Rob Maness
Republican for Senate of Louisiana
Colonel, United
Air Force (ret.)
Veteran of the Global War on Terrorism
Bronze Star Medal Recipient
(Friends of Rob Maness, P.O. Box 15319, New Orleans,
LA 70175-5319)
As a
32-year veteran of the United States Air Force I've learned the direct approach
is often the best approach, so I'll cut right to the chase.
running for the U.S. Senate. And I've sent you this letter today to personally
ask for your help. All I'm asking right now is that you take just two minutes
to read the rest of my letter... learn who I am and why I'm running...
...and then to let me know whether or not I can count
on your help.
you're wondering why I'm asking for your support, the answer is simple:
Democrats, led by
Barack Obama and
Harry Reid, are
waging a war
our Country,
our Constitution, and
our Commonsense Conservative values
3). And my opponent, liberal Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, is following their lead
in lock step.
In fact, Mary Landrieu has voted with
Barack Obama more than 95 percent of the time.
voted for the failed
Obama stimulus, massive tax hikes, the most anti-defense
nominee in history to head the Pentagon, and the out-of-control Senate budget
that will only increase taxes and cause our national debt to skyrocket.
gets worse:
When it came to passing
ObamaCare, Mary
Landrieu sold us hardworking taxpayers out in the infamous "Louisiana
taking a $300 million tax dollar Medicaid kickback in exchange for her vote.
casting her deciding vote on
Landrieu has doubled down on her support for
Obama's government-controlled
healthcare by voting with Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer for the medical device tax and for taxpayer-funded
health care coverage for
illegal immigrants.
you might imagine, this brand of liberal, establishment, insider politics does
not play well among my neighbors here across the state of Louisiana.
You see, Louisiana is a solid RED STATE that rejected
Barack Obama in 2008 and again in 2012. Both times, Louisiana voters gave
the Republican candidate nearly 60% of the vote.
in recent years Louisianans re-elected our Republican Governor Bobby Jindal and Republican U.S. Senator David Vitter by equally
large margins.
I've been told that just like me you're a die-hard conservative... That just like me you
believe in faith, family, fiscal responsibility, and a
stronger national defense. If that's true, I really hope you'll join my campaign team
after you finish reading this letter.
and foremost, I've simply always felt called to serve our great country. I
fulfilled a lifelong dream when I followed in my father's footsteps by
enlisting in the U.S. Air Force as a high school senior. From there I was
privileged to serve 32 years active duty in the Air Force, attaining the rank
of Colonel.
On September 11,
2001, I was on duty at the
Pentagon as a Joint Chiefs of Staff Operations Officer and saw firsthand the
terrible carnage caused by terrorism.
the ensuing months, I directly assisted the United States national security team in creating, synchronizing,
and executing the campaign plan for the global war on terrorism.
for my leadership in numerous combat operations, including my time as a bomber
squadron commander in Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom, I was
awarded the Bronze Star Medal and Air Medal.
the same desire to serve one's country my father ingrained in me at an early
age is lacking from today's Senate.
your help today I can change that! Now, I bet you're wondering where I stand on
the issues.
>>> As
a taxpayer -- I support a full repeal of
ObamaCare, the
abolishment of the
and the replacement of our tax code with a
flat tax.
>>> As
a gun owner -- I strongly support the
Second Amendment right of all
to keep and bear arms. I'm a proud Life Member of the National Rifle
>>> As
a God-fearing Americans -- I'm 100%
pro-life and believe
marriage is between one
man and one woman.
>>> As
a law-abiding Americans citizen -- I'm opposed to all attempts to grant
illegal immigrants
amnesty, including the recent misguided Senate
Amnesty scheme.
Landrieu is like a fish out of water being a career liberal politician with Washington insider values running in a Red State during a "bad for Democrats" 2014 midterm
election year.
It's no wonder The Washington Post says my race "is virtually a do or die for
here's where your support becomes so vital... Because even though Election Day --
4, 2014 -- might seem far
off, I desperately need to raise some serious money if I'm going to stand a
chance at defeating Mary Landrieu.
As a
career politician from a very well connected political family, it's no surprise
that my opponent has already raised over $5 million for her re-election
Lawyers, Lobbyists, and Liberal Special Interests like the pro-abortion group "EHILY's List" as well as the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender group "The Forum for Equality"
have all lined up to pour money into Landrieu's campaign coffers.
even hosted a high-dollar fundraiser for vulnerable
Mary Landrieu in recent months.
win this race I absolutely must ramp up my fundraising efforts to compete with
Mary's millions. So that's why I had to ask you and all the other die-hard
conservatives I'm writing today to join our campaign.
If you're willing to help. I'm asking you to send a contribution... I'm
definitely going to need some people who receive this letter to respond with
bigger contributions of $50... $100, $200, $300, or even
you can send $2,600 -- the maximum allowed by law -- it will go a long way in
helping me close the fundraising gap and win this "do or die race for
no matter what amount you can give, I'm asking that you please get involved at
some level...
fact is that right now, every single dollar will help get me closer to our goal
of defeating my vulnerable opponent, "too liberal for Louisiana" Landrieu...
need your help right now to bring my military credentials and
commonsense conservative values to a Senate that is in dire need of both.
served our country in the past. Please help me serve again.
Rob Maness (ret.)
Republican for Senate.
of Rob Maness, P.O. Box 15319, New Orleans,
LA 70175-5319)
Neither military
information, military branch logos, nor photographs imply endorsement by the Department of
Defense or their particular Military Departments.