Lawless Obama and Liberals Declared War on America...

Green Right Arrow Obama's Power Grab!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Police State!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Czars!
Green Right Arrow 60PA: Declared War on the American family and small Business!
Green Right Arrow AFLC: Declared War on America... on our Judeo-Christian values and freedoms!
Green Right Arrow DA: Declared War against Western freedom and liberty halted!
Green Right Arrow FAA: Declared War on Christian Chaplains in the military!
Green Right Arrow FW: Declared War... against the very men and women who are, right now, protecting our nation from enemy invasion... just kill us... execute American citizens... without a warrant or a trial!
Green Right Arrow HAA: DECLARED WAR against Freedom Watch, YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES, AND ME!
Green Right Arrow HAA: Declared War on Conservatives!
Green Right Arrow IGWT: Declared War on people like you and me!
Green Right Arrow JW: Declared War on the Constitutional Separation of Powers!
Green Right Arrow TTPC: Declared War on Libya without seeking Congressional permission!
Green Right Arrow R,M: ...Waging a War against our Country, our Constitution, and our Commonsense Conservative values...
Green Right Arrow WCJ: Declared War on the United States... Story you'll never read in "MAINSTREAM" MEDIA (Obamedia), New York Times or see on CNN!

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