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"You will know them by their fruits..." (Mat 7:15-20 NKJV)
Questionable birth certificate, S.S.N., name, associations, records, politics, religion, agenda, economics

To begin with some Conservatives question Mr. Barack Obama's natural born citizenship and if he is qualified to be President. If not a legal citizen of the U.S. might be one reason Mr. Obama wants to give illegal immigrants amnesty. I have thought about possibly more votes in his favor.

As you read and learn about Mr. Obama and his policies, consider what the Lord said, "You will know them by their fruits..." (Mat 7:15-20 NKJV). And get wise to what's going on!

Todd Starnes, Fox News commentator, Aug 7, 2012, said, "Fox News has obtained an internal document detailing how the Dept. of Homeland Security plans on implementing what critics say amounts to an amnesty policy for what could be more than one million illegal immigrants."

"[U.S. Sen. R-AL Jeff] Sessions said aliens convicted of felonies or misdemeanors under 'state immigration laws' may be granted deferred action. Aliens who have repeatedly entered the United States illegally will also be eligible. And traffic violations will not be considered a misdemeanor…."

"Sessions told Fox News that according to his understanding of the implementation documents, aliens who are using stolen or fraudulent Social Security numbers in order to gain employment will not be charged with a crime."

"It can also be reasonably stated, given the multitude of exemptions for criminal history, that even a conviction for fraudulent document usage would not disqualify someone from amnesty…."

According to The Senior Citizens League, "President Obama has already taken strides toward amnesty [to illegal aliens] without any Congressional input through several Executive Orders. Under one of his orders, 2,228 illegal immigrants were released from jail. A second order made it easier for 2.5 million illegal immigrants to avoid deportation and get work permits and access to Social Security."

Immigrants "...have illegally entered this country and worked under false pretenses using fake IDs and false Social Security numbers."

"Americans for Immigration Control, Incorporated (AIC)... are working to make the politicians face the issue of unrestricted immigration and bring responsible leadership to the issue."

Remember, as you read and learn about Mr. Obama and his policies, consider what the Lord said, "You will know them by their fruits..." (Mat 7:15-20 NKJV).

According to some forensic investigations, Barack Obama's long form birth certificate on White House website was fabricated, a fake and forged according to It is not a one (part or) layer photocopy, but is made up (separate parts or) layers according to News Conference of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's "Cold Case Posse" video. You can understand that if you can work Adobe Photoshop. There are some other birth certificates showing him being born in Kenya. Some say one is authentic. His S.S.N. is also questionable, according to E-Verify which checks for eligibility. There is so much potential fraud and secrecy about Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Hussein Obama, formally known as Barry Soetoro [also Barack Hussein Soebarkah (USJF)], has spent over a million dollars to seal up his school and other records. He has radical roots. According to Judicial Watch, who is conservative and non-partisan, the Obama machine has roots deep in the corrupt political culture of Chicago and criminal groups like the corrupt and criminal Acorn crowd, "the most notorious voter registration group in American history…violating laws signed by Barack Obama himself!"

Mr. Obama has ties and associations with Louis Farrakhan, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, and an endorsement by Fidel Castro, according to HYPE The Obama Effect video. Also according to it, he has flip-flopped on many political issues, said one thing and did another.

He was raised and schooled in socialism and various other beliefs, and is a Muslim according to public records in Indonesia. On ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos, September 2012, Mr. Barack Obama slipped up and said, "’re absolutely right that John McCain has not talked about my Muslim faith. And you’re absolutely right that that has not come… my Christian faith." You cannot be a Muslim and a Christian too. If he was confused, maybe it was because he forgot what crowd he was speaking and appealing to.

He believes there are many ways to God. "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition, I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." Barack Obama said that in an interview he gave in 2004 to Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani for her book.

I have seen and heard on a 6-28-2006 video how Mr. Obama mocks and attacks Jesus Christ and the Bible in a speech to the liberal Christian group Call to Renewal. Devout Christians would not believe and say the things he says. They believe that Jesus Christ is the only way, the truth and the life.

The Washington Times said, "Mr. Obama voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act in the Illinois legislature in 2002 - a bill that would give legal protection and medical assistance to a baby born from a botched abortion." Mr. Obama believes in putting a baby, who survives a botched abortion, in a supply room or wherever until it dies. It causes one to wonder, if he believes in infanticide, what does he think about euthanasia, which, like pro-abortion, is not a genuine Christian's principle? A Christian is Christ like and pro-life. Christ never murdered anyone, but healed and saved lives, and continues today.

On a videotaped interview with the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board very early in the presidential campaign in January 2008, Mr. Obama said, "Under my plan of the Cap and Trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket, even, regardless of what I say about rather coal is good or bad, because I'm capping green house gasses, coal power plants, natural gas, you name it, whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was they would have to retrofit their operations, that will cost money that we'll pass that money on to consumers."

Mr. Obama isn't concerned about Americans' electrical prices skyrocketing or jobs in the coal, natural gas, or oil industry as shown in his policy. His mentality also applies to ObamaCare and the ways it's affecting America.

The major, leftist, liberal, socialist media did not cover some questionable and significant issues about Barack Obama, but they did on the insignificant issues about Mitt Romney. Congress did nothing to stop Barack Obama from being President and the Supreme Court refuses to hear Barack Obama's birth certificate challenge.

The Democrat platform backed gay marriage and (infanticide) abortion rights, and initially omitted God and Jerusalem in the Democrat National Convention until some conservatives realized what Democrats, Progressives, Leftists, Liberals, Socialists and Atheists had done.

If you have not noticed, Mr. Obama is evolving and the Democrats are evolving into full fledged Socialists. There are around 80 per cent or more Democrats in Washington who are Socialists.

Since Mr. Obama has been re-elected, conservatives [not nominal Republicans] will need a majority in the House and Senate, and need to elect conservative folks like Steven Lonegan (endorsed by Governor Chris Christie's) of New Jersey to help slow down our plunge into a socialist welfare state with a controlling Autocrat (Dictator).

I need to say, the Pharisees and lawyers (legislatures), hypocrites have really laid on us a heavy burden (Mat 23:1-4; Luke 11:44-46) this time with the so-called Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare).

— Al, Natalbany, LA

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