Glenn Spencer

President and Founder

(ABP) American Border Patrol

(P.O. Box 97436 Washington, DC 20090-7346)


Dear Friend,


I know you are an ardent patriot and that is why I am writing to you today. Please join American Border Patrol's (ABP) "Finish the Fence" (1, 2) Independence Day flag protest today.


All you have to do to take part in the nation's biggest protest of its kind against illegal immigration is to sign the enclosed tag, and return it with your own personal border flag in the provided postage-paid envelope, so we can display it here on the border to show Washington, DC that you and I mean business!


I invite you to join with hundreds of people across the nation in this protest on the border. But if you cannot do so, please return your signed flag and we'll make sure to display it for you so that you will be here with us in spirit.


Sometimes, it seems that no matter how loudly we scream, or what actions we take, those thickheaded representatives we send to Washington, D.C. just don't seem to get the message.


American Border Patrol sends a message that gets through the clutter.


In 2008, we asked some of our top supporters to send in American flags so we could place them along the rickety border fence on ABP's property along the US-Mexico border. That year we placed 4,000 flags to protest the unfinished fence that Congress promised to build, and we got their attention.


Less than 4 months-later, they finally constructed part of the fence that they had promised. But they only built it along part of ABP's property, hoping it would shut us up. It didn't work.


Our small protest took on a life of its own. It is now the largest border protest of its kind in the entire country.


Since 2008, ABP has placed tens of thousands of flags along the border on every 4th of July to protest the unfinished fence that the law mandates Congress must build.


So far, they have only built 30 miles of the Federally-mandated 700 mile fence. ABP knows this because I regularly fly along the border to check on its progress.


It's infuriating - - but ABP makes an impact that has become impossible to ignore. In fact, Barack Obama has tried to shut us down, ruling that political messages cannot be put on the border fence.


You and I will not be shut down. We will not be silenced! We will insist on being heard by the politicians who too often ignore folks like you and me. And it has never been more important.


Washington, D.C. is once again in talks over granting another amnesty for illegal immigrants.


It would be the largest amnesty ever granted, with at least 12 million illegal immigrants (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) that we know of already inside the United States' borders.


Democrats are for it. And Republicans, including Speaker of the House John Boehner, are caving.


We must make sure they do not cave and grant amnesty!


These transgressions are small potatoes compared to the Lawlessness of President Barack Obama.


The President has refused to follow the laws that are already on the books since the day he took office!


- In his first week, the Department of Homeland Security announced the first in a series of delays to the E-verify system that federal contractors were supposed to have implemented.


- In 2009, Obama invoked executive authority to limit the ability of Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to initiate deportation proceedings. ICE is currently suing the government.


- He has directed government attorneys to dismiss thousands of deportation cases.


- He implemented portions of the DREAM Act, which had been voted down in Congress numerous times, granting legal status to over half of a million illegal aliens.


- And worst of all, he has dropped the established metric for measuring border security, a legal mandate put into law by Congress in 2006.


Not having a metric to monitor who is coming and crossing the border is incredibly frustrating for us at AAmerican Border Patrol.


After almost a full decade of work, ABP has helped develop the state-of-the-art Sonic Barrier system, which is capable of counting the true number of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States.


In fact, ABP has begun formal work with a Department of Defense contractor to expand the cutting edge Sonic border system - - but in Arabia! We need it along our entire Southern border!


We are finally in a position to secure our nation's sovereignty. But perhaps more importantly, the Sonic Barrier system is one of the many tools we use to keep the government accountable down here on the border.


And no one keeps Congress accountable like American Border Patrol.


ABP almost single-handedly stopped the last attempt at amnesty in 2007 when pro-amnesty politicians claimed that the border was secure, and we proved otherwise.


Numerous members of Congress have cited ABP's data when fighting against amnesty.


Hundreds of millions of Americans are able to look and see exactly what is happening on the border over ABP's live internet feed.


And ABP tracks illegals crossing the border into our sovereign nation with state-of-the-art technology like:


-         Optimized infrared cameras that observe illegals, otherwise undetectable at, as they sneak across the border at night.


-         Cessna airplanes that patrol the border from above.


-         An unmanned drone, equipped with surveillance cameras, that flies along the border when our Cessna is not enough.


-         Ground sensors that detect any and all movement along the border.


-         System broadcasts that let citizens and lawmakers alike patrol our border in real-time, right from their homes and offices.


-         The cutting edge Sonic Barrier, which uses seismic technology to record the true number of immigrants illegally crossing into the United States.


We help stop the illegals when they make their illicit. In fact, working together with the Border Patrol, we can tell you that we have aided in over 1500 apprehensions of aliens.


But nothing is more important than our border protest. As the largest protest of its kind, it draws attention to the border problems that so desperately need to be dealt with.


ABP has received national and international press coverage, from USA Today to CNN, Fox News, NY Times Magazine, to coverage even in Germany, Japan, Canada and Switzerland.


his year, when members of both parties are proposing amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), our Flag Protest must be bigger than ever.


Please, sign the enclosed tag, and return it with your own personal border flag in the provided postage-paid envelope, so we can place it along the border.


Your flag, along with thousands of other flags sent by patriotic Americans, will send the message loud and clear that we are not going anywhere in this crucial struggle - - especially as we fight in defiance of Obama's direct attempt to try and shut us down.


This year, we will be inviting some of our staunchest allies who are fighting for border security: Senators Ted Cruz, Jeff Sessions, and Mike Lee, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, and Representatives Trey Gowdy and Steve King.


We must have our best showing ever!


And I hope that when you return your flag, you will enclose a much-needed, tax-deductible gift of $25 or even $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help keep ABP up and running.


There is no group in the country as effective at stopping illegal aliens dead in their tracks as they attempt to cross the border.


And more importantly, there is no group in the country as effective at monitoring exactly how many illegal aliens are entering our great nation.


But none of this is possible without your help. So please, sign the enclosed tag, and mail it back with your personal border flag in your postage-paid envelope immediately!


While you have your pen out, please include a generous, tax-deductible gift of $25 or even $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 to help ABP continue to monitor the border.


Despite the Obama Administration's attempt to shut us down, we are still fighting. I pray that you will fight with us.


ABP has gotten results from these tin-eared politicians, but now we must re-double our efforts.


With both parties on the cusp of betraying the American people, folks like you and I can no longer afford to be silent.



Glenn Spencer

President and Founder

American Border Patrol


-PS- ABP gets results! On the reply is a picture from the Sierra Vista Herald of our display that featured over 10,000 flags and brought international attention to the border. Obama and his cronies are claiming that the border is secure: ABP knows and can prove otherwise! Please send your flag back with your tax-deductible gift of $25 or even $50, $100, $500, or $1,000 today. Thank you and God Bless


[Please request for "Flags on the border Protest Reply Form" (ABP P.O. Box 97436 Washington, DC 20090-7346!]