Alan Keyes

Honorary Chairman of the (SBC) Secure Borders Coalition

A Project of (LTA) Liberty Tree Alliance

(P.O. Box 131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327)




[3-2014 letter] Don't set this letter down . . .


If you do, Congress WILL put millions of illegal aliens on the so-called "pathway to citizenship." These illegals include terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, human traffickers, robbers, and other criminals. And once granted citizenship, THEY BECOME VOTERS, skewing every election from local to national in favor of the globalist UN agenda that wants to erase our borders and turn the United States into simply a vassal region of the North America Union.


That's right . . . Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama want to "fix" the illegal alien invasion by legalizing them, keeping them here, and making them voting "citizens" of the U.S. -- and there are a gaggle of RINO "moderates" in Congress keen to clamber on board this ship of fools with Pelosi, Reid and Obama and steer America onto rocky shoals!


That means IMMEDIATELY millions more men, women, and children on the public dole, awaiting handouts from you and me. Millions more stealing jobs from struggling American workers by undercutting wages as they work "under the table" or at third world rates. Millions more driving U.S. cities and towns down the road to bankruptcy by overwhelming our medical, educational, and legal systems.


But you can help Secure Borders Coalition and me put a stop to Obama's malignant design for America's ruin, and thwart the open borders crowd in Congress . . . but only if you act now.


You see, it's the unified voice of We the People that puts fear into the hearts of the globalist coterie that controls the White House and Congress. As long as they're able to divide Americans over issues of little import, Obama and his leftist comrades know they can do as they please . . . even grant citizenship to 12-20 million illegal aliens who are, at this very moment, threatening to engulf and undermine our nation!


What's more, despite their rhetoric to the contrary, the advocates of what is correctly called " scamnesty" have NO plans to truly secure our southern border from the ongoing invasion. In fact, their ultimate goal is to meld the United States with Mexico and Canada to form a "country" retaining NO national sovereignty and totally subservient to the United Nations.


That means that once approved by Congress and signed into law by the fraud in the White House, the "immigration reform" package put forth by the "Gang of Eight" -- four traitors each from the Democrat and Republican parties in the U.S. Senate -- becomes the death certificate for our once proud Republic. However, there is still time, although very little, to put a halt to Obama's plan to destroy America. BUT YOU MUST ACT TODAY. Please keep reading.


My name is Alan Keyes. You may recognize me as President Reagan's ambassador to the United Nations, a candidate for President in 1996 and 2000, or as Barack Obama's opponent in the 2004 race for the U.S. Senate seat from Illinois. In that race, I publicly called out Obama as a Marxist -- to great public ridicule and scorn, yet it is a charge that has been proven true many times over the past five-and-a-half years.


I'm writing to you today on behalf of Secure Borders Coalition (SBC), a vital organization for which I proudly serve as Honorary Chairman. SBC is a critically important coalition project run by Liberty Tree Alliance, a non-partisan, non-profit, educational and activist organization entreating American citizens to turn back to God and country.


What's more, LTA's mission is to inform and mobilize patriotic, liberty-loving Americans like you on issues and political action to uphold, protect, and defend the God-fearing nation endowed to us in our founding principles and institutions through the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our several states.


And to help fulfill that vital mission, Liberty Tree Alliance sponsors the Secure Borders Coalition with a particular goal of promoting secure borders as essential for the United States' ultimate survival as a free and sovereign nation.


It was SBC that provided the organizational framework for conservative patriotic groups to collaborate and together sound the early warning several years ago that America was suffering a literal border invasion by illegal aliens -- including drug dealers, sex traffickers, rapists, and even terrorists -- and protest that our federal government was doing nothing to stem the dangerous flood.


SBC helped lead the successful grassroots charge against Senate Bill 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which at that time would have granted amnesty to the vast majority of the millions of illegal aliens in the United States . . . exactly as the Gang of Eight's scamnesty bill seeks to do TODAY.


My friend, Secure Borders Coalition is always on the job, defending our nation from the illegal immigrant invasion that's presently sapping America's economic and moral strength. That's why I've included with this critically important URGENTGRAN a time-sensitive petition to YOUR member of Congress demanding he or she VOTE AGAINST the Gang of Eight's scamnesty scheme, and save America!


Fellow patriot, I need your immediate response . . . delay is not an option. Right now you must [request for,] sign the petition and return it to me in the enclosed pre-addressed reply envelope. Your signed petition may be that convinces your member of Congress to do the right thing for America by rejecting amnesty for millions of illegal aliens!


While we have successfully stalled S. 744 in the Senate, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has secretly schemed with open border House RINOs like Reps. Ryan, Goodlatte, and Cantor to re-introduce a "comprehensive immigration reform" amnesty bill replacing the Gang of Eight S. 744 in the lower chamber.


The Pelosi bill is a shameful effort to stampede Americans into accepting the terms of S. 744 that license a massive foreign invasion of the United States -- amnesty-for-All and a path to citizenship for MILLIONS of illegal immigrants.


We must stop the Pelosi/Gang of Eight's traitorous design to grant legal status -- and citizenship! -- to millions upon millions of foreign men and women . . . who make no rightful claim of attachment to our nation, and who right this very moment are breaking U.S. law by being in our country illegally.


What's more, the vast majority of these invaders receive public aid -- in the form of welfare, education, medical care, food stamps, legal aid, and more -- AND are stealing jobs from American workers as they labor "under the table" and pay no taxes on their earnings. And NOW you will pay for their healthcare under so-called ObamaCare, as it raises rates on taxpayers to pay for the indigent and uninsured!


Yet in their leftist "wisdom," Obama and his congressional allies see handing legal status to these lawbreakers as the answer to the burgeoning invasion of our shores by foreigners who share neither our language, customs, nor values.


My friend, right now I urgently need you to [REQUEST FOR,] SIGN AND RETURN the enclosed petition. It is vitally important to the survival of our nation that you act today before the illegal alien invasion of America is "set in stone" by the globalist faction that controls Washington, D.C.


Your opinion matters . . . your voice will be heard. And together with millions of other patriotic Americans across the nation, you and I will make Congress obey their oath of office, and defend our shores from the invading foreign army.


Now, there's one more thing . . . when you return the petition, please also include a very generous gift for Secure Borders Coalition to enable us to continue our VITAL ROLE in protecting America's borders from the influx of illegal aliens who LAWLESSLY invade our nation, then bankrupt our cities and towns. Your sacrificial support makes all the difference in the battle to save America.


While SBC desperately needs gifts of at least $125 right now so we can be the "watchmen on the wall" for our nation, I'm hoping you can do even better, say, $250, $500, $1000 or even more. What a great blessing that will be, not just for Secure Borders Coalition, but for America itself!


And if you can't afford that much, don't despair. Any size gift, when given out of a heart of love for country, is a tremendous help to SBC as we fight for your right to live in a safe and secure America.


So, my friend, please [request for,] sign and return the petition immediately, along with your generous gift. There's not a moment to lose . . . at any moment Congress may pass the Pelosi/Gang of Eight's dangerous scamnesty plan that will seal America's fate.


The danger is real but YOU can help save our nation. Act today help the Secure Borders Coalition and me STOP Obama's globalist attempt to "legalize" millions of lawbreakers who have already invaded our country. Your support is desperately needed. Please stand tall for America, fellow patriot!


Keep faith,

Alan Keyes


P.S.    Congress is about to raise the white flag of surrender by granting millions of illegal aliens legal status, and putting them on the pathway to citizenship. But you still have time to stop Obama and the Pelosi/Harry Reid Congress from turning America over to foreign "troops" . . . [request for,] sign and return the enclosed petition demanding your member of Congress vote AGAINST the Gang of Eight's ill-conceived, anti-American scamnesty scheme. You must act today -- or all will be lost!


[Please request for "URGENT PETITION TO REPRESENTATIVE" (SBC, P.O. Box 131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327)]






[2-2014 letter] The one place in America that should be a locked door to enemy agents sneaking into the United States is, in reality, freely allowing illegal aliens to mount a foreign invasion of our sovereign territory!


The shocking truth is that Fort Huachuca, an Army base in Arizona -- virtually on the Mexican border -- which houses two highly classified military commands, has put out the welcome mat for thousands of enemy combatants putting the top secret facilities at imminent risk of foreign espionage or even terrorist attack.


And Barack Obama's Pentagon is turning a blind eye to the danger, as Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel simply shrugs his shoulders in deference to his globalism-pushing puppet master. That's right -- the Ohama/Hagel Pentagon is shirking its constitutional responsibility to defend the United States, and instead is hoisting the white flag of surrender that leaves our nation in constant danger!


Think about it: the two top-secret commands -- the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command -- are made vulnerable on a daily basis to potential Communist Chinese or Russian spies, or even Islamic terrorists.


In fact, government statistics reveal that 7518 illegal aliens from TERROR SUPPORTING COUNTRIES in the Middle East were apprehended along the Mexican border in 2011. Please note: these are ONLY those invaders who were caught. . . many, many more surely escaped to wreak havoc in the United States.


And border patrol agents have discovered jihadist camps along the Rio Grande and in the desert. There, they've found jackets bearing terrorist patches -- one declaring "martyr" in Arabic, the other depicting a jet about to fly into a tower. This is clear proof that 9-11 style terrorists have been using our porous southern border for years to gain entry to the U.S.


What's more, Fort Huachuca houses a radar-equipped aerostat, or blimp, which supports the Drug Enforcement Administration's interdiction program by detecting low-flying aircraft that are likely smuggling drugs, or even terrorist weapons, into the country. This vital piece of equipment is also at risk of destruction at the hands of foreign saboteurs who freely gain access to the base.


Just as elsewhere along the open border, illegal aliens have virtual free rein to cross into the U.S. through the base. And Huachuca base security, apparently on orders from Pentagon brass, are doing NOTHING to stem the tide of foreign agents entering the base and crossing into American territory, claiming the apprehension of foreign trespassers on their very own base is not their responsibility!


What sheer and utter nonsense the Obama/Hagel Pentagon is peddling in "political correctness" -- hoping to find receptive ears among the constitutional illiterates populating America.


My friend, I am shocked, though not surprised, at the Obama/Hagel abdication of duty as they lay bare the nation's secrets, imperil vital facilities and compromise national security housed at this highly classified base. Their actions concerning Fort Huachuca represent not just an isolated incident, but rather, they're part of the Obama regime's master plan for the "fundamental transformation" of the United States into Planet Earth's newest Marxist nation.


And We the People -- the true sovereigns of this great nation -- must take action today to stop the outright takeover by the Islamo/Marxist/Communist agenda of Barack Hussein Obama. In just a moment, I'll explain just why your help is urgently needed to overturn the ill-conceived trespass policy at Fort Huachuca, and how this stratagem is a key step in Obama's war on America. Please keep reading . . .


My name is Alan Keyes, and I'm writing you today on behalf of Secure Borders Coalition (SBC), a vital organization for which I proudly serve as Honorary Chairman. SBC is a critically important coalition project run by Liberty Tree Alliance (LTA), a non-partisan, non-profit, educational and citizen activist organization entreating and empowering Americans to turn back to God and country.


What's more, LTA's mission is to inform and mobilize patriotic, liberty-loving Americans like you on issues and political action to uphold, protect, and defend the God-fearing nation endowed to us in our founding principles and institutions through the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and our several states.


And to help fulfill that vital mission, Liberty Tree Alliance sponsors the Secure Borders Coalition with a particular goal of promoting secure borders as essential for the United States' ultimate survival as a free and sovereign nation.


It was SBC that provided the organizational framework for conservative patriotic groups to collaborate and together sound the early warning several years ago that America was suffering a literal border invasion by illegal aliens -- including drug dealers, sex traffickers, rapists, and even terrorists and foreign spies -- and protest our federal government's refusal to stem the dangerous flood.


SBC helped lead the successful grassroots charge against Senate Bill 2611, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which at that time would have granted amnesty to the vast majority of illegal aliens then in the United States. . . exactly as the infamous Gang of Eight's " scamnesty" bill seeks to do today.


My friend, Secure Borders Coalition is always on the job, defending our nation from the illegal immigrant invasion that's presently sapping America's economic and moral strength. Since its inception, Secure Borders Coalition has remained on the front lines, exposing sellouts of America's national interests -- including recent "one world" attacks launched by the Obama faction against YOUR liberty and constitutional rights.


SBC is standing strong TODAY in defense of America as a sovereign nation committed to justice and freedom. And we do so only by the grace of God and the committed support of patriots like you.


And today we bring you news of the Obama/Hagel Pentagon's surrender of Fort Huachuca to the rising tide of alien invasion, along with an urgent plea to join with Secure Borders Coalition to STOP policies so clearly aimed at diminishing U.S. national security and toppling America's sovereignty!


Since the inception of our great Republic, military fortresses have been bastions of strength, defensive stalwarts repelling every foreign attack. But under the Marxist hand of Barack Obama, they're now a pathway INTO the country as thousands of foreigners trudge across the installation's supposedly secured territory.


In fact, in a classic example of "passing the buck," Fort Huachuca authorities say catching the trespassers on base is the responsibility of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). This leaves the base wide open to penetration by foreign spies as well as attack from Islamic terrorists!


You realize, of course, that this strategy of the Obama regime must be immediately stopped. And that will take the concerted effort of patriotic Americans like you holding Congress responsible to fulfill their oaths of office.


That's why I've included with this letter an urgent petition to your Member of Congress, demanding he or she take immediate action to force the Obama/Hagel Pentagon to make stopping the illegal alien invasion of Fort Huachuca a top security priority!


It is vitally important that this NATIONAL SECURITY BREACH AND ILLICIT ENTRY point into the country be shut down today. The imminent threat of terrorist attack or foreign espionage must be ended NOW.


You see, the fact is that despite the mainstream media's mantra that the illegal aliens crossing our southern border are just poor people seeking a better life, thousands of extremely dangerous men slip through as well.


We know that along with the sex traffickers, drug dealers, murderers and other criminals, hundreds of foreign agents from Iran, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other hotbeds of Islamic jihad also enter U.S. territory. And every year many come into the United States through Fort Huachuca!


Not only do many of these illegal aliens pose a danger to Fort Huachuca, the rest also threaten our nation as a whole. Millions of illegals swamp the educational, medical, welfare and legal institutions of our U.S. communities, driving them to the brink of bankruptcy.


What's more, the criminal element contained in the alien invasion are wreaking havoc across the nation. MS-13, perhaps the deadliest gang to ever lay siege in American cities, recruits heavily from illegal immigrants. And other illegals subsist in the criminal underground by dealing drugs and pimping women (and underage girls) , as well as by engaging in murder, kidnapping, theft and other violent, unlawful activities.


Yet despite the horrific record of those who enter the country illegally, Barack Obama -- through his surrogate, Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel -- has opened the doors of Fort Huachuca to the scourge of alien invasion.


The truth is that this is a necessary step in Obama's plan to dismantle American sovereignty and make the United States part of a globalist union. Erasing the southern border between the U.S. and Mexico, whether by Congressional action (i.e., the Gang of Eight's scamnesty "immigration reform") or Obama's executive fiat (the Pentagon opening vital military installations up as pathways into the country), illegally surrenders American national sovereignty.


My friend, the time for action is NOW. Delay equals defeat. I urgently need you to [request for and] sign the . . . petition. Then return it to Secure Borders Coalition in the reply envelope included for your convenience.


I cannot stress enough how vitally important it is that EVERY Member of Congress be deluged by this exclusive SBC petition [to secure our boarders]. They must hear the voice of We the People, loud and clear, that the illegal highway running through Fort Huachuca must be immediately shut down, and safeguards put in place to prevent ANY U.S. military installation from ever again serving as an entry point into the country for illegals.


So please [request for,] sign and return petition today, and when you do I urgently need you to include a generous gift for Secure Borders Coalition. It is only with your help that we will be able to realize victory and finally secure America's borders!


Please dig deep today and send SBC the very best gift you can to aid in this effort to force the Obama/Hagel Pentagon to close the gates at Fort Huachuca, and stop the influx of illegal aliens through this military installation. It would be such a blessing if you are able to send $50, $125, $250, or $500 today.


You may be in a position to send a gift of $1000 or even $5000 or more, and greatly bless Secure Borders Coalition with the resources needed to defend America from the illegal immigrant invasion. However much you send, it will be used to "fight the good fight" by defending our nation from the ongoing takeover of America by foreign influences, and end the threat of espionage or terrorist attack at Fort Huachuca.


The truth is I need you to step forward at this critical juncture to help Secure Borders Coalition stop Barack Hussein Obama from letting millions of illegal aliens freely enter the U.S. -- especially through military installations! Don't delay . . . Barack Obama is putting highly classified military commands at daily risk of being infiltrated by foreign spies . . . or even destroyed by Islamic terrorists.His anti-American scheme MUST be stopped immediately.


Please let me hear from YOU today. 


Keep faith,

Alan Keyes


P.S.   My friend, think of the import of the news I've shared: a TOP-SECRET military base is freely allowing illegal aliens -- possibly including foreign spies and Islamic terrorists -- to cross the base unscathed. This insane policy MUST be reversed now. Please [request for,] sign and return the . . . [SBC petition to secure our boarders], and don't forget to include a generous gift for Secure Borders Coalition. Help SBC take on and defeat the globalist forces who want to see the U.S. overrun with foreign invaders [SBC, P.O. Box 131327, Houston, TX 77219-1327]!