Thomas Fitton
President of Judicial Watch
(P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)
425 Third Street SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024
Tel: (202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442, FAX: (202)
no one is above the law!
Honorary Co-Complainant in our
Obamacare-related lawsuits
Judicial Watch Supporter:
partial letter] I am asking you to sign on today as an Honorary Co-Complainant in our
Obamacare-related lawsuits for one very simple reason.
Obamacare remains on the books or is eventually repealed by Congress, the
secret deals, the
(1), and the
unconstitutional actions that have marked this
Big Government
power grab
2) by
Barack Obama must be
exposed and prosecuted. There is no time to waste.
I urgently need your support as an Honorary
Co-Complainant to help bring the full pressure of our legal and investigative expertise to bear on the
rampant corruption, secrecy, and
(1) that surrounds
Obamacare. Right from the beginning everything about
has been a disaster.
This government
takeover one-six of the American economy was cooked up with special interest
groups behind closed doors, based on phony financial assumptions – and to buy
votes in Congress the
Obama gang loaded it up with corrupt deals like the "Cornhusker
Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase";
To sell his
Big Government
power grab and then win re-election, President
Obama lied to the
American people for over three years with statements like "If you like your healthcare plan, you'll be
able to keep your healthcare plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter
what" and "If you like your doctor; you can keep your doctor."
Incredibly, when
was challenged at the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012, Chief Justice John Roberts
decided to legislate from the bench and, in a arrogant exercise of judicial
activism, saved it by asserting it was constitutional under Congress' taxing
The "rollout" of
Obamacare, three and a half years after it became law and after nearly $700
MILLION taxpayer dollars squandered on the creation of, it
continues to be a complete debacle;
was proving to be the most expensive non-working website in history, millions
of Americans are learning they're losing their healthcare insurance coverage, contrary to President
Obama promises;
And millions more
Americans are being reduced from full-time to part-time employment because
their employers cannot afford the onerous new costs of healthcare insurance under
and other conservatives always knew that
Obamacare was a train wreck waiting to
happen, a political scheme full of lies and half truths. And now the American people know that
Barack Obama. . .
Lied to us when
he promised "That's what I will do
in bringing all parties together, not negotiating behind closed doors" to create
Lied to us about
our ability to keep our own health plans and doctors under
Lied to us about
Obamacare's real costs and its impact on the national debt;
And lied to us
about the government's ability to manage this Big Government monstrosity.
congressional midterm elections in 2014 and the presidential election in 2016 may well result in
Obamacare's repeal.
for the American people to make informed election-day decisions, they must know
all the facts . . . including the facts about the corruption, secrecy, and
unconstitutional executive actions that are part and parcel of
More importantly, if laws were broken,
corrupt deals struck, and the Constitution violated, those acts must be exposed
and prosecuted to the full extent of the law!
conservatives, we believe that the bigger government is, the bigger the
opportunities are for corruption and secrecy. That's why we have been deeply
involved in investigations and litigation over
Obamacare since 2010 . . . the
year it was passed into law by Congress.
legislation was hatched in secret meetings that included President
Obama, Vice President
Biden, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, and
key special interest lobbyists.
why we launched a full open records investigation to get to the facts behind
these meetings and deals that arose out of them, especially the over 200 "waivers" from
Obamacare granted to politically well-connected labor unions and
We also believe that
"individual mandate" is
unconstitutional, no matter
that Chief Justice Roberts and a block of liberal Supreme Court Justices
decided it is a "tax."
why we filed an "amicus curiae" brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in 2012 challenging
We also believe
that a President does not have the authority to ignore a clear,
congressionally-imposed deadline contained within an Act of Congress . . . especially
one that directly affects hundreds of thousands of employers and millions of
why last fall, on behalf of a Florida-based orthodontics practice, we sued the
Obama administration over President Obama's unilateral decision to delay the
"emplorer mandate" component of the
Obamacare law.
believe this arbitrary action violates
federal law and exceeds Executive Branch power. It is one more
power grab by the
Obama administration,
and we will not let them get away with it unchallenged!
The chronically secretive
Obama administration has contempt for the people's "right to
know" and is desperately trying to cover-up ugly and inconvenient facts
about the real pain and hardship that
Obamacare is now causing millions of
Americans, and the damage it is doing to the insurance marketplace.
why we're also seeking data from the insurance compliance division of every
state in America about policy cancellations.
you'll read in this month's Verdict,
information we've received to date reveals very high numbers of policy
cancellations in 2013 and 2014 as a direct result of
Obamacare (for example,
250,000 Pennsylvanians are losing their insurance coverage, as are nearly
80,000 individuals in Connecticut).
numbers, provided by state insurance regulators, directly contradict claims by
the White House and again prove that
Obamacare is built on a tissue of lies.
(You may review this data at
Obama administration secrecy is also why we had to sue the Health and Human Services Department
to obtain full information about the actual number of individuals who enrolled in
Obamacare at during its first days of operation!)
Since we believe
that big government brings big corruption, and since the
Obama administration has
routinely rewarded its allies with fat federal contracts, we've carefully monitored
Obamacare-related contracts.
why we launched a full-scale investigation into
Obamacare's disastrous rollout,
including the $678 MILLION squandered on a no-bid government contract to build
the dysfunctional website.
are now deploying all our expertise in getting to the facts about the myriad scandals surrounding
Obamacare . . . But we can't do it on our own.. .we need
your help! Specifically, I need you to:
1) Sign the [requested]
enclosed Honorary Co-Complainant form.
decision to sign on as an Honorary Co-Complainant does not in any way bind you
to the outcome of our lawsuits. But your status as an Honorary Co-Complainant
shows your determination to hold accountable under the law anyone who has
engaged in deceitful or corrupt acts in furthering
2) Back up your
signed Honorary Co-Complainant form with a generous tax-deductible contribution
to Judicial Watch.
Watch relies entirely on the contributions of dedicated supporters like you to
carry forward all our investigative, legal and public education work. And in
these early months of 2014, as we carry such an enormous caseload of
investigations and lawsuits, your help is most urgently needed!
have trusted Judicial Watch for twenty years to use the courts to fight against
public corruption and for the American people's right to know.
Today, confronted with the radically leftist and
Obama administration, our role is more critically important
than ever.
That's why it is so critical that you
give Judicial Watch your active personal and finacial support today!
[request for and] sign your Honorary Co-Complainant form today and help support
us with your best tax-deductible gift. Working with you, I know Judicial Watch
can continue to lead the fight for open government . . . and hold
Barack Obama and his administration accountable under the law!
P.S. Because of the chronic
obstructionism and secrecy of the
Obama administration, I anticipate that we
will be forced to file additional lawsuits in the very near future . . . [Please
request for Honorary Co-Complaint
form if you haven't received one (JW,
P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)]!