Turning Book Next >> Exposing Dems (1, 2)!
Divider-In-Chief (1)! Impeach (1)!
Lawlessness! Voter Fraud! Fake Media!

Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Rallies! Stand-Your-Ground!
Witch Hunt! Jan. 6, 2021!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Rinos! Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

<< Index Page! Sponsors!


Warning! Upcoming Elections!

Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph ACH Make Up Rules C-Vine News Network, If Eric  Ciaramella is the real whistleblower Chuck Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4)! Eric Trump, polls were wrong the first time and they will be wrong again Eric Trump, polls are wrong...are manipulated...aren't accurate Joe and Kamala lie to protect the mob
New York Post, Biden Secret E-mails 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals President Donald J Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump 100% right..Joe Biden and his corruption Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump (2-25-21) I told you so...this is the Truth about Joe Biden Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Biden is evil, Trump must win! Kirstie Alley voting for Pres. Trump, Mother, actress, Lover of CAPS, lemurs and off color language U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey ...embrace the President Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Fight now for Trump's Victory! BardsFM American Patriot Patrick Byrne discuss shocking revelations about our election, our freedom and our future... on YouTube John Schneider Don t trust them. They are playing you. Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! Greg Kelly Tony Bobulinski The Patriot Greg Kelly Pres. Trump has Wisdom and Courage Greg Kelly Pres. Trump the Peace Maker Greg Kelly Biden is a Natural Born Liar Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox Biden Tyranny

Socialist JoeBama HOBiden (C) Administration Videos!
ProTrump (Covid 19)Videos!
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris! Vote Christian (Links1) Conservative (Links2)! Exposing Dems! (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.) 100% Certainty! The Word Witness...Twisted [an inquisition]!
Hydroxychloroquine on Wikipedia (9-9-20) The jury is in on Hydroxychloroquine    it saves lives : Rowan Dean Remdesivir on Wikipedia Remdesivir on Wikipedia Survival Know How Face Masks! Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times 2-4-20! Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph 2-29-20! Eric Trump, polls are...are manipulated...!
President Trump on reopening the economy
Pelosi Smear Tactics (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)! Pelosi Visits Chinatown Amid Coronavirus (1)! Adam Schiff Lies (1)! Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)! Exposing Dems (1, 2) Green Right Arrow
Remdesivir on Wikipedia The Silent Majority, The Lord chose David, We chose Trump President Trump will have a Second Win Three Branches will win, Vote for Life Tim Sheets We Win Tim Sheets Supernatural U-Turns Gen 12:3

EXPOSED: DNC Group Teaches Illigals how to VOTE Clinton-Lynch clandestine tarmac meeting Minn. Somali Leader Confirms Ilhan Omar DID Marry Her Brother U.S. Justice Foundation The Sovereignty Project The Sovereignty Project One Citizen Speaking Tea Party PAC The Lid DC Dirty Laundry Brandon Straka #WalkAwayCampaign on YouTube American Thinker Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Democrates vs. Republicans The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube Intro, Videos, News, Ads (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)! (2020) RNC Day 1 | RNC Day 2 | RNC Day 3 | RNC Day 4 | Article II, Section 2! Eric Trump, polls...wrong last...wrong again2! U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away afa Biblical Signs Can a Christian vote Democrat (1, 2, 3)? RINO RESISTANCE (1)! Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Trump...condemned white supremacy...! How Many Days till Presidential Election Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Donald Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption!
The Electoral College!
begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ

Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Overwhelming Proof of Voter Fraud Every Legal Vate website

Banner: Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP!

Bad Decisions The Joe Biden Story!

Joe Biden Portrait Joe Biden [Obama] Socialist (1), Communist (1, 2), Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Joe Biden (C, 1) - Plagiarist, Liar (9-5-24 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 6-12-24, 6-21-24, m.i.), Racist (n***r, 1/1, 215, 3, 4, 510, 67, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1310, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, *49, *50, m.i.), Creepy (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.), Liar in Chief (1), Mentality, Confused (1, 2), Policies, Corruption (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23), Quid Pro Quo (1), Gaffes, etc (1, 2, 3) (6-11-24), Surrender In Chief (1, 2), Dictator [Obama] Biden (C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, m.i.), Communism (1, 2), [Obama's] Mandates (1, 2, 3, 4*, 6, 7, 8)... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14), Crude Awakening (1, 2, 3), Biden-Flation, Spending (C, 1), Shortages (1, 2, 3), Bankrupcy (1), Trillions BBB (1, 2), Incompetent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, m.i.), Dumbest Man in Senate (1), Virus (1), Phony Balony (1), Stimulus to Terrorist, Criminals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.), Opposition (1, 2), Compromised 12-24-23,( 1-2-23, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, m.m.i.), Not in Control (1, 2), DGB Czar (1) and Dark Money (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), America in Danger [Obama] (1), [Obama] Destroying America (1), B.G. Sell Us Out (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, m.i.), [Obama's] Corrupt and [Obama's] Treasonous (1, 2), Gestapo (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.), [Obama's] Buying Illegal (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, more info) Votes (1 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, m.i.), Crime (1), CHAOS (1, 2), Divider-In-Chief (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10), [Obama's] Border [Obama's] Crisis, Socialist Mob (1, 2, 3), Not in Charge, Failures (1), Inflation (1, 2) lies (1), 'Biden Chronicles' (C, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, m.i.), [Obama's] Election Interference (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.), Oil Drain, Bribe for Votes (1, 2, 3, 4), Doesn't Support Himself (1), (1-10-23 thru 1-26-23) (The Big Guy's) Classified Docs. Found Plus... (10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13 14, 14, 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24 24, 24), Biden (C) Family Probe (1), An Abomination (1), Hates Democracy (1), Biden (C) Family Corruption (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Impeach [Obama] Biden (C, 11-2-23, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7), Biden's (C) 'Brand' Raked in $20M (1, 2), Bell's Dropping Bombs (1, 2), Joe Biden's (C) Lies (1), 47 Yrs., Joe Biden's (C) [Obama's] war on America (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, m.i.), Witch Hunt (1, 2) , IRS, Violence, Speech, School, Trans, Border, Mayorkas, [Obama's] Gun-Grab (1), China (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19) Connection (1), Weakness (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Found the Money (A, A, A, A, B), Global chaos, carnage (1, 2), Big [Obama's] Gov (1) Control, [Obama's] Joe Biden's (C) Power Grab (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, m.i.), Joe Biden's (C) (11-15-23), Family Lies (12-8-23), Depraved (1), Decrepit (1), Rating (4-22-24, 12-29-23, 12-15-23, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, R, BR), Joe Biden's (C) Impersonator (1)...!

Power Grab: The New IRS Army on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax U.S. Dollar in a Digital World Will It Last? (11-14-23) Joe Biden's (C) Power Grab (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, m.i.) | Joe Biden's (C) Executive Order 14067: (1, 2, 3); Joe Biden's (C) Massive Power Grab... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.); IRS Agents could become new secret police (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.); [The Beast; Obama's Power Grab]... (9-6 & 9-22) The New IRS Army... Imagine 87K Lois Lerners Looking at Your Taxes...Targeting Middle America, Conservatives... (1, 2, 3)!

Kamala Harris Laughs, Cackles Picture Kamala (Chameleon) Harris, Laughs, cackles (NM, Imitator, 4-24-24, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23), disqualified (1), incompetent (1, 2, 3), cringeworthy (1, 2, 3, 4), Articles of Impeachment (1), Anti-Israel, Pro-Hamas' (1), lies (1, 2), accomplishments? (1), values of San Francisco (1), new messiah (1), far-left (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, S, S, S) liberal (1), [Obama's] Joe Biden's (C) 2.0 (1, 2), record in CA (1), communist (1), Boy's "Tampon Tim" (1, 2), not answer questions (1, 10-1-24), avoids media (1), woke (1), 2020 riots (1), Walz: Liar and fraud (1), coward (1, 2), traitor (1), allegiance to China (1, 2), Harris-Walz (1, 2), plagiarist (1, 2, 3, 10-14-24, 10-14-24, 10-15-24), fraud (1), shut down economy (1), defund police (1, 2, 3), abolishing ICE (1), flip-flop lie (1), steal intellectual property (1), pack Supreme Court (1), Kamalanomics, communism (1, 2), radical extremist (1, 2, 3, 4), destroy America (1), hollow words (1), broken things (1), failed, broke border (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Gutfeld), Czar (1, 2, 3, 4), DOJ weoponization, Harris idiot (1), corrupt Biden, etc. (1), 'sick' and a 'liar' (1), sold out our sovereignty (1, 2, 3), immigrants taking over (1), bloody hands (1, 2), fake and phony (1) Kamala (1), a con (1, 2), angry and dishonest (1), word salad (1, 2) city (1, 2), blatant plagiarism (1), new caravan (1), laughs 'crazily (1, 2), distract (1), star-spangled stupid (1), anti-Americanism (1), Walz: walking disaster (1, 2), Kamala: odds with Biden (1), pathetic baby answers (1), Dark Alliance (1), no vision, no ideas (1), no enthusiasm (1), failures (1)!


Many videos that benefit Pres. D.J. Trump, Conservatives, Christians and show the Socialists, Democrats and RINOs corruption are taken down by anti-free-speech YouTube or whoever!

U.S.A! Impeach (1)! Lawless! Border! D.I. Chief (1)!

Green Right Arrow (11-4-24) Fillibuster 'forces us to work together' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-28-24) Carl Higbie exposes Kamala Harris' 'word salad' in brutal takedown (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-25-24) Greg Kelly gives Kamala Harris a 'political obituary' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-24-24) New caravan sparks national security concerns: This is 'disturbing' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-18-24) Kamala Harris' Fox interview exposed just how 'angry and dishonest' she is (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-15-24) Kamala Harris continues stealing Donald Trump's ideas (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-14-24) Trump 2024 communications director: We want Harris, Walz to keep on talking (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-13-24) Harris' entire campaign is a con (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (9-27-24) Walz has an allegiance to China (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (9-14-24) Trump makes appeal for California votes (1) | Kamala Harris wanted to defund the police (1) | We cannot allow comrade Harris to destroy America like CA (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-9-24) Kamala Harris is a radical extremist... (1, 2, 3)!
Green Right Arrow (9-5-24) Biden is more decrepit than ever.. (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-22-24) Harris is for abolishing ICE, defunding police (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-13-24) 'We're not buying it': Greg Kelly blasts Harris-Walz ticket (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) J.D. Vance torches Harris-Walz ticket: Look to 2020 riots (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (8-4-24) Biden administration is 'not serious about national security'... Deals with terrorists (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-29-24) Media can't cover up that Kamala is dangerously liberal (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-26-24) 'PARADOX': RFK Jr. argues Dems are 'destroying dmocracy to save it (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-25-24) Harris embodies values of San Francisco far-left radicals: Dick Morris (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-24-24) GOP lawmaker explains why he's filing Articles of Impeachment against Kamala Harris (1) | 'Kamala Harris is anti-Israel, pro-Hamas': VP ripped over Netanyahu speech snub (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-21-24) ...Biden going to lie his way out... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-15-24) Gorka: J. Biden is 'just not there' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-11-24) J. Biden...worst gaffe yet (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-1-24) 'Every foreign policy Joe Biden ever made was wrong: Rep Kevin Hern (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-24) This could be Biden's downfall... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-10-24) Biden 'lies-per-minute' calculated by Eric Bolling's 'Joe-nocchio' counter (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-4-24) Chris Salcedo: There's nothing normal about Biden's plagiarism, lies, incompetence (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-3-24) This is more 'bad news' for Biden (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-26-24) Ben Carson watches Biden's new 'walkers' at work | Eric Bolling The Balance (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-25-24) Our president knows what the Chinese are doing, expert warns (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-22-24) This is strike three for Joe Biden (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-19-24) 'This is sickening, this is deranged, this has got to stop': Greg Kelly on Biden's lies (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-11-24) It s actually quite sad : Joe Biden struggles in latest interview (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-5-24) Trump advisor: President Biden created a system of 'death and destruction' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-5-24) Energy expert warns: 'This is what's coming to America' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-3-24) 'IT'S A LIE': Biden, AG Garland called out for touting 'historic' crime efforts in Chicago (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-14-24) Watch the 'incredible' moment Joe Biden's handlers save him from the press (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-14-24) Brian Kilmeade: China is doing everything they can to weaken us (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-13-24) 'What Biden did was egregious': Trump comments on Biden classified docs case (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-7-24) Carl Higbie completely obliterates Republicans who voted against Mayorkas' impeachment (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-5-24) This is why Trump is gaining momentum: Joe Concha (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-30-23) Tenney: We must protect ourselves, Biden administration won't... Pro-Palestinian Activists... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-28-23) New York Times op-ed warns voters could see Trump as safer choice, Biden as 'riskier' (1) | More than 35,000 Democrats switch to GOP in Biden's home (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-24-23) Rob Schmitt: Biden is compromised by a massive influence peddling scheme (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-21-23) TX Gov. Abbott Charters Migrant Flight to Chicago... So much for the unifying Biden presidency: Beth Van Duyne | Newsline (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-15-23) Kayleigh McEnany: You can't make this up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-8-23) Lidia Curanaj exposes the Biden family's 'web of lies' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-15-23) It's clear China bribed Biden: Gordon Chang | Ed Henry The Briefing (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-14-23) Could A Chinese Style Social Credit Score Be Coming To The United States? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-10-23) Impeach Biden, or let him crumble? GOP Rep. weighs 'political calculus' amid corruption probe... (1) | Marco Rubio sends CHILL DOWN Biden's spine with 'M0NEY' DIRTY after witness ADMITS... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-8-23) Biden Corruption Scandal... 'IMPEACHMENT?': Byron Donalds says Biden evidence is getting 'pretty damning' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-7-23) Kennedy launches AN ALL-OUT ASSAULT on Biden's witness at impeachment hearing (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-4-23) Watch Jim Jordan puts Biden in WORST nightmare with shocking proof (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-3-23) Rep. Comer: Biden family 'accumulated a lot of money tax-free' (B)!
Green Right Arrow (10-24-23) "Weakness Begets Aggression"... 2) | Global chaos, carnage is a direct result of Biden: Lidia Curanaj (1) | Weakness Creates Wars... We're Closer to World War III than Ever [S, S, S, S]... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-23-23) Comer reveals next step after damning Biden evidence unearthed (1) | Damage Control... Biden and Obama fueled this warped ideology (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-14-23) House Ways & Means Committee Releases 700 Pages Of New Evidence Against Hunter Biden (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-23) Does Everyone Have Classified Documents.. Pence Joins Classified Documents Club... Hillary Got Away with Her Crimes (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-23) Former White House staffer claims he saw Biden mishandle classified documents (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Who's the Boss (Not Joe)... Who's Pulling the Strings at the WH???... More Classified Docs Found in New Location... Totally Different Scenarios with Biden and Trump... (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (1-18-23) The Hunter Problem... Biden's Classified Document (drama) scandal is getting worse by the day... Biden Family Probe... GOP Oversight Launches Biden Family Investigation... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-20-22) California's Gov. Newsome, who's been recalled, will run for president in 2024 if Biden doesn't run for President (1, 2, 3, 4)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Obama (with Susan Rice) secretly calling the shots (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.) and telling JoeBama Biden what to do?!
Medicare Crisis on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-19-22) Medicare Crisis...King of Disinformation...Biden Clearly Detached from Reality... (1)!
Trump email on Mar-A-Largo Raid on Gorka with Newsmax https://www.flight93friends.org on Gorka with Newsmax (9-11-22) Exposing Hypocrisy, Swamp...Why 9/11 Matters More Now...When Somebody [Biden] Uses the Word Facist, What does that Condure Up in Your Mind, What is the Imagary that comes to Mind? Is it Ominus Speeches, Red Tinted Rallies? That's what happened outside of Independence Hall in Philadelphia where this Man [Biden] Sadly Bears the Title of President. He [Biden] Labeled Half of America Enemies, a Threat to this Country, 74M Americans, the Most Ever Voting for an Incumbent President [Trump]... Flight 93's Heroes, Recognizing the Heroes Protecting America [flight93friends.com]... Christians Who Believe in that there is No Love Greater than a Man Lay Down His Life for His Fellow Man...Who are the Real Extremists?... Jim Carafano, Ph.D. Heritage Foundation: The Greatest Enemy this Country has Right Now is in the White House... (1)!
Manufactured Crisis on Rob with Newsmax (9-8-22) The Manufactured Self-Made Energy Disaster (Crisis) in California...Much of California is a Desert...In 1925 it was 114 when carbon emissions were a fraction of what they are today...Cali's Psychosis over Trump Led to Virtuue Signaling Suicide...Biden Forcing this Nation to Take His Climate Poisen Pill... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-30-22) JoeBama Chose Fascism...Insults More Than Half of America for Votes...The Worst President of All Times...Uses Socialist Tactics...Declared Civil War on Half of America...Changes English Language...Punish Blue Collar Workers...Hid Stories that would have cost him the Presidency...Blamed everybody else for his own faults...Our President is a Bumbling, Stumbling, Fumbling Goofball...Biden WH Struggles with Words and Truth...JoeBama Plan (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-29-22) Crime Biden's America...Another Weekend of Crime and Killing Across America...The Dems Vision for America is Frightening...No Defense with our guns Taken...The FBI Told Zuckerberg of Facebook What to Post... (1)!
Green Right Arrow the FEDERALIST (2-26-21) Big Business Sides With Leftists In Pushing Highly Destructive Equality Act !
Green Right Arrow Media's Desperate Quest to Cover Up Stories...Joe's Mental State is Tanking, Fast...Media Just Covers It Up...Media Ignoring Biden's Mental State Put America in Danger...Joe Repeadtedly Denied Knowledge of Hunter's Biz Dealings... (1)!
Green Right Arrow America in Danger...Federal Judge Temporarily Blockeds Biden from ending Title 42...Is the View running the White House...Biden's Border Crisis hits New Record...Crossing Top 2M in 2021...WH deflects Responsibility for drowned Soldier... (1)
Green Right Arrow (1-13-22) Biden's Judicial Nominees Represent His Quest to Silence Opposition...Biden Judicial Nominee claimed Florida's not a Democracy...Sen Kennedy confronts Judical Nom: You're an angry Man (1) | Media Immediately Jumped to Race-Baiting Narrative...Racial Quotas Destroy Diversity...Hollywood's Founding Fathers were Jewish...Joe is the Racist-in-Chief...Microsoft Word goes Woke (1) | Socialist-Democrates Declare Their Opponents Enemies (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-12-22) Whose Side are the Left On...Biden's Department of Injustice...Democrates Amerca Last Agenda...Time for answers: Fauci Exposed (1)!
PJ Media website (2-25-21) 6 Reasons to Oppose the Orwellian 'Equality Act'!
The Heritage Foundation website The Heritage Foundation on YouTube (2-24-21) 11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021!
Fr. James Altman with St.James (2-4-21) 'Godless': Fr. James Altman scorches Biden, Democrats for abortion stance while calling out US bishops! (1) (2) (3)!

Exposing Dems!

U.S.A! Impeach (1)! Lawless! Border! D.I. Chief (1)!

Green Right Arrow (10-28-24) Rep. Jordan reacts to Harris reportedly at odds with Biden team ahead of Election Day (1) | Dems, media won't acknowledge woman accusing Doug Emhoff of abuse (1) | Kamala Harris is giving 'pathetic baby answers' to important questions (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-24-24) 'Word salad (1, 2) city': Top Dem torches Kamala Harris' CNN town hall (1, 2) | Kamala Harris laughs 'crazily at stuff that's not funny' (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (10-19-24) Kamala Harris makes desperate bid for Black votes (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-16-24) Carl Higbie calls out Kamala Harris after town hall with Charlamagne tha God (1) | Tell me what you're going to do, not make promises (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-5-24) Liz Cheney's phony Kamala love-fest spectacle exposed (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-24) If Harris cared about the border, she'd fix it now (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-24) Immigrants Are Taking Over PA Now. Everyone Here Is Freaking Out (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-21-24) Kamala Harris says about fixing the border (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-6-24) Carl Higbie: Kamalanomics, Communism, it's all the same thing (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (8-24-24) It's un-American for Harris to take (steal) intellectual property... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-20-24) Every Kamala flip-flop is a lie (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-8-24) Trump: Kamala can't do an interview, she's barely competent (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) Trump's running against a woke woman and a progressive VP (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-26-24) 'The Five': Media goes into overdrive to erase Kamala Harris' far-left record... eliminate [private] medicare insurance (1, S, S, S) | Trump official RIPS Kamala over liberal record: She's been 'coddling criminals' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-26-24) Kamala Harris 'failed miserably' with border security: Rep. Pat Fallon (1) | Democrats leak talking points on Kamala s border czar role (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-25-24) Democrats supporting Hamas are driving people like me out: Alan Dershowitz (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-25-24) Biden employees can't achieve... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-24-24) What are Kamala Harris accomplishments in office? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-15-24) normalizing Russia s actions (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-12-24) ...Biden on lies, 'tall tales' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-24-24) 'Imagine what U.S. would look like' after another possible Biden term... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) Cognitively Impaired : Joe Biden escorted off stage following speech (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) ... The Big Guy' is in big denial (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-6-24) ...Biden 'has no respect for us' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-5-24) Biden is a 'diabolical, evil, nasty... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-26-24) Trump advisor predicts what Biden really meant with Stern show debate remark (1) | Judge Jeanine: Biden has 'lost it'... Trump: I'm Ready to Debate Biden (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-22-24) Mark Levin: Here's why Biden has been awful for America (1) | This will be the final nail in Biden s coffin following devastating poll: Concha (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-15-24) Steve Forbes: Biden's tax policy is about control (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-9-24) Biden is 'weakest, most incompetent' President we've ever had: Karoline Leavitt (1) | SLAM DUNK ON BIDEN: DOJ releases Biden s ghostwriter transcript (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-3-24) Tammy Bruce: This is not the way Americans want to live (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-25-24) G. Kelly: I'm 'the only guy' reporting Biden's 'ultimate moment of hypocsrisy (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-9-24) Greg Kelly: Biden's dishonesty 'infuriates me' (1) | 'DISGUSTING': Republican slams Biden's attack on the Supreme Court (1) | Gutfeld: Nancy Pelosi expressed 'disgust' at Biden's use of the word 'illegal' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-9-24) Hannity: This is getting scary... 'Taking the nomination away from Biden... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-1-24) Greg Kelly: Joe Biden 'is a depraved man' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-2-23) Speaker Johnson, House GOP Leaders Hold Press Briefing As Funding Crisis Looms.. Joe Biden is Clearly Compromised... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-20-23) The Weak in Review... Biden's Decline Can No Longer be Ignored... Biden's Weakness is Emboldening Oue Enemies... Biden Outlined His Own Foreign Policy Failures... Calls to Help Palestinians Were to Placate Dems... Rpt: U.S. Intercepts Drones Near Base in Kurdistan... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-23) Democrats End Game... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-23) It s starting to look incredibly suspicious for Biden family corruption : Sen. Johnson (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Biden's Docu-Drama, Timeline Troubles, Double Standard... KJP Dodges Questions on Doc Scandal, Again... Dems begin to Waver on Biden Amid Scandal... FBI finds More Docs at Biden Home (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-20-23) The Authoritarian Delawarean... Joe Showed Us His True Colors on Day One... Joe Wants Americans to Be Afraid... First Day, First Presidential Lie... Joe Wants Conformity, Not Unity... Joe Lives the Good Life While Americans Suffer... Joe Broke Every Single Inaugural Promise... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-10-23 thru 1-26-26) The Double Standard is Never Ending... Biden's (The Big Guy's) Classified Documents Found Plus... (10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13 14, 14, 14, 14, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 23, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24 24, 24)!
Green Right Arrow (10-19-22) Biden Drains our Oil Reserve Again... Biden Taps Oil Reserve Again Just in Time for Midterms... Biden to Release Another 15 Million Barrels from Reserve, Lowest Level Since '84... Migrants Treated Better then NYC Residents... It's Good vs. Evil... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-12-22) ...Biden Downplays Hunter's Potential Charges... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) Biden, Again, Blames Store Owners for High Gas Prices (9-30-22) (which is going to hurt Dems, because people will remember false accusations by the most incompetent (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.) leader we have ever had, who continues to blame everthing or everyone else for his own stupid mistakes -- Al)... Schumer-Manchin Deal is the Worst of D.C.... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-22-22) TX Gov. Abbott Signed an Executive Order Classifying Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organizations (1)!
Liberal Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-15-22) American Horror Story: Joe Loves to Tell Ghost Stories (Not Enough Problem Solving)... All an effort to cancel MAGA, that's his goal. Try to demonize and stigmatize MAGA. Try to convey a false impression it's a white supremacy movement... Biden is gearing up for a one party system... An Ominous Talking Point... Joe is All About Power and Profit... He lied to all of us about Hunter Biden laptop... A Lot of Empty Promises... What About Crimes???...The Left Creates Their Own Narrative... What about all the Police that are being slaughtered? 49 USPP oficers were injured during the protest ftom May 29 to May 31, the Secret Service and DCNG also reported injuries... No Arrests Made in Pro-Life Center Attacks... We only hear about Jan. 6... Joe is One Angry Guy... (1)!
Trump: Lindell FBI Raid on John Bachman with Newsmax (9-14-22) Mike Lindell Targeted in FBI 2020 Election Probe, his phone seized...Judge Unseals Additional Portions of Mar-A-Lago Affidavit... On 7-6-22 Trump turns over hard drive (How ironic they have done nothing to criminal Hunter's hard drive)...Judge Won't Force Records Disclosure in Alleged Hunter Biden Gun (thrown into trash can in 2018) Episode...Durham Investigation: Source of Steel Dossier, Russian Igor Danchenko, FBI Operative was on FBI Payroll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... Disney Workers, Teachers, Deputy Chief, Correction's Officer, 7 Illegal, etc. Among 160 Arrested in Orlando, FL Area Sex, Drug, Human Trafficking Sting (Operation) by Polk County Sheriff and Detectives...Twitter Whistleblower (Fmr security chief Peiter "Mudge" Zatko) Reveals Major Security Flaws (Foreign Chinese and India Gov. Spies/Agents working) with Platform (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.), leadership is misleading the public, lawmakers, regulators and even its own board of directors... Gov. Working with Big Tech...Joe Biden's Electric Car Clown Show...Dems Celebrate IRA as Inflation Rags...Biden (talks sbout inflation, economy, etc.) says the Stock Market doesn't reflect the state of the economy as you well know. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ): They (Schumer, Polosi, Biden) do not know what they're talking about. Not trying to be cruel or rude but this President is full of crap...The Stock Market collapsed yesterday...There's no professional sports stadium in America that could hold all of them (new 87,000 IRS Agents) in one place if you wanted to have a meeting...they are (will be) going after the averge guy... Drew's acronym: Inflation, Taxation, Recession Creation Act (1, m.i.)!
Liberal Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax Trump was Right on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-12-22) Liberal Joe Biden...Biden is the Epitome of Incompetence...Biden Delegitimized Law Enforcement...Biden is the Root of the Problem...Defund the Police, now he says fund the Police... (1)!
Power Grab: The New IRS Army on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-9-22) Power Grab: The New IRS Army...Imagine 87K Lois Lerners Looking at Your Taxes...Targeting Middle America... (1, 2, 3)!
Liberal Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-9-22) Liberal Joe Biden...Lying all the Time... (1)!
Biden Can't Fool Us (8-31-22) You Can't Fool Us, Joe Will Do Anything to Distract From His Failures...Woke Insanity, Afghanistan Loss, Sky High Gas Prices, Justice Department Oppresses Enemies [Political Opponents], Out of Control Crime, Border, Record Inflation, Widespread Disunity (Christian?), Zero Energy Independence, No Respect on World Stage, Ukraine Invasion...America Has Seen Real Scandals...Official Archivist of U.S. Stirred Up Doc Drama...Trump Did Nothing Wrong, He had Personal Records... (1)!
 on Rumble Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (2-27-21) My Predictions Were Right Joe Biden is Disastrous!
 on Rumble Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (2-26-21) Trump Jr. calls out media double standard between DeSantis, Cuomo!
Green Right Arrow (1-27-21) Biden Admin Sued for Oil & Gas Lease Halt; Biden's UN Pick Under Fire over China Comments | NTD (2) | Trump Impeachment Lacks GOP Votes; Prosecutors Prepare Sedition Charges Over Capitol Breach!
Green Right Arrow (1-18-21) Slidin' Biden's Polls Numbers are Slip-Slidin' Away...Joe Biden fails to accomplish His Goals, and is an Incompetent Commander and Chief...Biden's failed First Year...Biden's Awful Approval Ratings (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-14-21) 298 Days until the 2022 Midterm Elections...Democrats push Danderous Policies...Biden's Approval Ratings keep getting worse (1)!
OAN One America News Network OAN Personalities!
2020 Democrats should listen to 2016 Democrats about having nine Supreme Court Justices |

Exposing Dems!

U.S.A! Impeach (1)! Lawless! Border! D.I. Chief (1)!

Green Right Arrow (11-4-24) Time to look back at Harris-Biden admin's failures before Election Day (1) | Harris running 'shallowest political campaign' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-1-24) Greg Kelly: The Dark Alliance Cheney and Harris unite against Trump (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-24-24) Kamala Harris trying to distract the American people (1) | Tim Walz is a 'walking disaster' and shouldn't have been the VP pick (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (10-16-24) Harris going on Charlemagne show 'a black man short' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-15-24) 'Plagiarism is a pattern' for Kamala Harris (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-14-24) Looks like Kamala Harris is a plagiarist (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-14-24) Harris-Walz losing male voters in record numbers (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-30-24) Gutfeld: Damning Report on Migrants Entering...Why isn t this a bigger story? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-20-24) Biden and Harris 'deliberately broke the border' (1) | Harris offers 'very hollow' words (1) | Harris promising to fix the things she's already broken (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-5-24) Greg Kelly: Joe Biden lied to the American people and to God (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (8-27-24) Kamala Harris would support packing Supreme Court (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-20-24) Harris wants to defund the police (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-15-24) This Harris policy could shut down ... economy... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-12-24) 'This guy is a liar and a fraud' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) Dems trying to cover this fact up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) Boy's "Tampon Tim" (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-4-24) A Kamala presidency will push US further left than ever before seen: GOP rep (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-29-24) Kamala...border czarina (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-26-24) Is Kamala Harris just Biden 2.0? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-25-24) Media has declared Kamala Harris 'the new messiah': Sen. Ron Johnson (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-25-24) Trump campaign checks biggest early lies from Kamala, liberal media on campaign... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-18-24) Gutfeld: They want us to believe Biden will make it another four years? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-15-24) ...most obnoxious tax on the planet (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-4-24) Rob Schmitt: Joe Biden showed Americans just how dumb he thinks we are (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-21-24) Another cleanup on 'aisle Biden' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) Proof Biden 'pretty much hates all of us': Eric Bolling The Balance (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-6-24) The Five : Biden s campaign rolls out Operation Old Man (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-25-24) 'PAUSE': Biden appears to read script instructions out loud in latest gaffe (1) | Sky News host pokes fun at Joe Biden's latest teleprompter blunder (1, 2, 3)!
Green Right Arrow (4-24-24) IRAL GAFFE: Biden Appears To Read Teleprompter 'Pause' Instruction During Speech (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-22-24) America is going down the drain (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-16-24) Rep. Byron Donalds: Joe Biden is the master of disaster (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-9-24) Biden Reboots Loan Plan after Supreme Court Defeat (1) | Biden's Latest Lawless Student Loan Forgiveness (1) | Biden can t saddle Americans with this debt: Missouri AG (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-14-24) SECRET SPENDING': Senator reveals how the Biden admin hides money (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-13-24) JIG IS UP : Bartiromo exposes Biden s motive for wide open border (1) | Lawmaker shares most damning evidence from Biden probe as GOP gets 'closer to the fire' (1) | Peter Doocy: This could be why Biden quietly collected classified docs (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-24) CNN getting nervous about Biden facing Trump: 'Something's wrong' (1) | Biden heckled by protesters 11 times, blames 'MAGA Republicans' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-30-23) Joe's and Kamala's America... Kamala is Proof the Dems Have Nothing to Offer... Dazed and Very confused... Dem Policies are Failing America... (1) | Bidens America in Bad Shape... Weakness Begets Wars (1)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-20-23) Looks Like We Found the Money... $200,000.00 check on March 1, 2018 from Sara and James Biden (little brother) to (big brother) Joseph R. Biden, Sr. for loan repayment... Oversight CMTE Reveals Direct Check to Joe Biden... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-10-23 thru 5-15-23) Biden Family Corruption (1, 2, 3, 4)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Jesse Watters: Something strange is going on in Biden classified doc scandal (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Left-Wing Crime is on the Rise... "From Government to the Streets, Left-Wing Crime is off the Charts"... Report: WH, DOJ Agree to Hide Classified Document Scandal... FBI searched Biden home, found items marked classified, "The items spanned Biden's time in the Senate and the vice president" (1)... Six Antifa Extremists Arrested and Charged with Domestic Terrorism in Fiery Atlanta Riots... Biden and Son Hunter under Seperate Investigations... CNN: Biden Docs have U.S. Intel on Iran and Ukraine... Wray: FBI made Strides in Work with Private Sector... (1)!
John Fetterman Joe Biden Bumb and Bumber on Eric Boillng with Newsmax (10-20-22) Even Joe Doesn't Support Joe: Joe can't even Remember His Own Policy Stances... Brain Damage and Mental Decay... Joe's Foot is Constantly in His Mouth... John Fetterman and Joe Biden, Dumb and Dumber... Biden Stumps for Fetterman, the Only One Who Would Take Him... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-22) Gutfeld: Fetterman (1)!
Joe Biden Bumb Maga Rage on Newsmax Medicare Crisis on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-22-22) Biden Stumbles Through a Confused Presidency... Biden's Attack on MAGA Becomes Deadly, 18 year old kid Cayler Ellingson run over because he was deemed to be a Republican extremist by Shannon Brandt, 41, who is back on the street (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... Dems Applaud their own Pro-Criminal Policies (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, m.i.). Jesus said you will know them by their fruits (Mat 17:15-20). Dems are actually the hypocrites and criminals (m.i)... Harris Tells More Border Lies... Santuary Cities Complain About Being Sanctuary Cities... Medicare Crisis (1)!
Liberal Chaos Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-21-22) Putin's Getting Desperate... Putin Issues Nuclear Threat... Joe is not the Leader We Need... Trump was Respected on the World Stage... Trump Knew How to Act on the Global Stage... Joe Never Acts Appropriately... Cost of Living for Average Family is up $11,500 a year... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-16-22) The Latest Chaos Under Joe Biden... We Have a Bigger Crisis on Our Hands... Our Culture in Decline... Wise Words from Sam Adams: "When People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders"... Joe Lied to Us from Day One... Another Dem Double Standard... (1)!
Liberal Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-13-22) Yelling and Lying...Joe Loves to Pretend that Everything is Great...Inflation Reduction Act does nothing he says it does...Biden Admin will Use Anything as a Distraction...Mara-A-Lago to take our eyes off the ball...The January 6 was a ruse... Support in 2022: Republican Candidates 47.9%, Democrat Candidates 42%... America is on to Joe: Biden Should be Impeached, 52% of Likely U.S. Voters... Joe can't Spin Enough to Cover for this: Friday, 9-9-22 600 Migrants Crossed Border in 1 Hour, 2,000 Detained in Del Rio... Karina Castro Beheaded in Broad Daylight. Suspect: Josa Landaeta, illegal immigrant, overstayed his tourist visa... Inflation 9-21 to 9-22 up 8.3%... Cost of Groceries, Highest Increase Since May 1973, up 13.5%... Electric Car Fires... A lot Agree Ukraine Invasion would not have happened if Trump was still in office... Hunter Biden, Taliban, Transgender and Children, Affirmative Action... Harris Disgustingly and Insultingly Compares 12/7/1941 and 9/11/2001 to 1/6/2021...Coached Fired...Mike Lindell's Phone Seized and DOJ Subpoenas Dozens of Trump Allies...Jim Jordan and Sen Grassley: Up to about 12 FBI Agents have come forward to speak to them concerning abuses and criminal conduct of other Agents. Also Agents were sent to Fmr. NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik's home... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-10-22) Joe Biden's Red Sermon was Creepy...Biden's Speech fo the "Soul of the Nation" was a Disgrace...George Washington would be grinding his wooden teeth...Where are All the Joe Biden Voters... Biden "Forgives" 10K in Student Loan Debt... (1, 2)!
Biden V. America on Boiling with Newsmax (9-6-22) Biden's Role in Trump Raid...America Reacts to Biden's "Dangerous" Rhetoric... MAGA Clinton, who was a Democrat, was the First [but wasn't] to say (1991, 1, 2, 3, 4): "We can Make America Great Again (MAGA)... Judge Grants Trump Request for Special Master... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Groomy Our Children...The Worst and Most Divisive Speech in History...Got to See, People at Breitbart News put together Video with Joe's Speech of Democrats and the Far Left at the same time...All those scenes from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Far Left Politial Groups... (1)!
Green Right Arrow The Left Clearly Hates America...Biden V. America... (1)!
Green Right Arrow GOP Blasts AG Garland After FBI Whistleblower Exposes Counterterrorism Tools Used Against Parents: Disgrace (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-15-22) Joe Biden Ruins Everything He Touches...Biden did promise to be Opposite of Trump...Biden doesn't respect the American People...Major Policy Reversal Quietly Announced...You think the Border is bad now???...Officials anticipating Historical Surge...Russia issues New Threats to U.S. (1)!
U.S. Senate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) (4-13-21) GOP Senators introduce legislation to end MLB's special immunity from antitrust laws (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) "The Corrupt Polititians' Act"/"The Illegal Voting Act" mentioned (Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Mike Lee (R-UT) outline their newly introduced bill which aims to end MLB's immunity from antitrust laws) | The truth about illegal voting | 18 U.S. Code 611 - Voting by aliens (unlawful)!
Green Right Arrow Dad Faces Prison for Opposing Teenage Daughter's Decision to Transition | Fauci Responsible for coronavirus... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)
Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Peter Doocy currently a Washington D.C.-based correspondent for FOX News Channel (FNC) Jackie DeAngelis with Fox Business Sara Carter with Fox News William Lee Chief Economist, Milken Institute Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) Senate Foreign Relations Committee Robert L. Woodson, Sr. Founder and President of the Woodson Center (1-27-21) Lou Dobbs Tonight 1/27/21 | Fox Business Trump News Today January 27, 2021 | Trump's Fight Against The Elites | Biden Administration Mission To Kill Jobs | Biden Administration Lack Of Prioritization | Impeaching A Private Citizen Is Unconstitutional!
Green Right Arrow (1-27-21) Ingraham: Democrats using national guardsmen for 'political theater' (Laura Ingraham says the left's current stance on preventing unrest makes their Trump criticisms hypocritical)!
Church Militant website Church Militant on YouTube MICHAEL VORIS, S.T.B. (11-11-20) The Vortex The Lie | (11-11-20) Luciferian Bishops | (11-17-20) The Elitist Hierarchy | (11-18-20) Post-Election Special: Trump s Trap | (11-18-20) Post-Election Special: Trump s Trap!

Exposing Dems!

U.S.A! Impeach (1)! Lawless! Border! D.I. Chief (1)!

Green Right Arrow (11-4-24) There's no enthusiasm for Kamala Harris (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-24-24) Harris' campaign strategy is 'star-spangled stupid' (1) | Kamala Harris, an 'instrument for anti-Americanism' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-23-24) Kamala Harris was caught in a blatant act of plagiarism (1) | Gutfeld blasts Kamala Harris for shoveling up 'load of crap' on Biden's mental acuity (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-19-24) Lidia Curanaj: 'Kamala Harris is as fake and phony as her laugh' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-16-24) Democrats have 'no problem' silencing Americans (1) | Kamala's reparations check is blank (1) | Uptick in stolen, vandalized campaign signs ahead of election (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-24) Harris is 'the most radical candidate in history' (1) | Kari Lake: There's 'blood' on Kamala Harris' hands (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-24) Kamala Harris is 'sick' and a 'liar' who will 'destroy our country' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-24) Kamala Harris has sold out our sovereignty (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-9-24) Sanders exposes Harris' politics... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-17-24) 'Traitor and Deserter'... (1, 2) | ...Com. Sgt. Major & Chaplain are calling him a coward. How DARE Walz (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (8-13-24) There's nothing you can do except laugh at her ... Plagiarist (1) and Fraud (1) | If Kamala is stealing Trump's policies (2)!
Green Right Arrow (8-6-24) JD Vance: You should feel admiration for people who make country run (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-6-24) This is what K. Harris stands for (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-26-24) Kamala Harris' record in California under scrutiny (1) | GOP rep wants Kamala Harris to explain what she's done for three years (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-25-24) Cringe : Kamala Harris s bumbling incompetence exposed (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-18-24) ...biggest 'cheap fake' of them all (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-9-24) NEW GAFFE: Biden Bemoans Delay In Funding For 'Iraq' When He Appears To Mean 'Ukraine' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-20-24) Let's count Biden lies from HBCU commencement speech: Eric Bolling (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) This is a 'dumb' move from Biden: Economics expert (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-10-24) This is why Biden is going to lose the election: Steve Forbes (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-3-24) ...Biden won't do a thing about this (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-29-24) 'Historic failure': Biden torched after new polls show sinking approval (1) | The world is aflame because Biden shows weakness... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-25-24) Kudlow: This is the perfect Biden policy storm (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-24-24) Biden is 'corrupt' and 'conflicted' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-16-24) Carl Higbie unleashes blistering blows on Biden's tax plan (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-11-24) 'If World War III does start, it's because of Joe Biden'... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-9-24) 'UNDERCUT': Biden on the brink of losing key Democrat state over energy policy... Dems Worried Israel Support Damaged Biden Image (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-3-24) What a loser : Joe Biden embarrasses himself during speech (1) | Greg Kelly exposes the truth between Jill and Joe Biden's love (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-3-24) Peter Doocy demands White House answers on alleged US terror threats (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-29-24) Weak, deceitful, unforgiveable: Greg Kelly torches Team Biden post-deadly drone strike (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-1-24) 'You can't spin this': Sebastian Gorka calls out Biden admin. over inflation (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-16-23) Van Drew: Biden's corruption worse than what Nixon did (1) | Biden is a laughingstock around the world: Corey Lewandowski | Newsline (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-15-23) Watch Stefanik RIPS Biden to SHREDS with 'detailed bank record'...Comer accuses Obama of cover-up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-31-23) Joe Must Go... Joe is Not the Leader America Needs... Support for Joe is Rapidly Declining Across the Board... Trump Never Let Us Down on the World Stage... Joe Has Never Been Good at Foreign Policy... Radical Dems (like BLM) Quick to Support Anti-Democratic Orgs... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-25-23) GOP Reveals Joe Biden's $200K Check from Brother... (A)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Things aren't Going too Well for Dems Right Now... Box of 'Important Doc' Pictured at Biden's DE Home... Biden's Chief of Staff Stepping Down Amid Doc Scandal (1)... Legacy Media: Time to Turn on Biden!
Green Right Arrow (1-19-23) Weakness on the Main Stage... Biden: Take this $100M and Promise to be Good... The Hostages are an AfterThought to Joe Biden... 1) | Biden Strategy: Deny, Deny, Deny!... Biden Family Probe... Biden's Brothers Repeatedly Referenced Him in Private Business Dealings... Govt Ethics Expert: Family Trading on Biden Name "Outrageous"... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-18-23) Time is Up... Time's Ticking on Joe's Presidency... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-17-23) An Abomination... Joe is not the Man for the Job... Joe is a career Politician... We were Warned about Joe Biden... Biden talked about the people fighting the American people with the military... (1)!
Brigitte Gabriel, Author of Rise: In Defence of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom (9-28-22) Cost of Joe Biden's Student Loan Write-Off Lie $420 Billion... Bought votes with that lie... Even Polosi at one time said it was unlawful to do so... Biden's Presidency is the Biggest Storm in America... Circle back speaks... Biden's Presidency is Reducing America to Rubble... Brigitte Gabriel, Author of Rise... The Fight for Fairness in Woman's Sports... Sen. Paul Advocates for Fairness in Sports in AD... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) Biden's (Obama's) America has become more unrecognizable... Once prosperous country is now in horrific economic decline (a third world country)... Biden's America Looks Like End of Days... Crime and grime... In just a few months the Democrats and their woke mob have fundamentally transformed Ameria as they told us the would... America in the Balances... (1)!
Green Right Arrow 'Biden Chronicles' to Take Entertaining Look at Presidency (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, m.i.)!
Green Right Arrow (9-16-22) Special Delivery.... (JoeBama) Biden Makes Time to Play with Cars... Make America Suffer Again party at the WH on the worst market collapses in two years... Biden Celebrates as America Starves... Kamala Still has no Clue What She's Doing... Joe Biden's Destruction of the American Experience... Dictatorship is a form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations... Biden trying to pull all states into a centralized government...Blue States and Cities a Santuary for Criminals... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-9-22) The Definition of Facism...If you don't agree with this Administration, Fascist [or Racist]... Biden Calls Trump Supporters a Threat to the Country (Democracy). It's Really a Threat to Liberal Policies... The Real Threat to the Country is Liberal Policies... 87,000 New IRS Agents... Kids don't belong to their parents, they belong to the community, WHAT!... Suppressing of Free Speech on Social Midia... (1)!
Wag Joe Chaos Biden (8-29-22, 8-30-22, 8-31-22, 9-6-22, 9-8-22) WAG JOE "CHAOS" BIDEN!
Angry Joe on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-8-22) Angry Joe...Joe has gone from Usless, to Angry and Useless (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-7-22) Greg Gutfeld: How has the media embraced Biden's MAGA rhetoric? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-6-22) The Beast...Power Grab: The New IRS Army...Governmant Waste...It's not about the Money, it's about the Power...Brace Yourself for Audits Everywhere...No One believes this is about Squeezing Rich People...Defund the IRS...RPT: IRS gave Inmates $1.3B in Covid Relief... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-3-22) Texas Gov Sending Buses of Migrants to NYC, D.C., and Chicago...Divider-In-Chief... Ongoing Southern Border Crisis Fueling Fentanyl... The Dems Hidden Agenda: Indict Trump Before thr Mid-Terms...Southern Border Makes its way North...Russia Halts Gas to Europe...Via Nord Stream1 Pipe Line... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-30-22) Will the real Joe Biden please stand up...Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde...180 degree turn...Joe Biden has proved he is one of the most phony transparent polititions in the country...Creator of Chaos...Shameless... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-22-22) "America's Problem: Big, Foolish, Unaccountable Government"...Breitbart News: U.S. Department of Energy Gives Revolutionary Battery Technology, vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB), to China... Obama's team was busy financing China with your money (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-10-22) Expert: Dems have a major problem in 2024 presidential election plans (1)!
Emily Compagno on fox (5-20-22) Compagno: Pelosi is 'delusional' about what's coming...Red Wave Potential as Biden's Approval Ratings Dips...Poll: Biden Approval Just 26% Among Hispanics... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-10-22) The Corporate Media's Affair with Biden...The Corporate Media's Relationship with Biden is Over...[Media, Harris, Biden Breakup] (1)!
Peter Schweizer, Author Book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (1-27-22) Red-Handed Exposes Elites' Intricate Ties to China...China has compromised Multiple Govt Elites...Pelosi shifted China Stance after making Biz Deals in Beijing...McConnell's Wife has Ties to Chinese Government...Feinstein defended China against Human Rights Violations...Suspected Chinese Spy worked on Feinstein Staff...Don't forget Swalwell's Chinese Spy...Biden Family made $31M from People linked to Chinese Intel (1)!
Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia John Barrasso (R-WY) U.S. Senator U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away Chad Wolf Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf Secretary of Homeland Security CChad Wolf DHS Secretary on Wikipedia (4-4-21) H.R.1: "The Corrupt Polititians' Act" | Ken Paxton: Open borders costing Texas billions of dollars | Chad Wolf: Border Patrol seeing record number of migrants at southern border | Sen. Barrasso: Biden administration hiding migrant crisis from American public | (2) (YouTube video parts cut out - Al) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)!
U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on YouTube U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on facebook (3-28-21) Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., on border crisis, COVID-19 origins | Biden talks with historians about building legacy (and Media and Big Tech censureship) | Biden immigration policy is Obama administration on methamphetamines !
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-28-21) Sen. Ted Cruz: Border is worst I ve ever seen, a full-blown crisis !
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-26-21) TED Cruz led a group of Republican senators on a trip to the US-Mexico border where he claims to have witnessed cartel members and human traffickers "taunting" Border Patrol agents | "I'm down at the Texas border along with 18 senators. We made the trip to see the crisis that is playing out"!
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-23-21) Ted Cruz on his upcoming trip to southern border!
Green Right Arrow (3-4-21) 'Borrow-and-spend' stimulus bill is a fiscal monstrosity | Democrats want to send $350B to cities and states with Biden's COVID-19 relief bill, but Republicans see it as wasteful (Video)!

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