Jay Alan Sekulow

Chief Counsel

(ACLJ) American Center for Law & Justice

(P.O. Box 90555, Washington, D.C. 20090-0555)


In Conjunction With: European Centre for Law & Justice, Strasbourg, France • Slavic Centre for Law & Justice, Moscow, Russia


"Justice, justice, you shall pursue..." (Deuteronomy 16:20)


President Barack Obama says: "I can do whatever I want."


But the American people say: "NO,YOU CAN'T!"


Liberty, Not tyranny Matching Challenge


Monday morning


Dear Friend,


[4-2014 letter] When a President of the United States violates the Constitution, your freedoms are at risk. But someone will fight for you. I will. My name is Jay Sekulow, and I serve as Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ). For more than 20 years, we've worked to protect life and liberty -- from local school boards all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States, where I have argued 12 cases.


Today, you and I face a dangerous situation. President Obama is abusing his "Executive privilege" -- writing and rewriting his own on law, without the consent of Congress, without the consent of the people.


In just the past few weeks, he has

·        raised the minimum wage on his own --

·        relaxed immigration restrictions on his own (to allow immigrants with "limited" terrorist contacts into our country) --

·        and rewritten ObamaCare, AGAIN, on his own (even his Attorney General couldn't tell Congress how he justified this)


He also

·        gave Congress and their staff members special taxpayer-funded subsidies for ObamaCare --

·        suspended the layoff-notice law --

·        canceled the work requirement for welfare recipients --

·        and stonewalled a nuclear waste storage application --


All on his own. Without an act of Congress.


He has also made so-called "recess appointments" when the Senate was not in recess -- we've already filed an amicus brief at the Supreme Court of the United States, calling on the Justices to reverse these illegal appointments.


This is an out-of-control Administration -- this is a President who is acting more like a King than the Chief Executive in a Constitutional Republic -- and this is why I am writing you today.


I invite you to give a tax-deductible contribution to the ACLJ, to help us fight for freedom -- on your behalf. We are at the forefront of this fight. We're preparing to do battle in court. We're at work in Congress and elsewhere. Your support will make a real impact, through the ACLJ.


I also bring you good news. As you give today, your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, its impact literally doubled, up to a total of $1 million -- because we have received a $1 million Liberty, Not tyranny Matching Challenge.


This means your generosity will go twice as far toward helping us secure your freedoms -- and stop the dangerous advance of the "Imperial Presidency."


I urge you to get involved. This is hugely important. The United States of America is not a monarchy. Yet President Obama bragged to the President of France:


"That's the good thing about being President, I can do whatever I want." He also announced to his Cabinet in their first meeting of the year that he would not be waiting for Congress to act. "I've got a pen, and I've got a phone," he said -- meaning, he is determined to use Executive orders and outside groups to advance his own agenda -- ignoring the Constitution.


The President may joke about it, but this is no joking matter. We must fight -- and with your help, we can win. A new poll reveals that nearly three out of every four Americans believe the President's use of Executive orders is wrong.


But just believing it won't change it. We must take action.


The ACLJ has formed a special team to confront the Obama Administration's lawlessness. We are preparing to take legal action everywhere necessary. But we need your support.


This is the same President who once joked that he would order the IRS to audit his political enemies -- and then, it appears, may have actually done it. Today the ACLJ is representing 41 conservative and pro-life organizations in 22 states that were illegally targeted by the IRS.


We are leading the fight against the abuses of the IRS. I truly believe the work of the ACLJ is the American people's best hope for holding the IRS accountable.


This is serious business. A President swears the Oath of Office, promising to faithfully execute the laws of the land, as passed by Congress, and preserve the Constitution. The President does not make laws, he executes laws, which are made by Congress.


But this President has determined to circumvent Congress. To operate as if he were a King. Which would make you a subject ... not a citizen.


My friend, we have not been a King's subjects since 1776. Should we go backwards 238 years? No.


Please let me hear from you right away. Sign the [requested] enclosed petition to the President. And give generously toward our Matching Challenge -- for the sake of life and liberty. Thank you. God bless you.


Yours for freedom,

Jay Alan Sekulow

Chief Counsel


P.S.    Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar, making twice the impact, up to the total of the $1 million Liberty, Not Tyranny Matching Challenge. With your freedom at stake right now, we need to hear from you quickly. Thanks again.


P.P.S.    Your support of the American Center for Law and Justice, based in Washington, D.C., allows us to continue protecting life and liberty. If you know of liberties being threatened, contact us at (757) 226-2489. For updates on our work, listen to our radio program, Jay Sekulow Live! Visit www.ACLJ.org for station listings, or to listen online.


[Please take the Liberty, Not Tyranny Matching Challenge (ACLJ, P.O. Box 90555, Washington, D.C. 20090-0555)!]


American Center for Law and Justice is a d/b/a for Christian Advocates Serving Evangelism, Inc., a tax-exempt, not-for-profit, religious corporation as defined under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, specifically dedicated to the ideal that religious freedom and freedom of speech are inalienable, God-given rights. The organization has participated in numerous cases before the Supreme Court, Federal Court of Appeals, Federal District Courts, and various state courts regarding freedom of religion and freedom of speech.