Lawless Obama's Unsecured (1) US-Mexico Border!

Green Right Arrow Obama's Open Borders, Open Door, Backdoor!
Green Right Arrow ObamaFruit!
Green Right Arrow ABP: American Border Patrol's (ABP's) "Finish the Fence"... nation's biggest protest of its kind against illegal immigration!
Green Right Arrow ABP: ...rickety border fence on ABP's property along the US-Mexico border!
Green Right Arrow ABP: ...protest the unfinished [border] fence that the law mandates Congress must build!
Green Right Arrow ABP: politicians claimed that the border was secure... ABP...state-of-the-art technology like...!
Green Right Arrow ABP: ...fighting for border security: Senators Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, and Mike Lee, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Representatives Trey Gowdy and Steve King!
Green Right Arrow ABP: Obama and his cronies are claiming that the border is secure (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but not (1); Look at all the parrots today, not Patriots!
Green Right Arrow AIC: ...amnesty law that gave citizenship to three million illegal aliens and their dependents, yet failed to secure our borders as the law promised...!
Green Right Arrow ATJ: "Fast and Furious", Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-up. Eric Holder (Impeach), who hired dozens of al-Qaeda sympathizersand supporters of Islamic terrorists to work in the Justice Department, sanctioned the selling of thousands of military-grade weapons to Mexican drug smugglers, who then used those weapons to kill U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (1, 2)...!

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