Robert J. Wise, Esq.

Co-Founder & Senior Counsel

(AFLC) American Freedom Law Center

(3000 Green Road #131098, Ann Harbor, MI 48113)

February 2014

"We are five days away from fundamentally
United States ofAmerica."

-- Barack Obama, 2008

Dear Fellow American,

Make no mistake, Barack Obama has Declared War on America. More precisely, he has Declared War on the America we grew up in, the Nation we love that was founded on our Judeo-Christian values, which are enshrined in our Constitution. . . an America that he and his elite secular progressive bureaucrats despise.

And while Obama's disastrous presidency has been punctuated by a series of broken promises ("If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it") and outright lies ("An anti-Islam video was to blame for Benghazi"), there are two fundamental promises he has unfortunately kept:

·         His revealing promise to "transform America"

·         And his promise to defend Islam at all costs. . .

Obama is fulfilling his first promise by picking and choosing which laws he chooses to enforce through executive fiat. Not only that, he is "legislating" by issuing illegal executive orders, contrary to the Constitution's separation of powers. These unlawful actions MUST be opposed and stopped.

And he is employing IRS thugs to target those who oppose his destructive agenda. . . in much the same manner as the KGB was used in the former Soviet Union to harass the Kremlin's political opponents.


As you well know, Obama's signature legislation—the train wreck satirically known as Obamacare—is the largest government power grab ever witnessed by the American people. . . a calculated power grab that is "transforming America" right now into a socialist, wealth-distributing state in which the government holds all of the power.


In short, Obama is engaged in a direct attack on our constitutional republic—a republic that was created and designed by our Founders to limit government power so as to protect our liberty and prevent exactly this sort of tyranny.


But the American Freedom Law Center is fighting back because we know what is at stake!


Let me tell you a little bit about my background so you will get a better understanding of my personal commitment to the mission of the American Freedom Law Center—and my commitment to fighting those who seek to transform, and thus destroy, the America we know and love.

Prior to starting my constitutional law practice in 2000, I served 13 years as an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps, ultimately attaining the rank of Major. I first served as an infantry officer for nine years, during which time I participated in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the Persian Gulf War.

Then I attended law school at the University of Notre Dame while I was a Captain on active duty. I graduated with highest honors in 1997, and served several years as a Marine Judge Advocate prior to resigning my commission in 2000. And I resigned my commission for one reason: to fight our Nation's enemies in the courts.

My wife and I have been blessed with 12 children. As a father, I know what is at stake if we lose this battle for America. That is why losing is not an option.

Indeed, every day in my work I still fulfill the solemn oath I took when I joined the Marines: "To support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

As you can see, I have been fighting this battle for freedom my entire adult life. And it is not just about protecting individual liberties—this battle is for the very survival of our Nation.

Make no mistake, we have many foreign and domestic enemies who hate our Nation, disrespect our Constitution, and reject America's exceptionalism. In short, they do not believe that this is a blessed Nation—a Nation that is committed to putting its "trust" in God.

Thankfully, the American Freedom Law Center is on the job, fighting these enemies of faith and freedom!

Unfortunately, many conservatives think of war as simply a metaphor when applied to politics. But for radical secular progressives like Obama, the war is real.

In fact, with the liberal media on their side, Obama and his minions plot to destroy their opposition by smearing them as "Islamophobes," "homophobes," "racists," or "right-wing extremists." Deceit and deception is, for them, a tactic employed in this war to defeat their enemy.

And we know who their enemy is: it is God-fearing, patriotic Americans like you and me.

But the American Freedom Law Center understands that this is war. And as a Marine officer, you can believe that I learned a thing or two about warfare.

As a result, I can assure you with 100 percent confidence that there is no better team of legal warriors equipped to fight this battle for America than the American Freedom Law Center.

You see, the American Freedom Law Center has assembled an experienced team of dedicated and aggressive lawyers who've been valiantly fighting this battle for the heart and soul of America for many decades.

In short, we are not a "Johnny-come-lately" law firm riding on someone else's coattails. The American Freedom Law Center is uniquely qualified to engage and defeat this threat to our Nation, our Constitution, and our Judeo-Christian values. To succeed, however, we need your support!

Enclosed with this letter is a vital "Call to Action" imploring Congressman Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, to demand Barack Obama immediately end his unconstitutional attempts to usurp Congress' power through executive fiat. We will collect and deliver signatures from like-minded patriots so that Representative Goodlatte understands the overwhelming support for him to step up and challenge Barack Obama's actions!

I need YOU to sign and return the "Call" right away. Your support of American Freedom Law Center's work is urgently needed today. Here's why. . .

American Freedom Law Center's Fight for Religious Freedom

As part of his transformation of America, Obama has Declared War on our Judeo-Christian values and freedoms. And in response to Obama's attack on religious freedom, the American Freedom Law Center filed two very important civil rights lawsuits in federal court in Washington, D.C., challenging the Obamacare "abortion pill" mandate, which requires employers to provide insurance plans that cover abortifacients—that is, drugs that chemically induce abortions—and contraception.

Johnson Welded Products, Inc. v. Kathleen Sebelius

Our first lawsuit was filed on behalf of Johnson Welded Products, Inc. ("JWP"), an Ohio-based, family-run business, and its CEO, Ms. Lilli Johnson.

Ms. Johnson is a Catholic mom of seven children, and she runs her company how she wants to run it: pursuant to her Christian beliefs.

Without the American Freedom Law Center's assistance, JWP's employee healthcare plan would have included the mandated "contraceptive services" coverage when JWP renewed its plan this past summer. . . in direct violation of JWP's and Ms. Johnson's religious convictions.

But we were able to successfully obtain an order from the federal court But preliminarily halting the enforcement of the mandate against JWP and Ms. Johnson while the case is proceeding.

This was an important initial victory!

But there is still much work to be done to permanently halt Obama's unlawful mandate and its enforcement against Christian-run businesses and their faithful owners, like JWP and Ms. Johnson.

Priests for Life v. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

The American Freedom Law Center's second lawsuit challenges Obama's enforcement of the "abortion pill" mandate against religious organizations.

Yes, it's true. Obama is forcing religious organizations to provide their employees with an insurance plan that covers abortifacients!

This lawsuit was filed on behalf of Priests for Life, an international Catholic organization; Father Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life; Dr. Alveda King, the niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Pastoral Associate and Director of African-American Outreach for Priests for Life; and Janet Morana, the Executive Director of Priests for Life.

Priests for Life is morally prohibited from providing the means and mechanism by which its employees will have access to and coverage for contraception, sterilization, and abortifacients.

You see, all of these "services" are contrary to Priests for Life's religious beliefs.

In fact, by providing these mandated "services" to its employees, Priests for Life would be betraying everything it believes and has fought tirelessly for over the decades. The thought of this is simply devastating. But Obama and his pro-abortion underlings do not care.

And if JWP, Priests for Life, and other similar Christian businesses and organizations do not comply with Obama's mandate, they will face crippling fines of $100 per employee per day. . .

This is simply outrageous!

Under our Constitution, Obama cannot force Americans to betray their conscience nor trample upon their faith. The Obama mandate does just that!

Consequently, it is imperative that the American Freedom Law Center stop this attack against religious freedom now! Which is why we urgently need your support.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you that these lawsuits will likely cost us in excess of $200,000. . .and we are doing all of the legal work free of charge!

To cover our costs, however, the American Freedom Law Center must rely on generous, tax-deductible donations from loyal, patriotic Americans like you.

I'm hoping you can afford a generous gift of $50, $100, or even $500 to help us fight this injustice on behalf of all freedom-loving Americans.

We know times are tough, especially in this Obama economy, but think how much worse things will be if we lose our most fundamental freedoms. . . and we know that the Obama administration will spare no cost forcing these mandates on all Americans!

But there is good news. . .

The American Freedom Law Center was successful in getting an emergency order issued by a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., halting the enforcement of this unconstitutional and unconscionable mandate against Priests for Life while the case proceeds on appeal!

The order literally came at the 11th hour—it was issued by the federal appeals court late in the day on December 31st. . . just hours before the mandate was scheduled to go into effect on January 1st!

And while this was an important and critical victory, the battle continues as these cases will ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court!

As you can see, many of these crucial battles come right down to the wire . . . which is why we must never let up. Please prayerfully consider supporting these important challenges to Obama 's attack on religious liberty and help us stop this extremely dangerous mandate!

Let me explain why the Obama mandate is so dangerous for America.

You see, Obama has made clear what his objective is behind this tyrannical directive.

He wants to increase the use of contraceptives to reduce the number of children . . . because reducing the number of children will ultimately reduce the cost of government-funded healthcare (i.e., Obamacare).

When you consider the "abortion pill" mandate in the broader context of government-mandated Obamacare, you must ask, "At what point does the use of abortifacients become mandatory?"

When the government can control (that is, ration) healthcare, at what point does it start imposing burdens upon families with more than two children, for example?

And at what point does the government start punishing parents for the birth of a child (or rewarding sterilization or abortion)?

In fact, the liberal left views pregnancy as a disease that can be prevented (via contraception) or treated (via abortion).

Unfortunately, now that government-mandated healthcare is here and the government is running up huge deficits, an oppressive China-style, one-child policy may be in our not-so-distant future.

After all, it will be cheaper (and therefore less of a burden on the government's resources) to fund abortion pills than to provide a lifetime of healthcare to an individual, particularly if that individual is expected to be born with a disability!

In fact, Kathleen Sebelius, the head of Obama's notorious Department of Health and Human Services, said exactly that. She told Congress that it is important for the government to force employers to provide coverage for "contraceptive services" because it is cheaper than having to provide health insurance once the child is born!

The truth is, Sebelius echoed an argument Obama offered to defend the controversial "abortion pill" mandate: that no one really pays for birth control because reducing the number of people born will lessen health insurers' costs in the lone run!

Sebelius gave her remarks during a House subcommittee hearing. During this hearing, she was asked by a Congressman, "Who pays for [it]? There's no such thing as a free service."

Sebelius, repeating Obama's despicable position, answered, "The reduction in the number of pregnancies compensates for the cost of contraception."

The Congressman followed up, asking Sebelius, "So you're saying by not having babies born, we're going to save money on health care?" Sebelius responded, "Yes!"

Just recounting this verbal exchange in this letter sends a chill up my spine.

You see, if Obama's anti-Christian agenda succeeds, it won't be long before the government mandates the use of contraception, sterilization, and abortion to compensate for the cost of Obamacare!

As you can see, I do not exaggerate when I tell you that this situation is urgent. . . this evil directive must be stopped. . . and Obama must be stopped!

At the end of the day, Obama's lawless and unconstitutional decrees are an unprecedented encroachment on the liberty of all Americans. . . and they are all calculated to "transform America" into a socialist dictatorship.

And as we see repeatedly, our elected officials in Washington, D.C., are often incapable of doing anything about it. . . but we're not!

That is why it is critical that the American Freedom Law Center prevail in our efforts to stop Obama encroachment on our first freedoms—freedoms that our Founding Fathers protected by enshrining them in the Bill of Rights.

And there's more. . .

American Freedom Law Center's Fight Against Radical Islam

In addition to forcing his leftist, anti-Christian agenda on the people of this great Nation, Obama has also formed an unholy alliance with sharia-adherent Islamists.

You see, as part of his plan to "transform America," Obama has engaged in an unprecedented policy of appeasement with the Muslim Brotherhood—a radical Islamist organization that has the destruction of America as its goal.

In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood's strategic plan for America is found in a document entitled, An Explanatory Memorandum: On the General Strategic Goal for the Group, which was written in 1991 by Mohammed Akram, a member of the Board of Directors for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and a senior Hamas leader.

This document, introduced by the federal government in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing trial—the largest of its kind to date to result in criminal convictions—was subsequently approved by the Muslim Brotherhood's Shura Council and Organizational Conference, and it defines the mission of the Muslim Brotherhood in America:

"The process of settlement is a 'Civilization Jihadist Process' with all the word means. The [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

Unfortunately, the rise of Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers in elite policy circles, including those occupied by Obama and his surrogates, shows the success of the Brotherhood in its "civilization jihad" against America.

This jihad proceeds through the infiltration of social, cultural, and political institutions, including the media, our schools, and governments, rather than through more violent means such as flying planes into buildings (9/11) or igniting bombs at public events (Boston Marathon bombing).

But make no mistake: civilization jihad is equally as dangerous, and it shares the very same objective: the destruction of America.

As you may recall, in his 2009 Cairo Speech, part of his now infamous "apology tour," Obama assured Muslims around the world:

"I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam whenever they appear."

And in our ongoing court battles (see, we see the dangerous effects of this "pledge" on the free speech rights of those of us who criticize Islamic law and publicly challenge the notion that sharia-adherent Islam is simply a "religion of peace."

You see, this inability to identify and name our enemy has had devastating and dangerous effects. It allows the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliated organizations such as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) to operate on our shores with impunity, as we have seen, and, unfortunately, will continue to see. . .

Just recently, a high-ranking, influential member of Obama's Department of Homeland Security Advisory Council sent out this shocking message across the Internet:

"I do consider the United States of America an Islamic country with an Islamically compliant constitution. Move on!"

And while the odds in this battle for America might seem overwhelming, the American Freedom Law Center is up to the challenge! Time and again we are winning cases and thus setting precedent for future legal challenges. And even when a secular liberal judge rules against the Constitution and the freedoms it protects, we effectively use the litigation to shape public opinion by educating the American people about the threat to our faith and freedom.

My friend, there is an old saying: "You are known by the enemies you keep." And this past year, CAIR named the American Freedom Law Center as one of the top ten "inner core" "Islamophobic" organizations in America!

Truth be told, we are honored by this distinction, which no other public interest law firm shares. CAIR's "Islamophobia Report" demonstrates that the American Freedom Law Center is a successful vanguard in this fight against our Nation's enemies!

In short, we are effectively confronting the many challenges to our freedoms in the courtrooms, the public square, and the public policy arena throughout America. And you can join us in this critical battle by supporting our work. Indeed, we cannot fight alone. We need your support!

And as you prayerfully consider our request, remember what Edmund Burke said:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing!"

Remember, Obama and his surrogates will only succeed in their efforts to "transform America" if we allow it. And I can promise you this: with your support, the American Freedom Law Center will fight day and night for faith and freedom until we triumph over this evil..

Thank you again for all of your prayers and support. May God bless you. . . and may God bless America!


Robert J. Muise, Esq.

Co-Founder & Senior Counsel


P.S.   You must act now! Time is of the essence. Fill out and RUSH the enclosed "Call to Action" with the largest tax-deductible gift you can give. Together, we will preserve our great Nation and its Judeo-Christian values for our children and all future generations of freedom-loving Americans! (AFLC, 3000 Green Road #131098, Ann Harbor, MI 48113)