Allen Brandstater

Executive Director

Americans For Truth & Justice

(P.O. Box 8897, Pueblo, CO 81008-8897)



Dear Fellow Conservative,


[Requested] Enclosed with letter is the one document that will bring down Barack Obama's presidency. Please do NOT throw it away! Instead, I hope you will sign the first page of the [requested] enclosed Citizen Articles of Impeachment Against Attorney General Eric Holder and return it to me right away. Americans for Truth and Justice is preparing to launch the largest citizen-led effort to impeach a high-ranking official in history – and it is imperative that I have YOUR signed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment today. I also included a Pink Slip for you to sign and return to put Eric Holder on notice. When we flood Eric Holder's desk with thousands of these signed pink slips he will know his number is up.

I know I must earn your trust before I can expect you to sign up and join what may be our last hope for saving America from Obama's tyranny.


That's why this letter must leave you with no doubt about 3 crucial facts:


FACT:        Eric Holder is guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors and must be impeached as required by Article II, Section 4 of the US Constitution.


FACT:        Eric Holder is not just Barack Obama's "right hand man." He is also Obama's primary source of power. If we can take down Holder we essentially cut the head off the snake.


FACT:         impeaching Eric Holder is more achievable than you may first think. In fact, 23 House Republicans recently took the first step when they introduced Articles of Impeachment against Holder a few months ago. But we will not succeed unless conservatives like you and me apply pressure on Speaker John Boehner.


Impeaching Eric Holder is a moral imperative for freedom-loving Americans everywhere. If you don't believe me, then please take a look at the [requested] enclosed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment. This important document outlines in detail six "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" that demand the immediate impeachment of Eric Holder.


You may be familiar with some of these crimes. But...


The [Requested] Enclosed Document Contains Stunning Information That Even YOU May Not Know.


The evidence found in the [requested] enclosed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment is truly damning. You will read detailed reports of the following crimes:


·                    Eric Holder engaged in a cover-up of the most brazen case of voter intimidation ever recorded by refusing to prosecute two Black Panthers who were harassing white voters.


·                    Aside from the Black Panthers scandal, Holder is also complicit in widespread voter fraud on a national scale.


·                    Eric Holder has abused the power of his office to silence and intimidate conservatives. For example, he is currently using the power of his office to wage a personal crusade against Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Holder even went so far as to file bogus law suits against "America's Toughest Sheriff" right before Arpaio's re-election in an attempt to sway voters.


·                    Eric Holder has hired dozens of al-Qaeda sympathizers and supporters of Islamic terrorists to work in the Justice Department. Your [requested] enclosed Citizen's Articles of impeachment lists just three of the dozens of lawyers who are known in Washington as the "al-Qaeda bar."


·                    In what has become known as the "Fast and Furious Scandal," Eric Holder sanctioned the selling of thousands of military-grade weapons to Mexican drug smugglers, who then used those weapons to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.


·                    Eric Holder used the power of the Justice Department to spy on journalists who are critical of the Obama Administration, and then committed perjury when he lied to Congress and denied his involvement.


Each of these crimes alone is justification for impeachment. As Attorney General, Eric Holder is supposed to be our nation's top law enforcement official. But in reality, he is our nation's top crook! ERIC HOLDER MUST BE STOPPED!


Why Impeach Holder?

Why Not Demand Impeachment for Obama?


Barack Obama is the most lawless president in the history of the United States. He is surely guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, including treason. Obama belongs behind bars, not in the Oval Office. But conservatives need to be smart about the way we go after Barack Obama. Sure, we can try to call for the impeachment of Obama, but we'll be spinning our wheels.


Obama is far too powerful. The mainstream media and Washington establishment have invested too much into Obama's presidency to let him fail. Before you and I hope to bring down Obama, we must first make him so toxic that even his crony supporters begin abandoning him. So instead of attacking him head-on, Americans for Truth and Justice has decided to take Barack Obama down by removing his number one lapdog Eric Holder. Eric Holder has been at the center of every un- Constitutional and illegal move that Barack Obama has made.


You see, as Attorney General, Eric Holder is the nation's top law enforcement official. That means that Eric Holder must first give his "blessing" before Obama can violate the Constitution. Holder is complicit in every single illegal action taken by the Obama Administration! Obama and Holder are joined at the hip. As we expose Holder's crimes, we will reveal Obama's corruption for the entire world to see.


Impeaching Holder May Be Easier than You Think.


Last November, twenty-three House Republicans formally introduced Articles of Impeachment against Eric Holder. All we need is a simple majority in the House of Representatives to vote for the Articles of Impeachment, and Holder is finished. The Republican Party already controls the House, so rounding up a simple majority is definitely possible.


In addition, there are several Democrats in Congress who will likely join Republicans in voting to impeach Eric Holder! Democrats in Congress have already begun to turn their backs on this corrupt thug, and at least two Democrats have even called on Holder to resign.


It all started last year when Eric Holder refused to release documents relating to his Fast and Furious scandal. Because of his stonewalling, the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly last year to hold Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.


Eric Holder became the first ever high-ranking cabinet official in history to be held in contempt of Congress. But here's the real shocking part: 14 Democrats voted along with Republicans to reprimand Holder! Not only that, but a majority of the Democrats in Congress left Capitol Hill during the vote so they wouldn't have to go on record in support of Eric Holder.


At the end of the day, only 67 Congressmen (all Democrats) voted to support Eric Holder, while 241 Republicans and 14 Democrats voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt. I have no doubt – if Speaker John Boehner allows the Articles of Impeachment to be brought forth for a vote, it will pass with massive bipartisan support.


How Do We Win?


Americans for Truth and Justice is currently laying out a comprehensive strategy that will force Congress to do the right thing and impeach Holder. First, we need to show Congress that the American people are sick and tired of Holder's corruption. That's where your signed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment comes in. With your help, we will collect thousands of these signed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment. I will then march up to Capitol Hill and hand-deliver them to Rep. Bob Goodlatte.


You and I both know that politicians usually don't make bold moves like this until they feel the heat. With your signed Citizen Articles of Impeachment, you will help light a fire under John Boehner to launch an impeachment trial against Holder.


But this is just the beginning.


Americans for Truth and Justice is also preparing a media blitz to pressure other key Congressional leaders to co-sponsor the Articles of Impeachment and help bring Holder down. Our plan includes the use of billboards, newspaper ads, and television and radio commercials in the districts of key Republicans calling on them to lead the charge to rid our government of Eric Holder.


This Will Be the Largest Citizen-Led Effort to

Impeach a High-Ranking Official in History.


It's time conservatives like you and me stop complaining about Obama and start doing something about it. If you want to have a real impact on the future of our great country...if you want to play a truly significant role in stopping Obama's tyranny...then sign and return your [requested] enclosed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment immediately.


And when you return this signed document, please consider sending a Americans for Truth and Justice. My team estimates that this campaign is going to cost between $3-5 million. That may sound like a lot of money, but it's a small price to pay to save America.


Your gift of $25 or more is desperately needed to help us:


·                    Collect tens of thousands of signed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment. The more we collect the bigger the impact we will have when hand-deliver them to Speaker John Boehner.

·                    Pay for billboards and newspaper ads in targeted Congressional districts to push Republican leaders to act.

·                    Your gift will also help us produce, edit, and air TV and radio commercials to rally even more support throughout the country.


Every gift counts as we wage war against Obama and his corruption.


Americans for Truth & Justice Has a Proven Track Record of Success

Fighting the Left. That Means that Your Gift Will Have a Real Impact!


When I joined together with a group of patriotic conservatives to form Americans for Truth and Justice, we had just one goal in mind: Bringing down Obama's corrupt administration. Too many "conservatives" these days are afraid to stand up to the liberal Washington establishment. But Americans for Truth and Justice has no problem calling out Barack Obama for the Marxist that he is.


Our team already saw great success last year when we helped re-elect Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona as he faced bogus lawsuits from Eric Holder and the ACLU. We rallied again to successfully defeat an effort by pro-amnesty liberals to recall Sheriff Joe earlier this year. Our extensive media campaigns in defense of Sheriff Joe created huge buzz all across the country. After back-to-back wins, Americans for Truth and Justice is ready to launch an ambitious nationwide campaign to call for the immediate impeachment of Eric Holder.


Will you join me as an Early Supporter of This

Campaign to Save America?


I hope by now I have convinced you that Americans for Truth and Justice has developed a credible plan for impeaching Eric Holder. We have a rare chance to bring Holder down, but not without YOUR help! So please – the second you are done reading your [requested] enclosed Citizen Articles of Impeachment, sign the first page of this important document and return it to me right away.


I will hand-deliver your signed Citizen's Articles of Impeachment to Speaker John Boehner, and demand that he launch formal impeachment proceedings against Eric Holder immediately. And don't forget to also return your [requested and] signed Pink Slip. Your Pink Slip will send a clear message to Eric Holder: We, the People have had enough of his lawlessness, and his days are numbered!


But if you and I hope to bring Holder down, I need more than just your signature. We must launch a massive media campaign to light a fire under Congress. That means billboards, newspaper ads, and commercials on TV and radio. In order to launch this costly campaign, I must receive your gift of $25, $50, $100, or more today.


My fellow conservative, this is our chance to cut off Barack Obama's presidency at the knees. If we are successful in impeaching Eric Holder, Obama will be rendered powerless. Thank you for honestly considering my request. I anxiously await your response.


For America,

Allen Brandstater

Executive Director


P.S. You and I may never be faced with this kind of opportunity again. Eric Holder is weak. One coordinated blow will be enough to bring this tyrant down.


But I need your help. Americans for Truth and Justice is going after Barack Obama's right-hand man, and we're going to need all the support we can get. Please sign the [requested] enclosed Citizen's Articles of Impeachmenr and Pink Slip and return them to me today along with your patriotic gift of $25, $5o, $100, or whatever you can afford. Your financial support is critically needed to launch our media blitz to call on Congress to act. Thank you [ATJ, P.O. Box 8897, Pueblo, CO 81008-8897].