Steve Eichler

Chief Executive Officer

(TTP) The Tea Party

A project of State Department Watch, Ltd.

(P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293)


On a slow Friday afternoon last March, America ceased to be a Republic. In a sneaky power grab (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) the White House out-maneuvered Congress, and America became a Dictatorship.


No, it's not a political thriller plot – this is real life and you, me and everyone we know are victims!

– Pat Boone


From the desk of Pat Boone


Dear Fellow American Patriot,


Our country is in trouble.


The nation that you and I love, that so many have fought and died for, is about to join other failed nations on the ash heap of history.


President Barack Obama and the current crop of politicians and bureaucrats in Washington care little about our nation -- and a great deal about power, wealth and their own selfish desires.


A few years ago a grassroots revival, now known as The Tea Party, arose in opposition to these Washington insiders and invaders who would destroy our nation to increase their power and enrich themselves.


The Tea Party represents the best -- maybe the only -- hope for our nation.


The Washington Establishment has: created the worst Recession since the Great Depression; cut $700 Billion from Medicare under ObamaCare; destroyed our privacy rights by spying on each and every phone call, email, fax, etc. that you and I expect to be private; endangered our Constitutional rights under the First, Second, Fourth, and other amendments; and so much more. They have even threatened to nationalize whole industries by Executive Order alone.


I myself have been active in the Tea Party for years. I strongly urge you to help save our nation now with your best possible gift. There is too much at stake to delay. Please read the enclosed letter from The Tea Party C.E.O., Steve Eichler, and respond as quickly as possible.


Thank you. And May God Save America.



Pat Boone







Dear Friend and Patriot, 


[12-2013 letter] They've been preparing for this since Friday, March 16th 2012.


It was very slickly done. While the nation was distracted by the shenanigans of St. Patrick's Day... the Obama White House made its move. And at that very moment America ceased to be a Republic... and slid into Dictatorship.


Think I'm being overly dramatic? Well, just read on. And then tell me what you think.


I'm asking you to sign and return the enclosed, confidential, CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER and rush it back to me in the envelope I've enclosed with this letter to you.


It happened just like in a spy thriller. Without any fanfare and with hardly any attention from a media obsessed with green beer and shamrock parades... the boldest assault on America since the Revolutionary War took place in Washington.


Through [National Defense Resources Preparedness] Executive Order [No. 13603], Barack Hussein Obama completely bypassed the U.S. Constitution and the powers of Congress, and gave himself the power to impose a brutal version of Martial Law.


At The Tea Party, we have been warning you for years about the very real threat this President poses to our country. From early childhood he has been raised to despise America and hate her freedoms.


Instead of being taught to love this country, he was raised by a ragbag collection of adults who each had their own reason to hate the United States of America.


In his impressionable years he was mentored by both terrorist Bill Ayers and communist Frank Marshall Davis... who taught him that socialists know what's good for the people – even if we're too dumb to see it for ourselves... and in March 2012 their long-term, anti-American, quasi-Marxist plans finally came to pass.


Through Executive Order No. 13603, President Barack Hussein Obama gave himself massive powers that allow him to instantly bring about socialism in America and create a Soviet-like, statist regime... whenever he wants!


This can be the only reason for issuing this Executive Order. After all, we're the largest, strongest power on Earth. Why do we need a Martial Law plan when there's no one who can possibly invade us?


So please, work with me to stop this sneaky power grab. Please, sign and return the [requested] enclosed, confidential, CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER and rush it back to me.


Obama's Executive Order: NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS runs to nine pages of legal mumbo jumbo, but when you cut through the legalese you'll find that Obama has hijacked our country, ridden roughshod over Congress, and really stuck it to the American people.


He has grabbed blank-check dictatorship powers that are a violent assault on our personal liberty, property rights and the rule of law. They allow him to control us in nasty, petty-dictator ways guaranteed to make us miserable and subservient to him. He can now:


* Bailout any person or company he wants!

* Break existing labor contracts!

* Cut back healthcare for citizens!

* Fix any food prices he wants!

* Force the production of electric cars!

* Halt consumer production and replace it with government work!

* Hike up airfares!

* Raise gas prices to whatever price he likes!

* Reduce our pay!

* And much, much more...


By limiting how we travel, what we can eat, and where we can work he can create the communist utopia he has always dreamed about!


But we can -- and will -- stop his diabolical plan (1)!


The bad news is that since a bizarre Supreme Court decision in 1983, Congress cannot pass a law that rescinds a Presidential Executive Order.


Fortunately, there is another way Congress can crush this thing. Congress still holds the power to starve Obama's plan of funds. It can vote to refuse him the money to implement his mad, tyrannical wishes.


In fact, right now, it's the ONLY thing that can stop Obama's evil communist takeover of our America.


So please, lend your support to mine. Please [request for and] sign and return your CITIZEN PETITION to me today.


We have to send an urgent message back to Washington -- to the majority House Republican Party and especially the Tea Party patriots in Congress -- that we need them to step up and do their duty at this perilous time.


We cannot let this lawless, left-wing stooge achieve the role he has been groomed for by a string of Marxists, communists and liberal statists:


America's Great Dictator.


Anti-Americans in the Middle East and Latin America are already rejoicing and getting ready to pour into our country...


...the liberals are drooling at the prospect of silencing the conservatives (until reality settles in and they realize that they too have become subjects and are no longer free)...


...and the Obama-supporting elites in boardrooms, union shops, activist groups and Wall Street are gearing up to take control, asset-strip the country, and lord it over the "little people."


That's us, folks. And we're almost at the point of no return.


Now is the time we absolutely must fight back. We must stop him -- right now -- before he sees the writing on the wall and unleashes his stolen powers on our nation... and becomes completely unaccountable and out of control.


Either way the outlook for our America seems bleak. We must do something – right now – today!




I want to collect your signed CITIZEN PETITION and many thousands more from patriots all across our nation. Then I'll deliver them to Speaker Boehner's office, right there in the United States Capitol Building...


...and I'll provide the results to all branches of the national news media: radio, cable, broadcast T.V., newspapers and the Internet -- as well as the power brokers within the Republican Party.


This CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER project is vital for our nation's safety. This outrageous power grab is unprecedented, unconstitutional and illegal. Naturally, the mainstream media -- and all of Obama's liberal media buddies -- are just ignoring it.


But we, The Tea Party, won't ignore it. We know we must fix this once and for all. Right now! It has never been so important that the voice of real Americans be heard. We are -- and must be -- the opposition!


So, first and most important, I must have your signed CITIZEN PETITION returned to me immediately. Then I must add an additional 100,000 voices to yours. Only if we can collect a huge number of signed CITIZEN PETITION appeals along with yours...


...can we be sure that the House of Representatives and its Republican majority will understand that the country really means it and demands they stop their posturing and partisan bickering and derail and defund the biggest power grab in history before it's too late.


Please, take a moment right now to [request for and] sign and return your CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER to me today.


And with your signed CITIZEN PETITION I must ask you to include your best possible contribution to help The Tea Party build support for this nationwide project, and collect thousands and thousands of petitions from all across America.


We will need to raise at least $41,500 within the next month. At least that much. Taking on the President in this way is unprecedented. To be honest with you, I have absolutely no idea what obstacles we will have to overcome.


But I do know that The Tea Party is a name that makes them sit up and pay attention in the corridors of power. We are a force to be reckoned with and I know that with your help we can make sure Obama can never unleash his stolen powers.


We must raise at least $27,100 within the next 14 days or we will be forced to abandon this CITIZEN PETITION project that is so vital if we are to starve Obama's dictatorship plans.


So, please sit clown right now and send your most generous contribution to help me and The Tea Party save our America.


Please know that whatever you can afford would be a great help to this effort. If you can, please send $2,000 or $1,500, or maybe $1,000 or $500, or $250 or $100, or even $50 or $35 or $25. But whatever you can send, please know that it will be well used in this critical plan to rescue our nation.


Please, send your signed CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER and your contribution right away. Every day of delay is one less day we have to plan for America's future and our part in its transformation. There is no time to lose.


Thank you for your support. And God Bless America.



Steve Eichler, Chief Executive Officer

The Tea Party


P. S. Please [request for and] sign your CITIZEN PETITION TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO DERAIL OBAMA'S NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS EXECUTIVE ORDER and return it to me today. The future of America depends upon your support and the support of thousands of other regular Americans. Please believe that The Tea Party exists because you, the people of America, have spoken and we will not rest in our efforts to turn back the undemocratic, unconstitutional power grab being made by the socialist, Barack Hussein Obama. When The Tea Party speaks, Congress listens. your support is vitally important. Thank you. Steve (TTP, P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293).




(Sample Petition)






To: Speaker John Boehner, The U.S. House of Representatives,

H-232 The Capitol, Washington, DC 20515


Whereas our United States of America is a nation of laws and...


Whereas it is the House of Representatives' responsibility -- and your sworn duty -- to preserve and protect the Constitution, and...


Whereas the Founding Fathers were clear that the President of these great United States should never assume control as a King or Dictator, and...


Whereas Barack Hussein Obama has issued an Executive Order that gives him limitless powers in the event of an unspecified "National Emergency," and...


Whereas Americans expect their President to be open and honest and to uphold the U.S. law and its Constitution at all times and never seize power for their own advantage, and...


Whereas the Congress must step in to ensure the power grab is rendered neutral through the passage of legislation and the refusal to fund the policies of the Executive Order, therefore:


I, the undersigned, demand that the House of Representatives in its role as defender of the Constitution immediately pursue remedies to neutralize Executive Order: NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS of March 16th 2012.


Steve, here are my personal thoughts:




SIGNED .............................................. STATE ..................... DATE .....................