Brian Burch



 (P.O. Box 7047, Merrifield, VA 22116)


Obamacare's contraceptive mandate

is "an unprecedented ... violation of religious liberty by the federal government" and must be changed. Obamacare's contraceptive mandate is "an unprecedented ... violation of religious liberty by the federal government" and must be changed.       — Anthony R. Picarello, General Counsel of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops


Dear Sir,


Have you heard how vocal our bishops have been against Obamacare? They're speaking out as forcefully as they are because:


Obamacare poses a grave threat to

the Catholic Church in America.


And because it does I've sent you this urgent letter. We Catholics must stand with our bishops and demand that Congress put a halt to the "train wreck" that's about to hit us. Here's what you need to do... to help protect yourself and your family:


SIGN and MAIL the enclosed postcards to:


Your Congressman — Rodney Alexander ... and Your two U.S. Senators — Mary Landrieu and David Vitter.


Tell them to dismantle Obamacare and start over!


You need to do this because Obamacare not only tramples on your First Amendment right to freedom of religion, but if left as is, Obamacare will force us Catholics to either violate our religious convictions or shut down our entire charitable social network ...


... our adoption agencies ... our hospitals ... our schools ... our orphanages ... our homes for the elderly ... our soup kitchens




That's why Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski said:


"In effect, the Obama administration is telling these Catholic providers to surrender their conscience rights and their Catholic ethos or shut their doors."


Chicago's Cardinal Francis George made this clear when he said that if Obamacare goes forward in its current form ...


... "in two years there won't be a single Catholic hospital operating in the Chicago area!"


That's a frightening prediction! But it's one that will come true unless you and faithful, patriotic Catholics like you join forces and demand that Congress take immediate action to dismantle those portions of Obamacare that attack America's cherished right to freedom of religion.


Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. My name is Brian Burch and I founded CatholicVote in order to give Catholics like you a voice in the governance of our nation.


With over 600,000 members, CatholicVote is by far the nation's largest conservative Catholic organization that educates and mobilizes America's pro-life, pro-family Catholics for effective political and civic action.


The reason I'm counting on you to join me and hundreds of thousands of like-minded Catholics is because of something Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) said a short time ago:


"The only way we win this fight is if the American people rise up and hold our elected officials accountable. ... I'm convinced there's a new paradigm in politics that actually has Washington very uncomfortable. [But] it's going to take a grassroots tsunami to cause Republicans and Democrats to listen to the people."


That "grassroots tsunami" will be a tidal wave of protest that sweeps over Congress. It will come in the form of postcards – like the ones I'm urging you to sign today – petitions ... surveys phone calls ... personal visits ... emails ... and a whole lot more.


On the other hand, if the American people roll over and bury their heads in the sand, then Congress will once again ignore the wishes of the American people and saddle us with a nationalized health care system that will be a disaster for the entire country.


That's because Obamacare ...


Tramples on every American's First Amendment right to freedom of religion.


Violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


Forces people of faith to pay for and provide access to drugs and services they believe to be intrinsically evil in light of their sincerely held religious belief.


Substantially burdens every American's ability to live his or her faith.


Establishes "death panels" where faceless bureaucrats in Washington will decide which Americans will live and which will be denied critically needed health care.


Empowers the IRS to oversee compliance and determine who is and who is not eligible for government health care subsidies.


Requires upwards of 16,000 new IRS agents.


You will be given a "health insurance identification number" and be required to reveal:

- the name of your health insurance carrier;

- the amount of time you were covered by insurance; and

- whether or not your insurance plan is part of the Obamacare "exchanges."


According to the IRS the cheapest health insurance plan available under Obamacare in 2016 for a family will cost $20,000 a year.


Americans will be required to buy health insurance or pay a penalty to the IRS.


Companies like UPS and Delta have announced plans to drop health coverage for the spouses of employees.


Other corporations are prepared to drop all health care plans for all employees.


Small businesses are shifting more and more workers from full-time positions to part-time in order to avoid having to pay exorbitant fines to the government.


No wonder lawmakers are calling Obamacare a "train wreck." One of them is retiring U.S. Senator Max Baucus (D-MT). He sang the praises of Obamacare and played a major role in getting Congress to pass it back in 2009. Now he's singing a different tune and called Obamacare a "coming train wreck." So has Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN):


"I've been warning that a train wreck is coming with this law, but the truth is that no train wreck has ever had this many warning signs."


And just what are these warning signs? For starters:


• The White House announced it was delaying the mandate on mid-sized and large businesses to provide coverage to full-time workers;


• Days later it said it was pushing the mandatory cap on out-of-pocket costs for individuals to 2015; and


• Department of Health and Human Services informed insurance companies that it is delaying signing the final agreements between the government and insurance providers whose plans will be sold on federal health insurance exchanges.


These delays are the "warning signs" that tell us Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen.


In fact, things have gotten so out of hand that even the AFL-CIO – the labor union that went all out to pressure Congress into passing Obamacare – is now calling on Congress to scrap it and start over saying Obamacare will "SHATTER" union workers' hard-earned health benefits.


But for practicing Catholics like you and me, that's not the worst thing about Obamacare. The worst thing about Obamacare is this:


Obamacare is the largest expansion of

abortion since Roe v. Wade.


Not only does Obamacare force you and me and all taxpayers to pay for abortions, but Obamacare's HHS mandate is nothing less than an attempt to get people of faith – and in particular us Catholics – to be direct participants in the killing of innocent children in the womb! For all these reasons ...


... we Catholics have got to take the lead in creating the "grassroots tsunami" of opposition that will get Congress to act and dismantle Obamacare before it can destroy America.


And the best way for you to be part of this "grassroots tsunami" is partner with CatholicVote! Make no mistake, right now the single greatest threat to the Catholic Church in America is Obamacare! That's why the USCCB issued the call that Obamacare must be changed. It's why Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the USCCB, warned:


"If we do not act now, the consequences will be grave."


And it's why CatholicVote has filed TWO LAWSUITS challenging Obamacare and seeking to overturn it as an unconstitutional assault on religious freedom and freedom of conscience.


CatholicVote is best-suited to lead the fight against Obamacare because we have a well-established track record of success. So much so that prominent Catholics endorse our work:


→ William Bennett, National Syndicated Radio Host and Best-Selling

→ Author Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center

→ Kathryn Lopez, Editor, National Review Online

→ Abby Johnson, Pro-Life Convert and a former Planned Parenthood director


And those are just a few of the outstanding individuals who are familiar with our work, know of our effectiveness, recognize that we get results, and approve of our mission. I'm telling you all this in order to give you the confidence to know that – with your support –


CatholicVote can rally American Catholics to RISE UP and take the lead in creating the "grassroots tsunami" of protest that will compel Congress to dismantle Obamacare and protect religious freedom in America!


But in order to do this WE MUST ACT NOW. We have already lost too much ground! This is why our bishops are speaking out so boldly. They know that for us Catholics, belief is action. As you know, our faith is not a Sunday morning religion. It's a 7-day a week religion. And we must be free to do as Our Lord commanded:


"You are the light of the world ... Even so let your light shine before men, in order that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."


We practice our faith and let our light shine at hospitals and soup kitchens ... in the classroom and at the workplace ... in our homes and in the halls of government ... in nursing homes for the poor and elderly ... in orphanages and adoption agencies and homeless shelters.


This is why Blessed John Paul II told us Catholics to "go out into the streets like the first Apostles." In saying that he was reminding all of us that as Catholics we must be actively involved in our culture.


Here in America that is not merely our duty but also our font color="#ffc200">constitutional right. And yet, even as you read this, extremists within the Obama administration are using the many tentacles of Obamacare to snuff out that right.


But CatholicVote is fighting back!


And when you partner with CatholicVote you will take an active role in the defense of your beliefs and also of the Church's work here in the United States.


Now I'll be the first to admit that there's a lot we must do to rebuild our nation's crumbling moral foundation. What's needed is nothing less than a total cultural transformation. That's our ultimate goal here at CatholicVote.


But before we can bring about that transformation, we've got to put the brakes on the "train wreck" of Obamacare and change the political landscape in Washington. And for you right now that means ...



those three postcards I've sent you!


Do it now! Before you forget! CatholicVote is out to create the "grassroots tsunami" that will get Congress to act. And we are the ideal organization to do this ... and that for several reasons:


1. Because CatholicVote has a solid base of over 600.000 conscientious members – and growing! – who are already primed and ready to take action!


2. Because CatholicVote has perfected a way to contact these Catholic activists at a moment's notice and get them to take specific action to fight various threats.


3. Because CatholicVote has spent the past couple of years identifying Catholics who share our values, our patriotism and our fidelity to the Church.


4. Because CatholicVote is in the midst of a nationwide campaign to contact these Catholics directly in their homes and get them engaged in the fight to save America.


5. Because CatholicVote has become the face and voice of America's Catholic laity.


6. Because CatholicVote has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in Congress and state legislatures.


7. Because CatholicVote is 100% Catholic and follows Church teaching in all matters.


And now that our bishops have sounded the alarm against the threat that Obamacare poses to the Church and all freedom-loving Americans ...


... this is the perfect moment to stand with them and call all faithful Catholics to arms!


This letter and your postcards are part of the first wave of that campaign. That's why, in addition to mailing your three postcards ...


I'm counting on you to help send CatholicVote

a contribution of $15, $25, $35 or more if possible

so that we can launch the next wave of our

campaign to dismantle Obamacare.


The cost to do so will be upwards of $500,000. That money is needed to contact the millions of Catholics who are unaware of the grave threat that Obamacare poses to them, their families and their ability to practice their Catholic faith without fear of government reprisals against them.


And as great as it is that CatholicVote has over 600,000 members, it's not nearly enough! We need to recruit a minimum of TEN MILLION Catholics into our ranks and get them actively engaged in the fight to undo Obamacare if we are to have any chance of success.


If you will help us accomplish that goal, then I know we'll get Congress' attention and convince them to put the brakes on the "train wreck" that's speeding down the tracks at us.


So please rush CatholicVote the largest contribution you can. In truth, the size of your gift is not as important as is the fact that you send something today!


Hold nothing back. And as you consider how much to send, keep this fact in mind:


The Obama Administration has drawn a line in the sand!


It's time for you and all faithful Catholics to take action. So right now:


 SIGN and MAIL the enclosed postcard to your U.S. Congressman and your two U.S. Senators. Tell them to do the right thing and put the brakes on the Obamacare "train wreck!"


  INITIAL and RETURN the "Postcard Verification" that you'll find on the enclosed "Stop the Obamacare Train Wreck" reply. I need your Verification in order to keep track of just how many Catholics are making their voices heard in Washington.


√ Make a FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION that will allow CatholicVote to create the "grassroots tsunami" of Catholic opposition to Obamacare needed to protect the Church in America and the Catholic social network that tens of millions of Americans have come to rely on.


Together let us follow the example of David, put all our trust in God, and go forth to bring the Goliath of Obamacare to its knees! ... thank you for your willingness to give of yourself for the sake of our nation. May God bless you. And may God bless America.


Fighting to Protect Freedom of Religion for all Americans,

Brian Burch, President



P.S.  ... I almost forgot about your FREE GIFT!!! I want to send you a bumper sticker declaring: "I'm a Catholic and I Vote NO < a href="../../issues1/obamacare.html">Obamacare!" I encourage you to display it proudly as a public witness to the fact that you are a faithful Catholic and a fierce foe of Obamacare! More importantly, it will be a symbol that you are taking a stand for religious freedom and against all who seek to use the power of the federal government to force people of faith to act against their fervently held religious convictions! To receive your free bumper sticker, just check the box at the bottom of your enclosed "Stop the Obamacare Train Wreck" reply and return it to CatholicVote along with your contribution for $15 or more. As soon as we receive your reply, we will send you your bumper sticker.


Without you and loyal Catholics like you, CatholicVote will be unable to create the "grassroots tsunami" that Sen. Cruz says is necessary to get Congress to put the brakes on the Obamacare "train wreck."


P.P.S. One more thought ... Whenever the liberal anti-Catholic want to take down a Nativity scene or remove a Ten Commandments display, they always invoke the so-called "wall of separation" between religion and the government. And yet, they are quite willing to demolish that "wall" whenever it comes to the government telling Catholics how we must act and what priests can and cannot teach from the pulpit. That's the kind of hypocrisy CatholicVote is working round-the-clock to end. And with your active participation in our projects, we will prevail!


[Please request for postcards (CV, P.O. Box 7047, Merrifield, VA 22116)!]    P.O. Box 7047    Merrifield, VA 22116    888-789-1333    a project of Fidelis




National Catholic Survey on


Conducted by: CatholicVote


"We must stand firm and be emboldened by the strength of our religiously-held convictions not just two weeks a year, but always, for the threats continue to come,"      — Archbishop William Lori, Chairman, USCCB Ad Hoc, Committee for Religious Liberty.


Dear Fellow Catholic,


Unless you do as our bishops urge and TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION TODAY, then on Wednesday, January 1, 2014 you will lose your First Amendment right to freedom of religion! I've sent you this urgent letter in the desperate hope that you will:


1. COMPLETE and RETURN the enclosed "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare"; and


2. Join forces with hundreds of thousands of faithful, patriotic Catholics like you and rush CatholicVote a contribution to help support this 11th hour campaign to rally TEN MILLION Catholics to convince Congress to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare and its attack on the Catholic Church in America!


Make no mistake, if allowed to stand as written.


Obamacare marks the end of religious freedom in America.


And yet, there are even more reasons why you need to oppose Obamacare. First and foremost:


Obamacare is the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade.


In addition, Obamacare ...


Violates the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


Forces people of faith to pay for and provide access to drugs and services they believe to be intrinsically evil in light of their sincerely held religious belief.


Substantially burdens every American's ability to live his or her faith.


Establishes "death panels" where faceless bureaucrats in Washington will decide which Americans will live and which will be denied critically needed health care.


As you can see, Obamacare flies in the face of just about everything we Catholics stand for, and most especially the sanctity and value of the human person. As such, we Catholics are the government's greatest rival in the public marketplace of ideas.


Knowing this, the White House is using Obamacare to isolate Catholics from the rest of the country, marginalize our influence, and drive us from the public debate on today's great moral issues. Or as Bishop Paul Etienne put it:


"I think the primary concern is that so many people want the voice of the Church silenced in these very public discussions."


And if allowed to stand, that's exactly what Obamacare will do. It will, in effect, silence the Catholic Church in America and allow progressives to dictate, not only how Americans live their lives, but even more importantly, how we practice our religion.


But that's not all. Left as is, Obamacare will force us Catholics to either violate our religious convictions or shut down our entire social network ...


... our adoption agencies ... our hospitals ... our schools ... our orphanages ... our homes for the elderly ... our soup kitchens



That's why Miami Archbishop Thomas Wenski said:


"In effect, the Obama administration is telling these Catholic providers to surrender their conscience rights and their Catholic ethos or shut their doors."


Chicago's Cardinal Francis George made this clear when he said that if Obamacare goes forward in its current form ...


... in two years there won't be a single Catholic hospital operating in the Chicago area!


That's a frightening prediction! But it's one that will come true unless you and faithful, patriotic Catholics like you join forces and demand that Congress take immediate action to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare because it is an all-out attack on America's cherished right to freedom of religion.


That's why you, as a faithful Catholic, must take action NOW!


For the short-term you need to help:


→ Dismantle as much of Obamacare as we can;

→ De-fund as much of Obamacare as possible;

→ Delay Obamacare for as long as we can; and

Lay the foundation for Obamacare's ultimate repeal!


That's our four-fold objective here at CatholicVote and the reason I sent you this urgent letter. My name is Brian Burch and I founded CatholicVote in order to give Catholics like you a voice in the governance of our nation.


With over 600,000 members, CatholicVote is by far the nation's largest conservative Catholic lay organization that educates and mobilizes America's faithful, pro-life, pro-family Catholics for effective political and civic action.


And right now Obamacare is the single greatest

threat to you and the Catholic Church in America!


That's why our bishops insist that Obamacare be changed. It's why Cardinal Timothy Dolan, President of the USCCB, warned:


"If we do not act now, the consequences will be grave."


It's why CatholicVote has filed TWO LAWSUITS challenging Obamacare and seeking to overturn it as an unconstitutional assault on religious freedom and freedom of conscience.


It's why CatholicVote is conducting this "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" and rallying TEN MILLION U.S. Catholics to take part in it!


It's why we launched the "940 Project" to protect the conscience rights of Catholics – and all American's – from Obamacare. It's why we put in place our 2014 Election BATTLE PLAN. Without question CatholicVote is best-suited to lead the fight against Obamacare because we have ...


... a solid base of over 600,000 conscientious members – and growing! – who are already primed and ready to take action!


... perfected a way to contact these Catholic activists at a moment's notice and get them to take specific action to fight Obamacare and other threats.


... identified Catholics who share our values, our patriotism, our fidelity to the Church and our opposition to Obamacare!


... launched a nationwide campaign to contact these Catholics directly in their homes and get them engaged in the fight against Obamacare.


... become the face and voice of America's Catholic laity and a force to be reckoned with in Congress and state legislatures.


And best of all, CatholicVote is 100% Catholic and follows Church teaching in all matters. For those reasons and more, prominent Catholics endorse our work. Some of these are:

→ William Bennett, National Syndicated Radio Host and Best-Selling Author

→ Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center

→ Kathryn Lopez, Editor, National Review Online

→ Abby Johnson, Pro-Life Convert and a former Planned Parenthood director


And those are just a few of the outstanding individuals who are familiar with our mission, know of our effectiveness, and recognize that CatholicVote gets results!


And now that our bishops have sounded the alarm against the threat that Obamacare poses to the Church and all freedom-loving Americans ...


... this is the perfect moment to stand with them

and call all faithful Catholics to arms!


For as Detroit's Archbishop Allen H. Vigneron put it bluntly:


"The very principle of religious freedom, the first freedom in the Bill of Rights, is at stake here. That's a lot to be at stake. Once it's lost, you don't get it back."


CatholicVote is working round the clock to make sure we don't lose it! But our success or failure depends upon you joining forces with like-minded Catholics and taking ownership of CatholicVote's all-out campaign to rid our nation of the anti-Catholic and un-American Obamacare power grab.


This fight truly is in our hands. For as Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles Chaput pointed out:


"Bishops can't tell politicians what to do, but Catholic voterscan!"


This is why bishops all across the country are urging Catholics to be more politically active! It's why Pope Francis told us we cannot wash our hands of the political process. If faithful Catholics roll over and bury our heads in the sand, then we are doomed as a nation.


We Catholics are called to take the lead in demanding that Congress

dismantle Obamacare before it destroys America.


And the best way for you to be part of this campaign is to partner with CatholicVote! Again, though, in order for us to have any chance of success YOU MUST ACT NOW. We have already lost too much ground!


The worst elements of Obamacare are slated to go into full effect on January 1, 2014!


That's the day you will lose your First Amendment right to freedom of religion ...



Now I'll be the first to admit that putting the brakes on Obamacare alone is not going to undo all the damage the last fifty years have wreaked on our nation's crumbling moral foundation. What's needed is nothing less than a total cultural transformation.


 And that remains our ultimate goal here at CatholicVote. But before we can begin to bring about that transformation, we must first stop Obamacare. For you right now that means


1. COMPLETING and RETURNING the [requested] enclosed "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare"; and


2. Joining forces with the 600,000 plus faithful Catholics who've joined forces to demand that Congress to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare!


Please do it NOW! While you're still holding my letter and your Survey in your hands. Don't spend a lot of time thinking through the questions. Trust your Catholic instincts. As soon as you finish, place your completed Survey in the specially marked envelope I've enclosed and rush it back to our CatholicVote headquarters.


Once I have your Survey answers, they will be tallied with all the others we receive and the results shared with:


 Your U.S. Congressman and two U.S. Senators ... along with every other member of Congress! Once they understand that Obamacare is an attack on the Catholic Church and religious freedom, I'm confident a large majority of them will work to:

1. Dismantle as much of Obamacare as possible.

2. De-Fund as much of Obamacare as possible.

3. Delay Obamacare for as long as possible.


 The White House. I know our Survey won't change Barack Obama's anti-Catholic agenda. Still, we need to make sure he knows that we faithful Catholics will not roll over and allow him to take away our God-given and unalienable right to freedom of religion without an all-out fight!


 The Governors and legislators of all 50 states! We need to show these lawmakers that America's Catholics do not want them using tax dollars to set up "exchanges" that will impose Obamacare on their citizens.


 All the major news outlets ... and I mean ALL OF THEM! Religious and secular. Conservative and Liberal. TV and radio. Blogs and Internet websites. We've got to make sure those who report the news know that the Catholic laity is rising up to demand that Congress put the brakes on Obamacare!


So send in your completed Survey TODAY!!! And when you do ...


I'm hoping you will help include a

contribution of $15, $25, $35 or more if possible

so that CatholicVote can carry on our fight to



The cost to sustain this opposition effort will run well into the millions of dollars. But the cost to sit back and do nothing is far higher:


The loss of religious freedom and the continued

persecution of the Church in America!


So please be as generous as you can. Because in addition to rallying TEN MILLION Catholics to take part in our "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" and make their voices heard in Washington and state capitols all across the country, CatholicVote is active on two other important fronts:


 At the ballot box


Even as you read this, CatholicVote is in the midst of carrying out an aggressive nationwide "2014 Election Battle Plan." The goal of the campaign is two-fold:

1. To keep Obama and his ultra-liberal allies from taking control of the House.


2. To wrest control of the Senate away from Harry Reid and other Obama puppets.


In order to effectively DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare we've got to change the political landscape on Capitol Hill. To do that CatholicVote is working round the clock to help candidates who respect the Constitution and the important role the Catholic Church plays in the governance of our nation.


CatholicVote's "2014 Election Battle Plan" is designed to get a minimum of 500.000 brand new faithful. patriotic Catholics REGISTERED to vote in time for the pivotal 2014 elections. The Battle Plan includes:


→ Mailing 6.000,000 Voter Education Letters to Catholics directly in their homes.


Going door-to-door to speak with Catholics one-on-one and register them to vote.


Organizing "Bus Tour Voter Registration" drives at thousands of parishes.


Producing motivational videos for TV networks and Internet sites like YouTube.


→ Expanding our CatholicVote Internet and Web Operations so faithful Catholics can take concrete actions to help stop Obamacare.


And come November 2014, carrying out massive "Get Out the Vote" campaigns in specially selected Catholic parishes in important battleground states.


That's how we're fighting back against Obamacare at the ballot box. At the same time we're fighting Obamacare


• In the courtroom


CatholicVote has two lawsuits working their way through the courts. Both seek to overturn Obamacare as an unconstitutional assault on religious freedom and freedom of conscience. The two cases are:


O'Brien v HHS: The Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld our application for a temporary injunction that protects a Catholic business owner – Mr. Frank O'Brien – from having to comply with abortion promoting elements of Obamacare. We are now seeking a permanent injunction for him.


Autocam v Sebellus: The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals just rejected Mr. John Kennedy's appeal for help. This puts our lawsuit on track to be the first case to go before the Supreme Court challenging Obamacare's outright attack on every Catholic's First Amendment right to freedom of religion!


And although we are representing Frank O'Brien and John Kennedy specifically, in point of fact we are representing YOU and all Americans in our lawsuits! We are fighting to protect your right to practice your Catholic faith free from government coercion. After all, we don't stop being Catholic when we leave Mass on Sunday. We're 24/7 Catholics!


So while we are going to use our "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" to put the pressure on Congress to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare, we're not leaving anything to chance. Thus our lawsuits against Obamacare; lawsuits that Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the President of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), says are extremely important:


"Time is running out, and our valuable ministries

and fundamental rights hang in the balance,

so we have to resort to the courts now."


"If we give in now, they will not leave us alone."


As you can see, CatholicVote is rallying America's faithful Catholics and uniting them into a solid force that will oppose the Obama administration's attempt to drive us from the public arena.


To succeed, however, we must have your active involvement and immediate financial help. So please take just a few moments right now to:


COMPLETE and RETURN the enclosed "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare"!


And when you send me your Survey answers ...


Please include the 1arest contribution you can so that CatholicVote can carry out this 11th hour campaign to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare.


In truth, the size of your gift is not as important as is the fact that you send as much as you can today!


Our budget to do all that I've outlined in this letter is $14.3 MILLION. And every single one of those dollars has to be donated to CatholicVote from faithful Catholics like you ... men and women who are devoted to the Church and cherish our religious liberty.


As for how much to send, it costs CatholicVote about $1 for each Survey we print, mail and tabulate. That includes the cost to send Survey results to every Member of Congress – including yours, the White House, Governors and state legislators in all 50 states, as well as members of the national news media.


So for every $10 you send CatholicVote, we can get TEN CATHOLICS to take part in our Survey and make their voices heard in Washington and all across the country.


And remember, in addition to conducting this "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" we are also fighting for you at the ballot box with our 2014 Election BATTLE PLAN and in the courtroom with our two lawsuits.


Again, though, we cannot carry on all this work to DISMANTLE, DE-FUND and DELAY Obamacare without your immediate and generous financial support. So please help today. Do what you can. That's all I'm asking of you. But keep in mind this undeniable fact:


Obamacare poses the greatest threat to U.S. Catholics and if

allowed to stand as written, Obamacare will be

the end of religious freedom in America.


Together, then, let us follow the example of David, put all our trust in God, and go forth to do battle against the Goliath of Obamacare ... and bring it to its knees! Thank you for your willingness to give of yourself for the sake of our nation. I look forward to fighting alongside you on the front lines of the battle. May God bless you. And may God bless America.


Fighting to Protect Freedom of Religion for all Americans,

Brian Burch, President



P.S.  I almost forgot about your FREE GIFT!!! As a thank you for your completed survey and gift of $15 or more, I will to send you a bumper sticker declaring: "I'm a Catholic and I Vote NO OBAMACARE!" I encourage you to display it proudly as a public witness to the fact that you are a faithful Catholic and a fierce foe of Obamacare!


More importantly, it will be a symbol that you are taking a stand for religious freedom and against all who seek to use the power of the federal government to force people of faith to act against their fervently held religious convictions!


To receive your free bumper sticker, just check the box at the bottom of your enclosed "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" reply and return it to CatholicVote along with a gift of $15 or more.


[Please request for "National Catholic Survey on Obamacare" (CV, P.O. Box 7047, Merrifield, VA 22116)!]    P.O. Box 7047    Merrifield, VA 22116    888-789-1333    a project of Fidelis