Obama (1) Evil V.P. sidekick joe Biden (C) and Administration!

Green Right Arrow ACRU: [2nd amend.] Constitution matters... even if Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Dianne Feinstein don't...!
Green Right Arrow BC: [Mary Landrieu] voted for Joe Biden's bill to limit your 2nd amendment freedoms...!
Green Right Arrow CSPOA: AG Beau Biden (son of Vice President Joe Biden) recently issued an opinion that stripped all Sheriffs of their constitutionally protected powers!
Green Right Arrow CUF: ..."Obama-Biden Watch," packed with news, editorials, and analysis of the Obama's White House...!
Green Right Arrow DBCP: ...Biden just a few feet away, Ben Carson said that Obamacare [1, 2. 3] was a disaster...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...file suit against, and criminally indict, Hussein Obama and his evil sidekick Vice President Joe Biden for these treasonous crimes!
Green Right Arrow FW: This Jury has already criminally indicted both Obama and his evil sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason... for releasing CLASSIFIED information that resulted in the deaths of the Navy SEAL Team Six...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...legal action against Hussein Obama and his evil yes-man, Joe Biden, for releasing TOP SECRET information that revealed the precise location of our brave SEAL Team VI... !
Green Right Arrow FW: That Grand Jury has already criminally indicted both Hussein Obama and his loyal [moronic, destructive imbecile] sidekick, Joe Biden (C), with treason!
Green Right Arrow FW: Hussein Obama and his destructive sidekick Joe Biden offered to our sworn enemies... in exchange for those same SEALs taking out the global terrorist Osama bin Laden!
Green Right Arrow FW: ... Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner and so many others plot against We the People!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...shot down their helicopter in Afghanistan with a rocket-propelled grenade] as a result of Joe Biden leaking classified information [identifying them as the group that took out terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden]...!
Green Right Arrow JW: Obama, Biden and other senior members of their administration are making it clear that they are stepping up their efforts to bypass Congress and govern by "executive action"!
Green Right Arrow JW: The Obamacare [1, 2. 3] legislation was hatched in secret meetings that included President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden...!
Green Right Arrow NRA: ... help win our final, STAND AND FIGHT decisive battle against the Obama-Biden-Bloomberg gun-ban machine!
Green Right Arrow RM: ...Joe Biden even hosted a high-dollar fundraiser for vulnerable Mary Landrieu... who is in lock step with Dems!
Green Right Arrow SEPCC: ...Joe Biden called personally to pressure our legislature to do the bidding of "Nanny State" Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...against the tyrannical dictates of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and their Marxist henchmen!

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