Lawless Obama's Open Borders for Illegal Aliens!

Green Right Arrow Obama's Unsecured (1) US-Mexico Border!
Green Right Arrow ObamaFruit!
Green Right Arrow AAUNC: ...liberals' radical plans. Socialized health care... open borders... weak national security... giving rights to terrorist suspects... radical tax increases...!
Green Right Arrow AIC: Our current " open borders" immigration policy is fueling record levels of illegal immigration and legal immigration is at an historic high!
Green Right Arrow AIC: Are you concerned about open borders that allow drugs, diseases and criminals to enter America?
Green Right Arrow AIC: our schools, our economy and our political and social fabric has also increased the call in many corners of the nation to re-think our "open border "immigration policy.!
Green Right Arrow FAIR: Now that President Barack Obama is in his second term... Open border advocates are as determined as ever to pass amnesty legislation for the millions of illegal aliens currently living in our country!
Green Right Arrow FAIR: more benefits and rewards (1, 2, 3, 4) for the millions of illegal immigrants already in our country and the millions more who will continue to cross our borders...!
Green Right Arrow FAIR: ...advocate for open border, and "social justice." All are aggressive in their lobbying efforts to provide illegal immigrants a path to citizenship!
Green Right Arrow JW: ...the president [Obama] and his inner core of advisers are closely allied with hardcore left-wing, open borders groups like La Raza and the ACLU!
Green Right Arrow JW: White House is fully prepared to continue to advance its open borders agenda through further executive actions if Congress continues to "fail to cooperate" with him!
Green Right Arrow SBC: But you can help Secure Borders Coalition and me put a stop to Obama's malignant design for America's ruin, and thwart the open borders crowd in Congress...!
Green Right Arrow SBC: ... Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has secretly schemed with open border House RINOs like Reps. Ryan, Goodlatte, and Cantor...!
Green Right Arrow SBC: Just as elsewhere along the open border, illegal aliens have virtual free rein to cross into the U.S. through the base. ... foreign agents entering the base...!
Green Right Arrow USJF: Exposing the amnesty scheme of the "open borders" gang [of Eight (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) S. 744 (1)] in Congress... "dethrone" Barack Obama... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!

Lawless Obama's Open Door immigration policy!

Green Right Arrow AIC:... amnesty and our nation's "open door" immigration policy...!
Green Right Arrow AIC: current "open door" immigration policy of non-enforcement of our laws should continue as is, or should be changed!

Lawless Obama's Backdoor Amnesty for illegal aliens!

Green Right Arrow JW: Help STOP the corrupt Obama political machine from enacting BACKDOOR AMNESTY for illegal aliens. . . and stealing the 2014 Elections!
Green Right Arrow JW: ...nothing is higher on Obama's priority list than granting amnesty to illegal aliens — by passing legislation through Congress(the front door), or lawlessly through "executive actions " (the back door)!
Green Right Arrow JW: President Obama and his supporters are not hiding their unlawful and sleazy schemes to go through the backdoor!
Green Right Arrow JW: The Obama administration is advancing its amnesty plans by ignoring the Constitution, bypassing Congress and the American people and enacting regulatory changes to benefit millions of illegal aliens currently in our country...and this is what we know as "backdoor amnesty"!
Green Right Arrow JW: derail these sleazy Obama administration amnesty schemes... BACKDOOR OR FRONTDOOR AMNESTY to millions of illegal aliens...and on the current impact of illegal immigration...!
Green Right Arrow JW:...granting BACKDOOR AMNESTY to millions of illegal aliens?
Green Right Arrow
JW: ...stop the Obama administration's BACKDOOR AMNESTY plans!
Green Right Arrow JW: Obama... making changes in Obamacare; to gun control; to backdoor amnesty for illegal immigrants; to powerful "czar" appointments...!
Green Right Arrow JW: ...getting this so-called "Dream Act" more backdoor effort by the Obama gang to woo the Hispanic vote...!
Green Right Arrow JW: Backdoor amnesty" measures for illegal aliens that have been enacted with neither public debate nor consideration by Congress!
Green Right Arrow JW: ...Big Labor's cashseized from workers' paychecks – is funneled back door into buying elections for the union bosses' pet candidates backdoor,amnesty (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!
Green Right Arrow NRTWC: ...Forced Dues... Big Labor's cashseized from workers' paychecksis funneled back door into buying elections for the union bosses' pet candidates!
Green Right Arrow TSCL: part of their back-door Amnesty plan, the [Obama] Administration is deferring deportation on almost 2 million illegal immigrants with the simple stroke of a pen!

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