James Carney

Founder and Chairman

Citizen Guardian

(P.O. Box 96302, DC 20090-6302)


National Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot

on a

Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care


Dear Fellow Taxpayer,


If you stand with the majority of Americans who oppose the massive, intrusive "Obamacare" Federal Health Care Bill – and massive tax hikes with it – your vote and opinions on the enclosed National font color="#ffc200">Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot are urgently needed.


It has been registered for your state and is for your vote only.


You'll also find enclosed an urgent Petition to your State Legislature that has been specially prepared for your signature.


Returning your Straw Poll and Petition within the next 7 days is extremely important. Your opinions will tell us whether you favor passage of a Constitutional Amendment that would overturn the Supreme Court ruling this is a tax – and stop this massive overreach of the Federal Government into our personal Health Care decisions and assault on our individual freedoms


... because it strips away our individual freedoms, forces you and me to toe the line to a massive new, government-run health care bureaucracy – and be fined, even jailed, if we don't.


But many political and legal experts agree – with no guarantee Congress will defund or repeal this monstrosity, a Constitutional Amendment is the sure way to repeal it.


It's no secret that President Obama will simply use his veto power on any congressional legislation to repeal Obamacare.


Yet, many political and Constitutional scholars warn if the Obama Administration's unprecedented federal power grab for socialist style control over our health care and assault on our personal [individual] freedoms is not repealed it will set a horrific precedent that will surely lead to other government "mandates" over our personal [health care] choices and liberties. (1, 2)  


The only SURE way the taxpaying majority can win this Big Government, socialist power-grab is by a state-by-state effort to force the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care.


A Constitutional Amendment cannot be vetoed by the President or a liberal Supreme Court!


That's why your help is needed as we here at Citizen Guardian spearhead this massive, nationwide grassroots campaign to repeal Obamacare through state initiatives like the one that we're gearing up in your state.


Your participation in this state-by-state National Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot and returning your signed Petition to your State Legislature are critical to this historic effort. So please take a moment to complete and return it in the envelope I've enclosed – today if possible.


Now many Americans are not aware that an Amendment to the U.S. Constitution can be adopted one of two ways. It can be sent to the states for ratification by a 2/3 majority vote by Congress.


Or, if Congress fails to vote the "public will", our Founding Fathers provided a way for citizens to take matters into our own hands when they wrote Article V in our Constitution.


Article V says two-thirds of the States can call a Constitutional Convention to pass the Amendment, and when ratified by 3/4 of the States, it becomes law of the land.


And I think you'll agree, if ever there were a time for us to utilize Article V that our brilliant Founders left to us and harness the power of the public MAJORITY – who do not want the Federal Government and a huge new bureaucracy dictating our health care decisions – it is now!


It will be a tough battle. And that's why I urgently need you and others I am writing to today to get behind this critical effort.


The battle lines are drawn:


On one side is the Obama Administration, their liberal allies in Congress, big Labor Union bosses, and a cadre of powerful special interests who believe Government knows "what is best" for us and our families.


As we've already witnessed, they are pushing their agenda rapid-fire to "transform" America into a vast, socialist welfare state – and keep themselves in power by currying favor with these big special interests that feed off the public trough.


And passage of this monstrous health care "reform" bill - despite massive majority opposition – is their cornerstone of creating a "new" society of European-styled Government dependency.


On the other side are you, me and the MAJORITY of Americans who believe in limited government, individual liberty, fiscal responsibility and low taxation – and who strongly believe individuals know what is best for them and their families - not the government.


And this principle – the cornerstone for the founding and success of our great Republic - will continue to be legislated away if we don't defend it now!


I think you can see why your individual participation is so important.


As I mentioned before, answering your Straw Poll and signing your Petition will only take a few minutes of your time today. It is enormously important to this unprecedented grassroots effort.


Now most people agree health care reform is needed. But every major poll shows the American majority is against this legislation and wanted Congress to repeal ObamaCare and start over.


I have witnessed first-hand exactly how Congress works and why these politicians run roughshod over majority opinion – and instead curry favor with powerful special interests.


My name is James Carney. I've been deeply involved in public policy in Washington for over 30 years. Never have I seen the kind of arrogance and complete disregard for American majority opinion as I have with the Obama Administration and their liberal allies in Congress...


...ramming this bill through despite majority opinion outcries against it by millions of everyday, freedom-loving Americans at Town Halls and "Tea Parties" across the country.


And that is why I founded Citizen Guardian.


Because the hard truth is REAL and long-lasting reforms to reduce the size and scope of government and restore honesty are not going to come from politicians in Congress – it will come only through coordinated citizen pressure from OUTSIDE Washington.


Now we here at Citizen Guardian have the people and the know-how to get the job done. We supported the efforts of the 26 States that filed lawsuits against Obamacare. And clearly, any legislation aimed at repealing Obamacare will not succeed as long as he is in office.


That's why we must take our battle to the STATE LEVEL – to "end run" around the Federal Government, Congress and the Obama Administration – to get a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care adopted:


FIRST: We must educate and mobilize millions of Americans with letters like this to create massive grassroots support behind the Amendment.


SECOND: We must print and distribute tens of millions of Straw Poll Ballots and Petitions aimed at State Legislatures all across the country calling for the Constitutional Convention to adopt the Amendment.


THIRD: We must create media attention as we barrage every State Legislature with the Petitions to create a firestorm of public support behind the Amendment. This includes issuing press-releases, taking out radio and even TV ads, if we can afford it.


FOURTH: Citizen Guardian must meet with State legislative leadership one-on-one and keep the pressure on them to get behind this critical national effort to preserve our Republic – and States rights!


I think you'll agree, with so many States "up-at-arms" about how Obamacare will bankrupt them, I feel confident that with millions of petitions signed by people like you we can get the 2/3 of the States needed to succeed behind the Amendment.


But we won't succeed without a lot of hard work and money to fund this historic grassroot Campaign to stop the federal bureaucrats from taking away our personal liberty over our own health care decisions. So I hope you will do your part.


To meet this challenge, we'll need to raise about $500,000 in the next 2 months. Now that's a lot of money – especially for a non-profit organization like Citizen Guardian.


But that is the cost to distribute and mail letters, Straw Polls and Petitions to just one million of your fellow Americans enlisting their help in pressuring their States to support the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care.


And in the coming weeks and months, we'll need to reach tens of millions - as many needed to win this battle.


We here at Citizen Guardian receive no government funding, so we must rely solely on voluntary contributions. We are careful how our money is spent. And today I have contacted only people like you who I thought would be most likely to help.


So in addition to completing your Straw Poll Ballot and signing your State Legislature Petition I hope I can count on you to enclose a generous contribution to our effort.


With the economy in shambles and creating financial hardships on so many people these days, I hesitate to suggest an amount to you.


But the financial hardships we face today will be a drop in the bucket compared to what this 2 TRILLION dollar Big Government, federal grab for power will cost us, our personal liberties and our wallets.


If you can afford to write a check for $25, we could reach 50 other of your fellow Americans and get them behind this effort. If you are able to send $50 or as much as $100 or more it would be a tremendous help. Even a donation of $15 would be deeply appreciated and put to work immediately.


Our biggest danger is if too many people think their contribution to this effort will not matter – when nothing could be further from the truth!


Remember, we are a citizen-based organization taking this bold step to ensure we put a permanent end to the Federal Government ever taking control of our personal health care decisions.


But we have our work cut out for us. We will do the legwork to make this happen, but we DO need to have good folks like you take just a few minutes today to get behind our effort.


As I said before, I could only afford to contact people like you today, who I thought would understand what is at stake and would be most likely to help.


So please – I hope you'll do your part by returning your National font color="#ffc200">Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot and your State Legislature Petition, today if at all possible.


Frankly, unless the American majority – people like you and me – pull together in every State to force the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care I shudder to think how the tentacles of an ever-expanding Federal Government will increase its stranglehold over the personal freedoms we hold dear ... while bankrupting our great nation.


Please – let me hear back from you today while it's fresh in your mind. I am eager to hear back from you and thank you in advance for doing your part in this critical and historic pro-citizen effort.



James Carney

Founder and Chairman


P.S. Remember, many political and legal experts agree – the only sure way to overturn oppressive and monstrous legislation - and to protect our individual freedoms from the long arms of an increasingly socialist Federal Government in the future – is if we, the American majority, force the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care as I detailed in my letter.


Never before have we been dealt such an assault on our individual freedomss – being forced to toe the line to a massive new, government-run Health Care bureaucracy – and be fined, even jailed, if we don't.


Completing your specially prepared National font color="#ffc200">Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot and your enclosed Petition to your State Legislature will only take a few minutes of your time – and are urgently needed back. And please be as generous as you possibly can to this unprecedented, historic grassroots effort to preserve our personal liberty! Thank you [Please request for "Straw Poll Ballot" (CG, P.O. Box 96302, Washington, D.C. 20090-6302)].





National font color="#ffc200">Constitutional Straw Poll Ballot


Issue: Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care (REPEAL OBAMACARE)


1.   Scientific polls show the majority of Americans are strongly opposed to the passage of the massive, 2 trillion dollar Federal Health Care Reform Bill, " Obamacare" – but politicians in Congress passed it anyway. Did you support the passage of the Federal Obamacare bill?

      Yes                   No                  Undecided


2.   No one, even the politicians who passed this monstrous 2,000 page legislation really knows the exact economic impact it will have on taxpayers or our nation. But they DO know it will drive up premiums, cut Medicare, reduce quality care, create over 100 NEW federal bureaucracies, impose the largest tax hike in history on the middle class, add a staggering burden to our massive national debt – and will infringe on personal liberties regarding one's own health care decisions.


Do you think Congress should start over on health care reform – using free-market, competitive solutions to reduce health care costs, without sacrificing of quality of care and personal choices... and without raising taxes?

      Yes                  No                  Undecided


3.   For the first time in America's history, the Federal Government is forcing us citizens to toe the line to a massive new government bureaucracy -- or be fined, even jailed.


Do you think this legislation sets a dangerous precedent for further intrusions by the Federal Government into our personal lives in the future?

      Yes                  No                  Undecided


4.   Many Constitutional scholars agree the only sure way is for the American majority to overturn this outrageous, socialistic bill is with a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care.


Do you support the idea of a Constitutional Amendment to stop the Federal Government from increasing its power over our individual liberties – and specifically, to protect our personal Health Care rights and freedoms – now, and in the future?

      Yes                  No                  Undecided


5.   Many citizens may not be aware our Founding Fathers provided Article V in our Constitution for the American majority to override Congress when necessary. It says two-thirds of the States can call a Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of adopting this Amendment, and when ratified by three-fourths of the States, it becomes law of the land, regardless of what politicians in Congress think.


Do you think we citizens should utilize Article V that our Founders left to us in the Constitution by getting our States to call a Constitutional Convention for the sole purpose of getting this Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Federal control of Health Care adopted?

      Yes                  No                  Undecided


6.   We here at Citizen Guardian are spearheading this National font color="#ffc200">Constitutional Straw Poll and State Legislature Petition-signing effort to harness the power of majority public opinion to overturn the massive Federal Health Care bill by adopting a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care.


We need to reach tens of millions of everyday Americans who oppose "Obamacare" and create massive pressure on the States for a Constitutional Convention to get thisAmendment adopted quickly.


Will you help us reach millions of your fellow citizens in your state and across America with Ballots and Petitions by making a contribution to help us pay for this unprecedented and historic pro-citizen effort?


   YES, I am making my maximum donation to help you pay for the costs to reach at least 2 million of my fellow taxpayers in the next 60 days to help enact the Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care in the amount of:






Whereas, every scientific national poll showed the vast majority of Americans did not want Congress to pass the massive, 2 trillion dollar Federal Health Care "reform" bill, but politicians in Congress passed it anyway,


Whereas, polls STILL show the vast majority of Americans oppose this massive expansion of Government and assault on their personal freedom to decide what's best for themselves and their families,


Whereas, passage of this legislation sets a dangerous precedent for future intrusions by an ever-expanding Federal Government over our individual liberty which is the cornerstone our Founders set in place for our great nation,


Whereas, 26 States filed lawsuits to overturn this outrageous legislation on the grounds it is unconstitutional. But instead, the Supreme Court deemed it a tax – in fact the most massive tax hike in history.


Whereas, the only sure way to overturn this dangerous legislation is by getting two-thirds of the State Legislatures to utilize Article V in our Constitution to call a Convention for the sole purpose of passing a Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Government control of Health Care. Even the President cannot veto a Constitutional Amendment passed "by the people",


I Now Therefore, as a Louisiana taxpayer and voter, respectfully and urgently request the Louisiana State Legislature to take the lead in becoming one of the States that will force the adoption of this badly-needed Amendment – to permanently preserve and protect us from this Federal power grab over our individual freedom and personal health care decisions.



