Michael A. Needham

Chief Executive Officer

(HAA) Heritage Action for America

(P.O. Box 96331, Washington, D.C. 20077-7068)




Re: Our 2014 Annual Supporter Survey - We Want to Hear From You


Dear Sir:


Will you take just a few minutes today to give me and our Heritage Action team the benefit of your opinions and advice? Conservatives are facing critical challenges right now, from the radical Obama administration and from big spending advocates in Congress.


As the head of Heritage Action, America's leading conservatives lobbying and grassroots activist organization, I need to know directly from key conservativess across America about the issues we should emphasize and tactics we should pursue as we fight to save the American dream!


At Heritage Action our commitment is to conservative principles, not party. And we rely on support from individual Americans, like you, not from Washington special interests.


That's why I am asking you to participate in our Annual Supporter Survey. I am asking your personal opinion on key issues facing our nation, including:


   President Obama's threat to expand his use of unconstitutional executive actions to advance his destructive, hard-left agenda;


   continuing pressure from the Left and the Washington Establishment to force a Congressional sell-out on amnesty for illegal immigrants;


   the best strategy to stop Obamacare and replace it with patient-centered health care that enables the free market to lower costs.


And I also seek your opinions on our work pushing back against the "business as usual" Washington Establishment by helping develop a bold, conservatives reform agenda that advances our best ideas for America.


Heritage Action is the sister lobbying organization of The Heritage Foundation, America's premier conservatives public policy research and education institution. Heritage Action supplies the lobbying expertise and grassroots muscle to turn the Foundation's policy prescriptions into actual public policies.


Since 2010, we have helped rally lawmakers on Capitol Hill to stand up to the Washington Establishment and refuse to play by its rules.


Instead, we have encouraged them to stand on conservative principles and hold fast to the promises they made to the voters when they campaigned for office, on fronts ranging from Internet taxation and privacy, to the future of Obamacare, to amnesty for illegal immigrants, to the Food Stamp and Farm Bill and other big-spending monstrosities.


As you may remember, it was Heritage Action that launched the "Defund Obamacare Campaign" last year. It was our efforts that reignited massive public opposition to Obamacare even before it proved to be a complete disaster in the wake of its botched rollout, and before President Obama's lies about "keeping your own health plan" and "keeping your own doctor" were exposed to the nation.


And it was Heritage Action that ignored the Washington Establishment and led the hard and difficult fight against Obamacare on Capitol Hill . . . a fight that is continuing this year in congressional races across America and that will be finally resolved with the election of a new president in 2016!


We are so influential because our lobbying work is fueled by the commitment of the more than 400,000 grassroots conservatives activists who are ready to take direct action and to lobby Congress on behalf of conservatives legislation . . . or against liberal bills.


Because Heritage Action is a grassroots-driven organization, I cannot overstate just how much I am counting on you to participate in our Survey.


It is vital for me to know where conservatives like you stand on issues facing us as Heritage Action pursues our mission of leading the conservative movement by holding politicians accountable for their votes and energizing grassroots activists.


Time is critically important to us, so I am asking you to make a special effort to return your answered Survey to us in the next two weeks. It really would be a big help to us if you can return your Survey to us as soon as possible.


When you answer and return your Survey, I also hope you will back up your Survey responses with a financial contribution for $35, $50, $100 or even more to join us as a Supporter of Heritage Action today!


Your decision to become a Supporter of Heritage Action, along with your advice and opinions, will help me determine:


   How aggressively we can fight the Left on issues like Obama's executive overreach, excessive government spending, and amnesty for illegal immigrants;


   How much we can invest in our "ground game" to dramatically expand our activist network for maximum impact in this election year;


   And how far we can go in building support for a series of conservatives reform measures now being drafted in Congress.


Your financial support right now is especially important to us, because over the past few weeks the entrenched forces of the liberal Washington Establishment, in and out of Congress, have proven again just how powerful they are.


First, with the full support of the Obama administration, the House and the Senate passed a bipartisan "omnibus" budget deal that increased federal spending, added to the deficit, and removed the caps on federal spending imposed in 2011 (the "sequester").


Then, Congress reverted to its old ways and behind closed doors created a new Obama-supported "farm bill" that spends nearly $1 trillion — and 80% of that money goes to food stamps.


And finally, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), with the support of only 27 other House Republicans, passed a "clean" debt ceiling bill . . . "clean" in the sense that it gave President Obama and Congress the ability to keep digging America into unsustainable debt without requiring any measures to begin to put our nation's fiscal house in order!


Heritage Action fought hard against these big spending monstrosities, and we rallied significant conservative votes against them.


But the sad fact is that the Obama administration and Establishment lobbyists carried the day, even in the House of Representatives, which is theoretically the "conservatives" branch of Congress.


I say "theoretically." because just a few weeks earlier senior members of the House leadership were pushing amnesty for illegal immigrants . . . a move that betrays principle in favor of misguided and poorly thought-through political expediency.


We oppose any immigration bill that includes amnesty, because amnesty unfairly punishes individuals who follow the law (1), it encourages more illegal immigration, and it places totally unwarranted faith in President Obama to actually enforce border security.


We helped force Speaker Boehner to take an immigration bill off the table for this year, but we must be constantly vigilant and ready to fight future attempts by the Obama administration and the Left when it comes to pushing for amnesty, a key item on their agenda!


These events all present real challenges to conservativess and to Heritage Action.


It reminds us that in politics there are no permanent victories . . . and that we must redouble our efforts to advance a conservatives reform agenda and build our grassroots strength.


And, with indispensable financial help of our Supporters, that's exactly what we're doing!


For example, we recently passed 400,000 in the number of online activists ready to take direct action to lobby Congress for conservatives legislation and against the policies of the Obama administration and the Left.


Every new recruit to our "online army" is increasing our ability to counter the Washington Establishment and win on Capitol Hill! (As conservative Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has said, "Grassroots-driven pressure from Heritage Action is the ammunition needed to change the way Washington works.")


That's why our goal is to add another 100,000 activists to our team this year. We are also continuing to increase the number of our Regional Coordinators, who help recruit local activists and keep the grassroots pressure on the members representing their districts.


We began in 2012 with Regional Coordinators based near big media markets in Chicago, Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis. In 2013 we added Regional Coordinators in Birmingham, Dallas, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Tampa, and Richmond.


And this year we are planning to add new coordinators in Atlanta and Denver to help us promote conservative principles and organize citizens ready to take action to support conservative legislation in Congress . . . and which will move us from covering 182 congressional districts to 213!


These will include:


   Competitive districts represented by Democrats who urgently need to be held accountable to their constituents;


   Republicans in tough districts who need support for doing the right thing;


   And also districts represented by Members in both parties who could vote more conservative given the make-up of their district but fail to do so.


At the same time, we are working closely with conservatives in Congress on bills that embody the bold ideas of our sister organization, The Heritage Foundation.


Last year, for example, we worked with members to introduce 15 pieces of legislation that constitute exciting new applications of conservative principles to public policy . . . and right now we have another nine bills in process!


In fact, we held a "Conservative Policy Summit" in February that put the spotlight on several key conservative reform measures now before Congress . . . and we forced even liberals in the media to acknowledge that conservatives are not simply the "Party of No."


We proved last year that we can beat the Washington Establishment when we bring the force of our grassroots supporters to bear on Congress.


In the months ahead, as we rally more activists to our side and advance legislation that draws clear and dramatic distinctions between grassroots conservatives and the failed policies of the Obama administration, we can win again!


   We have the intellectual firepower of The Heritage Foundation behind us;


   We have a veteran and skilled team of Capitol Hill lobbyists on our side, who instead of advancing K Street special interests are advancing conservative ideas;


   And we have the grassroots lobbying muscle of 400,000 activists!


But what we are missing is you! I am counting on you to join us as a Supporter and help our work, with your answers to our Survey and with a generous contribution . . . hopefully for as much as $35, $50, $100 or more.


Heritage Action opened its doors four years ago, and I cannot think of another time when our leadership has been more urgently needed!


Because we put principle over party, we hold all politicians accountable for their votes.


We don't play by the rules of the status quo Washington Establishment . . . rules that are rigged to ensure that liberals and other supporters of big government always win.


And we're effective . . . but we can only be as effective as you enable us to be through your decision to join us as a Supporter and give us your advice on our Survey!


We have accomplished so much re-energizing and empowering grassroots conservatism over the past few months.


But, I know we will have even greater impact in the months ahead, especially if! can count on you today, both for your opinions and your financial support. Thank you for taking the time to ready my letter.


I deeply hope I can count on you to join the Heritage Action team and help us lead the fight for our shared conservative values. I look forward to hearing from you soon (HAA, P.O. Box 96331, Washington, D.C. 20077-7068)!



Michael A. Needham

Chief Executive Officer


P.S. I am really counting on hearing from you in the next two weeks. We have several critical program and budget decisions to make, and I need to hear from you. And learning that you are supporting us with a contribution of $35, $50 or even $100 will be a great help to us!


P.P.S. Our good friend former Senator Jim DeMint is the president of our sister organization, The Heritage Foundation. He asked if he could enclose a special note for you with my letter, and I hope you will take a moment to read it. Thank you!


214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Suite 400 ׀ Washington, DC 20002 ׀ (202) 548-5280 ׀ heritageaction.com







Section One: National and Legislative Issues


1)   Obamacare has proven to be a complete disaster, as conservatives predicted. The latest bad news is that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has issued a report predicting that Obamacare will eliminate 2.3 million full-time jobs by 2017. And in February, the Obama administration announced yet another unilateral delay, without consulting Congress, in implementing an element of Obamacare's employer mandate.


Heritage Action is committed to full repeal of Obamacare, which will require a new Congress and a new President. However, prior to the 2014 and 2016 elections, Heritage Action is actively supporting conservative legislative alternatives, like the Empowering Patients First Act sponsored by Rep. Tom Price (R-GA), that can chip away at some of the worst aspects of Obamacare.


Do you support Heritage Action's long-term commitment to full repeal of Obamacare and its short-term support of conservative legislative health care reform alternatives?

           YES        NO       UNSURE


2)  President Obama and congressional Democrats have long advocated amnesty for illegal immigrants to advance their political fortunes. Recently, senior members of the House Republican leadership stated their support for a measure that would include amnesty.


Heritage Action opposes amnesty, because it rewards lawless behavior, punishes immigrants who play by the rules (1) will increase illegal immigration, and counts on President Obama to enforce border security . . . which he never has done. Pressure from Heritage Action and our Supporters helped force House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) to announce that he would not advance an immigration bill this year, although the Obama administration, the Left and key elements of the Washington Establishment are continuing to push hard for a measure that includes amnesty.


Do you support Heritage Action's continued opposition to any immigration bill that includes amnesty for illegal immigrants?

          YES       NO        UNSURE


3)  President Obama has repeatedly shown his contempt for the separation of powers through his appointment of a record number of "czars" to high office in order to bypass Senate confirmation, and through his use of executive orders, which also bypass Congress (including his repeated unilateral delays in implementation of Obamacare). In this year's State of the Union speech, the President threatened even greater use of potentially unconstitutional executive actions to advance his radical agenda.


Heritage Action believes in the Constitution and the separation of powers.


Do you support Heritage Action's commitment to mobilizing active grassroots opposition to President Obama's executive over-reach and bringing full pressure to bear on Congress to block any unconstitutional executive actions?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


4)  A year ago it was revealed that the Internal Revenue Service had targeted conservative 501(c)(4) organizations (like Heritage Action) for crippling, discriminatory treatment in the granting of tax-exempt status. A year later, no one has been fired or prosecuted for their role in this conspiracy to corrupt the IRS. And in an interview with Bill O'Reilly before this year's Super Bowl, President Obama asserted that there wasn't "a smidgen of corruption" involved in this activity.


Heritage Action believes Congress should use all its powers to get to the facts in order to hold all those responsible for the crimes committed at the IRS accountable under the law.


Do you support Heritage Action's commitment to force Congress to get to the truth behind the IRS targeting scandal?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


5)  The September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulted in the death of four American public servants, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens. Within hours of the attack, the Obama administration initiated a politically driven cover-up of the facts behind the attack and their response to it in order to protect President Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.


As in the IRS scandal, no one has been fired or held accountable for their role in the Benghazi cover-up.


Do you believe House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) should appoint a Select Committee on Benghazi that could bring the full investigative power of Congress to bring to bear on this scandal?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


6)  Heritage Action is working closely with key conservative members of the Senate and the House to develop bold conservative initiatives that change the bipartisan, big government status quo in Washington. These initiatives include measures related to health care, taxes, energy, government regulation and job creation.


Do you support Heritage Action's commitment to helping advance legislation that advances conservative ideas and the interests of the American people, and that rejects Washington Establishment politics driven by election cycles and special interest politics?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


Section Two: Heritage Action Programs


7)  Heritage Action has increased the number of its online activists from 350,000 at the end of 2013 to 400,000 today. The members of our "online army" are the key grassroots lobbyists who bring rapid response pressure on their members of Congress to support conservative legislation and oppose liberal measures.


Do you support Heritage Action's goal to add 100,000 additional online activists by the end of this year, so that its impact will be even greater when the new Congress takes office in 2015?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


8)  Our field operations program currently has 10 Regional Coordinators, who work closely with our Sentinels and local conservative activists to advocate for conservative policies both locally and nationally. We plan to hire two more Regional Coordinators, in Atlanta and Denver, in the next few weeks. These hires will enable us to cover a total of 213 congressional districts, up from 182.


Do you support Heritage Action's long-term commitment to building a serious conservative infrastructure in key congressional districts this year?

          YES       NO       UNSURE


214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Suite 400 ׀ Washington, DC 20002 ׀ (202) 548-5280 ׀ heritageaction.com




The only place where the out-of-control

Obama administration can be stopped is Congress...

and we must let Congress know where conservatives

stand and what we expect them to do!


Dear Fellow conservative:


Since beginning his second term a year ago, President Obama has governed aggressively from the hard-left. What's more, he has Declared War on Conservatives, to the point of conservative and Tea Party groups being targeted by the Internal Revenue Service, while he continues to push for full implementation of his botched and discredited Obamacare scheme!


This harsh reality must force conservatives to unite around a strategy for standing up to this scandal-ridden president and stopping him from taking our nation further down the road of no-return to socialism, less freedom and bigger, more intrusive government.


That's why, as Chief Executive Officer of Heritage Action for America, I am personally inviting you to participate in our 113th Congress Legislative Action Survey... an urgently needed effort to thwart President Obama's leftist agenda and set a conservative agenda for Congress.


Heritage Action was founded in early 2010 as the sister lobbying organization of The Heritage Foundation, America's leading conservative public policy research and education organization. Heritage Action supplies the lobbying expertise and muscle to turn the Foundation's policy prescriptions into actual public policies.


Today we are widely recognized as the top conservative lobbying organization in Washington . . . in part because of our critical role in again putting Obamacare front and center in the national policy debate over the past few months.


You may remember that it was Heritage Action that launched the "Defund Obamacare Campaign" this past summer which reignited massive public opposition to this unfair, unaffordable, and unworkable expansion of government power.


And it was Heritage Action that ignored the Washington Establishment and led the hard and difficult fight against Obamacare on Capitol Hill this past fall.


I am asking you to answer our Survey within the next two weeks because critical debates and votes on key issues, especially fiscal issues like raising the debt ceiling, are taking place right now.


At the same time, investigations continue into the serial scandals surrounding the Obama administration on issues ranging from Benghazi to the IRS targeting of conservatives to the lies and secrecy that have surrounded the disastrous rollout of Obamacare.


It is absolutely vital that we inform the members of Congress as soon as we can of steps we believe they should take to stop the power-hungry Obama administration, hold the administration accountable to the American people, and undertake policies that will save our nation.


That makes your participation in our survey today especially important!


As one Obama scandal after another erupts and the staggering costs of programs like Obamacare sink in, we are beginning to move toward that tipping point where the American people decide they've had enough of this radical and scandal-ridden administration.


That's why it so important now for us to seize this moment and immediately bring direct pressure on Congress to stand and fight against the fiscally irresponsible and overreaching policies of Barack Obama and his liberal Administration!


Our commitment to forcing Congress to do the right thing has become increasingly important as President Obama has made it clear that, on issues ranging from guns to spending to the economy to immigration, he intends to govern through the increased use of "executive actions" that may be unconstitutional.


Let's face it. If we are to overcome the challenges and threats to our nation posed by three more years of President Obama, Congress is our only hope.


We must do all we can to encourage and pressure conservatives in Congress to oppose destructive new Obama initiatives and instead build consensus support on Capitol Hill for commonsense solutions that will save the American Dream.


As the top conservative lobbying group on Capitol Hill, Heritage Action is undertaking this critically important role because it is our responsibility to lift a bold conservative banner in Congress . . . and we need your help to do it!


If we don't keep pressure on Congress, especially the Republican-controlled House of Representatives, to support a clear conservative agenda, the alternative for our nation is disaster, today, tomorrow and for generations to come.


Because, unfettered by re-election concerns and three more years stretching before them, President Obama and his radical team are giving free rein to their impulses to drive our nation even further to the left by:


   raising taxes, while still spending at such a rate as to keep exploding the deficit,


   expanding government regulations and government control over more sectors of our economy, cutting not just fat but also muscle from our national defenses,


   continuing to turn a blind eye to the looming crises facing Social Security and Medicare,


   pressing ahead with an open-borders agenda that includes more amnesty measures for illegal immigrants,


   and enforcing the high-tax, job-killing provisions of their arbitrary and manifestly unworkable Obamacare scheme.


The only place where Barack Obama can be restrained now is Congress . . . and it is in Congress where conservatives must make our case and advance our agenda for America.


This is what Heritage Action does every day.


In the nearly four years since our founding our impact on Congress has been extraordinary. For example, we:


   Persuaded House Republicans to stand united behind full repeal of Obamacare


   Lobbied for a successful House vote to avert "Taxmageddon" by extending the Bush-era and 2009 tax cuts


   Blocked Internet regulations that would stifle free speech on the Web


   Sidelined the so-called Farm Bill, a trillion-dollar spending bomb which, despite its name, would have directed 80% of its spending toward food stamp recipients, and 


   Opposed a lame-duck session "compromise" with President Obama that offered him $1 TRILLION in new taxes and rallied enough House Republicans to force the GOP leadership to pull the bill.


This sent a powerful message to the President and the House Republican leadership that many conservatives are still committed to cutting spending, not raising taxes!


And of course in 2013 we took on President Obama and the bipartisan Washington Establishment over Obamacare, packing town hail meetings across America and stunning media pundits with the depth of public opposition to this deficit-exploding program . . . even before it proved to be a complete disaster in the wake of its botched "roll-out."


Part of our impact comes from our lobbying team, many of whom are longtime Capitol Hill veterans. Our lobbyists are first-rate, although instead of advancing special and corporate interests they are advocating for conservative principles . . .


. . . principles like helping you keep more of your hard-earned income, helping preserve and improve our retirement system, and exercising fiscal restraint and discipline so we can hand over a solvent nation to the next generation of Americans.


Even more importantly, Heritage Action can mobilize our more than 350,000 grassroots activists who are ready to take direct action and to lobby Congress on behalf of conservative legislation, or against liberal bills.


In 2012, we sounded the alarm against the first bloated transportation bill. Within five hours of sending our first online Action Alert email, our activists slammed Hill offices with 1,000 phone calls, followed by a wave of personal contacts. The House leadership was forced to pull back the bill and substantially rework it.


Then this past summer, Heritage Action rallied conservatives around the country and in Congress to fight the misnamed Farm Bill, another bloated spending bill that devoted 80% of its money to Food Stamps and the Gang of Eight's (1) amnesty bill.


And we will continue to oppose any immigration measure that grants amnesty, fails to secure our border, encourages future illegal immigration and saddles our nation with trillions of dollars in new debt!


With President Obama in the White House until 2017, the need for our unique and effective one-two punch of lobbyists working inside Congress and Action supporters working outside the Beltway becomes critically important.


We must not only get ready to challenge President Obama's "executive action" Obamacare power grabs and turn back whatever big-spending new left-wing programs that the Obama administration will send our way . . .


. . . we must also tell Congress, especially its conservative members, that we want them to stand for principle and not play along with the Washington Establishment's game that rewards special interests instead of doing what is right for America.


Your answers to our Survey will help Heritage Action inform, guide, support and direct members of the 113th Congress as they weigh their priorities.


Members of Congress do listen to voters . . . and that's a big part of why Heritage Action has already made such a big impact on Capitol Hill.


So, please, I urge you to take just a minute today and answer your Survey.


And then, when you return your answered Survey to us, I also strongly encourage you to enclose a contribution, hopefully for as much as $35, $50, $100, or even more, to Heritage Action for America.


Your help today will help me and our Action lobbying team as we work with Congress to push back against the fiscally irresponsible Big Government policies of the Obama administration.


We also need your financial help today to build our already highly impactful grassroots "ground game" that plays such a big part in our success on Capitol Hill.


In 2012, we built focused teams of grassroots staff based strategically near major media markets in Chicago, Cincinnati, Philadelphia and St. Louis. And in 2013 we added regional coordinators in Birmingham, Dallas, Tampa, and Richmond.


Our Coordinators help recruit local activists and keep the grassroots pressure on the members representing their districts. We're also hosting training schools and giving our allied citizen activists the material they need to put pressure on their Members of Congress.


We especially want to make a difference in key districts where middle-of-the-road or wishy-washy politicians hold office, because we know from experience that hundreds or thousands of emails and phone calls can sway a congressman's votes.


As conservative Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) has noted, "Grassroots-driven pressure from Heritage Action is the ammunition needed to change the way Washington works."


Today, as we prepare for this year's critical midterm congressional election, it is vital that Heritage Action can continue to expand its personnel and territory . . . and that is another reason we need your financial support. So I urge you to include your very best contribution to Heritage Action today.


Believe me . . . your full support is vital to help us continue to lead the conservative charge in Congress and block the hard-left policies of President Obama.


The President and his radical administration may think, and for sure are acting like, they have a mandate for turning America into full-fledged socialist state . . . but if you will join with Heritage Action today we can show them differently!


I deeply hope you will stand with us and help us fight, day in and day out, for conservative principles and ideas (HAA, P.O. Box 96331, Washington, D.C. 20077-7068).



Michael A. Needham

Chief Executive Officer


P.S. The pressures from the Obama administration, the media and the permanent pro-Big Government Washington Establishment on members of Congress to go along with their Big Government agenda are enormous. That is why it is so important, right now, for conservatives to make our voices heard on Capitol Hill . . . so please [request for and] return your answered 113th Congress Legislative Action Survey to us within the next two weeks! And please be sure to enclose your best gift to Heritage Action for America . . . it will be great to count you as one of our supporters.


P.P.S. Jim DeMint is the president of our sister organization, The Heritage Foundation. He is also a former U.S. Senator and he has a great perspective on how critically important it is for grassroots conservatives to bring direct pressure to bear on Congress. I urge you to read his enclosed note!


214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Suite 400 ׀ Washington, DC 20002 ׀ (202) 548-5280 ׀ heritageaction.com





The Heritage Foundation


Dear Fellow conservative:


When I left the U.S. Senate earlier this year to become president of The Heritage Foundation, I didn't do so solely because of the Foundation's unparalleled reputation for serious research and its remarkable impact on public policy debates.


I also wanted to join the Heritage family because of the power and impact of its sister organization, Heritage Action for America!


As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, The Heritage Foundation is restricted in some of its activities . . . it can do only a small amount of trying to influence actual legislation, it cannot organize conservatives and it cannot involve itself in elections.


But Heritage Action is a 501(c)(4) organization that can lobby Congress, that can organize conservatives, and that can involve itself in elections.


Heritage Action, led by powerhouse young conservative Mike Needham, has mobilized hundreds of thousands of activists across America and forced a real stiffening of conservatives' backbones in Congress. They are the most effective conservative voice on Capitol Hill!


I want to urge you today to accept Mike's invitation to participate in Heritage Action's Legislative Agenda Survey and join the Heritage Action team.


And I also want to make a special appeal to you to respond generously to Mike's request for your financial help today.


As a former Senator, I know just how important the coming debates and votes in Congress will be . . . and how vitally important it is going to be for Heritage Action to put on a full-court press to fight back against Barack Obama and the Left as they attempt to raise taxes, explode spending again, and pass the disastrous "Gang of Eight" amnesty bill.


Thank you for your commitment to our conservative cause. I hope Mike and I can count on you to join the Heritage Action team with a generous contribution today.












Registered to:




Please give us your opinion and rank the following legislative agenda items developed by Heritage Action for America as high, mid-level or low priorities to pursue in the 113th Congress.

1. Support a budget plan that balances the budget in ten years without raising taxes.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


2. Aggressively challenge efforts by President Obama to govern by "executive actions" that attempt to bypass Congress and the American people.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


3. Use the congressional "power of the purse" to defund and thereby effectively repeal significant elements of Obamacare.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


4. Full Congressional investigations (including the use of its subpoena power and ability to make referrals for criminal prosecutions) into the following actions undertaken by the Obama administration.

• IRS targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


• Administration actions taken before, during and after the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on Sept. 11, 2012

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


• The seizure of telephone and other records of AP reporters and FOX News reporter James Rosen

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


5. Lobby members of Congress to oppose any increase in government spending levels.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


6. Deploy grassroots activist network to lobby members of Congress to join conservatives in addressing serious entitlement reform.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


7. Support congressional efforts to restore free market principles by ending the use of tax credits (like the Wind Production Tax Credit) as a means for government to selectively pick winners and losers in the economy.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


8. Oppose further "crony capitalism" giveaways of tax dollars, like the disastrous Solyndra loans, to political allies of the Obama administration.)

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority


9. Oppose efforts by the Obama administration and/or congressional liberals to raise income tax rates at any income level.

Օ High Priority

Օ Mid-level Priority

Օ Low Priority




10.As a general rule, which of the following tactics do you recommend conservative members of the 113th Congress should pursue this year? (You may select more than one.)

Օ Oppose all Obama administration legislative initiatives

Օ Compromise whenever possible with the Obama administration and congressional liberals in order to mitigate the negative impact of administration policies

Օ advance aggressive conservative legislative initiatives even if they court presidential vetoes.


214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE, Suite 400 ׀ Washington, DC 20002 ׀ (202) 548-5280 ׀ heritageaction.com