Jim Gilchrist


The Minuteman Project

A project of State Department Watch Limited

(P.O. Box 96171, Washington, D.C. 20090-6171)





Dear Friend,


[3-2014 letter] Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has done anything and everything -- up to and including stomping on our nation's Constitution -- gain the upper hand in Washington. Now, he's ready to use this ill-gotten political power to change the face of American politics forever... by forcing "comprehensive immigration reform" -- really a blanket amnesty for illegal aliens -- through the Congress.


The President [Obama] of the United States has now declared that our border is secure (1, 2, 3, 4), and it's Harry's turn to bring on legislation to legalize 12 million or more illegal aliens (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) -- with one stroke of the pen.


Our nation will never be the same!


We must stop Harry Reid now, before he destroys our America! That's why I must ask you to do two things immediately:


1.  Please complete the [requested] enclosed, confidential, STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY and rush it back to me in the envelope I've sent along with this letter, and...


2.  Please make your best possible gift to The Minuteman Project to help me stop Harry Reid and his dangerous and immoral illegal alien amnesty.


Let me introduce myself. I'm Jim Gilchrist and I'm a retired CPA. I served in the Marine Corps and I'm proud to be a combat-wounded Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient.


I'm also an American patriot through and through and it makes me both sad and angry to see how the country is being taken advantage of by the pro-illegal immigration lobby that ensures our borders are kept so very porous. In fact, it made me so angry that I founded The Minuteman Project.


We're the organization that brought unprecedented national attention to the illegal alien invasion dilemma by posting 1,250 men and women volunteers on 36 makeshift outposts on the U.S.-Mexico border for 30 consecutive days.


And today we need your help. That's why I must ask you to immediately mark and return your STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY to me today. Your completed NATIONAL SURVEY is vitally important.


Did you know that right now, even as I write to you today, the 12 million or more illegal aliens hiding out in America are holding their breath, waiting for the general amnesty that Harry Reid is railroading through the Congress? And it will come, unless you and I fight to stop it right now.


With Majority Leader Reid behind it, this wrongheaded, unfair and dangerous amnesty program is quickly moving through the halls of power in Washington... and will cement his liberal Democrat party in the majority for the foreseeable future, as millions of new Democrat voters are legalized instantly (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).


Greedy businessmen and illegal alien advocates are lobbying madly to get it done now. And Harry Reid is more than willing to help them out.


Right now, he is planning a total amnesty through this dangerous and wrongheaded legislation. And he will use his massive Washington insider power to give these lawbreakers all the privileges and benefits that you and I have had to earn the hard way.


So before Harry Reid and his allies move this amnesty ever closer to law, we must stop them in their tracks. Your completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY tells me exactly where you stand in this fight to save America. And it can't come a moment too soon.


Washington special interests are working frantically with Majority Leader Reid to create millions of legal aliens -- and Democrat voters -- with one blow of the Majority Leader's gavel. That's why your completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY is so important. And why I must ask you to return it to me today.


Despite the speech that President Obama gave declaring our borders as secure, the reality is far, far different. The politicians and bureaucrats in Washington have done nothing in the past few decades to stop this problem of massive illegal immigration.


They are more interested in what pro-illegal immigration businesses, the immigrant activists and the pro-immigration lobbyists want... and care little about the wants and needs of the rest of us.


In the wake of the 2012 election -- when immigrant voters came out in force for Democrats -- Harry Reid knows that a general amnesty for illegals is the best solution for his party -- now and in the future. Now he's ready to make his move.


This is the time for them to feel our rage in Washington. It's the only thing the politicians and bureaucrats really understand -- thousands of outraged citizens. That's why I must have your [requested and] completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY returned to me immediately.


I want to collect your SURVEY and thousands more from patriots all across our nation. The results will then be delivered to Majority Leader Harry Reid, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, the United States House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Executive Office of the President and the national news media. Finally, the politicians will be forced to sit up and listen. Your participation is vital.


The last amnesty for illegal aliens, just a few short years ago, was supposed to cure the problem forever. Once those millions of illegal aliens were legally admitted to the U.S., we were never supposed to have an illegal alien problem again. It was fixed once and for all.


But that's nonsense.


Despite President Obama's claim that our border is secure, half a million illegal aliens will violate America's border this year. And rather than address the neglect of our nation's border... a problem that I and other minuteman volunteers worked to fix in the past and will again in the future... the politicians and bureaucrats are proposing one more amnesty as the way to solve this problem instead of fully and finally securing our Southern border.


But there's still hope. While I know it will be difficult, I know that together, you and I can reverse the damage. We can rally public opinion and force these Washington politicians to live up to their oath of office:


To protect and defend our Constitution and our very nation.


That is why I and The Minuteman Project need your help immediately. Remember, there may be as many as 12 million or more illegal aliens already living in the United States. And this illegal alien AMNESTY Harry Reid is trying to ram through Congress will turn every one of them into a legal American resident, on a short five-year pathway to citizenship with voting rights -- and subsidized ObamaCare plans -- with the stroke of a pen.


The Minuteman Project is working to stop this outrage once and for all. But we can only do it with your help. Every day we're fighting back, warning the politicians and the news media about the huge problems, dislocations and danger caused by this dangerous, immoral and wrongheaded illegal alien amnesty.


That's why your [requested and] completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY is so vital right now. It's time for the voices of real Americans to be heard.


With your support, The Minuteman Project can attack the problem of illegal immigration. Together we can force the politicians to act to stop Harry Reid and finally close our porous borders to illegal immigration... not just declare an amnesty as a sneaky way to garner 12 million new voters for the Democrat Party. Yes! that's really what this amnesty is all about.


That's why I must ask you to immediately complete and return your STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY. And with your completed NATIONAL SURVEY, please include your most generous contribution to The Minuteman Project to help us stop this outrage.


The Minuteman Project is already working on a nationwide public opinion and public education campaign to focus the attention of the nation on the massive problems that will come with Harry Reid's general amnesty for all illegal aliens.


We will take your completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY and tabulate it with the SURVEY answers of tens of thousands of our fellow Americans. Then we'll have the ammunition we need to tell the politicians and bureaucrats exactly where the American people stand.


We'll deliver the tabulated results of this SURVEY to the White House, Senate Majority Leader Reid, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, the House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the national news media and influential members of the Obama Administration.


We'll leave no room for doubt!


That's why your participation -- and your contribution -- are so important. We must be able to mount massive pressure right now. While I hesitate to name an amount, I must ask you to make your maximum possible contribution to help us save our nation, our economy and our way of life.


If you can afford a gift of $2,000 or $1,500 or $1,000 it will go a long way towards meeting our goal of stopping this wrongheaded, immoral and dangerous illegal alien amnesty. Or if you can only afford a gift of $500 or $250, or maybe $100 or $50, or $35, or even $25, please know that your contribution will be well and frugally used in this vital battle to save our nation.


Please, whatever you can send, do it today. Your completed STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY and your best possible gift are essential if we are to save our nation.


Thank you for your support in this critically important battle for the future of our nation. And God Bless America.



Jim Gilchrist, President

The Minuteman Project


PS. To firmly cement his party in majority status for the future, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is moving to railroad a general amnesty for illegal aliens now living in the United States through this Congress. But we can't let that happen. All DC politicians and bureaucrats must know exactly where you stand. Please [request for and] complete your STOP HARRY REID'S ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY NATIONAL SURVEY and return it to me today. I want to deliver NATIONAL SURVEY results just as soon as I possibly can. Many thanks (TMP, P.O. Box 96171, Washington, D.C. 20090-6171).




Dear Friends,


Now that President Barack Obama thinks he has the upper hand... he will use his newfound political power... and, fulfilling his original campaign promise, he will fundamentally change our America... by forcing comprehensive immigration reform" -- really a blanket amnesty for illegal aliens -- through the Congress.


The President [Obama] of the United States has now declared that our border is secure, and it's time to move on to fix our immigration system.


But he's wrong (1)!


I've been on America's Southern Border. I know exactly what goes on there. And the unsecured border I know so well is not the border Obama speaks about (1). Far from it... But the truth will not stop Obama.


For right now, just as he has promised, Obama is about to grant the wishes of immigrant activists, greedy business interests and all those who profit from illegal immigration, by railroading through the Congress a general amnesty for all illegal aliens... unless you and I act at once to stop him! That's why I must ask for your immediate help.


Please complete the [requested] enclosed, confidential, EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS and rush it back to me in the envelope I've sent along with this letter.


Let me introduce myself. I'm Jim Gilchrist and I'm a retired CPA. I served in the Marine Corps and I'm proud to be a combat-wounded Vietnam veteran and Purple Heart recipient.


I'm also an American patriot through and through and it makes me both sad and angry to see how the country is being taken advantage of by the pro-illegal immigration lobby that ensures our borders are kept so very porous. In fact, it made me so angry that I founded The Minuteman Project.


We're the organization that brought unprecedented national attention to the illegal alien invasion dilemma by posting 1,250 men and women volunteers on 36 makeshift outposts on the U.S.-Mexico border for 30 consecutive days.


And today we need your help. That's why I must ask you to immediately mark and return your EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS to me today. Your completed SURVEY is vitally important.


Did you know that right now, even as I write to you today, the 12 million or more illegal aliens hiding out in America are holding their breath, waiting for the general amnesty that President Obama has promised them. And it will come unless you and I fight to stop it right now.


With the President behind it, this wrongheaded, unfair and dangerous amnesty program is quickly moving through the halls of power in Washington.


Greedy businessmen and illegal alien advocates are lobbying madly to get it done now. And President Obama, who is vainly more concerned with his "legacy" than the nation's well-being, knows that this illegal alien amnesty will make him even more popular with Democrats... especially in Hispanic and Middle Eastern communities.


Right now, he is planning a total amnesty through this dangerous and wrongheaded legislation. And he will use his executive powers to give these lawbreakers all the privileges and benefits that you and I have had to earn the hard way.


So before Obama and his allies move this amnesty ever closer to law, we must stop them in their tracks. Your completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS tells me exactly where you stand in this fight to save America. And it can't come a moment too soon.


Washington special interests are working frantically with the Obama Administration to create millions of legal aliens -- and Democrat voters -- with a stroke of the President's pen. That's why your [requested and] completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS is so important. And why I must ask you to return it to me today.


Despite the speech that President Obama gave declaring our borders as secure, the reality is far, far different. The politicians and bureaucrats in Washington have done nothing to stop this problem of massive illegal immigration for the past two decades. They are more interested in what pro-illegal immigration businesses, the immigrant activists and the pro-immigration lobbyists want... and care little about the wants and needs of the rest of us.


In the wake of the 2012 election -- when immigrant voters came out in force for Democrats -- Obama knows that a general amnesty for illegals is the best solution for his party -- and his wretched "legacy." Now he's ready to make his move. This is the time for them to feel our rage in Washington. It's the only thing the politicians and bureaucrats really understand -- thousands of outraged citizens.

That's why I must have your [requested and] completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS returned to me immediately. I want to collect your SURVEY and thousands more from patriots all across our nation. The results will then be delivered to the United States House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, the Executive Office of the President and the national news media. Finally, the politicians will be forced to sit up and listen. Your participation is vital.


The last amnesty for illegal aliens, just a few short years ago, was supposed to cure the problem forever. Once those millions of illegal aliens were legally admitted to the U.S., we were never supposed to have an illegal alien problem again. It was fixed once and for all.


But that's nonsense.


Despite President Obama's claims, half a million illegal aliens will violate America's borders this year. And rather than address the neglect of our nation's borders... a problem that I and other Minuteman volunteers have worked to fix in the past and will again in the future... the politicians and bureaucrats are proposing one more amnesty as the way to solve this problem instead of fully and finally securing our Southern Border.


But there's still hope. While I know it will be difficult, I know that together, you and I can reverse the damage. We can rally public opinion and force these Washington politicians to live up to their oath of office:


To protect and defend our Constitution and our very nation.


That is why I and The Minuteman Project need your help immediately. Remember, there may be as many as 12 million or more illegal aliens already living in the United States. And this illegal alien amnesty President Obama is trying to ram through Congress will turn every one of them into a legal American resident, on a short five-year pathway to citizenship with voting rights -- and subsidized ObamaCare plans -- at the stroke of a pen.


The Minuteman Project is working to stop this outrage once and for all. But we can only do it with your help. Every day we're fighting back, warning the politicians and the news media about the huge problems, dislocations and danger caused by this wrongheaded ill allegal alien amnesty.


That's why your [requested and] completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS is so vital right now. It's time for the voices of real Americans to be heard.


With your support, The Minuteman Project can attack the problem of illegal immigration. Together we can force the politicians to act to finally close our porous borders to illegal immigration... not just declare an amnesty as a sneaky way to garner 12 million new voters for the Democrat Party. Yes! that's really what this amnesty is all about.


That's why I must ask you to immediately complete and return your EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNEST FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS. And with your completed SURVEY, please include your most generous contribution to The Minuteman Project to help us stop this outrage.


The Minuteman Project is already working on a nationwide public opinion and public education campaign to focus the attention of the nation on the massive problems that will come with Obama's general amnesty for all illegal aliens.


We will take your completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS and tabulate it with the SURVEY answers of tens of thousands of our fellow Americans. Then we'll have the ammunition we need to tell the politicians and bureaucrats exactly where the American people stand.


We'll deliver the tabulated results of this SURVEY to the White House, the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, the national news media and influential members of the Obama Administration.


We'll leave no room for doubt!


That's why your participation -- and your contribution -- are so important. We must be able to mount massive pressure right now. While I hesitate to name an amount, I must ask you to make your maximum possible contribution to help us save our nation, our economy and our way of life.


If you can afford a gift of $2,000 or $1,500 or $1,000 it will go a long way towards meeting our goal of stopping this wrongheaded and dangerous illegal alien amnesty. Or if you can only afford a gift of $500 or $250, or maybe $100 or $50, or $35, or even $25, please know that your contribution will be well and frugally used in this vital battle to save our nation.


Please, whatever you can send, do it today. Your completed EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS and your best possible gift are essential if we are to save our nation.


Thank you for your support in this critically important battle for the future of our nation. And God Bless America.



Jim Gilchrist, Founder

The Minuteman Project


P. S. To enhance his "legacy," President Barack Obama is moving to grant a general amnesty to illegal aliens now living in the United States. But we can't let that happen. All DC politicians and bureaucrats must know exactly where you stand. Please [request for and] complete your EMERGENCY SURVEY ON AMNESTY FOR ILLEGAL ALIENS and return it to me today. I want to deliver SURVEY results just as soon as I possibly can. Many thanks (TMP, P.O. Box 96171, Washington, D.C. 20090-6171).