Shannon Goessling, Esq.

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel

(SLF) Southeastern Legal Foundation

(P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454)

(P.O. Box 96077, Washington, DC 20090)

... with Liberty and Justice for all


Obama's Unconstitutional Power Grab

OBAMA WANTS TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)!




8:11 PM, Friday, April 4, 2014


Dear Friend,


As one of Southeastern Legal Foundation's most loyal supporters, I need your immediate answer to this critical question . . .


. . .What is the U.S. Constitution worth to you?


I hope you'll say it's "priceless" because it is the foundation of our liberties and the guarantor that government is the servant of the American people and not our master!


Unfortunately, I know for a fact that Barack Obama doesn't see the Constitution that way. And that's exactly why our lawsuit against Obama pending in the U.S. Supreme Court is so important.


Obama sees the Constitution as "just words" that he has to work around to achieve his socialist paradise. In Obama's understanding, the Constitution doesn't exist to limit government and secure our freedoms. It exists to empower government to launch programs and "spread the wealth around."


Though he likes to deny it, everyone knows that deep down President Obama is a socialist. That's why Obama's Administration, through the office of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), has been fighting so hard to force an illegal energy tax on America.


Congress never voted to approve this energy tax. The American> people don't want this energy tax. But that doesn't matter because Obama claims the power to tax you and me without our consent.


Yes, Obama believes in TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! He wants to get his hands on our money so he can fund his massive expansion of government.


Our appeal now pending before the U.S. Supreme Court is the only thing that stands in his way. Because if Obama wins, he will have nearly unlimited power over the U.S. economy.


This is not a threat that's just over the horizon. NO This is happening now. Obama's bureaucrats in the EPA began drafting AND PUTTING INTO EFFECT regulations that significantly affect our economy way back on January 1, 2011.


Piece by piece these regulations are falling into place and as they do so they are slowly strangling the American economy. And the pattern is clear -- Barack Obama is waging a war against any type of energy that's not "green."


His actions are a clear and present danger to the health of our economy. If Obama succeeds in forcing his energy tax scheme on us, our economy will be at the mercy of his whims.


And we've already seen how Obama can blow through taxpayer money shoveling it into corrupt and bankrupt "green" energy companies that his friends run like Solyndra.


Our stand before the U.S. Supreme Court is the LAST CHANCE we have to stop Obama and his illegal actions. For SLF to continue to make our stand against Obama's Power Grab, I need your immediate help today. I can't do this alone.


In particular I need to know if I can count on you for another contribution of $10 or even as much as $15 or $20. Yes -- I need your support if SLF's bold legal challenge to President Obama is to be successful.


I do not expect Obama to go down without a fight. I firmly believe we will win our case before the U.S. Supreme Court, but that victory will only spark new battles.


I fully expect that Obama will order his EPA to delay, delay, delay any implementation of the Supreme Court's orders.


I also know that the Supreme Court may well send the case back to the lower court with special orders, so we'll be fighting again. That means we must be prepared to tackle Obama's obstructionism head on without wasting a moment.


Your donation of $10, $15, or even ensures that SLF is fully armed with the resources we need to hold Obama's feet to the fire! SLF's commitment to effectively pressing our case against Barack Obama and holding him responsible for his abuses of power is unmatched by any other organization in America today.


I'm truly proud to lead SLF and excited to guide it to fulfilling its mission to protect our constitutional rights and rule of law liberties. As a conservative who believes in the importance of the rule of law, I know that we cannot let Barack Obama get away with trampling on our U.S. Constitution.


To let him set the precedent that a president may raise taxes without the consent of Congress or the American people would be an immense danger to all of us. And that's why I'm hoping that you'll help out again today.


As we enter the critical stages of our legal case, I need to know if you will join me in going head-to-head with the leading lawyers of the Obama Administration. Please, will you help me again today?


I pray you answer "YES" because our free market system, our system of checks and balances, and fundamental constitutional liberties -- all are on the line in our legal case.


Your support of $10, $15, or $20 today will go a long way toward helping me build a strong legal case against Obama.


Our case is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court at this very moment. The next steps SLF takes -- and how aggressive we can be defending the Constitution from this out-of-control president -- are in your hands.


Bottom line -- the more you can help out today, the more effectively SLF can fight back against Obama's legal machine and his attempted Power Grab!


$10, $15, or $20 -- whatever you can give will be a real blessing to our work. Thank you for your time reading this letter. I look forward to seeing your envelope in the mail back to me.



Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    Please use the enclosed envelope to return your most generous gift of $10, $15, or $20 to SLF today.


          This case is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. At this critical moment your continued generous support is key to our efforts to stopping Obama from seizing complete control of our economy and our pocketbooks. So please be as generous as possible. Our legal team is counting on you (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Dear Fellow American,


[3-2014 letter] President Barack Obama is on the verge of ending our constitutional republic as we know it.


What's more, Obama's unprecedented Power Grab would undo the very basis of the American Revolution. Because Obama is attempting to seize power that no president has ever thought constitutional . . .




The American Revolution was fought exactly to stop this very outrage from happening. And yet here is President Obama stylizing himself more like a king who can lay and collect taxes without our consent.


My friend, Obama must be stopped.


And that's why Southeastern Legal Foundation -- your advocate for freedom in the courts -- has a case of enormous significance pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. Our lawsuit against Obama will stop him dead in his tracks.


And it will end Obama's attempt to subvert the U.S. Constitution and seize more power for himself. If you've had enough of Obama running roughshod over the U.S. Constitution, then I need you to sign your HOLD Obama ACCOUNTABLE pledge and join our lawsuit.


Currently, 12 Congressmen are co-plaintiffs with us on this case, including Representatives Michele Bachmann, Paul Broun, P Lynn Westmoreland, Steve King, Marsha Blackburn, and others.


These Congressmen are outraged by Obama's complete lack of respect for the rule of law and the Constitution's limitations on executive power.


The heart of our lawsuit is this . . . Barack Obama is grabbing at dictatorial powers that will impose a dysfunctional Soviet-style command and control economy on America.




By forcing an energy regulation tax on you and me. These energy regulation taxes were never approved by either House of the U.S. Congress.


Instead, Obama is implanting them through an unaccountable regulatory body that he controls: the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This is not a threat that's far off in future.




Beginning in January 2011, Obama illegally decreed that the EPA could lay and collect taxes without our consent. Since that time the EPA has been issuing regulations and putting the framework in place for this massive tax hike.


What will be the result of Obama's Power Grab? . . .


* * * An average family of four will see their taxes spike $258 a month -- over $3,000 a year.


* * * The free market system as we know it will be dead. Obama will have unlimited power to shut down any business or company that doesn't meet his arbitrary environmental standards.


* * * The coffers of the government will overflow with revenue. Obama will use these funds to transform America into his vision of a socialist paradise by "spreading your money around."


* * * We will face a constitutional crisis unlike one we've ever faced. We've never had a president so bent on undermining the rule of law.


It's not exaggeration to say that Obama is trying to end America as we know it.


The one issue that mattered more to the Founding Fathers than any other was the idea that taxes could not be levied without the consent of the people. But Obama claims he can do just that.


As the Supreme Court has recognized, "The power to tax is the power to destroy."


If Obama successfully seizes the power to unilaterally impose taxes on Americans, the U.S. Constitution itself will be destroyed.


That's why Southeastern Legal Foundation has pounded on Obama's abuses of power with hammer and tong. And unlike any other organization, we have experience in taking on -- and beating -- liberal presidents before the judicial bench!


You see, one of our greatest victories was holding Bill Clinton accountable for lying under oath in the Monica Lewinsky affair. We took him to court and had Clinton disbarred -- the only punishment he suffered for his corrupt presidency.


Since 1976 SLF has been at the forefront of defending the Constitution and our conservative values. SLF knows how to advance our conservative agenda not only before a judge but also in the "Court of Public Opinion."


Every victory against a liberal president who defied the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law always came about because we could rely on the enthusiastic support of patriotic Americans like you.


Will you help us hold Barack Obama accountable for his multiple and serious violations of the rule of law? If you say yes, then I need you to join our lawsuit by signing your urgent HOLD Obama ACCOUNTABLE pledge right now.


Then I need you to put muscle behind your commitment by rushing back an urgent donation for $25, $35, or $50 today.




This fight is happening right now and will have an immediate impact on your pocketbook, the economy, and the survival of the U.S. Constitution. SLF must have the resources we need to fight and win this landmark case.


I have budgeted no less than $3.5 million dollars for our litigation -- that includes not only arguing the case before the U.S. Supreme Court but the anticipated appeals in lower courts over the ruling which we will be fighting for years to come.


Yes, that is a large amount of money. But what price would you put on saving our constitutional system from the ravages of Barack Obama?


Never before has a president so brazenly defied the U.S. Constitution. But then again, Barack Obama is not like any other president we've ever had.


Obama thinks he is above the law . . . even when that law is the U.S. Constitution.


Our lawsuit is about saving our constitutional republic from the ravages of Obama's lawlessness. So, please, sign your HOLD Obama ACCOUNTABLE pledge indicating you will join this fight with me. And then return it with your best possible gift for SLF.


Your tax-deductible donation is crucial to forcing Obama to abide by the U.S. Constitution. Whatever you can send -- $25, $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more -- it's crucial you send it right away.


Our lawsuit is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court so now is the time to give. And if we lose this lawsuit, we lose America. Don't let that happen!


For the rule of law,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    Obama threatens to undo the American Revolution and return us to a time when king could force TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION on us. Help us stop Obama before he ends America as we know it. I need your emergency donation of $25, $35, or $50 today.


[Please request for HOLD Obama ACCOUNTABLE pledge! (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454)




Dear Friend,


Since I first wrote the enclosed letter, there have been critical developments in Southeastern Legal Foundation's case against Barack Obama.




This is a huge deal. The Supreme Court takes up only 1 in 10,000 cases that petition for a hearing. 1 in 10,000. And the cases it takes are of the utmost national importance, as SLF's case is. Because SLF's lawsuit against Obama has the potential to shake the Obama Administration to the core.


Obama and his legions of government-paid lawyers did everything in their power to stop us when we first filed our lawsuit three years ago.


They threw sand in the gears of the legal machinery.


They asked for delay after delay to shut us down.


They withheld every piece of evidence from us they could for as long as they could get away with.




Because they are scared by our lawsuit. They are terrified that the American people are catching on to Obama's out-of-control administration. And the simple fact is Obama does not want to be held accountable to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law.


Indeed, this is the most lawless presidential administration in our lifetimes.


Obama's Administration and Environmental Protection Agency are engaged in the biggest scandal of all -- trying to subvert our free market system and put a socialist command-and-control monstrosity in its place.


Yes, Obama wants to ABOLISH the free market system that made and sustains America's prosperity.


If Obama succeeds, our economy will be reduced to a dysfunctional Soviet-style command-and-control economy that penalizes industry and destroys jobs.


With total control of the economy under his thumb, Obama will DESTROY any business or even industry he doesn't like.


If Obama defeats SLF at the U.S. Supreme Court, his power over the economy will be on steroids -- and nearly unstoppable.


Obama is not a normal president who plays by the rules. He breaks the rules and ignores the Constitution whenever it suits him.


Political checks have been powerless to stop him. conservatives in both the House and Senate are unfortunately just not strong enough to stand up to him.


Our lawsuit before the U.S. Supreme Court is the ONLY MEANS left to stop Obama.


There is NO OTHER WAY -- NONE!


If we fail, Obama will launch a transformation of the economy that will dwarf what he's doing through ObamaCare!


I need your help not just with our U.S. Supreme Court case against Obama but all the legal actions we will take following up with it to hold Obama accountable.


Thank you for your time and please read the enclosed letter explaining SLF's case in more depth.



Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    Our U.S. Supreme Court Case Number is 12-1268 (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Southeastern Legal Foundation, Inc.,

U.S. Representative Dana Rohrabacher (CA–46th),

U.S. Representative John Shimkus (IL–19th),

U.S. Representative Phil Gingrey (GA–11th),

U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland (GA–3rd),

U.S. Representative Tom Price (GA–6th),

U.S. Representative Paul Broun (GA–10th),

U.S. Representative Steve King (IA–5th),

U.S. Representative Jack Kingston (GA–lst),

U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann (MN–6th),

U.S. Representative Kevin Brady (TX–8th),

U.S. Representative John Shadegg (AZ–3rd),

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (TN–7th),

The Langdale Company; Langdale Forest Products Company;

Langdale Farms, LLC; Langdale Fuel Company;

Langdale Chevrolet – Pontiac, Inc.; Langdale Ford Company;

Langboard, Inc. – MDF; Langboard, Inc. – OSB;

Georgia Motor Trucking Association, Inc.;

Collins Industries, Inc.; Collins Trucking Company, Inc.;

Kennesaw Transportation, Inc.;

J&M Tank Lines, Inc.;

Southeast Trailer Mart, Inc.;

Georgia Agribusiness Council, Inc.,




President Barack Obama

United States Environmental Protection Agency



Dear Fellow American,


Isn't it time somebody hauled President Barack Obama before a court of law to stop his illegal assault on our Constitution?


I hope you're one of the people who shouts "YES!" to a question like that. Because Southeastern Legal Foundation is going on the offensive against Barack Obama and his multiple abuses of power.


We're joined in  this-lawsuit by some of the leading lights of the conservative movement in Congress, including Representatives Michele Bachmann, Paul Broun, Lynn Westmoreland, Steve King, Marsha Blackburn, and others.


These Congressmen are outraged by Obama's complete lack of respect for the rule of law and the Constitution's limitations on executive power.


And like you they're not afraid to fight back against Obama before he wrecks our Constitution in pursuit of his radical dream of "changing" America into a socialist utopia.


Our lawsuit goes straight to the heart of Obama's illegal .


You see, Barack Obama is claiming the power to unilaterally lay taxes on the American people without the approval of Congress. Yes, Obama literally wants taxation without representation!


Our Revolutionary War for Independence was fought exactly to stop this very outrage from happening. And yet here is President Obama stylizing himself more like a king who can lay and collect taxes without our consent.


My friend, Obama must be stopped.


That's why I hope you'll take a moment right now to endorse our fight against Obama's unconstitutional attempts to seize power.


Please sign your Endorsement of Litigation against Obama to let me know that you support our historic lawsuit to hold Obama accountable to the rule of law.


If you will lend me just two minutes of your time now, I'll explain in a little more detail exactly how Obama is undermining our constitutional order.


As mentioned, the Constitution specifies that only Congress and the president working together can lay and collect taxes of any kind (Art. I, Sec. 7-8).


What is absolutely prohibited is the president raising taxes on his sole authority. But that's exactly what Barack Barack Obama is attempting to do.


Obama is doing an end run around the Constitution so he can implement so-called regulatory taxes. These regulatory taxes — which I promise you will take just as big a bite out of your pocketbook as regular taxeswill be on fossil fuel energy usage (1, 2, 3).


Sometimes these regulatory taxes on fossil fuel usage are also called a "cap and trade" system (1, 2, 3, 4). But whatever they're called, the entire point of these taxes is to make energy more expensive for Americans so that they will scale back on what Obama thinks is our "excessive" way of life.


As a candidate Obama bragged, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."


Now that he's in the White House, Obama is using the EPA to force his tax-hiking scheme on America without our consent or the approval of Congress.


In fact, Obama's energy tax proposals are too radical for even the far-left liberals in Congress to consider passing. The damage that Obama's energy taxes will inflict on America will be massive.


First, there is the damage to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law in our democratic republic.


If Obama can lay and collect taxes on us without the authorization of Congress, everything the Founding Fathers fought for in the Revolutionary War will be undone.


We'll have lost the protections of the Constitution that the Founding Fathers and their generation fought and died for. And we'll be at the mercy of presidents with unbounded power to raise as much money as they want, however they want, without our consent.


Second, Obama's Power Grab threatens our free market system. Not only is Obama trying to collect an unconstitutional tax, but he is also seizing immense power over the private sector.


Obama and his EPA are claiming the power to shut down any business or company that doesn't meet its arbitrary environmental standards.


Obama is grabbing at dictatorial powers that will impose a dysfunctional Soviet-style command and control economy on America.


Third, Obama's tax hike will do tremendous damage to your pocketbook. It's estimated that it will cost each family $258 a month — that's over $3,000 a year in new taxes!


And that doesn't even account for the estimates that it will destroy 4 million American jobs or the reduced standard of living it will force on us.


Let's not forget that Obama's energy tax is going to be used . . .




Obama's energy tax is crucial to funding the transformation of America into a "Socialist Paradise." I would like to tell you that this threat is months or even years away, but the truth is just the opposite.


On January 1, 2011, the EPA, at Obama's direction, began unilaterally imposing these energy tax regulations on America — without Congressional approval!


We're fast approaching a constitutional crisis — one that Obama is provoking!


But don't lose hope! Southeastern Legal Foundation is committed to making Barack Obama submit to the rule of law. And unlike any other organization, we have experience in taking on — and beating — liberal presidents before the judicial bench!


You see, one of our greatest victories was holding Bill Clinton accountable for lying under oath in the Monica Lewinsky affair. We took him to court and had-Clinton disbarred — the only punishment he suffered for his corrupt presidency.


Since 1976 Southeastern Legal Foundation has been at the forefront of defending the Constitution and our conservative values.


More than any other public interest law firm, SLF knows how to advance our conservative agenda not only before a judge but also in the "Court of Public Opinion." Take a look at our dedicated website to see blockbuster scientific, legal and media information to stay informed —


Every victory against a liberal president who defied the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law always came about because we could rely on the enthusiastic support of patriotic Americans like you.


Will you help us hold Barack Obama accountable for his multiple and serious violations of the rule of law?


If you say yes, then I need you to join our litigation by signing your urgent "Endorsement of Litigation" right now. Then I need you to put muscle behind your commitment by rushing back an urgent donation for $25, $35, or $50 today.


I have budgeted no less than $3.5 million dollars for our litigation — that includes three years to run through the entire federal court system with an anticipated appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Yes, that is a large amount of money. But what price would you put on saving our constitutional system from the ravages of Barack Obama?


Never before has a president so brazenly defied the black letter law of the U.S. Constitution. But then again, Barack Obama is not like any other president we've ever had.


Obama thinks he is above the law. And he'll be proven right about that if we don't vigorously prosecute our litigation against his power-power administration. Obama must be stopped. He will be stopped. And our litigation can stop him.


If you can contribute more to our unprecedented litigation, then I ask that you do that, whether it's $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or more.


I know that this is a major sacrifice. But we cannot allow Barack Obama to destroy in one presidency our system of constitutional government that generations of Americans sacrificed to establish and protect.


The future of in the balance. Don't let Obama get away with this unconstitutional Power Grab.


As Chief Justice John Marshall said in 1832 in McColluch v. Maryland, "The power to tax is the power to destroy."


If Obama successfully seizes the power to unilaterally impose taxes on Americnsa, we will be entirely at his mercy. I sincerely hope you will join our fight and defend our Constitution from Obama's blatant Power Grab


For the ru1e of Law,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P. S.   No man is above the law — especially not Barack Obama. Obama's abuse of power violates our Constitution and it's time we held him accountable. Sign your [requested] "Endorsement of Litigation." It's key to stopping Obama's socialist transformation of America. Then rush your response back with donation of $35, more to support our historic lawsuit (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Obama's Unconstitutional Power Grab


Edwin Meese III

President Ronald Reagan's Attorney General



Dear Fellow American,


[2-2014 partial letter] When I was Attorney General under Ronald Reagan, the U.S. Constitution. was our North Star by which we charted course.


I never thought I would see the day when a President could blatantly flout the founding document of the United States. But that day has come with Barack Obama and I am afraid he will get away with it . . .


 . . .unless you join me in holding him accountable!


Thanks to our liberal leaning media, most of America does not even know just how far Obama has strayed from his constitutional authority or just how much power he has wrongly usurped for himself.


Luckily, there are still some people brave enough to stand up for our U.S. Constitution, even against the President of the United States. And those are the people at the Southeastern Legal Foundation.


They are taking Barack Obama to court for his out-and-out Unconstitutional Power Grab, and they are counting on you to join them . . .


After all, isn't it time someone did [hold Obama accountable for his unprecedented Power Grab]?


Here's the crux of the issue. Last year Obama granted a regulatory agency the EPA the illegal power to levy an energy tax on American businesses without passing a law through Congress.


Oh, Obama tried to get Congress to pass it as law. But even a Democrat-led Congress would touch this tax with a ten-foot pole. When Obama tried to force this bill through Congress, it failed by a, wide vote.


Maybe you heard of it, it was known as "cap and trade." The President's plan was to cap the carbon emissions American businesses were allowed to produce.


In truth it was an energy tax and Congress was right to reject it. Passing the bill would have stifled the United States' economy, driven energy prices through the roof, and completely altered the American way-of-life — all for no environmental benefit.


But Obama is so committed to his radical environmental agenda that when his "cap and trade" bill failed, he decided to do an end run around Congress.


Obama, with no authority whatsoever, granted the EPA the power to levy A "regulatory tax" on businesses that are out of compliance with arbitrary energy standards.


The first regulations for this new "regulatory tax" were issued last year! The worst part is the complete media silence. I have not seen one credible media report detailing Obama's unconstitutional Power Grab.


I never thought I would see such an out-of-control president. I never thought I would see the media turn a completely blind eye to a blatant abuse of power by a sitting president — and in my career, I have seen a lot.


The truth is Obama thinks no one will call him on it! But he doesn't know much about the Southeastern Legal Foundation. If he wants to find out just how effective SLF really is, he can ask his good friend President William Jefferson Clinton.


Southeastern Legal Foundation had Bill Clinton disbarred as a lawyer for his perjury in the Monica Lewinsky investigation the only punishment he received for lying under oath.


SLF has the legal courage and the experience to successfully challenge a liberal president — they've done it in the past, and they're doing it again . . . 


But they are counting on your help. So please, read the [following] enclosed letter from the Southeastern Legal Foundation. Then follow the steps outlined in the letter to help hold Obama accountable once and for all.


Isn't it time someone stands up for the United States of America? Please join SLF and help protect the Constitution from the most power grabbing president in history.



Ed Meese


P. S.   Hold Barack Obama accountable for his unconstitutional Power Grab: support the biggest lawsuit against him! To find out how, read the [following] letter from the Southeastern Legal Foundation. And then follow the steps to help stop Obama's blatant disregard for the rule of law (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Shannon Goessling, Esq.

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel

(SLF) Southeastern Legal Foundation

(P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454)

(P.O. Box 96077, Washington, DC 20090)

... with Liberty and Justice for all


Obama's unconstitutional Power Grab








Dear Fellow American,


Thank you for reading Attorney General Ed Meese's letter. As Attorney General Meese mentioned, Southeastern Legal Foundation is locked in a high stakes legal battle against President Barack Obama.


The importance of winning this case cannot be overstated. Because it is time that we held Obama accountable for his illegal assault on our Constitution and his multiple abuses of power.


In addition to Attorney General Meese's support, some of the leading lights of the conservative movement in Congress have signed on to our case as plaintiffs . . . including Representatives Michele Bachmann, Paul Broun, Lynn Westmoreland, Steve King, Marsha Blackburn, and others.


These Congressmen are outraged by Obama's complete lack of respect for the rule of law and the Constitution's limitations on executive power. And like you they're not afraid to fight back against Obama before he wrecks our Constitution in pursuit of his radical dream of "changing" America into a socialist utopia.


Our lawsuit goes straight to the heart of Obama's illegal Power Grab.


You see, Barack Obama is claiming the power to unilaterally lay taxes on the American people without the approval of Congress.


Yes, Obama literally wants taxation without representation!


Our Revolutionary War for Independence was fought exactly to stop this very outrage from happening. And yet here is President Obama stylizing himself more like a king who can lay and collect taxes without our consent.


My friend, Obama must be stopped.


And if you will lend me just two minutes of your time now, I'll explain in a little more detail exactly how Obama is undermining our constitutional order and how we can stop him.


As mentioned, the Constitution specifies that only Congress and the president working together can lay and collect taxes of any kind (Art. I, Sec. 7-8).


What is absolutely prohibited is the president raising taxes on his sole authority.


But that's exactly what Barack Obama is attempting to do. Obama is doing an end run around the Constitution so he can implement so-called "regulatory taxes."


These regulatory taxes — which I promise you will take just as big a bite out of your pocketbook as regular taxes — will be on fossil fuel energy usage.


Sometimes these regulatory taxes on fossil fuel usage are also called a "cap and trade" system. But whatever they're called, the entire point of these taxes is to make energy more expensive for Americans so that they will scale back on what Obama thinks is our "excessive" way of life.


As a candidate Obama bragged, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."


Now that he's in the White House, Obama is using the EPA to force his tax-hiking scheme on America without our consent or the approval of Congress. The damage that Obama's energy taxes will inflict on America will be massive.


First, there is the damage to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law in our democratic republic. If Obama can lay and collect taxes on us without the authorization of Congress, everything the Founding Fathers fought for in the Revolutionary War will be undone.


We'll be at the mercy of presidents with unbounded power to raise as much money as they want, however they want, without our consent.


Second, Obama's Power Grab threatens our free market system. Not only is Obama trying to collect an unconstitutional tax, but he is also seizing immense power over the private sector.


Obama and his EPA are claiming the power to shut down any business or company that doesn't meet its arbitrary environmental standards.


Obama is grabbing at dictatorial powers that will impose a dysfunctional Soviet-style command and control economy on America.


Third, Obama's tax hike will do tremendous damage to your pocketbook. It's estimated that it will cost each family $258 a month — that's over $3,000 a year in new taxes!


And that doesn't even account for the estimates that it will destroy 4 million American jobs or the reduced standard of living it will force on us. Let's not forget that Obama's energy tax is going to be used . . .




Obama's energy tax is crucial to funding the transformation of America into a "Socialist Paradise." I would like to tell you that this threat is months or even years away, but the truth is just the opposite.


On January 1, 2011, the EPA, at Obama's direction, began unilaterally imposing these energy tax regulations on America – without Congressional approval!


We're fast approaching a constitutional crisis – one that Obama is provoking!


But don't lose hope! Southeastern Legal Foundation is committed to making Barack Obama submit to the rule of law.


Since 1976 Southeastern Legal Foundation has been at the forefront of defending the Constitution and our conservative values. More than any other public interest law firm, SLF knows how to advance our conservative agenda not only before a judge but also in the "Court of Public Opinion."


Every one of our past legal victories came about because we could rely on the support of patriotic Americans like you. Will you help us hold Barack Obama accountable for his multiple and serious violations of the rule of law?


If you say yes, then I need you to join our litigation by signing . . . urgent "Endorsement of Litigation" right now. Then I need you to put muscle behind your commitment by rushing back an urgent donation . . . I have budgeted no less than $3.5 million dollars for our litigation – that includes arguing our case before the U.S. Supreme Court.


Yes, that is a large amount of money. But what price would you put on saving our constitutional system from the ravages of Barack Obama?


Never before has a president so brazenly defied the black letter law of the U.S. Constitution. But then again, Barack Obama is not like any other president we've ever had.


Obama thinks he is above the law. And he'll be proven right about that if we don't vigorously prosecute our litigation against his power administration.


Obama must be stopped. He will be stopped. And our litigation can stop him.


If you can contribute more to our unprecedented litigation, then I ask that you do that, whether its $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more.


Don't let Obama get away with this unconstitutional Power Grab.


I sincerely hope you will join Attorney General Meese and SLF's fight and defend our Constitution from Obama's blatant Power Grab.


For the rule of law,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    No man is above the law – especially not Barack Obama. Obama's abuse of power violates our Constitution and it's time we held him accountable. [Request for  and] Sign your "Endorsement of Litigation." It's key to stopping Obama's socialist transformation of America. Then rush your response back with a donation of $25, $35, $50 or more to support our historic lawsuit (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Dear Friend,


[2-2014 partial letter] . . . In just a few short weeks the highest court in the land, the United State Supreme Court, will hear arguments in our case to stop President Obama and his out-of-control Environmental Protection Agency.


Your strong support of SLF has helped us produce a vital Merits Brief to the Supreme Court . . . My friend, the stakes in this case were high from the very beginning -- and now they're even higher.


Not only are we fighting to hold Obama accountable to the rule of law . . . and not only are we battling to stop his plan for TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION . . . but now we must stop Obama to avoid a CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS!


Obama simply does not believe in the separation of powers or checks and balances that the U.S. Constitution set up like you and I do.


From the beginning, he has fought any review of his actions in our case against him -- even at one point arguing that the 15596 federal courts should not review the constitutionality of Obama's actions!


Rather, Obama's lawyers said the courts should sit on their hands while Obama and his bureaucrats do whatever they want! This incredibly dangerous argument shows exactly how much respect Obama has for the rule of law . . .




Thankfully, conservatives around the country are waking up to the immense threat Obama's actions pose to our U.S. Constitution.


Some of the leading lights of the conservative movement, including Representatives Michele Bachmann, Paul Broun, Lynn Westmoreland, Steve King, and Marsha Blackburn among others, are parties to our Supreme Court lawsuit. This is the most important lawsuit we have brought in our 38-year history!



These Congress are outraged by Obama's complete lack of respect for the rule of law and the Constitution's limitations on executive power. And like you, they're not afraid to fight back against Obama before he wrecks our Constitution in pursuit of his radical dream of "changing" America into a socialist utopia.


Make no mistake about Obama's plans to transform America, My friend . . . because Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is working to force his socialist economic model on America through new "regulatory" taxes.

Obama wants to unilaterally impose on us. Obama's plans are an outrageous Power Grab.


The consequences for the country would be dire if Obama wins this Supreme Court case and forces his way on the country. The American people, through Congress, have not consented to Obama's "regulatory" taxes.


They are illegal. They are unconstitutional. And they effectively REPEAL the American Revolution.


Because the American Revolution was fought under the banner of NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.


But the fallout from an Obama victory gets worse. Because an Obama victory would mean the president will have a weapon he can use to punish his enemies, reward his friends, and complete the socialization of our country.


You'll pay hundreds of dollars more per month to Obama that he will in turn use to "spread the wealth around." Obama has never been shy about his plan to hike our energy prices by new taxes.


As a candidate for president, Obama flatly said, "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."


Now Obama's EPA is doing his dirty work of imposing job-killing regulations on America – without even a vote in Congress on the matter!


Obama does not believe in our free market system. His plan to collect regulatory taxes will give him dictatorial powers and impose a dysfunctional Soviet-style command and control economy on America.


We cannot let that happen.


The fate of our U.S. Constitution hangs in the balance and it's our duty to stop Obama before he undermines our basic constitutional freedoms. There are no second chances for our children and grandchildren.


If we fail -- if we do not stop Obama's assault on the American experiment -- we will not have a free country to pass on to future generations. Nothing less than the fate of America is at stake in our Supreme Court case against Obama.


Losing is not an option . . .


My friend, I need a firm commitment from you today that you will support our cause as we move forward. There is no higher court than the Supreme Court.


This is DO OR DIE for us . . .


. . . and do or die quite possibly for our Constitution. Because if we cannot stop Obama from breaking the principle the American Revolution was fought for -- NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION -- then Obama will have put our Constitution through the shredder . . .


I need your support at this critical time to defeat Obama, My friend. Thank you.


For the rule of law,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    Our case against Obama is before the U.S. Supreme Court. This is it. This is the moment when I need all my I supporters to dig deeper than ever before and give to save our country . . . (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Reckoning for Barack Obama and His power-hungry Administration


Dear Friend,


[1-2014 letter] In this New Year I am very thankful for all the supporters of Southeastern Legal Foundation. Because this New Year is beginning with a bang.


In a little over a month our case against Barack Obama will be heard by the U.S. Supreme Court. The showdown we've all been waiting for is finally here.


We are getting our day in court . . . and we need to make sure it's a day of reckoning for Barack Obama and his power-hungry administration.


It's time for us to roll up our sleeves and get to work stopping this president from completely shredding the U.S. Constitution and our system of limited government.


Time and time again Obama has ignored the black letter of the law when it has suited his purposes . . .


* * When ObamaCare's provisions couldn't be met, he illegally waived half of them, caused legal chaos, and is forcing 5 million people to lose their health insurance.


* * When hundreds of Tea Party groups prepared to mobilize for the 2012 elections, he sicced the IRS on them and sidelined them until he could win at the polls.


* * When Congress didn't pass Amnesty, Obama simply stopped enforcing the law, released thousands of detained illegal aliens, and granted de facto Amnesty to one million illegal aliens.


Obama is the most lawless president in American history . . .

And yet the political process has not been able to stop any one of these outrageous abuses. NOT ONE.


Obama defies Congress with impunity -- but he cannot ignore the U.S. Supreme Court.


SLE'S lawsuit is the ONLY WAY to get Obama under control. And our lawsuit targets Obama's WORST ABUSE OF POWER -- worse than ObamaCare, worse than the IRS scandal, worse than Amnesty.


It is literally impossible to overstate the importance of winning this lawsuit against Obama. Because Obama is claiming the power -- through the Environmental Protection Agency -- to regulate EVERY ASPECT OF OUR ECONOMY.


Obama is seizing the power to socialize our entire economy. And he's doing it by unilaterally and unconstitutionally imposing taxes on energy -- and he says Congress doesn't have to consent to these taxes.




This is a dictatorial Power Grab, the likes of which we've never seen. It shreds the Constitution. It tramples over the people's right to self-government (1).


And it's happening now.


This isn't something Obama is threatening to do -- it is something he is doing. Beginning on January 1, 2011, his administration began issuing the regulations he needs to impose these illegal energy taxes.


If we lose this case before the U.S. Supreme Court, then I promise you that within months you will see a startling socialist takeover of our economy. This is the "fundamentally transform" Obama promised.


Obama is on the verge of fundamentally transform wiping out America's free market system by imposing arbitrary energy taxes on whatever businesses and industries he wants.




That's why I desperately need you to renew your support for SLF with a generous contribution of $10, $15, or $20. Remember, in just a few weeks our case goes to the U.S. Supreme Court. Please do not delay your donation!


I've enclosed a STAMPED ENVELOPE so you can rush me your response in the next 72 hours. Everything we love about America is at stake in our lawsuit against Obama.


Because, if Obama can destroy our free market and obliterate the Constitution's protections against taxation without representation . . . he can take away every other right and freedom we have.


I will not go quietly into Obama's dark socialist night. And I need you to stand with me. I'm really hoping you will give $15 today -- 50% more than your previous gift -- because our case is so urgent and the stakes are so high.


Whatever you can give, I am counting on you . . . today. I can't afford to lose such a strong ally as you just as we get to our long-awaited showdown with Obama.


We can beat him. We can deliver a knockout blow to Obama's lawless administration. I just need your help today.


Happy New Year,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    This is do-or-die time -- not just for SLF, but for our Constitution and our freedoms. If Obama beats us before the U.S. Supreme Court, he will have destroyed our constitutional system of government and have a free hand to END America's free market system. I'm counting on you to renew your support with a $10, $15, or $20 donation today. Thank you for your continued support (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




December 2, 2013


Dear Friend,


[12-2-2013 partial letter] . . .Our case is the most important case to come before the Supreme Court in decades -- more important than even ObamaCare. I know that's a bold thing to say, but it's true.


ObamaCare threatens a government takeover of 1/6th of the U.S. economy . . . but if Obama defeats our Supreme Court case, he will have the power to take over ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the economy!


Yes, if Obama wins he will control the entire economy just like socialist countries do.


And yes, we can stop Obama.


But, at the exact same moment that we're on the verge of holding Obama accountablefor his multiple power . . . I'm facing a crisis of immense proportions.


In the last 3 months, 25,847 people I thought I could count on to support Southeastern Legal Foundation have abandoned me. And to my horror, donations to SLF have fallen far short of what we need to defeat Obama before the U.S. Supreme Court.


The financial support I was counting on to fund our legal efforts just isn't there. We're over $235,000 short of our goal for the end of the year! . . .


It's not an exaggeration to say that Obama wants to repeal the American Revolution. What do I mean by that? Well, the Founding Fathers fought to be free of the tyranny of TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION.


This principle is written into the Constitution -- Congress, representing the people, must consent to ALL taxes.


But Obama thinks he's found a loophole. He is using his presidential power to direct an executive agency, namely the Environmental Protection Agency [EPA], to levy massive "regulatory taxes" on energy usage.


This is not a threat that's just over the horizon . . .


. . . it's happening now.


On January 1, 2011, Obama's Environmental Protection Agency began unilaterally imposing energy tax regulations on America.


When these regulations are fully implemented, our economy will be under the thumb of unelected bureaucrats who report to president who is hostile to our free market economy.


Obama will have the power to CRUSH businesses and even entire industries that he doesn't like. In fact, it's not an exaggeration to say that we'll be living in a "command-and-control" economy that harkens back to the planning of the Soviet Union.


Our Supreme Court case is the ONLY thing standing in the way of Obama's desire to totally dominate and destroy America's free market. Winning this case is DO or DIE for the cause of liberty . . .


We've come so far together. Thanks to you we managed to navigate this case first through the D.C. District Court of Appeals and then secure a 1-in-1,000 chance to argue before the U.S. Supreme Court.




No one -- no group -- has ever been closer than we are to slamming the brakes on Obama's agenda to socialize the country . . . Help me hold Obama accountable! Don't abandon our fight at the exact moment when we can win! . . .



Shannon Goessely

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


(SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).






BREAKING NEWS: The U.S. Supreme Court has accepted our case for a hearing. I need your immediate help to stop President Obama today . . .


Dear Fellow American,


[11-26-2013 partial letter] President Barack Obama is in the midst of a secret Power Grab bigger than any presidential power play in U.S. history.


Will you join me in STOPPING HIM?


I need your support for Southeastern Legal Foundation's multi-million dollar lawsuit that's accepted by the U.S. Supreme Court! This is THE lawsuit that will knock the Obama Administration back on its heels and stop his #1 agenda item . . .


. . . crippling the U.S. economy with massive new taxes and ending America as you and I know it.


Make no mistake, this is a multi-million dollar lawsuit and we can only fight it out before the top court in the land with the help of friends like you.


So please sign your [requested] Stop OBAMA'S Power Grab PLEDGE and rush back a donation supporting our lawsuit against Obama today.


Obama seeks nothing less than to "fundamentally transform" America and he knows the fastest way to do that is to seize control of our system of energy production and consumption. Because seizing control of America's energy system gives Obama enormous leverage -- and he knows it!


Barack Obama has never made a secret of his hatred for fossil fuels.


When he was a candidate he promised to enact a punitive energy plan that would make your electric bill "NECESSARILY SKYROCKET!"


Obama has made good on his threat.


Since his first day in office Obama has come down on the fossil fuel energy sector like a ton of bricks. Federal permits for drilling and refining have come to a dead halt. Oil exploration on federal land has run dry.


The ONLY reason gasoline prices are "only" $4 a gallon -- and not the $8 or $10 Obama wants -- is because enterprising Americans are drilling on private land and bringing to market much-needed energy resources.


But now Obama is poised to bring energy use to a standstill, crater the American economy, and "<fundamentally transform" the American way of life.


Make no mistake, this Power Grab is not some future plan. It is happening RIGHT NOW. The first and most crucial step is already in place!


In 2011, with no Congressional authority or electoral oversight whatsoever, Obama gave the Environmental Protection Agency the power to levy confiscatory taxes against companies that do not comply with burdensome EPA regulations.


Let me say that again: The EPA can TAX companies!


And it can do it without our consent! . . .


I don't remember reading the section in the Constitution that gives taxing authority to the EPA.


Unfortunately, Obama doesn't see the Constitution as restraining his power. He ignores it when it suits him. The result of Obama ignoring the Constitution is that he has unleashed the EPA and it has gone on a rampage.


The EPA is gearing up to illegally tax companies across the country that do not meet EPA's bogus environmental regulations.


These regulations aren't based on hard scientific data or a broad consensus of the people -- they reflect the arbitrary and vindictive will of Barack Obama to punish industries he doesn't like.


Are you wondering why you didn't get a voice about this new set of regulations?


Well, you did!


Before Obama ordered the EPA to just seize powers to levy "regulatory taxes," Obama and his Democrat-controlled Congress tried to force through an energy tax hike bill -- called "cap and trade" -- that would have legally given him these power.


But cap and trade was so unpopular -- even with DEMOCRATS -- the bill barely squeaked out of the then Democrat-controlled House before it DIED in Harry Reid's Senate.


That should have been case closed on the executive branch's power to unilaterally impose energy taxes. But Obama and his tax-crazy cronies at the EPA did an end run around the American people and slapped these illegal taxes on you and me by using the EPA's power to regulate.


Most people do not even KNOW about Obama's secret Power Grab. But they are paying for it.


The results have been predictable. Energy prices are rising. The economy is stagnating. Jobs are being shipped overseas. And Americans are looking at one of the largest tax hikes in our history.


Americans did not sign up for this. Obama has overstepped his bounds once again.


And now you can do something about it to stop Obama. I'm counting on you to join thousands of Americans who have backed our lawsuit to strip Obama and the EPA of his illegal taxing power and put an end to his Power Grab.


I'm Shannon Goessling, the Executive Director and Chief Legal Counsel of the Southeastern Legal Foundation. And thanks to Americans like you, we have fought Barack Obama all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are not alone in this fight.


There are 12 co-plaintiffs on our lawsuit from the House of Representatives -- including Steve King, Michelle Bachmann, and Marsha Blackburn -- challenging Obama's illegal energy tax.


Obama has abused the authority of the executive branch more than any president in modern history.




Because Obama knows his policies are unpopular and can't be passed through the normal democratic process. Instead he must ram them down our throats.


Obama can be stopped. He will be stopped. I need your help.


SLF's lawsuit is the only thing standing in the way of full implementation of Obama's secret Power Grab and the Tax Hike Armageddon that will follow it. I must make sure I can see it through to the end and win before the U.S. Supreme Court.


Please [request for and] sign your STOP OBAMA'S Power Grab PLEDGE and rush me a donation for $25, $35, $50, $75, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more!


Your donation will help fund our historic lawsuit that is now before the U.S. Supreme Court. I promise to keep on suing Obama and his lawless Administration until I can bring his illegal executive overreach to heel.


Because in America, no man is above the law . . .

. . . especially Barack Obama!


[Request for and] Sign your STOP OBAMA'S power PLEDGE and your donation for $25, $50, $100, or $500, to support our lawsuit against Barack H. Obama.


Don't let Obama destroy America by crippling her energy industry.


Don't let the EPA get away with their confiscatory and illegal "regulatory tax" plans that will cost you thousands of dollars in new taxes a year.


Please help me to put a stop to Obama's illegal Power Grab and keep America prosperous.


For the rule of law,

Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel


P.S.    Help me stop Obama's secret Power Grab and plan to destroy the U.S. economy through unconstitutional new taxes. Sign your STOP OBAMA'S Power Grab PLEDGE then rush your response back with a donation of $25, $35, $50 or more to support our historic lawsuit. 




Shannon Goessling... had Bill Clinton disbarred as lawyer for his perjury in the Monica Lewinsky investigation . . .


On January 1, 2011, the EPA, at Obama's direction, began unilaterally imposing these energy tax regulations on America -- without Congressional approval! We're fast approaching a constitutional crisis -- one that Obama is provoking!


This so-called "regulatory taxes" will be on fossil fuel energy usage . . . also called "cap and trade system." As a candidate Obama bragged, "Under my plan of the cap and trade system electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket" (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).




Dear Friend,


[11-12-2013 partial letter] . . . The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear our lawsuit against President Barack Obama! 


This is a huge deal.


The Supreme Court takes up only 1 in 10,000 cases that petition for a hearing. 1 in 10,000. And the cases it takes are of the utmost national importance, as our case is. Because our lawsuit against Obama has the potential to shake the Obama Administration to the core.


It's a historic accomplishment that you and I have fought Barck Obama to the U.S. Supreme Court. Obama and his legions of government-paid lawyers did everything in their power to stop us when we first filed our lawsuit three years ago.


They threw sand in the gears of the legal machine. They asked for delay after delay to shut us down. They withheld every piece of evidence from us they could for as long as they could get away with.




Because they are scared by our lawsuit. They are terrified that the American people are catching on to Obama's out-of-control administration.


And the simple fact is Obama does not want to be held accountable to the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law. Indeed, this is the most lawless presidential administration in our lifetime.


Obama's administration and Environmental Protection Agency are engaged in the biggest scandal of all -- trying to subvert our free market system and put a socialist command-and-control monstrosity in its place.


Yes, Obama wants to ABOLISH the free market system that made and sustains America's prosperity.


Even worse, Obama is doing it by imposing an illegal and unconstitutional tax on energy [cap and trade system . . . taxation without representation] -- a tax that no Congress ever voted to approve.


This is the "fundamentally change" Obama threatened to bring down on America when he was first elected . . . .


Shannon Goessling

Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel




Former U.S. Attorney General, Edwin Meese III said, Please join SLF and help protect the Constitution from the most power president in history. Hold Barack Obama accountable for his unconstitutional Power Grab: support the biggest lawsuit (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454)!




[10-10-2013 partial letter] . . . Obama has decreed that an unaccountable, appointed regulatory bodythe EPA -- can collect "regulatory taxes" without our consent.


This is a direct assault on the American principle of "No Taxation Without Representation!" . . . Is no man above the law? Or can Obama do whatever he wants, raise taxes illegally and unconstitutionally, seize near-total power over our economy, threaten the energy industry, breach the separation of power -- and get away with it? . . .


Obama and the EPA will engage in "bureaucratic trench warfare" to delay, derail, and just plain thwart any court ruling that they don't like . . . (SLF, P.O. Box 17454, Washington, DC 20041-0454).