Obama's Police State!

Green Right Arrow ObamaLaw (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Power Grab!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Czars!
Green Right Arrow FW: HOW AMERICA IS BECOMING A POLICE STATE From drones to gun raids, under 'ObamaLaw enforcement is being 'Fundamentally Transform' (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...one major way Barack Obama's ..." fundamental transformation of America" is manifesting in the changing face of law enforcement - local and state, but especially federal!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...turning America into a police state that can lock you away for simply being pro-life or a member of the Tea Party or other conservative groups!
Green Right Arrow FW: "NSA Slayer Goes On Impeachment Hunt"... We the People WILL NOT tolerate a COMMUNIST KGB STYLE SOVIET-CHINESE POLICE STATE that Hussein Obama so fervently tries to force upon us!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...wicked spying scheme of Obama's National Security Agency (NSA)...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...the judge (Richard Leon) conveyed that America is becoming an "Orwellian" KGB-Soviet-Chinese communist style POLICE STATE under the rule of Hussein Obama!
Green Right Arrow FW: Any of these Freedom Watch cases could break open the Dictator Hussein Obama's regime and send him and his Marxist-Muslim comrades to prison once and for all!
Green Right Arrow FW: Judge Leon saw through Hussein Obama's and his government collaborators' attempt to turn our country into a police state!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...injunction against the spy agency, ordering the NSA and its evil co-conspirators to stop their communist Chinese style police state "dragnet" data mining of YOUR emails, phone calls, and web surfing!
Green Right Arrow FW: ... NSA under the socialist-Muslim dictator Hussein Obama violated the U.S. Constitution and in fact is attempting to coerce and enslave the United States into a communist China-like Police State...!
Green Right Arrow FW: Hussein Obama has turned our beloved country into a communist Chinese style police state in his own socialist-Muslim image!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...ordering the NSA and its evil co-conspirators to stop their communist Soviet-Chinese-style police state invasion and "wiretapping" of YOUR emails, phone calls, text messages, and web surfing...!
Green Right Arrow FW: Obama's domestic spy program operated by the criminal thugs at the NSA is UNCONSTITUTIONAL... I WILL NOT STAND FOR A POLICE STATE IN OUR BELOVED NATION!
Green Right Arrow LTP: ...this master plan -- which Barack Obama is following to a "T" -- leads directly to a communist police state... and its implementation is nearly complete!
Green Right Arrow USJF: And there could be no mistake because at that time Indonesia was a police state that required all students to carry government and family identity cards!

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