Obama's Tyranny!

Green Right Arrow Obama's Power Grab!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Police State!
Green Right Arrow ACLJ: President Barack Obama says: "I can do whatever I want"... Liberty, Not Tyranny... President Obama is abusing his "Executive privilege"...!
Green Right Arrow AFLC: ...Obama is engaged in a direct attack on our constitutional republic... limit government power so as to protect our liberty and prevent exactly this sort of tyranny... Obama [Obamacare "abortion pill"] mandate is so dangerous for America... tyrannical directive...!
Green Right Arrow ATF: Barack Obama is using drones to spy ... on law-abiding citizens like you and me... brave American to stand against a tyrannical government... sweep Obama's unconstitutional drones into the dustbin of history and shame the President!
Green Right Arrow ATJ: ...Citizen Articles of Impeachment against Attorney General Eric Holder ...what may be our last hope for saving America from Obama's tyranny!
Green Right Arrow ATJ: ...if you want to play a truly significant role in stopping Obama's tyranny... Citizen's Articles of Impeachment...!
Green Right Arrow ATJ: Eric Holder is weak. One coordinated blow will be enough to bring this tyrant down!
Green Right Arrow CSPOA: last line of defense against tyranny... liberal Attorney General, Beau Biden (son of Vice President Joe Biden) recently issued an opinion that stripped all Sheriffs of their constitutionally protected powers!
Green Right Arrow CSPOA: ...our Sheriffs -- the guys we depend on to stand in our corner against tyrannical government...!
Green Right Arrow DA: ... evil plan to overthrow our constitutional government and replace it with a tyrannical dictatorship ruled by a harsh law... That enemy, of course, is radical Islam, a hell-breathed political system masquerading as a religious entity...!
Green Right Arrow F.W.: "When the people fear the government, that’s tyranny. But when the government fears the people...that’s liberty," she said. [Nazi survivor’s warning to Americans] "Keep your guns. Keep your guns and buy more guns"!
Green Right Arrow FRC: President Reagan also wisely observed that "The First Amendment of the Constitution was not written to protect this country from religious values; it was written to protect religious values from government tyranny"!
Green Right Arrow FW: JUSTICE TRUMPS TYRANNY... Citizens Grand Jury have stared down tyranny...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...from his attack on the Second Amendment and our means to defend ourselves from his tyranny, to his ongoing Muslim schemes to enslave us under Islamic Shariah law, to his outrageous socialist ObamaCare scam...!
Green Right Arrow FW: just as the patriots of 1776 banded together against tyranny, to expel the criminal Hussein Obama from our government and restore the rule of law to our nation... no Supreme Court, much less a judiciary, that is willing to protect us from the tyranny of the other two branches of government...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: Barack Obama's goal is for the government to have all the guns... If we are unable to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government, then Americans are doomed to suffer Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry's socialist overthrow...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...sheriffs across the country...refusing to bow to Mr. Obama's tyrannical edicts that seek to strip your Second Amendment rights completely out of the U.S. Constitution!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...the Second Amendment -- your right and mine to own and use weapons, specifically as a deterrent to a tyrannical government...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ... "a well-armed populace is the best defense against tyranny."!
Green Right Arrow USJF: Barack Obama and his accomplices know that "a well-armed populace is the best defense against tyranny. " That's why they continue to usurp Congress, and the will of the American people, to accomplish their goal of disarming you and your law-abiding neighbors!
Green Right Arrow USJF: Once you and I are defenseless, we will be...forced to swallow, without recourse, any and all radical, tyrannical edicts that flow from Mr. Obama's Executive pen!
Green Right Arrow USJF: ...protect and defend the U.S. Constitution, in court and out, against the tyrannical dictates of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Harry Reid, and their Marxist henchmen!

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