Steve Bierfeldt

Founder and Executive Director

Americans For Travel Freedom

(P.O. Box 1333, Merrifield, VA 22116)

"To promote and uphold the freedom of Americans to travel,

free from government abuse, harassment and exploitation."


Barack Obama is using drones to spy ... on

law-abiding citizens like you and me.


AND ... his T.S.A. is bullying and assaulting innocent Americans nationwide.


Have the Terrorists Won?


It's time to DUMP the DRONES


Dear Patriot,


[3-2014 letter] Now we know. President Barack Obama waited until after the election to reveal his greatest abuse of our U.S. Constitution. Free from ever having to fight another election, Obama is ramping up his unconstitutional drone program, spying on free American citizens like you and me.


And his Transportation "Security" Administration (TSA) has been exposed bullying, assaulting and abusing law-abiding citizens using trains and aircraft to travel. That's why I need your YES or NO answer on the enclosed EMERGENCY SECURITY SURVEY... immediately!


Are you willing to stand with patriots nationwide as we fight to end this [Obama's unconstitutional] power grab? Are you opposed to Obama filling American airspace with drones to track, monitor, and, perhaps, one day, kill American citizens? Are you outraged that government agents have been groping disabled and elderly citizens?


As you read this letter, <font color="#0000ff">Obama's drones are flying overhead, invading our privacy. Worse, recently published secret documents have exposed the Obama regime's plan to use drones to ASSASSINATE American citizens without fair trial.



No, this is not the plot of some Hollywood thriller. It is happening in America --- Today.


Will you help end Obama's Abuse of power?


Americans for Travel Freedom wants to know what you think. We deeply value your opinion, which is why I mailed you the attached stickers – so you can proclaim where you stand in this fight for liberty against government aggression.


My friend, Obama's drones can spy on you in your backyard and look through your windows ... while his TSA goons make a mockery of our Bill of Rights:


* Bureaucrats used them to spy on famers in Iowa and Nebraska to make certain they didn't pollute the nearby land...


* Obama's cronies also used them to snoop on ranchers in Wyoming, to monitor their cattle's manure...


* A recent report has shown the full body scanners used in airports are useless at detecting firearms and explosives ... but the TSA agents use them regardless ... so they can mock and ridicule the Americans passing through them.


It will take just thirty seconds to complete your EMERGENCY SECURITY SURVEY but this simple act could have very powerful consequences.


You see, when the results of this survey are published by Americans for Travel Freedom, they are sure to help blow the lid off this scandal! As someone who has worked in and around Washington for many years, I can assure you politicians are keenly aware of polls and petitions.


That's why I want your survey in hand right away. It will become a critical part of our nationwide, grassroots campaign to end Obama's unconstitutional antics ... and restore our Constitutional Rights! It turns my stomach to think that ordinary citizens like you, perhaps sitting with grandchildren on the porch, walking the dog, or just heading to the grocery store, can have their movements tracked by Obama's unconstitutional drones.


This is America, not some deadbeat dictatorship!


So please, take a moment to stand up for your country. Use the stickers attached to declare which side you are on in this fight:


– Do you think that Obama should serve as judge, jury, and executioner as he spies on American citizens, and in some cases orders their assassinations...




– Do you believe, as I do, that we must defend our constitutionally protected rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness against the bullyboy policies of Barack Obama?


Nuns are being groped and frisked in American airports. Tell me: do you think this is right?


Whatever your choice, it is critical you respond to my letter this very day.


You see, the business-as-usual crowd in Washington (more concerned with holding on to power at any price than respecting the wishes of the people) are eager to brush this scandal under the carpet. They are afraid of "offending" the President.


The only way we can get Washington to act is if we prove that public opinion is solidly behind us - - - which is exactly what your Emergency Security Survey will do! Please act today.


You might recall that earlier this year, Senator Rand Paul filibustered Obama's "drone czar" John Brennan (1, 2, 3), who the President nominated to be head of the CIA. He wanted answers on when, why, and how drones are used to target American citizens on American soil ... but all he got was typical lawyer-speak for the Obama White House.


Even worse, only a handful of other Senate leaders bother to support him! All the others simply rolled over and allowed the President to continue abusing our Constitution.


While others have shrugged their shoulders and walked away, Senator Paul has led the charge against Obama's unconstitutional drone program. But he can't fight this good fight alone. Will you join today?


This is a fight no patriot can sit out.


A recently exposed memo from the Administration reveals the extent of Obama's abuse of power - - - and why it is urgent you complete your Emergency Security Survey. A report from the Washington Times stated: Obama has already ordered the assassination of a 16-year-old boy and American citizen while he was abroad in the country of Yemen.


If Obama is willing to act as judge, jury, and executioner and assassinate a 16 year-old American in Yemen, how long do you think it will be before he starts using the same tactics here in America?


And another report in the influential Politico newspaper exposed how Obama's TSA agents regularly abused their position of power:


Most TSA officers I talked to told me they felt the agency's day-to-day operations

represented an abuse of public trust and funds.


And the infamous full-body scanner - ones which allow agents to view your naked body, are useless at finding hidden explosives or firearms. This quote comes via a former official:


He said we wouldn't be able to distinguish plastic explosives from body fat and that guns

were practically invisible if they were turned sideways in a pocket.


Our country is heading down a dark path – a path towards out of control government spying – while our rights and freedoms are thrown in the trash dump.


Unless you and I stand and fight, Barack Obama and his government will continue to trash our constitutional rights.


I know this letter sounds like the outline for a political thriller. I wish it were. But it isn't. Obama's drone fleets are spreading across America even as you read this letter. And We the People must act TODAY.


If you agree that Obama does not have the Constitutional authority to order drones to spy on American citizens, here is what I need you to do without delay:


- Complete your Emergency Security Poll. This simple act will proclaim your willingness to fight tooth and nail against Obama's power grab.


- Attach your YES or NO sticker to the poll declaring whether you are opposed to Obama robbing free Americans of their Constitutionally-protected rights. I will then know who is brave enough to stand and be counted.


- Sign and date your "Drop the Drones" Citizen's Proclamation. This will show that you sense the urgency of our noble cause.


I'm Steve Bierfeldt, Founder of Americans for Travel Freedom (ATF), America's organization dedicated to fighting government abuse, harassment, and exploitation, while defending your right to travel safety and peacefully.


No other group fights for civil liberties in the face of Obama's bullyboy tactics like ATE Right now, ATF is out front on key battles against growing government abuse.


o                   ATF is leading the 2014 Drop the Drone Nationwide Battle Plan against Obama's illegal drone program. With your help, we will show the White House and the Washington establishment that Americans are standing united against the government's flying robots robbing us of our privacy, our security and, in some cases, our lives.


o                   ATF is exposing the crimes of the Transport Security Administration (TSA) whose employees have abused, assaulted, (sometimes sexually), and sometimes robbed innocent Americans travelling via aircraft around the U.S.


o                   And ATF is reporting via our website ( the very latest news which the media ignore!


As you can see, Americans for Travel Freedom is right where you need them to be ... fighting on the front lines for you and for all future generations ... to make certain our rights are protected from big government bureaucrats. But the road before us is long, and the challenges great.


The good news is that there IS time to win this great fight for American freedom – but there is no time to waste. That's why I urge you to support Americans for Travel Freedom by returning your Emergency Security Survey along with a generous donation.


It takes a brave American to stand against a tyrannical government, but I know YOU are that kind of person. May I count on you to rush back a gift of at least $27?


Your selfless sacrifice in the name of liberty will help pay for more surveys, creating a tidal wave of righteous anger which will sweep Obama's unconstitutional drones into the dustbin of history and shame the President!


That power is in your hands. You can fight for your privacy and security in the face of abusive government. Don't delay. Please rush back your gift of $27. If you can send more – $36, $50, $75 – or maybe even $100 or $1,000, please do so. Such a great investment in our work would help spread the message that Obama's drones are dangerous and must be stopped.


My friend, as a proud American faithful to our Constitution, you already understand how desperate the situation has become. Drones are flying through the air, photographing, recording, monitoring free Americans. And TSA goons are on the march, abusing our rights and violating the Bill of Rights.


But in today's dysfunctional Washington, that message is being censored by the politicians and the media.


You have the power to change that ... the power to expose this scandal and halt Obama's unconstitutional power grab. Act today – by returning your Emergency Security Petition, your Drop the Drones Citizen's Proclamation, and your best gift possible to Americans for Travel Freedom.


In Liberty,

Steve Bierfeldt

Founder & Executive Director

Americans for Travel Freedom


P.S. As Thomas Jefferson once said, the "cost of freedom is eternal vigilance." Will you look away while Obama trashes the Constitution, fills our airspace with drones, and even orders the assassinations of U.S. Citizens? I pray your answer, like mine, is a resounding "NO!"


It's up to you and me to save our Constitution and our civil rights. Please [request for and] complete your Emergency Poll, and don't forgot to attach the sticker signaling who you support in this upcoming battle. Please [request for,] sign and return your crucial "Drop the Drones" Citizen's Proclamation. And when you return your Poll and Declaration, please also send your urgent gift of $27, $50, $100 or whatever you can afford, so Americans for Travel Freedom can stay on the front lines in this fight for freedom. Your gift will be used to help launch the 2014 Drop the Drones Nationwide Battle Plan and defeat Obama's power grab. Thank you (ATF, P.O. Box 1333, Merrifield, VA 22116).


"The recent publication of a Department of Justice white paper sheds new light on the Obama Administration's troubling drone program. The memo reveals that senior Administration officials, not just the President himself, can authorize a drone strike targeting a terrorist suspect, even when there is no evidence that they are actively plotting attacks against the United States." (to look like a torn-off newspaper headline)