Steve Eichler

Chief Executive Officer

(TTP) The Tea Party

A project of State Department Watch, Ltd.

(P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293)


BREAKING NEWS: The Federal Government appoints 16,000 new employees to implement Obamacare.


TEA PARTY SPOILER: Not one of them is a doctor -- but they're all getting ready to give you a very personal annual examination.





Dear Friend and Patriot,


Did you hear? The Government is going to hire 16,500 new IRS agents to enforce your participation in that gigantic mistake called Obamacare. Don't take my word for it -- just ask the House Ways and Means Committee who came up with the figure.


That's right! 16,500 new federal employees whose business it will be to poke their noses into your personal business. It's outrageous, it's unconstitutional -- and it has to go.


Please, I must ask you to do two things -- right now -- to help save our America:


1. Please sign the enclosed IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE and return today in the envelope I have provided, and,


2. Please send your most generous gift to help The Tea Party push this fight to the limit in Washington, stop Obamacare and save our nation's future.


Just when you thought the news on Obamacare couldn't get any worse. Not only does the government website not work ...


... not only have the insurance companies cancelled coverage for just about everyone who used to be covered ...


... not only are doctors running away from this disaster faster than rats from a sinking ship


... and not only has Congress exempted itself from its provisions


... but now -- to add insult to injury -- the IRS is hiring 16,500 new personnel -- adding a massive deficit-boosting $881 million a year to their existing budget ...


... to ask you very personal questions about your health insurance.


So not only are they going to send you yet another darn tax form to fill out -- you'll also be expected to share private, personal health information with government bureaucrats!


That's why I, and The Tea Party, are going to take our very considerable power to Washington to convince Speaker Boehner that Congress must starve Obamacare right now. Some of its provisions have already kicked in and we must make sure no more see the light of day.


Please join with us. Just [request for,] sign and return the enclosed, confidential, IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE and rush it back to me in the envelope I've enclosed with this letter to you.


If you have any doubts about the dire consequences of Obamacare get this:


*  83% of all physicians have considered quitting because of the way Obamacare will affect them, and 90% feel healthcare is going in the wrong direction.


*  Hospitals all across the country are preparing to treat fewer patients.


*  Millions of people will lose perfectly good coverage because businesses are dropping health insurance for their employees and driving them to the expensive Government options.


I know that the U.S. healthcare system isn't perfect. But it's a heck of a lot better than anyone else's. And our doctors and hospitals are undoubtedly the best in the world -- that's why rich Europeans and ailing Third World Dictators all come to the good old U.S.A. when they need the best health care possible.


Don't fall for promises of "European-style healthcare."


People frequently die awaiting treatment from the National Health Service in the U.K.; or suffer for years while they await an operation in Greece; or are denied medical attention because they are too old, too damaged, or just too expensive to treat in countries all across the European Union.


Right now in America you pay your premiums, you see the doctor you want, and you get the great treatment you need, when you need it. That's not going to happen under Obamacare.


Which is why I must ask you to please lend your support to mine. Just [request for,] sign and return your IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE to me today.


According to the respected Forbes magazine, premiums have already gone up 41% because of Obamacare ... and companies everywhere are cutting health insurance from their benefits packages.


Think you can opt-out? Think again.


If an American person or family chooses not to purchase healthcare through Obamacare and decides to buy private insurance -- guess what? They'll get whacked with a penalty (tax). You have to help me stop this insanity. Please sign and return your IMMEDIATE DEMAND today.


And what about the future of healthcare delivery if the physicians are so against Obamacare? Here's what the respected business magazine Forbes has to say about the supply of doctors in the future:


Medical school admissions are down by 6% at a time when the Association of American Medical Colleges predicts a shortage of 160,000 by 2025. And the shortage of doctors who will work with Obamacare is far greater. Doctors who are already in practice will drop out of insurances, move to hospitals to work for a salary, or accept cash only. This trend will create a two-tiered system of health care ...


Wow! A two-tier system! Not enough doctors! Obama was very quiet about that, wasn't he? Plenty of new IRS agents -- but not enough doctors! We must stop this! We must send an urgent message back to Washington -- to the majority House Republican Party and especially our Tea Party patriots in Congress -- that we need them to step up and do their duty.


They absolutely must put a bullet in the head of this terrible plan ... and kill it once and for all.


Remember, it's the job of the House of Representatives to approve or deny every federal expenditure. And now it's time for them to get out the ax!


Please [request for,] sign and return your IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE to me today. I want your voice to be counted. It's time.


I want to collect your signed IMMEDIATE DEMAND and many thousands more from patriots all across our nation. Then I'll deliver them to Speaker Boehner's office, right there in the United States Capitol Building ...


... and I'll provide the results to all branches of the national news media: radio, cable, broadcast TV, newspapers and the internet -- as well as the power brokers within the Republican Party.


This IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE project will mandate an immediate cut-off of all funds-intended for the economy-destroying programs of Obamacare.


And we're going to ask our Tea Party Representatives to make it their business to turn undecided Congressmen and women against this massively damaging power grab by the socialist Obama regime.


We must keep pushing! The Democrats and RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) are all set to roll over and let Obama have his way. He knows it can't possibly work -- he's setting Obamacare up to fail so he can get the insurance companies out of the mix and move forward with nationalization of the healthcare industry and universal socialized medicine provided by the government.


We need real, small-government conservatives to stand up and be counted now, in this Congress, before it's too late. Time is running out. Already, one-third of doctors are not seeing new Medicaid patients ... and non-profit hospitals are doing the math and changing their status to for-profit so they can take more money from the government.


Let's fight this thing together. Please [request for and] send me your signed IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE immediately.


Then I must add an additional 100,000 voices to yours. Only if we can collect a huge number of signed IMMEDIATE DEMAND appeals along with yours ...


... can we be sure that the House of Representatives and its Republican majority will understand that the country really means it and they must fight for us on Capitol Hill and get on with saving our nation and protecting our future now, before it's too late.


Obamacare is too costly, badly planned and is destined to fail spectacularly. For the good of our nation, we must stop it.


So please, take a moment right now to [request for and] sign and return your IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE to me today.


And with your signed DEMAND I must ask you to include your best possible contribution to help The Tea Party build up support for this nationwide project, and collect thousands and thousands of petitions from all across America.


We don't get any government support, we depend entirely upon the generosity of great Americans like you. And, as a fellow Patriot, I am asking you to help me raise $65,670 within the next month.


This is going to be a dirty campaign and I have no idea what obstacles we will have to overcome. I do know that there will be severe pushback from the Democrats, RINOs and socialist liberals in Congress who long to control the 184 of the nation's economy we spend on healthcare.


The Tea Party Caucus members have already been in some brutal fights

on Capitol Hill and we're not giving up now!


Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, Jim Bridenstine and Justin Amash have been powerful adversaries but they need our help. We must give them ammunition -- the only type that Washington understands -- the sound of hundreds of thousands of outraged voters DEMANDING to be heard.


Please help me raise at least $41,120 within the next 14 days ... or I will be forced to abandon the IMMEDIATE DEMAND project to end Obamacare once and for all.


Please sit down right now and send your most generous contribution to help me and The Tea Party save our America. Please know that whatever you can afford would be a great help to this effort. If you can, please send $2,000 or $1,500, or maybe $1,000 or $500, or $250 or $100, or even $50 or $35 or $25. But please, whatever you can send, know that it will be well used in this critical plan to rescue our American healthcare system and save billions of dollars that will be wasted in this huge government takeover.


Please, send your signed IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE and your contribution right away. Every day of delay is one less day we have to save America's future. There is no time to lose.


Thank you for your support. And God Bless America.



Steve Eichler,

Chief Executive Officer

The Tea Party


P.S. Remember when Obama promised not to raise your taxes? Twelve new Obamacare taxes went into effect in 2013 with more to come. Remember when he said premiums would go down? They went up. Remember when he said you can keep your doctor? Enough with the lies! Please [request for and] sign your IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE and return it to me today. The future of our nation's health lies in the hands of this Congress. Please believe that The Tea Party exists because you, the people of America, have spoken and we will not rest in our efforts to fight for our America. Your support is vitally important. Thank you, Steve (TTP, P.O. Box 96293, Washington, DC 20090-6293).





Emergency Reply to

Steve Eichler

Chief Executive Officer

The Tea Party

P.O. Box 96293

Washington, DC 20090-6293


Your IMMEDIATE DEMAND TO SPEAKER JOHN BOEHNER TO CUT HOUSE FINANCING FOR OBAMACARE will be delivered directly to the office of Speaker John Boehner and the results shared with all branches of the national news media: radio, cable, television, newspapers and the internet. Thank you for your participation!


Yes, I will help underwrite the cost of this nationwide alert to the American people. I want to help The Tea Party with my maximum possible contribution in the amount of:



(Sample Petition)




To: Speaker John Boehner, the U.S. House of Representatives, H-232, The Capitol, Washington, DC 20515


Whereas our United States of America is a nation of laws and ...


Whereas it is the Constitutional responsibility of the House of Representatives to originate all spending and tax bills and ...


Whereas Obamacare (The Patient Protection Affordable Care Act) and represents a mammoth power by the of 18% of the nation's economy and grab government ...


Whereas Americans being forced to in Obamacare (tax) are participate or pay a penalty and ...


Whereas the government is using the nearly-unlimited power of the Internal Revenue Service to enforce Obamacare and ...


Whereas our medical profession, currently the finest in the world, is dead set against this government power grab, therefore:


I, the undersigned, demand that you, John Andrew Boehner, as Speaker of the House Representatives, do introduce an immediate review of all expenditures and end funding for any and every program related to Obamacare with immediate effect.


Here are my personal thoughts:




SIGNED .............................................. STATE ..................... DATE .....................


The Tea Party * P.O. Box 96293 * Washington, DC 20090-6293