Steve Forbes
(NRTWC/NRWLDF) National Right to Work Legal Defense
(8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA 22151-9988)
[Union workers have NRWLDF Lawyers to help stop forced union dues]
Has Led The
Fight Against Forced Dues For Over 50 Years
"...Court Ordered The Union To Return
The Funds To The Objecting Workers"
October 21, 2013
Dear Sir:
believe I owe it to you to write this letter. Why? Because I'm told that you
are one of a few special Americans who has sacrificed
very generously over the years to strengthen our country and preserve our
precious freedoms.
you've probably been discouraged by the fact that many of your personal goals
for America have been thwarted by the tax-and-spend members of
Congress and the White House.
have the proponents of Big Government so often gotten away with sabotaging your
efforts? The reason is unknown to most Americans.
Americans don't know just how much of
Big Labor's cash – seized from workers' paychecks
– is funneled back door into buying
elections for the union bosses' pet candidates.
2008 alone, union bosses spent nearly half a billion in direct campaign
contributions. And that's just what was reported. You see, it's the unreported
cash, which may be as much as two billion dollars this next election, that gives the union bosses their real
political clout.
the union bosses have vowed to use their forced-dues
warchest to keep control of the Senate and take
back the House while most members of Congress cringe in fear. That's why I need
your immediate help.
fact is, you
and I have the tools to stop the union bosses in their tracks.
a critical Supreme Court precedent won by the National Right to Work Legal
Defense Foundation, you and I must stop Big Labor from using workers' forced
dues to subsidize the union bosses' bid to retain the Senate and take back
their majority in the House in the 2014 elections.
why the Foundation's team of experienced staff attorneys must stand ready to
mount a tidal wave of new legal challenges against Big Labor's illegal
political spending racket.
this will require resources that the National Right to Work Foundation does not
have. That's why the Foundation's President, Mark Mix, asked me to contact you
today. There is no time to lose. The devastating effects of the Big Labor
forced-unionism agenda backed by President
Obama are clear:
*** Runaway federal spending and a national
debt of more than $16 trillion;
*** Discrimination against non-union
workers and businesses in hiring and contracts;
*** Bailouts, bigger government and bloated
*** Out of touch regulations that strangle U.S. businesses.
You and I cannot afford to let Big
Labor's far-left agenda prevail in 2014.
let me explain the battle we face, and why the Foundation so urgently needs
your help. As I mentioned before, Big Labor chieftains spent nearly two and a
half billion dollars to help their pet candidates in the last two presidential
election years.
virtually all of that union boss cash came from forced union fees that workers
must pay or be fired from their jobs. Of course, this is spent as so-called
"soft" money -- on expensive television attack
ads, carefully targeted voter registration, literature drops, phone banks and
get-out-the-vote drives. And this spending program is never reported to anyone.
every level of government -- from Congress to the state houses to city councils
-- Big Labor is the muscle behind thousands of campaigns.
outrageously, millions of employees -- under cover of law -- are illegally
for this radical electioneering . . . or be fired.
virtually every penny goes to support pro-forced-unionism candidates who can be
counted on to rubber stamp union boss demands on the full range of political
issues -- throughout their terms of office. Union boss lap dogs.
is why the Supreme Court's
Communications Workers v. Beck decision -- which Right to Work Foundation attorneys won and are working to enforce --
is so important to you and all Americans.
this landmark decision, workers can cut off the forced union dues -- seized as
a condition of employment -- used by union bosses to finance their radical
political agenda.
see, before the Foundation-won Beck
ruling was issued, union bosses spent forced union dues virtually without
when Right to Work Foundation attorneys proved that Communications Workers
union bosses were using almost 80% of workers' forced-dues cash for purposes
other than collective bargaining, the court
ordered the union to return the funds to the objecting workers.
bosses fear that if Americans like you help Foundation attorneys fully enforce
this critical decision in the courts, workers could yank hundreds of millions
from Big Labor's coffers. That's why I am asking for your immediate help.
Big Labor gearing up for its all-out blitz to sweep the 2014 elections, you and I must act
now. The stakes are enormous.
they succeed, they will work hand-in-glove with President
Nancy Pelosi and
Harry Reid to keep rolling their agenda of more special privileges for Big
Labor. That's why I ask that you make your most generous, tax-deductible
contribution of $50, $100, $250 or even $500 to the Foundation today.
people have already given as much as $500 or $1,000. Others have given as
little as $15 or $20. I urge you to participate in the only nationwide effort
that directly attacks Big Labor's illicit forced-dues political spending.
Big Labor is the single most powerful
political force propping up forced unionism. That's why the National Right to Work Foundation attacks the very
root of Big Labor's power -- the forced payment of union dues which funds an agenda most Americans like you and I oppose.
don't know you well enough to know whether you can afford a gift of $500,
$1,000 or even $2,000 to the Foundation today. Or if for you a lesser amount of
$50 or $100 is a sacrifice.
I hope and pray you are the kind of American who will join me in this fight. So
whether you can give $50 or $100 -- or $1,000 or $2,000 -- whatever you can
afford, please be as generous as you can. Please act right away (NRWLDF, 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA 22151-9988).
P.S. The National Right to Work Legal Defense
Foundation is preparing to go all out and directly attack Big Labor's
forced-dues political spending.
demonstrate your support today by rushing your most generous, tax-deductible
gift of $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more in the enclosed postage-paid
Big Labor's multi-billion dollar forced-dues political war machine, you and I
must not let the union bosses ram their forced-unionism agenda down our
want to support the Right to Work Foundation's precedent-setting legal efforts
because it attacks the very root of Big Labor's power. Enclosed is my most
generous, tax-deductible contribution; so you can put it to work immediately (NRWLDF, 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, VA 22151-9988).
All contributions are
Tax Deductible.
(NRWLDF) National
Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation • 8001 Braddock
Road • Springfield,
Virginia 22160
Rand Paul
United States Senator
(NRTWC) Has Led The Fight Against Forced Dues For Over 50 Years
National Right to Work Act (S. 204/H.R.946)
Monday Morning
Dear Sir:
are petitions to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John
Boehner, your Senators and your Congressman.
vital that you sign and return your petitions immediately. Senate Majority
Leader Harry Reid,
Barack Obama and the Big Labor bosses are about to go
see, the National Right to Work Act (S. 204/H.R.946) [NRTWC;]
has been introduced to repeal forever Big Labor's power to force workers to pay
union dues in order to work.
the union lobbyists,
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and the allies are going to use
every trick in the book to bury the National Right to Work Act. And they want
to do it as quietly as possible.
union kingpins (and their water-carriers in Congress) can't afford the consequences
of having their coercive privileges publicly debated and voted on in Congress!
They don't want the American people to know that:
*** Millions of workers are forced to surrender
part of every paycheck to keep their jobs.
This cash funds violent
"organizing" drives, a
limousine lifestyle for union bigwigs, and bankrolls radical, tax-and-spend politicians like
Barack Obama,
Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.
*** Big Labor's power is deadly to millions of small businesses.
Big Labor politicians and
Barack Obama-stacked bureaucracies are strangling small
businesses with confiscatory taxes, destructive laws and straitjacket
*** Forced unionism exports millions of
good jobs overseas.
Productivity-killing work rules, workplace class warfare, slowdowns,
"sick-outs" and strikes, all have taken their crippling toll, closing
the doors of many businesses -- for good.
the fight for a National Right to Work law, opponents of forced unionism will
face a showdown against the full might of Big Labor.
why it's vital that you act at once to ignite massive public support for a
National Right to Work bill. Now is the time to act.
the time the Right to Work Act comes up for a vote, every member of Congress
must realize the eyes of the American people will be watching.
opinion polls all show that nearly 80%
of the American people think it's wrong to force workers to pay union dues
under the threat of being fired if they don't pay!
it's critical the National Right to Work Committee, who has led the fight against forced dues for over 50 years, has your
help in demonstrating that to Congress.
the public's attention is fixed on this battle, Congress will be forced to
recognize -- or defy to its peril -- the massive public opposition to
compulsory unionism.
Then we'll see who dares to stand with
Big Labor . . . and who stands with freedom and the American people.
please sign and return the [requested] enclosed petitions to Mitch McConnell,
John Boehner, your Senators and Congressman immediately to demonstrate to
Congress and the national media the strong support for Right to Work. It's all
part of the National Right to Work Committee's five-part plan to pass a
National Right to Work law:
• Run TV and radio ads targeting swing votes in key states and
• Place full-page newspaper ads coast to coast, explaining to the American people
what's at stake.
• Contact directly by mail up to 10 million supporters urging them to demand
their Senators and Congressmen vote for
the National Right to Work Act (S. 204/H.R. 946).
• Brief personally the hundreds of favorable columnists, radio talk show
hosts and editorial writers nationwide who can help mobilize public opinion.
• Crank up massive phone banks in the days before the vote to really make Congress
feel the heat.
critical in this battle that Congress hears loud and clear from the nearly 80%
of Americans who support Right to Work. Of course, Congress may choose to obey
Big Labor bosses rather than the majority of their constituents. That's their
time and again, when politicians defied the public and voted for forced
unionism, they've paid the price with the end of their political careers!
course, this whole effort will be very expensive. An all-out media and
direct-mail blitz to mobilize massive public pressure on Congress will be the
key to success.
pay for the expensive ads, mailings, phone banks and other efforts, it's urgent
you send a special contribution to the National Right to Work Committee today.
you make a generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 to
launch the next, crucial phase for ultimate passage of a National Right to Work
vital you act immediately to put the politicians' feet to the fire to bring the
National Right to Work Act up for a vote. It would be a crime to let
politicians who support compulsory unionism off the hook.
against the forced-dues fed, billion-dollar might of Big Labor, all the Committee
has on its side is truth, public opinion . . . And you!
Big Labor, the National Right to Work Committee doesn't have (or want) the
power to force anyone to pay dues. So it has to depend on generous folks like
don't make it easy for
Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi,
Barack Obama and Big Labor to
bury the National Right to Work Act.
folks have already sent $500, $1,000 and even more. For others, a contribution
of $50 or $100 has been as much as they could afford.
return the enclosed petitions so we can demonstrate to Congress and the media
the strong support for Right to Work.
your contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35, the National Right
to Work Committee won't be able to contact 10 million Americans, place the
advertising, staff phone banks or do anything else to put Big Labor on the spot
with a public vote on the National Right to Work Act.
if you and I don't press forward now, we may never have a chance like this
again. Please help today.
sure to [request for and] sign and return your petitions to Senate Minority
Leader Mitch McConnell, House Speaker John Boehner, your Senators and
Congressman, and send your contribution of $1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35
to the National Right to Work Committee (NRWLDF,
8001 Braddock
Road, Springfield, VA 22151-9988).
States Senator
P.S. Since
most Americans oppose Big Labor's forced-unionism powers, a public debate on a
National Right to Work law is Big Labor's (and its water-carriers' in Congress)
worst nightmare!
please, sign and return the petitions to Congress and send your contribution of
$1,000, $500, $250, $100, $50 or $35 to the National Right to Work Committee
All contributions are
Tax Deductible.
(NRWLDF) National
Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation • 8001 Braddock
Road • Springfield,
Virginia 22160
Petition to
House Speaker John Boehner
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell
U.S. House of
U.S. Senators
Whereas: The
federally-imposed system of compulsory unionism breeds lost jobs, union
violence, reduced productivity, higher taxes and union corruption; and
Whereas: Union-label
politicians and bureaucrats strangle small businesses with confiscatory taxes,
destructive laws and straitjacket regulations; and
Whereas: Nearly 80%
of the American people oppose forced union dues; and
Whereas: A National
Right to Work law would repeal the federally-imposed power union bosses have to
force 11 million American workers to pay union dues and fees just to keep their
jobs; and
Whereas: A National
Right to Work law means better jobs and greater economic growth, lower
unemployment, lower taxes and a competitive advantage for America's workers in
the 21S century world economy.
Therefore: In the
interests of workers' freedom, more jobs and a strong economy, I urge you to
schedule a roll-call vote on the National Right to Work Act.