Larry Klayman


Freedom Watch

(P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)

2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 345, Washington, D.C. 20006

(310) 595-0800; ǀ


* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




Larry Klayman, Esq.

Filing on your behalf against

Hussein Obama in the Alabama

Supreme Court

Montgomery, Alabama 36104


February 10, 2014


Dear Patriot,


New evidence supplied to the Alabama Supreme Court has the Barack Hussein Obama "presidency" hanging by a thread. Now, with your critical help, that thread will be legally cut and the fraud that is the Hussein Obama White House will come crashing down!


I'm sure you remember my previous letter about how, in my private capacity as a former U.S. Justice Department prosecutor, I am heading up the most important case proving the illegal tyrant Hussein Obama is actually not eligible to serve as President. See the enclosed article!


This case, my friend, has moved all the way through the Alabama court system and is now about to be heard by Chief Justice Roy Moore and the rest of the Supreme Court there.


Now . . . important witnesses in this Alabama case are submitting new evidence of even more corruption — and likely even murder! -- against the Dictator-in-Chief. That's right: the Hussein Obama cover up is literally killing people! Of course, this means that Hussein Obama and his accomplice thugs are running scared from my earth-shattering suit that will bring down his entire Marxist regime.


Now is the time for action! Now is the time to press our advantage and legally bring Hussein Obama and his criminal cohorts to their knees . . . and then introduce them to a jail cell as soon as they've been tried and convicted for their TREASON against the United States! Keep reading . . .


You see, that's why I'm writing to you today. My friend, together Freedom Watch and I are bringing the legal actions that really mean business. There's no "empty talk" here (like you're getting from those other guys).


I am not in this for myself . . . I am in it, with you and millions of patriots just like you, to save America from the sudden death induced by the Marxist/Muslim tyranny shoved down our throats by Hussein Obama and his corrupt partners in crime: Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and others.


As you know, even our so-called allies, the Republican establishment, are worthless when it comes to putting a stop to the march of Hussein Obama's evil socialist agenda! The establishment Republican lies and cowardice only serve to send America to the same destination: absolute tyranny at the hands of Big Brother.


That's why, my friend, it's you and me against this attempted overthrow of everything America holds dear. It's you and me against Hussein Obama and his shredding of the U.S. Constitution. It's you and me against the Islamic-inspired Marxist takeover of the United States by this foreign-born tyrant!


Mark my word, taking on the world's most corrupt dictator has not been easy . . . and it is not cheap. Now, as new evidence points out, people are even dying for the cause.


As you may remember, Loretta Fuddy was appointed Director of the Hawaii Department of Health just a few months before the lying forger, Hussein Obama, released his doctored, fake "birth certificate." Now, as sworn testimony reveals, Fuddy was a member of the same Indonesian Muslim cult as Stanley Ann Dunham, Hussein Obama's mother (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16).


Loretta Fuddy likely crossed paths with Ann Dunham and knew the real story behind Hussein Obama's illicit past. Their shared cult, Sobud, is headquartered in Indonesia . . . with offices in Chicago and Hawaii! And, apparently, Loretta Fuddy knew too much.


She was the only victim of a small plane crash just a few weeks ago!


According to expert criminologist, Dr. Jason Kissner, Fuddy was "the Hawaii state health director who approved the release of Obama's long-form birth certificate and who has apparently succumbed to a nasty case of post random plane crash induced arrhythmia."


The murderous Hussein Obama regime is expecting you and me to believe that the person who knew the most about his illegal rise to power -- a person with no medical history of heart problems -- died of heart issues following a "mysterious" plane crash.


IT'S A LIE! You and I both know it! And, with your strong support, I am about to add this newest attempt at cover-up to bring down Hussein Obama's entire house of cards!


In addition, I am also advising the Alabama Supreme Court justices about Quarles Harris, Jr., who was found dead behind the wheel of his own car -- the result of a single bullet to his head. Mr. Harris was a key witness in a case that would have shed light on Hussein Obama's fraudulent passport data!


Justice Moore and his court also need to hear new sworn testimony from Reed Hayes, a Certified Document Expert (CDE) with almost 40 years of professional experience. Mr. Hayes states that the Hussein Obama long-form birth certificate released by the White House is "unequivocally" a fake.


Cold Case Posse lead investigator Mike Zullo noted, "The impressive credentials of Mr. Hayes . . . and the fact that [he] is a registered Democrat, demonstrates the integrity of our investigation."


That's not all! Mike Zullo and Sheriff Joe Arpaio are reporting that they are prepared to give the Alabama Supreme Court much more evidence!


You see, the lying, anti-Constitution, anti-America, conservative-hating Hussein Obama knows that he is about to come to the end of his legal rope.


The forged birth certificate, the sealed records, the fake social security number, the sworn testimony, the irrefutable evidence, the Indonesia-Chicago-Hawaii Islamic connection, and now the unsolved MURDERS are ALL COMING TOGETHER with my earth-shattering Alabama Supreme Court case and other endeavors against this sickening Marxist dictator!


Of course, as the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, that's not all I am doing to bring down this THREAT TO FREEDOM occupying the White House.


Freedom Watch is bringing critical legal action against Hussein Obama and his evil yes-man, Joe Biden, for releasing TOP SECRET information that revealed the precise location of our brave SEAL Team VI . . . resulting in the deaths of 22 brave American soldiers at the hands of our sworn enemy, the Taliban.


Even as you read this letter, the Freedom Watch Citizens' Grand Juries are hearing sworn legal testimony . . . and issuing indictments and convictions that, once issued in court, will send the Marxist/Muslim Hussein Obama and his evil sidekick to prison -- where they can do no more harm to you, me, and our children and grandchildren!


And, as you probably read in newspapers and online, Freedom Watch and I just scored the BIGGEST LEGAL VICTORY EVER over Hussein Obama's spy agency, the National Security Agency (NSA)!


That's right, Hussein Obama thought he could get away with his Stalinist sspy scheme, which could've been taken straight out of the book 1984 . . . tapping your phone lines, reading your emails and text messages, spying on everything in your life with his goal of controlling your every move -- and turning America into a police state that can lock you away for simply being pro-life or a member of the Tea Party or other conservative groups!


But, with your backing, I am having none of it! My friend, no court has ever ruled against the NSA before I won this injunction in U.S. District Court against Hussein Obama's spy agency!


In fact, the judge in this landmark case ordered the NSA and its evil co-conspirators to stop their communist-style "dragnet" mining of everything you do!


We have a long way to go, but I hope that this FIRST EVER victory against Hussein Obama's monstrous NSA, comprised of Hussein Obama's "storm troopers," will convince you -- and every freedom-loving American patriot -- that, together with your help, Freedom Watch and I can and WILL WIN THIS SECOND MERICAN REVOLUTION against our wicked foe and his evil enablers!


Now, my friend, of course you know that bringing down this wicked Hussein Obama regime is costing me an enormous amount of time and energy. In fact, my small staff and I are working around the clock to submit evidence that will put an end to the tyranny lording over America.


Not only that: legally overthrowing America's current DICTATOR is costing a huge sum of money. After all, Hussein Obama has the bloated U.S. economy at his disposal. While he can summon your tax dollars to his evil defense, Freedom Watch is limited to the generous contributions of you and your fellow patriots around the country.


We are at such an important intersection in the Alabama Supreme Court case and other cases that can and will bring down the lying thug in the White House that I must ask you to come alongside Freedom Watch now more than ever!  


. . . if I am to sustain this pace, and if Freedom Watch is to continue on the attack against the illegal reign of Hussein Obama, I must ask for your immediate gift of $20 at this most critical time!


You know that these cases are the last, best hope for America's survival. You know that Hussein Obama and his Muslim/Marxist radical ilk have to be legally removed from power before America is totally ruined. And you know that Freedom Watch and I, blessed by your much-needed gift, can do just that.


So, please . . . kick off 2014 -- the year that you and I can send Hussein Obama where the sun don't shine -- by sending your check today in the enclosed envelope, in the generous amount of $30.


If you can afford $10, please know that every penny is being put to use by me and Freedom Watch to thwart the evil of the Hussein Obama fake-presidency in a strong effort to legally remove him from power for good!


Hussein Obama must be legally removed before the country is completely destroyed and you and your loved ones live in ruins (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789).


For a renewed hope in 2014,

Larry KlaymaFounder & Chairman ǀ ǀ



WorldNetDaily Exclusive



Judges still haven't decided challenge to Obama's tenure


© 2014


Filed on appeal almost a year ago, a legal challenge against Barack Obama remains lurking in the hallways and offices of the Alabama Supreme Court, where at least two justices already have indicated an interest in the radioactive issue of Obama's constitutional eligibility to serve as president.


Court officials confirmed to WND today that the case brought by attorney Larry Klayman, who founded Freedom Watch, and most recently hit the headlines for a successful fight against Obama's program run by the National Security Agency to spy on Americans, remains on the docket.


It's been fully briefed, but the justices haven't announced yet whether they will hear oral arguments on the dispute, even though Klayman asked for an opportunity.


The case raises some of the same arguments that appeared earlier in dozens of local, state and federal court cases over Obama's first term.


They all argue in some fashion that because of the lack of details about Obama's birthplace, he might be ineligible to be president under the Constitution's requirement. That is thought to have been defined by the Founders as someone who was born of citizen parents in the country.


If the parents' citizenship is a qualifier, Obama by his own admission fails, since he reports his father was a Kenyan student who came to study in the U.S. but never was a U.S. citizen himself. In fact, the senior Obama already was married, in Kenya, before he met and married Obama Jr.'s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham.


This case is brought on behalf of 2012 Constitution Party presidential nominee Virgil Goode and Alabama Republican Party leader Hugh Mclnnish, who are asking Alabama's highest court to force Secretary of State Beth Chapman to verify that all candidates on the state's 2012 ballot were eligible to serve.


Klayman, in a brief, argued that the secretary of state, "having the power to certify candidates, can surely de-certify—in effect disqualify—them if they are found to be ineligible."


He pointed out that, for example, California Secretary of State Debra Bowen rejected Petra Lindsay on the 2012 California primary ballot because she was 27 years old. The U.S. Constitution requires that the president be at least 35.


Of significance to the case is the fact that two of the justices have expressed interest in the truth of the dispute.


In an earlier case, the justices in that very court denied a petition filed by Mclnnish to require Obama submit an original birth certificate before he could be placed on the state's 2012 ballot.


At the time, Justice Tom Parker filed a special, unpublished concurrence in the case arguing that Mclnnish's charges of "forgery" were legitimate cause for concern.


"Mclnnish has attached certain documentation to his mandamus petition, which, if presented to the appropriate forum as part of a proper evidentiary presentation, would raise serious questions about the authenticity of both the 'short form' and the 'long form' birth certificates of President Barack Hussein Obama that have been mad public" he wrote.


Certain documentation


The "certain documentation" is the result of a Cold Case Posse investigation launched by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.


Arpaio's investigation has concluded that based on the evidence, the birth certificate documentation presented by the White House as "proof positive" of Obama's eligibility actually is fraudulent, created on a computer and not representative of any official document.


Investigators there have raised the possibility of fraud on American voters because of the document, and forgery on the part of those who created it.


Then comes Chief Justice Roy Moore, who is on the record wondering about the truth.


In an interview with WND in 2010, he defended Lt. Col Terrence Lakin's demand that Obama prove his eligibility as commander in chief as a condition of obeying deployment orders.


Lakin was stripped of his office and removed from the military when, on getting new orders, he said he wanted to see evidence that Obama was a legitimate commander-in-chief of the military, because following the orders of a fake would, in itself, be illegal.


At the time, Moore said Lakin "not only has a right to follow his personal convictions under the Constitution, he has a duty."


"And if the authority running the efforts of the war is not a citizen in violation of the Constitution, the order is unlawful," he said.


In that 2010 interview with WND, Moore said he'd seen no convincing evidence that Obama is a "natural born citizen" – as the U.S. Constitution requires of presidents – and a lot of evidence that suggests he is not.


"This is the strangest thing indeed," he said. "The president has never produced [evidence] in the face of substantial evidence he was not born in our country. People are accepting it blindly based on their feelings, not on the law."


The pending case, on appeal of a dismissal by the Montgomery Circuit Court, said the Alabama secretary of state failed her constitutional duty to verify the eligibility of candidates.


Klayman asserts the secretary of state "has an affirmative duty that stems from her oath of office under both the U.S. and Alabama constitutions, to protect the citizens from fraud and other misconduct by candidates."


As a result of her refusal to investigate the qualifications of candidates for president, Klayman says, "a person believed to be unqualified for that office has been elected."


The remedy, he said, "is to require each candidate to do what every teenager is required to do to get a learner's permit."


"It is to produce a bona fide birth certificate ... and the Secretary of State is the official to cause that to happen."


Citing the investigation by Arpaio's Cold Case Posse, Klayman says state officials "gained knowledge from an official source that there was probable cause to believe the Barack Obama had not met a certifying qualification."


"It would be paradoxical beyond measure if the real and grave question of the legitimacy of the de facto president, a question which lies at the very heart of our American constitutional government, were left unresolved for want of the simplest of documents, a birth certificate," Klayman said in an earlier filing.


If either a bona fide birth certificate is produced or an admission is made that it does not exist, he writes, "this most important of legal questions will have been answered, the purity of Alabama's ballot maintained, and the anxiety of Alabama citizens stilled."


If the issue is not resolved, he said, citizens will be left with the impression ttiat their government was dysfunctional and has ignored their real concerns.


Moore has established his own reputation as a justice unafraid of calling the results as he sees them under the Constitution, with little regard for the consequences. A decade ago, he was removed from the same office he now holds for defying a federal court order to remove a Ten Commandments monument from the state Supreme Court building.


Klayman has described Moore as "one courageous and brave man. There are few in this country."


Arpaio's lead investigator, Mike Zullo, told WND only weeks ago that the investigation continues, and is getting close to results, as sheriff's investigators now are officially helping the volunteer Cold Case Posse.


"When this information is finally exposed to the public, it will be universe-shattering," Mike Zullo told WND. "This is beyond the pale of anything you can imagine."


Zullo explained that because it's an active investigation that could produce criminal charges, he's unable to reveal details at the moment. But the allegations, he said, which go far beyond a fraudulent birth certificate, could be public as early as March.


In an interview with author and talk-radio host Carl Gallups of PPSimmons News and Ministry Network, Zullo said his investigation of the Obama fraud case "does not hinge on Ms. [Loretta] Fuddy."


Fuddy, a state official in Hawaii who dealt with questions about Obama's birth certificate, died recently in an airplane crash.


"While her death certainly is a tragedy, it in no way hampers our investigation in this matter," he said. "If people truly believe that her untimely demise was somehow related to an attempt to silence her for 'what she may or may not know,' then there are several more people in Hawaii who should be very, very concerned."


Zullo has testified that the White House computer image of Obama's birth certificate contains anomalies that are unexplainable unless the document had been fabricated piecemeal by human intervention, rather than being copied from a genuine paper document.


"Mr. Obama has, in fact, not offered any verifiable authoritative document of any legal significance or possessing any evidentiary value as to the origins of his purported birth narrative or location of the birth event," he explained. "One of our most serious concerns is that the White House document appears to have been fabricated piecemeal on a computer, constructed by drawing together digitized data from several unknown sources."


Zullo also has noted that the governor of Hawaii was unable to produce an original birth document for Obama, and it should have been easy to find.


More recently, Grace Vuoto of the World Tribune reported that among the experts challenging the birth certificate is certified document analyst Reed Hayes, who has served as an expert for Perkins Coie, the law firm that has been defending Obama in eligibility cases.


"We have obtained an affidavit from a certified document analyzer, Reed Hayes, that states the document is a 100 percent forgery, no doubt about it," Zullo told the World Tribune.


"Mr. Obama's operatives cannot discredit [Hayes]," the investigator told the news outlet. "Mr. Hayes has been used as the firm's reliable expert. The very firm the president is using to defend him on the birth certificate case has used Mr. Hayes in their cases."


The Tribune reported Hayes agreed to take a look at the documentation and called almost immediately.


"There is something wrong with this," Hayes said.


Hayes produced a 40-page report in which he says "based on my observations and findings, it is clear that the Certificate of Live Birth I examined is not a scan of an original paper birth certificate, but a digitally manufactured document created by utilizing material from various sources."


"In over 20 years of examining documentation of various types, I have never seen a document that is so seriously questionable in so many respects. In my opinion, the birth certificate is entirely fabricated," he says in the report.


Investigator Douglas J. Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network reported that in October an affidavit was filed in a court case, under seal, that purportedly identifies the creator of the Obama birth certificate.


He said Douglas Vogt, an author and the owner and operator of a scanning business who also has an accounting background, invested over two years in an investigation of the authenticity of document.


Vogt, along with veteran typesetter Paul Ivey, conducted "exhaustive research of the document provided to the White House Press Corps on April 27, 2011—not the online PDF, a critical distinction that must be understood," Hagmann said.


"Using their combined experience of 80 years in this realm, they conducted extensive examinations of the 'copy' that was used as the basis for the PDF document. They acquired the same type of equipment that was used back in the late 1950s and early 1960s in an attempt to recreate the document presented as an 'authenticated copy' proving the legitimacy of Barack Obama. Instead, they found 20 points of forgery on that document and detail each point of forgery in the affidavit," wrote Hagmann.


"Even more interesting, Mr. Vogt claims to have identified the 'signature' of the perpetrator, or the woman who created the forged document, hidden within the document itself. Her identity, in addition to the identity of other conspirators and their precise methods are contained in a sealed document supplementing the public affidavit."


Grounds for Impeachment


Last month, WND columnist Christopher Monckton wrote that the controversy he calls "Hawaiigate" should be "the central ground of impeachment."


"First, the dishonesty is shameless and in your face. Mr. Obama's advisers, once they realized the 'birth certificate' was as bogus as a $3 bill, knew that if they simply went on pretending that $3 bills are legal tender the hard-left-dominated news media would carefully and continuously look the other way, pausing occasionally to sneer at anyone who pointed out that, in this constitutionally crucial respect, the 'president' has no clothes," Monckton wrote.


"Secondly, not one of the numerous agencies of state, as well as federal government, whose duty was and is to investigate the Mickey-Mouse 'birth certificate' has bothered even to respond to the thousands of requests for investigation put forward by U.S. citizens."


He said that in Hawaii last year, he watched "as a senior former state senator called the police and, when they came, handed over to them compelling evidence that the 'birth certificate' had been forged."


"The police, correctly, passed the file to the state's attorney general, a 'Democrat,' who did nothing about it," he said.


"In Washington, D.C., I watched as a concerned citizen from Texas telephoned the FBI and reported the 'birth certificate' as being a forgery. They said they would send two agents to see him within the hour. No one came."


'You tell me about eligibility'


Among the many records the Obama camp has refused to release are the marriage license of his father (Barack Sr.) and mother (Stanley Ann Dunham), name change records (Barry Soetero to Barack Hussein Obama), adoption records, records of his and his mother's repatriation as U.S. citizens from Indonesia, baptism records, Noelani Elementary School (Hawaii) records, Punahou School financial aid or school records, Occidental College financial aid records, Harvard Law School records, Columbia senior thesis, Columbia College records, record with Illinois State Bar Association, files from his terms as an Illinois state senator, his law client list, medical records and passport records.




* * * * * URGENT MEMORANDUM * * * * *


Impeach Obama!

Act now before the traitor allows America and Israel to be destroyed by Islamists!

I've done it before -- when I ramrodded through Congress Bill Clinton's impeachment -- and with your help I will do it again!


January 6, 2014


Dear Patriot:


You know me as the only lawyer ever to have gotten a court to rule that a sitting President -- Bill Clinton -- committed a crime. You might also remember how, as chairman and general counsel of Judicial Watch in the late 1990s, I worked with Congressman Bob Barr to have articles of impeachment introduced against Clinton. This later resulted in Clinton actually being impeached!


Well . . . Bill Clinton was bad enough for America, taking payoffs from the communist Chinese and compromising -- even worse, harming -- our national security!


But now, with the corrupt, America-hater John Kerry wielding power as head of the State Department, Barack Hussein Obama -- the "mullah in chief" (1) -- has taken "treason" a step further!


. . . read closely the enclosed column that World Net Daily ( asked me to write, which demands Barack Hussein Obama be impeached and removed from office before totally destroying our beloved nation.


Then help Freedom Watch take the necessary URGENT action -- IMPEACHMENT!


You see, Obama and Kerry are conspiring with their grand plan to spread radical Islam, not only to give it power in Egypt but to encircle all of Israel and isolate and later so read to the United States! This would not only increase the spread of terrorism to our shores, but ultimately lead to the annihilation of the Jewish state, home of the "promised land" of Moses and Christ Jesus, the birthplace of Christianity, and ultimately our beloved nation.


I earnestly believe that Barack Hussein Obama in his heart is a Black Muslim, that he wants to destroy our nation and Israel as well. He is in effect the "Manchurian Candidate," only in radical Muslim clothes.


Think of it: Obama and Clinton have done everything possible to destroy our Judeo-Christian American way of life. I, for one, am so angry that I could cry!


But, like you, I believe in the "rule of law." And, because of that, we must do all we can -- IMMEDIATELY! -- to remove this traitor from office.


I am asking you now to help me bring Obama and Kerry to justice and have them thrown out of office!


Taking a page from Germany before World War II, the Obama faction manipulated a deep economic depression to fool the nation into voting for him. But now that we see who he really is and how he and anti-American John Kerry are trying to destroy America and our vital ally Israel, we must act!


I am asking U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann and am meeting with other Tea Party Members of Congress, like Rep. Steve King, to submit articles of impeachment to remove Obama. I will find Tea Party representatives willing to work with me, for sure, as we are in crisis. And just as Congressman Bob Barr did with Bill Clinton, we will introduce articles of impeachment immediately against President Obama.


Here are just a few of the reasons to remove Mr. Obama from office:


1. Selling out the United States by "criminally" pushing Egypt to include the oldest and most evil terrorist group, the Muslim Brotherhood (which includes Al Qaeda) in the government. This will, as explained in my column, lead to an eventual takeover of the entire Middle East by the radical Neo-Nazi Iranian Islamic Regime.


2. Selling out brave Iranian freedom fighters, who risk their lives to remove the Neo-Nazi Islamic regime. Had the U.S. helped, this movement would have assured security for America, Israel and the world, because the Islamic regime -- which has atomic weapons -- has vowed to wipe Israel and by extension ourselves off the face of the earth and wage a second Holocaust to spread radical Islam worldwide, exterminating Christians and Jews.


3. Purposely bankrupting our nation with huge government giveaways and nationalization of our private sector in order to then create a socialist state in Obama's image.


4. Imposing unwanted health care and penalizing the American people if we don't buy his "death panel" concept of insurance -- where Obama regime socialists will decide if you live or die -- in contradiction to the Constitution and Judeo-Christian values.


5. Nominating U.S. Supreme Court justices like Elena Kagan, who committed fraud resulting in the death of innocent babies with regard to partial-birth abortion.


6. Planting Marxists throughout his government, such as former "Green Jobs" Czar Van Jones, an avowed traitor and communist.


7. Issuing secret executive orders and telling immigration officers to let illegal aliens into our country, compromising national security.


8. Canceling the White House National Day of Prayer, instead supporting the Islamic celebration of Ramadan, then endorsing the Ground Zero Mosque.


The rest of this [above] list of "high crimes and misdemeanors" -- the legal and political threshold for impeachment and conviction -- is too long to include in this letter!


Along with Congressman Bob Barr and a few other colleagues, I was the one responsible for pushing the U.S. congress to impeach a President! Now it's time to do it again -- and this time convict a treasonous tyrant!


I will do my part, but Freedom Watch absolutely MUST have the necessary funds to successfully achieve this objective. So please reach deep -- not for me, but for yourselves, your children and grandchildren!


Read the enclosed column, then fill out the [requested] accompanying form to make as generous a donation as you possibly can afford.


Whatever the amount . . . act today! Not one moment longer can we the people allow this treacherous traitor to remain as our President, and America-hater John Kerry as our Secretary of State.


The very survival of our nation and our Judeo-Christian way of life is at stake. But Freedom Watch is critically under funded! Please come through during "these times that try men's souls!"


God bless you . . . and the United States, Israel and all freedom fighters,


Larry Klayman, Esq.

Freedom Watch Founder and Chairman


P.S.    My fellow freedom fighters thank you from the bottom of their hearts for your steadfast support . . . Now join with me and Freedom Watch in the spirit of our Founding Fathers, who wrote into the Declaration of Independence, "with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor" to save the United States, Israel and the west from a takeover by Islam -- which Mr. Obama wants and is making happen. We must not shirk our duty . . . ! Act today before it is too late (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ




WorldNetDaily Exclusive






During the Clinton presidency, after just a few years of mounting scandal, including the Chinagate affair – where the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics, "Bill and Hill: illegally laundered millions of dollars in contributions to their legal-defense fund and the president's re-election campaign coffers – Howard Phillips of the Conservative Caucus and I rounded up a group of other conservatives, the so-called "great right-wing conspiracy," and asked then-Rep. Bob Barr, a Republican from Georgia, to introduce articles of impeachment. Bob heeded the call and dutifully did so. It was clear at the time that the nation was on the verge of a crisis – as the president and first lady had subverted the Constitution in a number of ways (documented in my book "Whores").


Of course, while Bill Clinton was ultimately impeached – not for the serious scandals like Chinagate but for the Monica Lewinsky affair – he was never convicted, as the Republican-controlled Congress wanted simply to cynically use impeachment to wound the Democratic Party in time for the 2000 elections. They certainly succeeded at this, as George W. Bush, the intellectually bereft and disengaged son of the former president, George H.W. Bush, was ultimately elected. The rest is history. W's presidency was such a complete disaster that the American people, in a violent knee-jerk reaction, elected a man, Barack Hussein Obama, who lacked experience, is likely not a natural-born U.S. citizen eligible for the presidency and in his heart, I believe, thinks of himself – and worse, acts – as a Black Muslim rather than the Christian he sold himself to be during his presidential campaign. The first four years of his presidency have been near catastrophic, leading the nation to the verge of total collapse after eight incompetent years of "W" and the shopworn, arrogant and unethical cronies he surrounded himself with.


Ironically, while I was perhaps the Clintons' biggest nemesis during their administration and thereafter, looking back I have to concede that compared to "W" and Obama, he was, however dishonest, an amateur at destroying our country. But Bill Clinton's wife, the "evil Hillary," and many of the criminals in his administration have now been resurrected thanks to the Republican failure to "put them away" during the late '90s and have re-infested our government under the Obama administration. Political hacks like Attorney General Eric Holder, former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and a host of others have one-upped their criminal performances during the Clinton years and have furthered Obama's dishonest push to socialize the country, cut the United States down to size, reduce our importance on the world stage and ultimately harm our national security. While I firmly believe that Obama, Hillary Clinton and many Democrats around them have been, as in Chinagate more than a decade earlier, bribed by foreign regimes – such as the radical Islamic regime in Iran – I cannot prove it at this time. However, from what has already occurred, the offenses of the "mullah in chief" are "already" so compelling as to warrant immediate impeachment and conviction for his high crimes and misdemeanors, before the United States is totally destroyed by him.


Let the world know your solution to tyranny and socialism in America: "IMPEACH OBAMA!"


Here is just a partial list of the most impeachable and convictable of President Obama's offenses:


First, there is his refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, which allows states that do not perform gay marriages to refuse to honor homosexual marriages performed in other states. To disobey a law enacted by Congress amounts to a subversion of our Constitution.


Second, there is Obama's treasonous act of sanctioning a complaint, filed by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the U.N. Human Rights Commission, against the state of Arizona for its enacting of S.B. 1070, the anti-illegal immigration legislation the president also attacked in federal court. This is the same Human Rights Commission that has had as members a variety of terrorist states, such as Libya and Cuba.


Third, there is Obama's visceral hatred and subversion of the state of Israel, whose national security interests are so closely tied to our own. His recent invitation to the Muslim Brotherhood, the grand daddy of terrorist groups bent on destroying the Jewish state, to join the new Egyptian government not only amounts to a dagger in the side of Israeli security, but American security as well. Without a strong and secure Israel, American strategic interests, particularly in the Middle East, will be significantly harmed.


Fourth, Obama continues to take no action to remove the neo-Nazi mullahs in Iran who are building nuclear weapons not only to destroy Israel but to further worldwide Muslim rule and domination over Christians and Jews. To the contrary, Obama has actually furthered their Islamic revolution. Just one example is the administration's use of Voice of America, the television and radio network President Reagan used so effectively to bring down the Soviet empire through pro-freedom broadcasts, which has been turned inside out. The Persian service of VOA is now being run by the son of a mullah in Iran (whom Obama has refused to remove), who is also a close advisor the Supreme Leader, is actually subverting not only the Iranian freendom movement by broadcasting pro-regime and anti-America content, but severely harming U.S. interests.


As Iran is now on the verge of controlling a huge swath of the Middle East through its terrorist surrogates like Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other nefarious radical Islamic groups in Yemen, Tunisia, Jordan and Morocco, the immediate removal of the mullahs in Tehran is so crucial that Obama's actions and non-actions amount to a breach of his oath of office to protect our nation against enemies foreign and domestic. While he threw Egypt's former pro-American President Hosni Mubarak to the wolves, he takes no action against Iran's so-called leaders, which is the key to changing the balance of power in the Middle East and stopping the Islamic revolution in its tracks worldwide.


These are just a few of the compelling reasons to impeach and convict Obama now, before he destroys our nation!