Obama and Adm's Power Grab (1)!

Green Right Arrow Obama's Police State!
Green Right Arrow Obama's Czars!
Green Right Arrow Obamacare!
Green Right Arrow ObamaFruit!
Green Right Arrow AFLC: ...Obamacare—is the largest government power grab... that is "transforming America" right now into a socialist... state in which the government holds all of the power!
Green Right Arrow ATF: Barack Obama is using drones to spy ...on law-abiding citizens... stand with patriots nationwide as we fight to end this [Obama's unconstitutional] power grab?
Green Right Arrow CG: Obamacare ...Obama Administration's unprecedented federal power grab for socialist style control over our health care and assault on our personal [individual] freedoms...!
Green Right Arrow CSPOA: ...liberal AG, Beau Biden... recently issued an opinion that stripped all Sheriffs of their constitutional protected powers. ...and similar power grabs are underway in Texas, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and many other states!
Green Right Arrow CV: Obamacare's contraceptive mandate... CatholicVote's all-out campaign to rid our nation of the anti-Catholic and un-American Obamacare power grab!
Green Right Arrow HAA: ...ready to challenge President Obama's "executive action" Obamacare power grabs...!
Green Right Arrow JW: Obama gang (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) on this politically-driven, immoral amnesty scheme... stop this Obama power grab!
Green Right Arrow JW: Obamacare... the secret deals, the corruption, and the unconstitutional actions that have marked this Big Government power grab by Barack Obama... (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow LTP: BARACK OBAMA' S MASTER PLAN... COMMUNIST DICTATORSHIP... we are exposing unconstitutional power grab as he illegally occupies the WH... Obama's so-called "birth certificate" is undoubtedly a forgery!
Green Right Arrow SLF: Stop... Obama's unconstitutional (dictatorial) Power Grab (1, 2) OBAMA WANTS TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow TPC: STOP BARACK OBAMA'S (outrageous) DICTATORIAL POWER GRAB... stop his diabolical plan... DICTATOR OF AMERICA!
Green Right Arrow TTP: ...In a sneaky political power grab the White House out-maneuvered Congress, and America became a Dictatorship... stop their posturing and partisan bickering and derail and defund the biggest (outrageous, undemocratic, unprecedented, unconstitutional) power grab in history...!
Green Right Arrow TTP: ...against this massively damaging power grab by the socialist Obama regime... our medical profession, currently the finest in the world, is dead set against this government power grab ...Obamacare!
Green Right ArrowNewsweek: President Obama's Executive Power Grab!
Green Right ArrowUSNews: Obama's Power Grabs Set a Dangerous Precedent!
Green Right ArrowLos Angeles Times: The president’s power grab!

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