stated that she was present in the Kenyan hospital during Barack Obama's birth.


But Exhibit A is the telltale evidence that, when understood, should force Congress to acknowledge that Mr. Soetoro -- a.k.a. Obama -- does not meet the Constitution's requirements to serve as President!


So for America's sake, please sign and return to the United States Justice Foundation your enclosed petition, that urges Congress to take a close look at Exhibit A, which, for convenience, is included with this letter. Demand that Congressman Bob Goodlatte, chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, investigate Mr. Obama's citizenship in light of this evidence, and demand that he then uphold the U.S. Constitution, and do what's right by initiating impeachment hearings against Barack Obama.


Please help USJF alert Congressman Goodlatte that an imposter knowingly falsified U.S. citizenship records in order to fraudulently take control of our government! Demand that Congress not be guilty of betraying the U.S. Constitution again!


Please fill out the attached form below the petition, and return both in the enclosed envelope. And please be sure to include a generous gift to help the United States Justice Foundation expose the fraudulent Barack Obama, and finally bring him to justice by impeaching him and forcing him out of the White House!


Think of it: How much would it mean to you to keep America the land of the free? No sacrifice is too large when it comes to guarding the U.S. Constitution, to preserving our freedoms, to protecting our loved ones, and to maintaining the land that we love!

So please reach deep because the United States Justice Foundation -- "your conservative voice in the courts" for more than 34 years -- can only tackle what the generosity of grassroots patriots like you enable us to do. And Mr. Obama made sure that 2011, 2012, and 2013 were extremely expensive years for us.


You see, ever since we dared to challenge his eligibility to serve as President, Mr. Obama has declared financial war on this public interest law firm, seeking to spend USJF out of existence.


Frankly, I don't even have the funds to send you this letter. I've sent it out in faith that you will realize what's at stake, and that you will generously come through.


Please don't delay! It's absolutely imperative for loyal patriots like you to provide as much funding as possible, so that the United States Justice Foundation can gather as many impeachment petitions as possible to deliver to Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, demanding he institute impeachment hearings against Barack Obama.


Your gift of $2,500, $1,000, or even $500 will enable USJF to keep fighting on many on-going battlefronts as we oppose the Obama regime.


A gift of $250 or $100 will help us alert America -- and Congress! -- to the truth that Exhibit A proves that Mr. Obama is a fraud who must be removed from office immediately, before he can unleash the next phase of his Marxist agenda for America! And please include at least $15 over and above your donation to cover the cost of printing, sorting, and delivering your petition.


Whatever the amount that you decide to send, please know this: The response of right-minded citizens like you will decide if our nation is to remain FREE!


Time is of the essence, so please respond today!


With justice for all,

Michael Connelly


P.S.    Don't set this letter aside before pausing to consider what it would mean for Congress to do its duty and impeach the imposter in the White House, Barack Obama, for election fraud! It would be the end of Mr. Obama's Marxist agenda for America. That's priceless, my friend! So please reach deep, and give sacrificially for such a just result (USJF, P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)!




(Sample Petition)

Examine the Evidence: Barack Obama must

be impeached for defrauding the American people!


To Congressman Goodlatte:


A telltale document has come to light that calls into question the claim by Barack Hussein Obama Jr., that he is a "natural-born" citizen, as required by the U.S. Constitution to qualify as a candidate for, and serve as, President of the United States. As Chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, I call upon you to begin immediate impeachment hearings against Mr. Obama for purposely defrauding the American people.


Indonesia didn't allow dual citizenships in the 1960's, when Mr. Obama lived there as Barry Soetoro. To be a citizen of that nation, Mr. Obama could NOT be a U.S. citizen. Indonesia barred foreign students from attending its public schools, forcing each prospective student's citizenship status to be verified through the government. The included government document, used for that purpose, shows that Mr. Obama is the acknowledged son of an adoptive father, and, thus, proves that he is a citizen of Indonesia. This legally precludes Mr. Obama from being a "natural-born citizen," as required by the U.S. Constitution.


Mr. Obama was on both the 2008 and 2012 ballots, winning both times, but two wrongs don't make a right! So please investigate the evidence against Barack Obama, as you have sworn to do in your oath of office. Please uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution, and DO NOT allow a "President" who cannot verify being a natural-born U.S. citizen.


Don't be intimidated! Stand up for what's right! I am counting on you to commence immediate impeachment hearings against Barack Obama for his deliberate defrauding of the American people by claiming natural born citizen status, when in fact he is a citizen of Indonesia!






YES! Michael, I don't want Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., to get away with the biggest hoax and fraud in U.S. history by being allowed to serve out a second term as President. Here is my gift to help USJF deliver petitions to Chairman Bob Goodlatte, demanding he initiate immediate impeachment hearings against Mr. Obama, and examine Mr. Obama's claim to be a natural-born citizen in light of a document that proves that he is not a U.S. citizen:

USJF Exibit A