Obama NSA Domestic Spy Program Unconstitutional!

Green Right Arrow FW: A federal judge has ruled in favor of Freedom Watch and against Hussein Obama's NSA for his unconstitutional spy program ["Big Brother"]!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...landmark legal case against the wicked spying scheme of Obama's National Security Agency (NSA) ...the judge conveyed that America is becoming an "Orwellian" KGB-Soviet-Chinese communist style POLICE STATE...!
Green Right Arrow
FW: there is absolutely no evidence that the Hussein Obama spying program has actually stopped even one terrorist attack!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...lawsuit against the National Security Agency's (NSA) criminal spy scheme implemented by the Black Muslim fake president Hussein Obama... and his government collaborators' attempt to turn our country into a police state!
Green Right Arrow FW: I'm the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that Hussein Obama's NSA spy machine ["Big Brother"] is violating the Constitution!
Green Right Arrow FW: against the NSA and its illegal and criminal spying on YOU on behalf of its evil socialist racist puppet master, the Marxist/Muslim Hussein Obama who illegally "reigns" like an Islamic king...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...NSA can continue its illegal, unconstitutional spying on YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...lawsuit will force Hussein Obama and Company to end their outrageous, criminal domestic spying program in which they search YOUR emails, YOUR phone records, YOUR private information...!
Green Right Arrow FW: The National Security Agency (NSA) -- Barack Hussein Obama's in-house domestic spy outfit ["Big Brother"] -- is STILL watching everything you do...!
Green Right Arrow FW: Freedom Watch's series of vital lawsuits -- like the one targeting the NSA domestic spy scandal -- and legal projects!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Obama's massive NSA domestic spy program UNCONSTITUTIONAL...!
Green Right Arrow FW: fight Hussein Obama's efforts to block discovery... the truth about Hussein Obama's unconstitutional NSA spy program!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Hussein Obama's evil attempts to manipulate the courts to protect his unconstitutional spy program, which is intended to blackmail you and your loved ones into submission to his communist Muslim rule...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Muslim/Marxist Hussein Obama from office because of his unconstitutional domestic spy program that allows him to track YOUR every move and communication!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...National Security Agency spy-on-Americans program likely is unconstitutional now is accusing the Obama administration of obstruction...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...NSA defendant, despite this court's ruling of gross unconstitutionality, is continuing to violate, in an egregious fashion, the Fourth Amendment rights...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Obama's domestic spy program operated by the criminal thugs at the NSA is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...against the ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL decrees of Barack Hussein Obama and his congressional cronies like Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner...!
Green Right Arrow FW: "The PRISM program is equally as unconstitutional and potentially more invasive:"... [NSA is] into social media, porn sites and Xbox?"!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Republicans, whom he says "don't have the guts" to impeach Obama. NSA surveillance supporter Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., "is shameless and disgraceful"...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...ruled against the NSA before Judge Leon's injunction against the spy agency, ordering the NSA and its evil co-conspirators to stop their communist Chinese style police state "dragnet" data...!
Green Right Arrow FW: And it is one of these cases that the Obama/NSA dragnet spy program was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...NSA and the Justice Department, which signs off on the illegal spy programs through the certifications of Attorney General Eric Holder!

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