Thomas Fitton

President of Judicial Watch

(P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)

425 Third Street SW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20024

Tel: (202) 646-5172, 1-888-593-8442, FAX: (202) 646-5199



Because no one is above the law!


President Obama is getting more aggressive in exercising power and taking actions that don't require congressional approval with an initiative the White House has branded

"We Can't Wait."


It's time you join us in sending Barack Obama a loud, clear and unmistakable message from Judicial Watch . . .


"Yes, Mr. President, You Will Wait!"


Dear Fellow American:


[4-2014] I am writing to you about a dangerous threat to our constitutional republic posed by this radical president . . . That threat is President Obama's determination to ignore Congress and govern by executive fiat, executive rules and executive orders wherever and whenever he deems it expedient or necessary in his crusade to "Fundamentally Transform" America.


Here's what President Obama told his Cabinet on January 14th:


"We're not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we are providing Americans the kind of help that they need. I've got a pen and I've got a phone. And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions . . ."


And less than a month later, the President was caught on camera saying:


"That's the great thing about being President . . . I can do whatever I want."


Frankly, we've seen this coming for a long time! After all, during his first term President Obama presided over a "progressive" disaster for America. And he did so largely through illicit executive actions:


He exploded the size, reach and cost of government;


He granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens through the back door;


He nationalized our health care;


He refused to defend the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which passed with bipartisan majorities in Congress and was signed into law by President Clinton;


He flagrantly failed to enforce our immigration laws; and


He reduced our freedoms and burdened our nation with an unsustainable debt.


Now free from the constraints of running for re-election, this radical, socialist president and his corrupt administration have embarked on an even more dangerous course for our future!


President Obama, Vice President [Joe] Biden and other senior members of their administration are making it clear that they are stepping up their efforts to bypass Congress and govern by "executive action."


And mark my words . . . President Obama's attack last year on our Second Amendment rights via 23 executive actions was just one in a series of assaults on the U.S. Constitution!


To advance his hard-left governing agenda for America, Obama is committed to using executive actions on issues ranging from unilaterally making changes in Obamacare; to gun control; to backdoor amnesty for illegal immigrants; to powerful "czar" appointments; to unilaterally raising our national debt limit ceiling.


These actions are a direct threat to the rule of law in our nation, and especially the separation of powers enshrined in the United States Constitution!


For example, in 2012 the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (1) (part of the Obama Homeland Security Department) issued a memorandum granting temporary legal status and work permits to young undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children . . . despite the fact that the Constitution vests Congress with responsibility for our immigration laws!


Of course, getting this so-called "Dream Act" amnesty, President Obama was able to do it without having to get it passed by Congress . . . one more backdoor effort by the Obama gang to woo the Hispanic vote in 2012 . . . And of course it worked.


Since then, the President has taken more action on "comprehensive immigration reform" (amnesty) . . . and I guarantee you the White House is fully prepared to continue to advance its open borders agenda through further executive actions if Congress continues to "fail to cooperate" with him!


But guns and illegal immigration are just a sampling of his abuse of executive power . . .


·        President Obama on February 10th announced yet another delay in the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (" Obamacare"), one of a series of unilateral delays he has dictatorially decreed for his "signature" legislative achievement . . . delays that we believe violate federal law and exceeds Executive Branch power!


·        President Obama has used the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to restrict the speech of conservatives. He can also use the FCC on radio and television, while shutting down free speech on the internet;


·        President Obama can use his new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to attack free enterprise and mire businesses in red tape;


·        President Obama will continue to use the Justice Department to fight election integrity (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) by failing to enforce our election laws and trying to block states from implementing voter ID laws (1, 2);


·        President Obama can continue to let the National Labor Relations Board do everything within its power to bolster Big Labor;


·        President Obama can continue to use the Internal Revenue Service to harass his political opponents (1) . . .


And the list goes on, because in our enormous federal government every single agency is at the President's disposal to be used in any manner he sees fit!


Although Republicans, the theoretical opposition party, control the U.S. House of Representatives they seem unable to act coherently on even basic governance issues, much less appearing up to the task of confronting President Obama's single-minded drive for absolute power . . .


And even if they did, as this editorial in The Washington Examiner noted:


" . . . Obama will retaliate ineligibleagainst congressional resistance by acting alone, as he already has by using executive power to make policy in education, welfare, labor law, the environment and immigration. He will test legal limits with new administrative changes, executive orders, memoranda and creative regulatory rulings."


Let me be absolutely clear with you . . . I believe that this open commitment of the Obama administration to bypass Congress and govern through executive action is an all-out assault on our representative democracy and the United States Constitution.


And I believe that the best way . . . in fact, perhaps the only way . . . to stop this move towards what in effect is government-by-presidential decree is through our court system!


That's why I am writing to you today and asking you to give your support to Judicial Watch's ongoing campaign to challenge and block the Obama administration's plans to govern by executive action. Barack Obama, his administration and their radical supporters may believe "We Can't Wait" . . .


But today it is time for you to join with Judicial Watch and send Barack Obama a clear and unmistakable message: "Yes, Mr. President, You Will Wait!"


Judicial Watch is your conservative government watchdog in Washington – the largest and most effective in the country. Our commitments are to the U.S. Constitution and to the America people's "right to know". . . commitments that have put us squarely on a collision course with Barack Obama and his administration!


We are also independent of both political parties . . . and of pressure. Since our founding in 1994 we have exposed and prosecuted corrupt Democratic and Republican officeholders.


And when we find a case of public corruption, we pursue it with unmatched determination. Just ask Bill and Hillary Clinton, Tom DeLay, Dick Cheney, Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, John Ensign, Maxine Waters or any of the other politicians we have held accountable to the law and the American people!


Our strength and our remarkable record of success in holding politicians accountable derive in part from our unique "one-two punch". . . we have on staff both expert open-records law investigators, and our own in- house legal team of lawyers.


Our investigators are the best in the business at knowing where to go to and how to demand public documents from the government under our open records law . . .


And when we're stonewalled by government bureaucrats, as happens so often with the intensively secretive Obama administration, our lawyers are uniquely experienced in the art of litigating Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases. They're ready to go to court at a moment's notice to sue the government and persuade federal judges to force the release of the documents we are seeking!


That's how we've forced the release of scandalous documents about government contracts going to ACORN (1, 2) (despite a law prohibiting it), the suppression of critical information related to illegal immigration (when they're not distorting it), material related to the Benghazi-gate cover-up, and even the costs to the taxpayers of Obama "friends and family" personal junkets overseas.


And in 2012, we launched our Election Integrity Project, which took on the corrupt efforts of the Obama Justice Department and radical groups like La Raza and affiliates of the ACORN organization to undermine our nation's election law.


Thanks to our legal work challenging the failure of states to follow federal election law, we were able to force election officials in several states, including Florida, to do their duty and clean their voter rolls.


This January we reached a very important settlement with the State of Ohio over their voter roll cleaning processes, and we have also beefed up our Election Integrity Project resources this year to be ready to work for honest elections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)in 2014 and beyond!


Regarding Obamacare, we've launched a new and massive investigation of the rollout debacle, we've filed numerous Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for key documents, and we've filed one lawsuit challenging one of the administration's dictatorial delay decrees . . . with more to surely follow.


But now we're faced with our greatest challenge . . . The frightening prospect of the Obama administration ignoring the rule of law completely and governing our nation by executive action!


That's why I am turning to you for your emergency help today.


1) I urge you to sign the [requested] enclosed Endorsement of Judicial Watch's full commitment to its investigative and legal actions challenging and blocking Obama administration actions that violate the U.S. Constitution.


Your signature on our Endorsement tells me that you share my grave concerns about the Obama gang and their efforts to "Fundamentally Transform" America.


2) I urge you to give your support to our efforts by enclosing a generous tax-deductible gift of $35, $50, $100 or even more to Judicial Watch today.


Judicial Watch relies on the voluntary contributions of dedicated patriots like you to carry forward all our work by supporting our in-house staff of investigators and attorneys.


And I'm sure you can appreciate that cost of our work is enormous, since we already launched more than 1,300 FOIA requests with the Obama administration, and filed more than 135 lawsuits against them over their failure to comply with our lawful requests.


Sadly, we're seeing the full scope of corruption and lawlessness (1, 2, 3, 4) in the Obama administration  . . . and the fact of the matter is that we cannot rely on the mainstream media or the corrupt politicians on Capitol Hill to call them to account.


But expert use of federal open records laws and of the federal court system is what Judicial Watch does every day. Honestly, no other organization can match our expertise or our record when it comes to exposing government scandals and holding corrupt politicians accountable.


And today, Judicial Watch is proud to man the firewall standing between the Obama team and the wholesale scuttling of our constitutional separation of powers!


That's why your special support of Judicial Watch today is so urgently needed. Thank you for taking the time to read my letter today.


But I urge you to do more. I urge you today to help Judicial Watch, your independent conservative watchdog in Washington, stop this corrupt and power- hungry Obama administration from undermining the U.S. Constitution and turning our nation into a lawless socialist state!



Thomas Fitton



P.S. I urge you to sign your Endorsement and return it with your best tax-deductible gift to Judicial Watch within the next two weeks. The handwriting is on the wall about the Obama gang's reliance on executive actions to push its amnesty-for-illegal-immigrants and Big Government agenda! But there's a lot more to do than just read the handwriting.


We need your emergency personal and financial commitment now to make sure we can deploy all the investigative and legal weapons at our disposal to stop the Obama gang from governing our nation by presidential decree (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!




Because no one is above the law!




Re:    Our 2014 Critical Issues Member Survey -



Dear Patriot,


[3-2014 letter] I am reaching out to you and a select number of members for your opinions on a range of critical issues facing our nation and Judicial Watch. Your Survey is registered in your name, and it is exclusively for your use . . . and I want to stress to you that this is a very real and very important Survey for us.


President Obama has Declared War on the Constitutional Separation of Powers with a sweeping plan to use "his pen and his phone" to advance his radical leftist agenda . . . which is one important reason why your answers to our 2014 Critical Issues Member Survey today takes on real urgency and importance!


As we dig in to confront new challenges from Barack Obama, we count on your answers and opinions to help guide our program priorities for the second quarter of 2014 and beyond . . .


Because, as you know, the Obama administration is clearly out of control.


Barack Obama has driven America hard-left, shown contempt for the separation of powers and the U.S. Constitution by his overreaching use of executive actions and appointment of powerful "czar" unaccountable to Congress; exploded the size and reach of government; nationalized our health care; used the IRS to suppress dissent, reduced our freedoms and burdened our nation with an unsustainable debt.


And this year, with the congressional midterm elections looming, he is redoubling efforts to steal elections for the left by pushing for wholesale amnesty for illegal aliens and attacking states in court that attempt to enact commonsense voter ID law.


His administration continues, of course, to operate under cover of darkness, routinely ignoring our open records law and making a mockery of his promises of "transparency" . . . all of which are adding up to a frighteningly out-of-control "Imperial Presidency."


That's why I am especially eager to hear from you! Only your Judicial Watch stands in the breach. Although we are proudly conservative, our commitment is not to any candidate or Democrat party. Our commitment is to uphold the rule of law.


That means that for the past five years we've been hard at work investigating, suing and otherwise challenging the Obama administration over its secrecy, lawlessness and corruption (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) . . . as well as opening important new fronts in the war to preserve the integrity of our elections!


As I write to you today, we've launched more than 1,300 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests against the Obama administration on issues including:


·          "Backdoor amnesty" measures for illegal aliens that have been enacted with neither public debate nor consideration by Congress;


·          corruption issues related to Obamacare, including nearly $700 million in taxpayer money squandered on the disastrous and fraudulent website.


Plus, we've already prosecuted more than 135 lawsuits against the Obama administration, asking courts to break through its chronic and compulsive secrecy and release to us documents the American people have a right to see.


And that means in this second Obama term we are back at work investigating, suing and otherwise challenging the administration over its secrecy, lawlessness and corruption!


On fronts ranging from the Benghazi-gate cover-up to the collusion between key IRS official Lois Lerner and the staff at the Federal election Commission (FEC) related to the Obama IRS scheme to target conservative groups (1, 2), your Judicial Watch is on the case.


Can you imagine how much worse things would have been over the past five years if your Judicial Watch had not been there to fight, day after day, for the people's right to know?


And now we're ramping up our Election Integrity Project, fighting both the corrupt Obama Justice Department and state election officials (Republicans and Democrats) who are failing to enforce federal law designed to keep our elections honest!


With the radical Obama gang determined to do whatever it takes to help leftist candidates win, including allowing illegal aliens to slip into the voting booth, fighting for election integrity is an important priority for us this year! And our impact is already being felt!


·          In January, we reached a groundbreaking settlement with the State of Ohio over a lawsuit we filed in August 2012 against the state's failure to clean their voter rolls, as required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA). Keeping voter rolls accurate and up-to-date is one of the most important defenses against voter fraud (1), and thanks to Judicial Watch, this year Ohio will be undertaking major reforms in their voter roll cleaning efforts!


·          And just as we go to court to challenge states that fail to enforce clean election laws, we also go to court to support states that work to keep their elections honest through voter ID and other commonsense laws. For example, we recently filed in court a Motion to Intervene in support of North Carolina's voter ID law, now under sustained attack by the Obama administration and its leftist allies. These leftists oppose any state efforts that make it easier to keep ineligible voters out of the voting booth!


President Obama and his administration have three more years to try to corruptly push America permanently to the Teft . . . but they still have to contend with Judicial Watch!


Now, I am anxious to learn your opinions about how you believe we can best keep the pressure on. And I also ask you other important questions about our programs and our work.


That's because we have some very important decisions to make, and we'd like your specific feedback! (I'm especially interested in your answer to question 5, so please be sure to answer it.)


And since we make special arrangements for the timely processing of your answers, I hope you can complete your Survey and return it to us within 10 days!


When you do, I also hope you will support your Critical Issues Survey answers with a special tax-deductible gift to Judicial Watch.


Your contribution today will help us push forward with all our lawsuits, research and investigations. It'll also be an enormous help as we work to meet our operating budgets and carry forward our 2014 programs into the second quarter of the year.


Thanks to the support we received from you and our other members, 2013 was the busiest year in Judicial Watch's history . . . and 2014 promises to be even more "impactful" for us.


Of course, we are also maintaining our national leadership role in the fight at the state and local level in the continuing battles over illegal immigration.


Last summer, a Superior Court judge in Los Angeles handed Judicial Watch's legal team another big victory when it threw out a controversial Los Angeles Police Department policy, Special Order 7.


Special Order 7 was a politically-correct, pro-illegal alien sanctuary policy (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) related to impounding cars (1) operated by "undocumented" individuals that Judicial Watch had been fighting, on behalf of a Los Angeles taxpayer. This victory over pro-sanctuary public officials and the ACLU is just one more example of how Judicial Watch digs in for the long haul, and is ready and able to take on powerful and well-financed opponents on behalf of the American people and the rule of law!


And in 2014 we will keep fighting for strict enforcement of our law against illegal immigration and against the attempts of the Obama administration to ignore, undermine and violate these laws in their headlong rush to enact amnesty for millions of illegal aliens!


The fact is that right now Judicial Watch's work is urgently needed to protect the rule of law in our nation . . . especially with Barack Obama in the White House for three more years!


As I'm certain you know, we don't flip-flop . . .


We're in it for the long haul . . .


And we're effective . . . because we get results.


Results like pushing states and counties to clean their voter rolls, as a way to reduce the opportunities for voter fraud. Results like forcing the release of documents that show the vast amounts of taxpayer funds spent on non-official luxury ski trips and overseas vacations taken by the Obama family. Results like successfully challenging state and local "sanctuary" policies for illegal aliens!


But we're only effective because members like you generously invest in our mission and our programs and give us the indispensable financial support that underwrites all our lawsuits, investigations and public education activities.


Now as we continue to fight public corruption and gear up to protect the honesty of the 2014 elections, I am counting on you today to help us with your opinions and a tax-deductible contribution.


Your gift will help me determine how aggressively we can hold the Obama gang accountable for their past crimes, corruption and secrecy, while at the same time we carry forward all our investigations and litigation.


We simply cannot trust Republican leaders in Congress or a liberal media to hold Obama accountable or to seriously tackle public corruption. But you can trust Judicial Watch. We are your independent Washington DC watchdog that will continue to take on the Obama crowd and corrupt politicians directly!


We will continue to keep the pressure on the Obama administration in the months ahead; we will fight for enforcement of our law against illegal immigration; and we will monitor and expose congressional corruption if I can count on you today, both for your opinion and your special financial help. Thank you in advance for your generosity!



Thomas Fitton



P.S.  . . . I want to stress how much we are counting on you to back up your 2014 Critical Issues Member Survey answers with a generous gift to Judicial Watch. Others may now abandon the battle to hold Barack Obama and his administration accountable under the law, but Judicial Watch won't! We need your help to continue to fight hard for open government and the rule of law. Thank you!


[Please request for "2014 JUDICIAL WATCH CRITICAL ISSUES MEMBER SURVEY" (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!]




Because no one is above the law!


2014 Program Priorities Poll


[1-2014 partial letter] . . . simply read our Verdict of 2014 . . .


·          You'll read how we secured highly explosive documents from the Federal election Commission (FEC) (FEC) showing that Lois Lerner, the key IRS official who spearheaded the Obama administration scheme to target conservative groups, provided detailed, confidential information about the tax application status of certain conservative groups to the FEC . . . which is almost certainly an outright violation of federal law!


Judicial Watch is digging to get all the facts about what appears to potentially be an even wider Obama administration attempt to cripple conservative groups than previously thought . . . and to hold those responsible accountable to the law and the American people!


·          And you'll read how our ongoing efforts to keep track of the covert activities of the discredited ACORN network have yielded more (bitter) fruit!


Documents released to us by the Consumer Financial Protection Board (CFPB) show repeated meetings between a key ACORN network operative and senior CFPB and other Obama administration officials to discuss housing policy. Stunning . . . that a group whose corrupt, far-left policies helped trigger the housing market crash is still advising the government!


More proof that ACORN is alive and well . . . and still working hand in glove with its radical allies in the Obama administration.


·          You'll also read that our Election Integrity Project has moved into high gear. We helped win a big victory for honest elections in Virginia just before that state's November 2013 elections, and we're doggedly pressing ahead with litigation in Indiana and Ohio where we've been fighting since 2012 to force election officials there (mostly Republicans) to clean their voter rolls.


With the addition of noted election law expert Bob Popper to our staff, we're ramping up our Election Integrity Project to the next level in time for the midterm congressional Election in November, 2014. As always, we neither endorse nor oppose candidates for public office . . . but we fight tirelessly to keep our elections honest and transparent!


And these stories just scratch the surface of all the work we're pursuing right now to fulfill our mission to you and support the rule of law and open government in our nation!


I'm not exaggerating when I make the claim that . . . with over 1,250 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests filed with the Obama administration and more than 125 lawsuits filed against them. Judicial Watch is leaving no stone unturned in challenging Obama secrecy and corruption (including our recently launched investigation into the $635 million worth of contracts handed out by the Obama administration to "construct" and "launch" the defective, fraudulent Obamacare website!)


That's not all . . . In addition to fighting for honest elections and against the rampant lawlessness of the Obama gang, we're still leading the fight for enforcement of our nation's laws against illegal immigration.


So you'll also read about our recent taxpayer lawsuit against Cook County (IL), one more pro-sanctuary locality run by liberals who decided that its view about immigration policy trumps federal immigration law!


For two years the Cook County Sheriff's office has ignored a clear federal mandate which requires that if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) issues an "immigration detainer" after an illegal alien has been arrested, it is the duty of local law enforcement to maintain custody of the illegal alien for 48 hours.


Cook County, of course, is Chicago . . . and one of our nation's biggest cities and Barack Obama's hometown. Of course, the Obama Justice Department won't enforce the rule of law in Chicago, so it is up to us . . . And your Judicial Watch is now in court challenging this arrogant violation of federal law.


As we proved last year in Los Angeles when we persuaded a Superior Court judge to throw out an illegal Los Angeles Police Department "sanctuary" policy related to releasing impounded vehicles to unlicensed (i.e., illegal alien) drivers, our legal team is up to the challenge of taking on sanctuary policies in even the most liberal jurisdictions!


For sure, our legal system works slowly . . . but as we've proved countless times over the past twenty years, it does work! Of course, we also continue to monitor and expose the corrupt behavior and actions of Washington politicians in both parties, a task that requires constant vigilance! . . .


So believe me when I say that reading this month's newsletter should alert you to the hard cold fact that Judicial Watch is now entering a New Year in which our work will be as important as it ever has been over the past twenty years . . . and in which we have the potential to expand our reach and multiply our impact!


But our potential to be even more effective and impactful in 2014 really depends on our best members and supporters, like you.


That's why I hope you'll take a few minutes today to answer your [requested] enclosed 2014 Program Priorities Poll. I want to know your opinions about where you think we should target our financial resources and staff over the next twelve months.


I also ask that you support your answers with a generous tax-deductible gift to Judicial Watch. Your answers to our Poll and your best contribution today will help me judge:


·          How aggressively we can fight back against Obama administration secrecy;


·          How we can best answer the challenge of continuing to fight illegal alien sanctuary policies at the state and local level, while also exposing Obama administration ongoing efforts to enact amnesty for illegal aliens;


·          How we can most effectively work to keep our elections honest;


·          How we can best get to the facts behind Obama administration scandals including Benghazi-gate, the IRS program to oppress conservative groups, and the corruption involved in Obamacare.


For twenty years, Judicial Watch has been your independent conservative watchdog group in Washington. We're beholden to no political party and no special interests. We expose and prosecute corrupt Republicans and Democrats.


And with a commitment unmatched by any other group, we're taking on the secretive and corrupt Obama administration . . . far and away the most lawless presidential administration we've confronted since we opened our doors in 1994.


What's more, at every step along the way we're keeping the American people informed about what our investigations and our lawsuits are uncovering.


If you'll stand with us again today with your advice and your financial support, we're better positioned to stand firm in 2014 for the principle that ours is a nation of laws.


Thank you, as always, for all you do to support Judicial Watch and our mission of upholding the rule of law in America!



Thomas Fitton



P.S. Please answer your [requested] 2014 Program Priorities Poll as soon as possible and try to return it, along with your best tax-deductible gift to us within the next ten days. As the New Year begins we have some key decisions to make and I'm really counting on your advice! Thank you (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!




Because no one is above the law!


[12-24-2013 partial letter] . . . I deeply appreciate your generous commitment [faithful support]. But although we are making enormous headway, the naked truth is that I believe we're headed toward even higher levels of government corruption with the Obama administration settling in for another term.


Presently, I am fearful of politicians like Barack Obama who put radical political ideology and transformational power above the rule of law. And I know you feel the same way . . .


You're already helping us pursue justice on critical battlefronts where we're attempting to hold his administration accountable to the law. As you can imagine, this continues to be no easy task . . .


But I'm proud to share with you that Judicial Watch is having more impact fighting corruption and government secrecy since 2008 than in any other period since opening our doors in 1994.


We're now well into our second Obama administration term, and as I write you today, we've filed more than 1,150 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and more than 120 lawsuits against the current administration on issues ranging from Obamacare; to the "Benghazi-gate" attack and cover-up; to the illegal targeting of Tea Party and conservative groups (1, 2, 3) by the Internal Revenue Service; to continued Obama funding of the criminal ACORN group; to the potentially unconstitutional use of unaccountable czar who are accountable to no one; and ultimately our history-making election integrity campaign to disrupt the Obama machine's efforts at corrupting election and illicitly tilting the electoral playing field in favor of the left for years to come.


And still high on our agenda is our full frontal assault to uncover political corruption by members of Congress ­– not to mention the corruption and abuse within the Obama Justice Department, Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies populated with the administration's radical political appointees.


We continue to lead the fight across the country against illegal immigration by busting local and state "sanctuary" policies such as discounted tuition policies for taxpayer-funded colleges; while exposing politically-driven attempts by the Obama gang to gut enforcement of our laws against illegal immigration with "administrative measures" that effectively grant backdoor amnesty to untold numbers of illegal aliens.


Most visibly, our legal arguments prevailed on behalf of Arizona State in the U.S. Supreme Court against the Obama gang's efforts to completely block the tough immigration enforcement law – S.B. 1070 – leaving key aspects of the law intact.


That followed our successful support of another Arizona law in the Supreme Court that now penalizes Arizona businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens.


These Arizona laws have had enormous implications for the urgent campaign to end illegal immigration!


Already, Alabama and Georgia have passed similar tough enforcement laws that (like Arizona) are being challenged in court by the Obama Justice Department.


And now, as the corrupt Obama politically machine churns into a second term, I'm certain that their efforts to reward their radical open-border friends will only worsen the illegal immigration crisis (1).


The fact is . . . our anti-corruption investigations and lawsuits in this and in other important areas are growing both in number and in depth.


And a year into his second four-year term, Barack Obama and his gang are already cranking out new "government by regulation" strategies, even as I write you. That means we must be even more vigilant in monitoring, exposing and publicizing the Obama administration's secrecy, corruption and contempt for the rule of law! 


I believe no one is working harder than Judicial Watch to break through Obama administration secrecy and hold this radical president accountable to the American people.


So while it's heartening to see our work and effectiveness increase, it is becoming more and more difficult to balance this growth in our programs with our resources.


All of our investigations, lawsuits and legal representations require enormous amounts of money, especially since we are generally fighting against the deep-pockets of government lawyers. The reality is that I must raise at least $21 million in 2014 to keep our work on track.


I've consulted with my colleagues on how we can better face these challenges from a financial perspective. We were recently able to significantly reduce our fundraising costs. But we want to do even more. We must do more to minimize our fundraising costs while maximizing our overall effectiveness . . . 


You see, stewarding our resources is critically important for us.

At Judicial Watch we live within our budgets.


That's because our enemies . . . opponents of honest and open government . . . are well-financed. In fact, our funding is dwarfed by the far left that has billionaires like George Soros who use their wealth to fund leftist organizations.


The deep pockets of Soros, the ACLU, the far left and Obama's taxpayer-funded government lawyers all stand against your Judicial Watch. We, on the other hand, depend exclusively on small contributions from many thousands of good Americans like you.


As long as we have to continue to litigate against power-houses like the ACLU and government lawyers whose salaries and expenses are paid for by taxpayers, we operate at a financial disadvantage.


The bottom line is this: We have all the weapons we need in the battle for honest government . . . except one . . . the steady, reliable and predictable stream of income that YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN THE JUDICIAL WATCH AMICUS SOCIETY can help give us.


That's especially important now because under the Obama administration we are facing an inexorable expansion of government that is socialist in principle and inherently corrupt in its practice.


That's why it's imperative that we continue to demand the highest standard in ethics and respect for the law from our public officials.


We take this responsibility of ours to hold politicians accountable to the law very seriously. In solving our nation's problems we insist that respect for THE RULE OF LAW is front and center. So it is toward this end that we have launched a number of full-scale investigations and legal actions involving serious ethical and legal issues surrounding President Barack Obama and his administration.


Nor do we spare Congress . . .


The American people have a right to know and hold accountable our "overseers" in Congress and their politically cronies on Wall Street and corporate lobbyists on K Street.


Their corruption and malfeasance that were at the very heart of the economic crisis are still causing much pain to many Americans right now – and they must be held accountable!


In this and in countless other ways, politicians from both parties in Congress and officials throughout the Obama administration are failing the integrity test left and right . . . and in the end they are abusing our trust, degrading our public institutions and damaging our nation.


But while we and others have made serious allegations of corruption and ethical infractions against the president and many members of his administration and allies in Congress, the liberal national media continue to generally look the other way!


So you can see why we're working so feverishly

just to keep pace.


Some observers in Washington are now questioning whether any one or all of Obama's willful measures to undermine our nation's laws are impeachable offenses. Personally, I believe that our federal government under President Obama is off-the-rails and out of control. 


Over the next four years I look for Obama's government agencies to use regulations to push their radical left agenda when they cannot get Congress to act in their interest. One sure bet, for example, is that the Obama administration will seek to silence conservative voices by regulating talk radio and the Internet. This was once an important Obama administration priority that was temporarily put on the back burner. Expect to see the president turn up the heat on his particular brand of "government by regulation" in an effort to preserve his radical policies for generations to come. 


I know, too, that the very real burdens of increasing violent crime and public taxpayer money wasted in dealing with the massive problem of illegal immigration are not anything we can afford.


The American people have every right to feel secure that our federal immigration laws are being enforced by government officials at every level. And Americans from across the country are asking for Judicial Watch's help to force local and national government officials to end illegal "sanctuary" policies and discounted "in-state" tuition practices for illegal aliens. 


Clearly, your Judicial Watch is the largest and most effective watchdog in Washington. While we have won many victories over politically corruption since we opened our doors and began fighting for the rule of law in 1994, the truth is we've also lost a few. But we have never let a lack of funds defeat us.


And we must never let that happen. Not ever. Your Amicus Society membership will help ensure our financial future, which in turn helps ensure preservation of our shared conservative values . . . (JW, P.O. Box 96234, Washington D.C. 20090-6234)!