Ed Cates


(TSCL) The Senior Citizens League

(S.S. Bill of Rights, P.O. Box 97173, Washington, D.C. 20090-7173)



Defending Your Earned Benefits


A National Petition and Survey of 5,000,000 American Voters

Concerning The Social Security Bill of Rights


The Social Security Bill of Rights:


Item 1: Congress shall PAY Social Security recipients a MINIMUM annual Social Security COLA of 3%...


Item 2: Congress shall CORRECT the way the Social Security COLA is calculated so it reflects the REAL increase in the cost of living, and GUARANTEE said COLA under law...


ITEM 3: Congress shall PROHIBIT the payment of Social Security benefits based on illegally performed work...


Item 4: Congress shall GUARANTEE, under law, that Social Security and Medicare benefits will be excluded from budget cuts and paid as promised...


ITEM 5: Congress shall GIVE BACK the almost $3 Trillion they have TAKEN from our Social Security retirement reserves...


ITEM 6: Congress shall IMMEDIATELY pass into law the $5,000 Lump-Sum Social Security Settlement for NOTCH VICTIMS...


Dear Concerned American,


As I write to you today, the retirement benefits you and I earned are less safe now than at any other time in the last 30 years... For example:


·     The new, lower "Chained" COLA proposal which will slash your benefits for the rest of your life is almost certain to go into effect because it is supported by the President and many Republicans and Democrats;


·     The illegal alien amnesty that's on top of President Obama's "to do list" for 2014 will drain billions from the Social Security Trust Fund, and Medicare costs will continue to rise; and incredibly...


·     Congress has already just cut pension benefits for military veterans!


That's why I am asking you to sign & complete the enclosed PETITION & SURVEY concerning the Social Security Bill of Rights — the charter that will protect you from the politicians, economists and other "experts" who seem determined to cut Social Security benefits in the months ahead.


But I need more than just your signed petition and survey answers.


I am so concerned about these many intensifying threats to our Social Security benefits now coming out of Washington that I urge you – PLEASE – not to ignore this letter. The hard, cold truth is that...


Experts ranging from past and former chairmen of the Federal Reserve to the President's economic advisors are ALL saying Social Security benefits MUST be cut. On top of that, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has said that Social Security and Medicare benefit cuts of as much as 36% combined (as much as $436 a month for some retirees) are needed to keep the programs afloat.


And, even President Obama's deficit reduction commission recommended a "change" to the COLA that will cut your benefits significantly over the coming years.


And, meanwhile, Social Security is already paying out more in benefits than it receives in revenues – putting the benefits of more than 56 million recipients in jeopardy!


I plan to submit a report to Congress on the results of this PETITION & SURVEY and the massive level of support by Americans for the Social Security Bill of Rights – the charter that comes as close as possible to guaranteeing that older Americans get the benefits they earned.


I hope I can include your signature and answers in this report.


Each of the protections in the Social Security Bill of Rights has been placed before Congress as separate pieces of legislation in the recent past, and hundreds of Members of Congress have already given their written support to key elements.


This is EXTRMELY ENCOURAGING – and, in large part, it is because concerned Americans like you have made your voices heard...


By placing these protections under the Social Security Bill of Rights umbrella, we are focusing the attention of lawmakers on all of them.


Our goal is to pass this vitally needed legislative protection before threats and fears turn into reality – and it is too late to stop them...


The components of the Social Security Bill of Rights are like an INSURANCE POLICY allowing older Americans to rest assured their hard-earned benefits will keep coming – no matter what!


This is critical because so many powerful Washington insiders today are saying that Social Security problems cannot be solved – and benefits must therefore be slashed.


If you'll permit me to be candid... that's pure, unadulterated rubbish! Social Security is not the problem... Congress is the problem!


It is nothing but reckless spending and undisciplined greed by our politicians in Washington causing the many serious issues facing Social Security!


My friend, we are living in the most troubling of times, and your benefits need the protection that can only be provided by the Social Security Bill of Rights.


We can and must pass the Social Security Bill of Rights.


Luckily, the foundation has already been laid because hundreds of Members of Congress have ALREADY given their written support to one or more of the key elements of the Social Security Bill of Rights.


What we need now is a new and massive wave of public support for the Social Security Bill of Rights.


And that's where the attached survey and petition come into play. This is not a survey of just anyone – it is a survey of older taxpayers and voters who have spent a lifetime paying America's bills.


With the "experts" lined up in favor of benefit cuts, we need to show Congress what the folks who PAID FOR the benefits are saying!


1)  We will send a strong and clear message to politicians in Washington so they understand that America's politically active Seniors are OUTRAGED by these threats to our EARNED BENEFITS;


2)  We are identifying and mobilizing millions of American Seniors to pressure Congress to REJECT so-called budget deficit solutions that cut Social Security benefits – especially the COLA – which ALREADY fails to do the job it was intended to do;


3)  And we need to mobilize millions of American Seniors to pressure Congress and the White House to SUPPORT the Social Security Bill of Rights.


I can report to you that concern and even anger are building across America over the level of massive and reckless government spending, and its – effect on our government's ability to continue to pay retirement benefits.


And I assure you that politicians who want to stay in office will pay close attention to a survey of 5,000,000 Seniors who vote.


This is not like the polls you read about in the media, which ask a few hundred people their views and then call this representative of public opinion. Our survey of 5,000,000 Seniors will be a powerful poll, and will certainly be the largest survey ever conducted on this issue.


When we deliver the results to Congress you can be sure a survey this large will be studied carefully by every Member of Congress – especially those in districts and states with high concentrations of Senior voters.


Your [requested for and] signed PETITION and completed SURVEY will have tremendous impact in the weeks and months ahead as Congress once again focuses on Social Security and Medicare.


Which is why I urge you to act immediately to help make sure Members of Congress "get the message" from their constituents. It's vital they receive a huge pile of PETITIONS to support all of The League's lobbying in Washington.


For the same reason, it's vitally important they see the results of our massive SURVEY. My staff and I are already working with Members of Congress in support of every element in the Social Security Bill of Rights. But that's just part of a Campaign that uses every form of news media available in an all out effort to get the attention of Members of Congress and force immediate action.


The League's Battle Plan Includes the Following:


1)  Generate record-smashing Senior support for the Social Security Bill of Rights through this petition campaign;


2)  Print and distribute 5,000,000 Social Security Bill of Rights information and petition packets;


3)  Launch major advertising campaigns in key states if we can raise the necessary money;


4)  Continue to build our print and internet projects.


That's why I'm also telling you that we urgently need contributions. With the help of friends like you we can put our plan into action and protect your benefits.


THIS IS IMPORTANT: Our only source of funds is voluntary contributions from League supporters and patriotic Senior Americans like you who cherish a secure retirement and understand the seriousness of the threats to our earned benefits.


We will need many $25, $50, $100 and $200 contributions to fund the Battle Plan I've laid out for you. I am counting on Seniors and supporters like you for the support we need to fight this battle.


The stakes in this battle could not be bigger. The fate of the retirement benefits you paid for and earned hangs in the balance. Thank you for completing the enclosed PETITION & SURVEY and including your best contribution.


Will you please help?

Ed Cates



P.S. With the GAO and other policy "experts" telling Congress there needs to be a $436-a-month cut in the average recipient's benefits (when you include the Medicare cuts they want to implement), NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT!


The situation is TRULY URGENT and we must act quickly. We must immediately show Congress that we OPPOSE any Social Security cuts or changes... and that you SUPPORT a fair annual COLA that keeps up with rising costs for Seniors.


P.P.S. Please show your support for the Social Security Bill of Rights. And please remember that your financial support is urgently needed in order to sustain the kind of campaign that will STOP the benefit cuts that are on the drawing board now, or are already underway.


Please – will you contribute $10, $15 or even $5 when you return your signed PETITION and completed SURVEY and help our campaign to provide real protection for your benefits? What matters most is that every League supporter who receives my letter sends a contribution in some amount – whatever level is right for you – along with a completed PETITION & SURVEY (S.S. Bill of Rights, P.O. Box 97173, Washington, D.C. 20090-7173).




Ed Cates


(TSCL) The Senior Citizens League

(P.O. Box 96634, Washington, D.C. 20090-6634)



Defending Your Earned Benefits


Why an illegal alien amnesty

puts Social Security benefits at risk –

and why YOUR help is so important...


[1-2014 partial letter] Will you sign the [requested] enclosed National Petition Against an Illegal Alien Amnesty... urges Congress to pass H.R. 2745, the "No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants" Act.


Even if you've signed a petition opposing amnesty in the past, it is extremely important that you sign this one.


Right now, as we approach the 2014 elections, both Republicans and Democrats are counting votes and looking ahead to the 2016 presidential election.


And, while Congress seems to do very little these days except argue among themselves, both parties seem intent on passing an amnesty in an effort to capture Hispanic-American votes.


And President Obama has recently restated his pledge to pass an amnesty before he leaves office. Which is why an illegal alien amnesty is more likely than ever.


And, it is also why Washington insiders are saying we need to pass "immigration reform" ­– which is the Washington politician's name for an illegal alien amnesty.


My friend, the plans we've seen for an amnesty pose a massive threat to your future benefits. Which is why we need to make sure Congress doesn't authorize an amnesty and, instead, passes the "No Social Security for Illegal Immigrants" Act.


The reason an amnesty threatens Social Security is simple: in every version we have seen, an amnesty would allow illegal aliens to claim Social Security credit for the ILLEGAL work they performed.


Think about that for a minute. Someone who has worked illegally will be eligible for Social Security. But based on what?


Illegal workers use invalid and fraudulent Social Security numbers. Once their status changes (as it would after an amnesty), and they receive work authorization, they can file a claim for benefits and the Social Security Administration uses ALL earnings to determine benefits, even for jobs worked under fraudulent or even stolen Social Security numbers.


And millions of illegals have already learned that the U.S. government requires no Social Security number to file a tax return and have fraudulently claimed billions in child tax refunds, even for children who don't even live in the U.S.! According to the U.S. Treasury Inspector General, illegal aliens cheated American taxpayers out of a staggering $4.2 BILLION in 2010 alone by filing bogus claims for child tax credits! And Medicare pays out billions MORE each year in fraudulent claims.


But, in the case of Social Security, claims based on fraudulent Social Security numbers will mean LESS money in the Social Security Trust Funds to pay the benefits you earned at a time when Social Security is already stretched thin.


For over 20 years, the League has been an effective voice for seniors in Washington. But NEVER have we seen Social Security benefits threatened as they are today.


Because, in addition to the threat posed by an amnesty, the new "chained" Social Security COLA threatens seniors with a massive $127 Billion CUT over the coming years, which will reduce your benefits by $10, $20 or as much as $80 a month!


There are other threats to your benefits and we are fighting to make sure they don't materialize. For example, we are actively working to stop any form of illegal alien amnesty that would result in the payment of Social Security benefits to illegal aliens – and deplete already dwindling Social Security Trust Funds reserves...


With major threats to Social Security on hand, our ability to conduct an effective defense of your benefits is being tested. And, right now, we simply don't have the money we need to guarantee that we can stop the amnesty, stop the new lower "chained" Social Security COLA and do the work that needs to be done to protect Medicare from premium increases or cuts.


I have to tell you, the cost of fighting the amnesty is enormous, and we don't have the reserves we need to increase the scale of our campaign in the way we would like.


Don't got me wrong! We are doing everything we can...


In fact, I'm proud of the work we are doing. Last year we helped stop the rush towards an amnesty and, when the "chained" COLA was first promoted as a way to balance the budget the public outcry generated by campaigns like this stopped it – at least temporarily.


I was the League's Treasurer before I was elected Chairman, and I can tell you we budget everything down to the penny – not a dime is wasted. Board members like me are unpaid and volunteer our time, and our staff are the most dedicated group of people you'll meet.


But right now we urgently need financial help to head off this new attack on Social Security. As I mentioned earlier, Congressional leaders and President Obama came close to moving forward with the "chained" COLA late last year.


I can tell you that the campaign we led was a major reason why, at the last minute, they backed away from passing the COLA cut.


Our massive campaign to stop the illegal amnesty has already gathered tens of thousands of petitions in the districts of key Members of Congress. It also resulted in a flood of letters and phone calls to Members of Congress which, so far, have stalled it.


But we have not stopped it completely, and we cannot slow down our efforts to convince Congress that their constituents oppose the payment of Social Security benefits based on illegally performed work.


Right now, we urgently need to INCREASE the pressure.


The National Petition Against an Illegal Alien Amnesty is extremely important because there will likely be a vote on the amnesty before the end of the summer – so we MUST increase the pressure and make our voices heard now...


I also urgently need contributions so we can lead the opposition to the amnesty and increase the work we are doing. We need to flood Congressional offices and the White House with a wave of grass roots opposition to the amnesty in the form of letters, petitions, personal visits, e-mails and phone calls.


But I simply don't have the money needed to increase the campaign to the level that's needed. Yes, we are conducting this national drive to obtain one million signatures on the National Petition Against an Illegal Alien Amnesty...


And we have a dedicated lobbying staff here in Washington: Led by a former Member of Congress, they are working long hours and have met with dozens of Members of Congress in an effort to stop the amnesty.


In fact, our board of directors joins them on door-to-door visits on Capitol Hill where we personally urge Members of Congress to say "NO" to Social Security for illegal aliens. But there is MUCH MORE we need to do to stop the amnesty – and, if we have the funds, we will.


For example, we would like to run hard-hitting newspaper advertisements in the districts of key Members of Congress so they read what ordinary Americans are saying about the amnesty and how it affects Social Security. We had hoped to run radio advertisements against the amnesty at rush-hour here in Washington so that Members of Congress and their staff would hear them as they drive home.


If we had the funds we could double the number of petitions we send to senior citizens and, as a result, we would gather signatures on our petition more quickly. That's important because it is vital we quickly show Congress that their constituents are concerned and want action to STOP the amnesty...


Which is why I'm asking you to make a special donation to help at this critical time. Remember, it is your Social Security they want to cut!


Your donation of $20 or $25 or $30 or even $10 will help us protect Social Security for the millions of elderly Americans who are dependent on it to cover the basic necessities of life.


Social Security is truly at a crossroads and so are millions of older Americans who count on it.


I believe we can stop the amnesty but I need supporters like you to make a special effort to help us pay the cost of these campaigns. Printing, postage, advertising costs – these are all essential parts of a successful campaign and, without help from concerned friends like you we will not have the money we need to pay for them.


I urge you to return your petition and your emergency financial support today. Please do not delay – and thank you for your help!


Edward Cates



P.S. An illegal alien amnesty was seriously discussed in Congress last year. The anti-amnesty campaign we conducted helped create significant public pressure on Congress against an amnesty and they backed off. Now they are at it again and are better prepared for public opposition. In addition, President Obama has said that immigration reform (which includes an amnesty) is one of his highest priorities before he leaves office. We need to increase the pressure and show them retirees will not tolerate an amnesty that provides Social Security benefits based on illegal work. Please rush you petition – and your contribution – back to me as soon as you possibly can.


Please request for The National Petition Against an Illegal Alien Amnesty! (TSCL, P.O. Box 96634, Washington, D.C. 20090-6634)




Edward Cates (TSCL)


Social Security Complaint Petition


Dear Supporter,


[11-2013 partial letter] I know you are concerned about the payment of Social Security benefits to illegal immigrants – and the long term effect this will have on the Social Security Trust Funds.


But a shocking development in Washington has given us cause to be extremely concerned about the way Social Security is being used as a foreign policy tool by our government...


As you probably know, the U.S./Mexico Social Security Totalization Treaty has already been approved by the Social Security Administration and U.S. and Mexican diplomats . But nobody has been able to study the details and make it public.


We retained a well-regarded Washington law firm to research this issue, gather what information they could, and tell us what the effect will be on CURRENT Social Security recipients like you, if and when the Treaty is signed.


Here what they told us – I think you'll be as SHOCKED as I was:


They believe that if the Agreement goes into effect, the millions of Mexican citizens who will become eligible for Social Security benefits under the Agreement will have a STRONGER CLAIM TO BENEFITS and GREATER PROTECTION AGAINST CUTS than U.S. Citizens!




Mexican nationals receiving Social Security benefits under the Totalization Agreement will receive this preferential treatment as a result of a well-known U.S. Supreme Court ruling known as "Flemming vs. Nestor". This ruling basically says Congress can CUT OR CHANGE the Social Security benefits you and I receive at any time. Flemming vs. Nestor also says that Americans do not have a "right" to Social Security benefits – no matter what Congress or the Social Security Administration may have promised in the past, how much you have paid in or how much you may be hurt by cuts.


However, the Social Security Totalization Agreement would grant to Mexican citizens real contract rights to Social Security while Americans have no contractual rights to Social Security at all. Therefore, Mexican nationals could sue in a United States court under the Mexican Totalization Agreement to preserve their rights, but all that American citizens could do is complain to Congress.


Put another way, if Social Security benefits were cut, Mexican workers could sue for the FULL benefits promised them under the Totalization agreement!


To me, it is outrageous that a person who came to this country illegally, worked illegally and may not even live here, would have a stronger claim to benefits than U.S. Citizens like you and me!


Our only hope is that Congress STOPS it BEFORE it goes into effect. If we fail, not only will the Social Security Trust Fund be burdened with millions of new claims from illegal immigrants, but these new recipients will also have a layer of protection from benefit cuts that U.S. citizens do NOT have!


And The News Gets Worse:


In addition, the U.S./Mexico Social Security Treaty would make non-citizen immigrants eligible to draw benefits, based on illegal earnings, from our rapidly dwindling Social Security Trust Fund. As you know, Social Security is now paying out more in benefits than it receives in revenues, and the government is borrowing to pay benefits. A Totalization Agreement with Mexico could add hundreds of thousands of new claims for benefits, and tens of billions in NEW costs to Social Security at the worst possible time!


Your petition urges your elected officials in Congress to

STOP the U.S./Mexico Social Security Treaty.


This Treaty plan may make political sense to Washington insiders and professional politicians...


But it makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants (and their dependents) for illegal behavior (1, 2), especially when Social Security is in crisis, unemployment hovers at about 7.9%, and illegal aliens are already costing local, state and federal taxpayers an astounding $113 BILLION a year. They would be coming onto the rolls at the same time the program is struggling to pay benefits to Seniors who earned their benefits legally.


Both Social Security and Medicare are now paying out more than they take in, and this will continue for the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, President Obama recently said "We should be working on comprehensive immigration reform right now", and a wide range of economists, Members of Congress and government experts are all calling for cuts to the benefits you earned.


Will you take a minute to help STOP this dangerous Treaty? To help you... Please [request for] sign and return [Social Security Complaint Petition] to us today if possible...


If the Treaty goes into effect, Mexican nationals who worked here ILLEGALLY and then obtained legal status – even temporarily – could count ALL their earnings – including ILLEGALLY earned wages – towards future Social Security benefits.


And since an Agreement would cover not just Mexican workers, but also their spouses and dependents, it is highly likely that, over time, millions of people would begin receiving U.S. Social Security benefits, and the cost would be in the billions of dollars a year!


The same law firm we hired to research the effect of the Treaty also tried to obtain copies of the Agreement that the government signed with Mexico and documents explaining the effect that the Agreement would have on Social Security. The government REFUSED to release them! Finally, we were forced to file lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) because the Social Security Administration and the State Department simply refused to turn over what they have. Because of this lawsuit, the federal government finally released to TSCL the first known public copy of the Agreement with Mexico – and they have grudgingly released a few additional documents after other court filings on our part. But the whole story remains UNKNOWN, and many documents have been classified.


Can you imagine? The bureaucrats treated the Social Security Totalization Treaty with Mexico as though it was a national defense secret! Even Members of Congress had not received this information until we were able to force the Social Security Administration to hand it over.


Today, they are STILL withholding the FULL information about YOUR money, YOUR retirement fund and YOUR future Social Security checks! That's another reason why it's so critical that you [request for,] sign your Complaint Petition and return it to me right away.


Legislation to prevent payment of Social Security benefits resulting from illegally performed work was reintroduced into the House (H.R. 2745). Legislation to prevent payment of Social Security benefits resulting from illegally performed work was reintroduced into the House (H.R. 2745).


But we must convince Members of Congress to co-sponsor, support and vote for this legislation in order to pass it and prevent this huge new drain on the Social Security Trust Funds. And your signed Petition will help us do just that!


This is a battle we must not lose. If we do, we will suffer the consequences now and for years to come in the form of higher taxes and cuts to Social Security benefits.


This petition campaign I'm asking you to participate in is a key part of our grassroots strategy. Based on past experience, we know they are effective, so don't make the mistake of thinking your Petition isn't important – in fact, as the ONLY senior citizen advocacy group opposing the Treaty, we are proud of the fact that we have been able to help stop it – so far. But this battle is NOT over.


When you mail your Petition (and again, I urge you to do this today), please consider including a special contribution. Remember, decisions about illegal immigration affecting your Social Security benefits are now being made in Washington, D.C. The outcome could be worth thousands of dollars a year for you and millions of other retirees, their widows and dependents.


Maybe you think your Petition and your contribution today won't make a difference... Maybe you think your voice won't count... Please think again! Seniors everywhere have a valuable contribution to make. It is our job to stand up and be heard now.


You have been given a significant responsibility today by being selected to represent your community in this Social Security Complaint Petition campaign.


And with your financial support of at least $15, we will succeed in reaching as many people as needed in order to give our campaign the massive grassroots clout it will take to make a difference.


Whatever amount you send, please be assured it is appreciated and will be put to immediate good use. Thank you for your time and your support. May God bless America and all those who stand ready to defend our Social Security benefits.


Edward Cates



P.S. It is bad enough that millions of illegal immigrants could receive Social Security benefits for illegal work. But to give Mexican citizens preferential treatment in the form of greater protection against benefit cuts is the last straw. You and other seniors face many challenges to your retirement benefits in 2014, but none as pressing as the Social Security Totalization plans I've described in my letter. Please respond quickly.


Please give us the support we need to quickly strengthen our efforts on Capitol Hill and mobilize other seniors to join in our fight. Please act today! And please consider a financial gift when you act... (TSCL, P.O. Box 96634, Washington, D.C. 20090-6634).




Ed Cates


(TSCL) The Senior Citizens League

(P.O. Box 96634, Washington, D.C. 20090-6634)



Defending Your Earned Benefits


Ed Cates (TSCL) informs us, First, Immigration reform legislation that provides amnesty and will open up Social Security and Medicare benefits to 11 million illegal immigrants has passed in the U.S. Senate and is now under consideration in the House.

Second, the U.S./Mexico Social Security agreement is STILL alive in Washington and, to make matters worse, President Obama could send it to Congress at any time... Incredibly, once the Treaty goes into effect, the right to Social Security benefits for illegal aliens would be protected under the Treaty – while Congress COULD cut benefits paid to American citizens!

...it makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants (and their dependents) for illegal behavior... in which the Bill and Treaty (Social Security Totalization Agreement with Mexico) would do. ...the illegal immigration amnesty plans hatched by the Obama Administration present the greatest potential threat to Social Security....

If we do nothing, the Bill will pass in Congress and the Treaty will be ratified. Call your Congressmen and write for Social Security Complaint Petition/2013 (TSCL, P.O. Box 97173, Washington, D.C. 20090-7173).


Dear Social Security Beneficiary,


Your immediate attention is requested on two extremely important and urgent matters that could have enormous implications for all U.S. Social Security beneficiaries.


First, our President has pledged to the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States an amnesty, or what he calls a "path to citizenship".


The Amnesty Plan, supported by both Republicans and Democrats will open Social Security eligibility to millions of former illegal immigrants.


President Obama is leading this effort and has made it clear, from the day that he was elected, that an amnesty is a top priority. In his first term, he bypassed Congress and granted amnesty to large numbers of illegal aliens through executive order. He also ordered new "administrative measures" that allowed illegal aliens to stay in the country and introduced new rules on "prosecutorial discretion" that meant government officials would only deport the most violent criminals. In his second term he announced a new "deferred action" policy that allows young illegal immigrants to stay in the country, obtain work permits and collect Social Security. As the President ends his term, with no reelection campaign to worry about, he has put his weight behind a push to pass a full scale, national illegal alien amnesty.


Second, the U.S./Mexico Social Security agreement is STILL alive in Washington and, to make matters worse, President Obama could send it to Congress at any time. Our campaign against this Treaty has helped stall passage – but this terrible threat to the stability of Social Security is still very much alive and could go into effect at any time.


Incredibly, once the Treaty goes into effect, the right to Social Security benefits for illegal aliens would be protected under the Treaty – while Congress COULD cut benefits paid to American citizens!


Our only hope is that Congress STOPS it BEFORE it goes into effect. Because if we fail, Mexican Social Security recipients may have a layer of protection from benefit cuts that U.S. citizens do NOT have!


But Here's The Reason Social Security Recipients Should Be Concerned:


BOTH the massive amnesty plan now under consideration in Washington and this U.S./Mexico Social Security Treaty would make non-citizen immigrants eligible to draw benefits, based on illegal earnings, from our rapidly dwindling Social Security Trust Fund, which just recently began paying out MORE than it collects each year!


And the Social Security Disability program is just two years away from full insolvency in 2016. Should that occur, the government would be unable to pay disability benefits in full, and benefits would be cut by about 25%.


Your Social Security Complaint Petition urges your elected officials in Congress

to vote "NO" to these TWO plans for illegal Mexican immigrants.


These two proposed giveaway plans may make political sense to Washington insiders and professional politicians...


But it makes no sense to reward millions of illegal immigrants (and their dependents) for illegal behavior when our Social Security system is in crisis, unemployment hovers at about 7.8%, and illegal aliens are already costing local, state and federal taxpayers an astounding $113 BILLION a year. Even as I write this, Social Security is struggling to pay benefits to Seniors who've earned their benefits legally. To illustrate the severity of the problems facing Social Security, it is important to note that Congress is ALREADY considering a massive $127 Billion Social Security CUT in the form of a permanent COLA reduction.


Both the Congressional Budget Office and the Social Security Trustees admit that both Medicare and Social Security have fallen into PERMANENT deficit. Both programs are now paying out more than they take in, and this will continue for the foreseeable future. Yet Congress has done nothing to address the problem! Meanwhile Congress is continuing to consider deficit reduction recommendations that will likely cut Social Security, including your COLA, Medicare and Medicaid, and increase taxes. In addition, a wide range of economists, Members of Congress and government experts are calling for cuts to the benefits you earned.


With all these serious challenges to the stability of Social Security, none are more dangerous than the illegal alien amnesty now under discussion or the U.S./Mexico Social Security Treaty – both of which would award benefits to millions of Mexican nationals who worked here illegally.


Therefore, you have been selected to represent your local area in this Social Security Complaint Petition campaign. Enclosed, please find your official Social Security Complaint Petition against these two plans, which is registered in your name only and assigned to you by TSCL as a representative of Social Security beneficiaries living in your local community area.

Please sign and return it to us today if possible...


These issues are going to come down to a vote in Congress... and it could happen any day. You can help defeat these plans and protect your benefits at the same time... but please act right now!


If you want this issue decided in your favor, believe me, you must let your Senators and Congressman know your views BPY.


I can guarantee that those who want to hand U.S. citizenship and Social Security benefits to nearly 11 million illegal aliens now in the country are speaking out loud and clear.


Allow me to explain:


First, there's the amnesty plan: A few years ago an amnesty was unthinkable. But, recently, legislation (H.R. 432 1) was introduced that would have given 11 million illegal aliens Social Security numbers, permission to work, and, eventually, access to benefits. This would have gone nowhere a few years ago. So we were shocked when it quickly gathered 100 co-sponsors!


And just a few years ago, the U.S. Senate showed a total disregard for older Americans by voting in favor of letting aliens collect Social Security benefits based on work they performed illegally.


And now Congress is considering proposals that will likely cut your Social Security COLA and make you pay even more for the Medicare benefits you've paid for and earned!


My friend, the "unthinkable" is happening now – even as I write this letter!


Of all the items being considered by our leaders in Washington, the illegal – immigration amnesty plans hatched by the Obama administration present the greatest potential threat to Social Security.


Pro-immigration groups have predicted that Congress is more receptive to the comprehensive amnesty plan than ever before.


And to repeat: even more troubling is the fact that, as part of their back-door Amnesty plan, the [Obama] Administration is deferring deportation on almost 2 million illegal immigrants with the simple stroke of a pen.


That doesn't mean we are going to sit still and give up. Not on your life! The consequences will be dire indeed if we don't band together and take immediate action!


Because passage of an amnesty bill that includes future Social Security benefits for as many as 11 million illegal immigrants may be a crushing blow to Social Security and surely lead to benefit cuts or additional taxes, or both!


But if that isn't dangerous enough, there's this second plan: The so-called "Social Security Totalization Agreement" with Mexico.


Because of a loophole in Social Security law, if this Social Security Treaty goes into effect, illegal workers would be able to count all of their earnings toward Social Security benefits, even for jobs worked without legal authorization!


And since a Totalization Agreement would cover not just Mexican workers, but also their spouses and dependents, it is highly likely that, over time, millions of people would begin receiving U.S. Social Security benefits, and the cost would be in the billions of dollars a year!


We tried to obtain copies of the Totalization Agreement that the government signed with Mexico and documents explaining the effect that agreement would have on Social Security. Finally, we were forced to file lawsuits under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) because the government simply refused to turn over what they have. After two and a half years, the federal government finally released to TSCL the first known public copy of the Agreement with Mexico.


Can you imagine? The bureaucrats treated the Totalization Treaty with Mexico as though it was a national defense secret. In fact, while we've received some additional information, they are STILL withholding the FULL information about YOUR money, YOUR retirement fund and YOUR future Social Security checks!


That's another reason why it's so critical that you sign your Complaint Petition and return it to me right away.


TSCL is working to ensure legislation to prevent payment of Social Security benefits based on illegally performed work will be re-introduced into both the House and Senate.


We must convince Members of Congress to co-sponsor, support and vote for this legislation in order to prevent this huge new drain on the Social Security Trust Funds. And your signed petition will do just that!


This is a battle we must not lose. If we do, we will suffer the consequences now and for years to come in the form of higher taxes and cuts to Social Security benefits. The Social Security Trust Fund that pays benefits to more than 7.8 million disabled Americans is nearly insolvent!


This petition campaign I'm asking you to participate in is a key part of our grassroots strategy. Based on past experience, we know your petitions are effective, so don't make the mistake of thinking your Petition isn't important. But I need more than your signed Petition.


When you mail your Petition (and again, I urge you to do this today), please consider including a special contribution.


Remember, decisions on the illegal alien amnesty are being made in Washington and the outcome will affect your Social Security benefits. The outcome – one way or another – could be worth thousands of dollars a year for you and millions of other retirees, their widows and dependents.


Maybe you think your Petition and your contribution today won't make a difference... Maybe you think your voice won't count... Please think again! Seniors everywhere have a valuable contribution to make. It is every senior's responsibility to stand up and be heard now.


You have been given a significant responsibility today by being selected to represent your community in this Social Security Complaint Petition campaign.


And with your financial support of at least $15, we will succeed in reaching as many communities as needed in order to give our campaign the massive grassroots clout it will take to make a difference.


Whatever amount you send, please be assured it is appreciated and will be put to immediate good use. Thank you for your time and your support. May God bless America and all those who stand ready to defend our Social Security benefits.



Ed Cates



P.S. You and other seniors face many challenges to your retirement benefits in 2014, but none as pressing as the amnesty and Social Security Totalization plans I've described in my letter.


Please respond quickly. A vote on the amnesty plan could come before the House and Senate any day. Please give us the support we need to quickly strengthen our efforts on Capitol Hill and mobilize other seniors to join in our fight (TSCL, P.O. Box 96634, Washington, D.C. 20090-6634).




Read this note for an amazing development


Dear Friend,


We retained a well regarded law firm to study the U.S./Mexico Social Security Totalization Agreement and tell us what, if anything, it would mean to current Social Security recipients when it is signed.


Here is what they told us -- I think you will be as SHOCKED as I was:


They believe that if the Agreement goes into effect, the millions of Mexican citizens who will become eligible for Social Security benefits may have a FAR STRONGER CLAIM TO BENEFITS and PROTECTION AGAINST CUTS than U.S. Citizens!


This will happen because a well-known U.S. Supreme Court ruling known as "Flemming vs. Nestor" makes it clear that Congress can CUT OR CHANGE the Social Security benefits you and I receive at any time, and that Americans do not have a "right" to Social Security benefits -- no matter what Congress or the Social Security Administration may have promised in the past, how much you have paid in or how much you may be hurt by cuts.


However, the promises to pay benefits made in the Agreement with Mexico will be protected because they are made in a legally enforceable international agreement!


This means that the millions of Mexican citizens and dependents who are covered under the Agreement will have almost bulletproof protection against Social Security cuts and changes such as those that are being discussed in Washington.


Please, read the enclosed letter and ACT NOW to help us STOP this outrageous abuse of the public trust.