Jerome Corsi


(TTPC) The Tea Party Campaign

(P.O. Box 96545, Washington, D.C. 20090-6545)





Dear Friend,


Our nation's founding document, the United States Constitution, is under vicious attack in the more than two centuries since its ratification... and it's not by some power-hungry foreign dictator or some invading army ... its by our nation's President, Barack Hussein Obama, and his leftist cronies and supporters.


And I need your help to stop it! That's why I must ask you to do two things for me -- and our nation -- immediately.


1. Please complete and return the enclosed STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY, and please,


2. Make your maximum possible financial contribution to help The Tea Party Campaign in our vitally important work to stop the Obama Administration from destroying our Constitution and our very nation.


We stand at the crossroads as a country. Will Barack Obama and his henchmen finally abandon our founding document and fundamentally change our nation as he promised in his many campaign speeches? Or will right-minded Americans work together to save our U.S. Constitution and our nation?


Hello, I'm Dr. Jerome Corsi. You may have seen me on TV, or heard me on talk radio. Or maybe you know of my books: Unfit for Command – Swiftboat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry (co-authored with my great friend John O'Neill), or The Obama Nation, in which I outlined the far-left forces that have made and manipulated Mr. Obama into the Oval Office, or maybe from my wildly popular book, Where's the Birth Certificate? which became an Amazon #1 and New York Times Top Ten bestseller.


I've done the research and I know exactly how Barack Obama and his cronies think and what their agenda is for our America.


That's why I must ask you to please, take a moment right now to complete and return your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY.


The Establishment politicians and entrenched special interest groups need a wake-up call from the American people -- and they need it now. They don't care about our nation or our Constitution. They only care about their own selfish wants and desires.


And a wake-up call is exactly what they will get from your completed STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY.


I want to collect your SURVEY and thousands more from outraged patriots all across our nation. We must force Congress -- on both sides of the aisle -- to finally listen to real Americans and stop this outrageous assault on our nation and our Constitution.


Just like the original Tea Party patriots in the Revolutionary War, it's our turn to tell Barack Hussein Obama that we won't stand for it any more ... that we demand he respect his Oath of Office, our U.S. Constitution and the freedoms it preserves.


Your participation is vital. I must ask you to complete and return your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY today. Thank you.


The Obama Administration has made it quite clear that it sees our Constitution as a "living, breathing" document -- their code words for a document with no meaning that can be ignored at will. Well, it isn't.


The Founding Fathers were clear on that. They understood that dictators, tyrants and wannabe kings will always manipulate government to exert power over the people.


So they came up with the brilliant document that created the system of checks and balances that have protected our country for over 200 years.


But now, these safety checks are under threat ... from a misguided Liberal who thinks he knows what's best for us ... and what's best for his cronies and his special interest friends.


Let's look at some of the ways our Constitution is being willfully ignored by President Barack Hussein Obama and his Administration.


President Barack Obama is forcing Americans to join a system of state-delivered and controlled healthcare. In fact, he's said, "it should be a right for every American." The Constitution says absolutely nothing about guaranteeing health care. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!


President Barack Obama Declared War on Libya without seeking Congressional permission, although he did seek U.N. approval! Only Congress can sanction a war. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!


President Barack Obama has now sworn the same oath of office twice: "I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."


He did not swear to defend his liberal beliefs, nor advance his socialist agenda.


So please, take a moment right now to complete your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY and return it to me as soon as you possibly can.


Because by blatantly ignoring the Constitution, Obama is threatening everything that is good about America at its very source.


Remember, President Barack Obama made the decision to bail out the failing car companies despite the fact that the Constitution says, "No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law." UNCONSTITUTIONAL!


He also appointed dozens of Czars who answer directly to him and not Congress. Oversight of federal agencies is the responsibility of officials approved by the Senate. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!


There's his "We can't wait!" campaign, which bypasses Congressional lawmakers and allocates money the country doesn't have directly to Obama's pet schemes. UNCONSTITUTIONAL!


And there's more We are fighting a war on our southern border, which the President as Commander-in-Chief is obligated to defend and isn't


... then there's his notion that Supreme Court Justices should "embrace empathy" in their decisions and opinions despite the fact that they, like him, swore to uphold the U.S. Constitution, not influence the law of the land through partisanship.




You can see how far this rot has advanced. Please work with me on this vital issue. Tomorrow may be too late. And the stakes are too high for us to fail. The future of America rests in the balance.


We must act now, before Obama destroys our nation forever! That's why I, as Chairman of The Tea Party Campaign, am committing everything we have to generate the grassroots support so crucial to this huge undertaking.


I am completely committed in my campaign to stop this assault on our Constitution. Already, I, and The Tea Party Campaign, have developed a five-part plan to stop the rot and put our America back on track. Here it is:


1. You must sign your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY and return it to me immediately. Your completed SURVEY is critically important to this fight to save our nation.


2. I must add an additional 100,000 voices to yours. Only if we can collect a huge number of completed STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY polls along with yours can we be sure that we will make a big enough noise that the Washington insiders have to take us seriously.


3. I, and members of The Tea Party Campaign team, will deliver the results of the tabulated STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY to the White House, the United States Congress and the fair and balanced news media. Believe me, they WILL pay attention to The Tea Party Campaign and its supporters. For the first time in a long time they have a principled and vocal constituency they HAVE to listen to.


4. I, and The Tea Party Campaign, will recruit members from all across America, asking them to join with us to save our America.


5. The Tea Party Campaign will conduct a targeted national media campaign that will include press, radio, internet and television announcements. This will force the DC Beltway insiders and Establishment politicians to take our fight against unconstitutional actions very seriously.


I know this is an ambitious plan. But with your support, it can work. We're in a great position to make real change. The stakes are high. The resources we'll need are massive. But our future rests in the balance.


That's why I must ask you to immediately [request for and] complete and return your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY. And with your completed SURVEY, please include your most generous contribution to The Tea Party campaign.


Our bare-bones budget for this national SURVEY and education project is $47,500 above and beyond what The Tea Party Campaign has been able to commit so far. And I must raise at least $25,100 of that within the next 14 days. I hope I can count on you.


While I hesitate to name an amount, I must ask you to make your maximum possible contribution to help us save our Constitution so that it can protect our children and our grandchildren.


If you can afford a gift of $2,000 or $1,500 or $1,000, it will go a long way towards meeting our goal of waking up Congress to its responsibilities and stopping President Barack Hussein Obama from destroying our Constitution.


Or if you can only afford a gift of $500 or $250, or maybe $100 or $50, or $35 or even $25, please know that your contribution will be well and frugally used in this vital battle to save our nation.


Please, whatever you can send, do it today. Your [requested and] completed STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY and your best possible gift are essential if we are to save our nation.


Thank you for your support in this critically important battle for the very future of our nation. And God Bless America.



Jerome Corsi,


The Tea Party Campaign


P.S. The Constitution made America what it is. It acts as a beacon to our nation when we are at risk of losing our way. That's why I must ask you to please [request for and] complete your STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY and return it to me today. I want to deliver SURVEY results -- and begin the long and hard process of getting our nation back on track -- just as soon as I possibly can. I am counting on your help. Many thanks (TTPC, P.O. Box 96545, Washington, D.C. 20090-6545).


The Tea Party Campaign with Dr. Jerome Corsi

A project of State Department Watch Ltd. ׀ P.O. Box 96545 ׀ Washington, DC 20090-6545





Emergency Reply to

Dr. Jerome Corsi, Chairman

The Tea Party Campaign

P.O. Box 96545

Washington, DC 20090-6545


The U.S. Constitution is a masterpiece of political intent and control. It is unique and has made America unique. It has shaped us and allowed us to flourish as a free, prosperous, generous and self-sufficient nation. And it has never been more at risk! Unless we stop these anti-Constitutionalists now, our America is in danger of disappearing forever. The Tea Party Campaign has a national presence. Politicians pay attention when we speak. Let them hear what they fear most -- thousands of outraged Americans. Your participation in this important STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY, and your financial support of this project, are vital to this campaign and the future of this nation.


With your completed STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY, please enclose your maximum possible contribution to help The Tea Party Campaign with Dr. Jerome Corsi to gather the thousands of SURVEYS necessary. Only this show of strength by American citizens like you will force the Washington Establishment elites to begin to work in our interest -- not their own. Thank you for your support.

Yes, I have completed my STOP THE OBAMA ASSAULT ON THE U.S. CONSTITUTION NATIONAL SURVEY and signed where indicated to validate my answers.

Yes, I will help underwrite the cost of this nationwide survey of the American people with my contribution in the amount of:




(Sample Survey)

Stop the Obama Assault

on the U.S. Constitution



The results of your SURVEY will be tabulated with those of thousands of other Americans and released to the White House, the news media, Members of the United States House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, and influential members of the Obama/a Administration. Please check the appropriate box that most clearly reflects your opinion on these important issues. Complete as many questions as possible, sign and date on the back page, and return as soon as possible to The Tea Party Campaign with Dr. Jerome Corsi.

Your individual SURVEY will be kept CONFIDENTIAL. Thank you for your participation!


1. The U.S. Constitution's Article I, Section 8, gives Congress the power to declare war on behalf of the United States. It does NOT give the President this right. President Barack Obama's commitment of the United States Air Force to bomb Libya without the prior approval of Congress was illegal and unconstitutional.

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


2. President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton personally acquired the approval of the United Nations Security Council, rather than seek an official sanction by the U.S. Congress, before launching American warplanes to attack another sovereign nation. This was unconstitutional and sets a dangerous precedent wherein the sitting President can decide to go to war without the approval of the U.S. Congress.

Agree          Disagree           Undecided


3. President Barack Obama forced his socialist plans for universal healthcare through a Democrat-controlled Congress. Not one Republican voted for it. Do you believe that the Founding Fathers intended government-run healthcare to be provided to every American citizen?

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


4. Do you believe that "Obamacare" is Constitutional?

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


5. President Barack Obama has publically stated that Supreme Court Justices should display empathy when deciding a case before them. The Constitution is clear that their role is to uphold its intentions. Manipulating the Supreme Court to make decisions made on partisan, rather than legal, grounds is unconstitutional.

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


6. The Federal Government has no Constitutional authority to spend taxpayers' money to buy so-called "distressed assets," essentially putting the Federal government into competition with the private sector. According to the Constitution, Congress has no authority to delegate legislative power to the Treasury secretary, who is just an executive branch official. Bailouts to banks, government mortgage providers and car manufacturers are unconstitutional.

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


7. A direct appointee by the President to head up a federal program is commonly known as a Czar. They report only to the President and are there solely to implement his wishes. It is a well-known fact that agencies such as the EPA, FCC and the Department of Labor are pushing through unpopular leftist rules and regulations that would be impossible to impose through Congress. This is unconstitutional.

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


8. The President is Commander-in-Chief. He is obliged under Article V, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution to protect every State in the Union against invasion. The President has failed to defend our Southern Border, preferring instead to support illegal immigrants and ignore the very real threats to the lives of U.S. citizens struggling to survive in the war being waged by gangsters, terrorists and criminals in these southern border states.

Agree          Disagree          Undecided


Here are my personal thoughts:




SIGNED .................................................... STATE ................................ DATE ..................................


The Tea Party Campaign with Dr. Jerome Corsi

A project of State Department Watch Ltd. ׀ P.O. Box 96545 ׀ Washington, DC 20090-6545