American people Larry Klayman

Larry Klayman


Freedom Watch

(P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)

2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 345, Washington, D.C. 20006

(310) 595-0800; ǀ


* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *


Obama's personal army – the NSA, DHS, IRS, and FBI – has you in their crosshairs... only one way remains to end his attack on your rights!






March 13, 2014


Dear Patriot,


Barack Hussein Obama -- the criminal mastermind behind the Marxist! Muslim takeover of the United States -- is continuing his evil war on the American people! Utilizing every force at his command, like the National Security Agency, IRS, FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security, the "Mullah-in-Chief" is targeting YOU and your loved ones to become slaves in his 21st century "Evil Empire" (1, 2, 3).


That's right . . . Hussein Obama is fashioning his New World Order after the most tyrannical regimes in history: Adolph Hitler's Nazi Germany, Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union, and Mao tse Tung's Red China. Not to mention Obama's kindred spirits: the bloody mullahs of Iran who want to kill every Christian and Jew in the world, and are working toward that goal as they continue to develop nuclear weapons (1, 2, 3)!


In fact, Hussein Obama's so-called "sanctions" against the Fascist regime in Iran mean NOTHING. They are little more than a ruse by the illegal occupant of the Oval Office to divert our attention from his coddling of this criminal state, and its ongoing threats of utter destruction against America's most trusted ally, Israel.


These monsters of history are the inspiration for Obama -- a despicable tyrant in his own right -- who wants to crush the faith of the Bible and force all Americans to worship his false god, Allah, in the "Utopia" he's building. And one thing all these evil regimes have in common is their fearsome domestic spying programs that their governments use to keep tabs on everything the citizens do!


But the "bully in the White House" has taken spying on the people to a whole new level . . . and that's why Freedom Watch and I have launched the "Second American Revolution."


You see, it took World War Two to stop Hitler. But by knowing history we are NOT doomed to repeat it! We the People CAN stop the Marxist/Muslim Obama regime with a peaceful revolution. In fact, we ALREADY have the anti-American despot on the ropes right now. And it's time for us to finish him off legally Please keep reading . . . (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).


My friend, as a faithful supporter of Freedom Watch, you know I am a man of action. I do exactly what I say I'm going to do. And you know I have the unique distinction of achieving two unparalleled legal victories: first, getting a court to rule that a sitting President -- Bill Clinton -- had committed a crime, and second, getting a federal judge to call the Obama/NSA domestic spy program unconstitutional!


While the Clinton ruling was important, the NSA decision is HUGE and sets the stage for Freedom Watch to stop, once and for all, Hussein Obama's insidious scheme in which his thuggish enforcers read every email and text you write, listen in to every phone call you make, and track every Internet search and transaction you complete.


The NSA is nothing less than a digital voyeur spying on you and your loved ones each and every day! And the information the "spooks" in the NSA gather on YOU is being used RIGHT NOW to brand you an enemy of the Obama state who must be eliminated by the regime . . .


Let me lay it on the line: Barack Hussein Obama wants to destroy America, and he's making rapid progress in that direction. Obama wants to imprison or kill all Christians and Jews here in America, then around the world. He sees this as a necessary step in instituting his long dreamed of World Caliphate.


Obama is forcing the draconian ObamaCare scheme on America to bring the country to its knees by destroying our health care system AND economy. Obama is leading our financial system to the brink of collapse as he pushes for more and more spending -- with an accompanying increase in taxes.


What's more, he's driven our nation's reputation into the ground. America is the laughingstock of the world, watching as Russia's Putin consistently outwits Hussein Obama. His "strong and measured" response to Putin's invasion of Ukraine? Denying visas to anyone involved in the invasion!


The "Mullah-in-Chief" is a WEAKLING, a COWARD who gets played by leaders around the world. In fact, just as he has spent his years in office bowing to foreign leaders, Hussein Obama is now bending over backwards, giving in to our enemies, left and right.


And Obama -- who has made it abundantly clear that he's ready and willing to stoke a race war if he believes that will further his Marxist/Muslim agenda -- will crush you and your loved ones in order to become "King Hussein Obama" of the entire world!


What's more, according to the available evidence, Barack Hussein Obama isn't even a natural born citizen, and thus not eligible to be President! Yet for more than five years now he has illegally ruled over our nation, driving America further and further into a Muslim/Marxist future [see for information on our vital lawsuits in Florida and Alabama challenging the Islamic Trojan Horse's eligibility].


But Freedom Watch, with your generous and tireless support, is continuing its gritty and principled opposition to Hussein Obama, the child of a Muslim father and a communist mother, who was trained since childhood to HATE America, Christians, and Jews. Remember: he was raised in a Muslim country and trained in Islam, then his radical grandparents instructed him in the tenets of Stalinist-style communism.


And Obama is using his training in an all-out war against you, your loved ones, and our entire nation . . . but we CAN stop him through Freedom Watch's peaceful Second American Revolution. We the People have had enough of the corruption and incompetency of the Obama administration and its bipartisan enablers in Congress -- like Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner -- and the courts. Words are no longer enough . . . it is time for action.


Freedom Watch fired the opening shot of the Second American Revolution several months ago when we gave notice to Hussein Obama that the American people were finally on the march. And the "salvos" have continued as Freedom Watch and I launched a series of vitally important class action suits against Hussein Obama and the NSA.


And it is one of these cases that the Obama/NSA dragnet spy program was declared unconstitutional by a federal judge, setting up an inevitable U.S. Supreme Court battle between Freedom Watch and Obama's throng of taxpayer-funded lawyers.


Never before in legal history has there been such a "David versus Goliath" clash as the ongoing fight against the evil Hussein Obama and his "Gestapo" forces in the NSA! That's why your strong and urgent support is needed right away. The racist Obama's persecution of Christians, Jews, conservatives, patriots, and others who believe in liberty and justice, MUST BE STOPPED. And Freedom Watch is the ONLY conservatives legal firm taking on the cases that actually matter.


Even now, Freedom Watch's staff and I are preparing for the biggest court battle ever . . . the outcome of this battle will determine whether We the People reclaim our constitutional republic, or America falls to the forces of militant Marxism/Islam! In fact, Freedom Watch is petitioning the U.S. Supreme Court to take our case NOW -- and bypass years of trials and appeals.


Not only that, I am seeking damages against ALL the individuals being sued in the NSA case -- Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Gen. Keith Alexander (outgoing head of the National Security Agency), and James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence).


I want these criminals to pay a heavy penalty for their unconstitutional, unthinkable attack on your rights and mine. With a victory at the High Court, I want to bring to justice all of those involved with this terrible, evil invasion of YOUR privacy!


My friend, Freedom Watch's needs are great. We must raise the necessary funds RIGHT NOW to fight this vitally important case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We are going into the discovery phase of the NSA case, which means Freedom Watch needs more staff to depose Hussein Obama and his criminal co-defendants. We also need more office space, supplies, and funds for traveling to and from depositions and court hearings.


Your urgent help is desperately needed right now. Freedom Watch and I need you to give like never before. Your financial and prayer support, coupled with our grit and determination, is the key to a legal revolution that will take down the evil racist and communist sympathizing impostor in the White House, and return America to the path of moral, fiscal, and national sanity.


Freedom Watch needs your strong financial support now, just as our revolutionary Founding Fathers, with God's grace, got strong financial support from France to successfully wage a revolution and form this great nation. We cannot sit by and allow our beloved country to be destroyed. We must stop Hussein Obama, a so-called president who lied his way into the White House and is now bent on taking away all of our freedoms, and by God's grace and your support WE WILL!


Don't let America down . . . our nation needs your urgent, strong support today. Barack Obama is on the ropes. Freedom Watch will deliver the knockout blow. Please let me hear from you right away!


For freedom and justice and justice and the

preservation of our great nation,

Larry Klayman, Esq.

Chairman and General Counsel


P.S.    Look around and you'll see that America, and the world, are falling apart. This is all part of Hussein Obama's evil plan to destroy America! And his evil scheme in which the NSA tracks your every move is part and parcel of Obama's agenda. But you can continue to help Freedom Watch and me as we take on Obama and others. Your ongoing participation is required . . . please send a strong, urgent, even sacrificial gift today so Freedom Watch and I can hire more staff, expand our offices, and mount the legal revolution that will result in evicting Barack Obama from the People's House like the evil felon he is (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ




WorldNetDaily Exclusive



Exclusive:  Larry Klayman hopes motion will precipitate progress toward trial



© 2014


On Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2014, the individual Government Defendants, Barack H. Obama, Eric H. Holder, Keith B. Alexander, Roger Vinson, the U.S. Department of Justice and the National Security Agency (NSA), in our initial lawsuit over the NSA spying on the American people – the one that produced a great victory1ast December when Judge Richard J. Leon ruled that President Obama and the NSA had egregiously violated the Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Constitution – presented me and the other plaintiffs with the gift that may keep on giving. In response to a court order issued about 10 days earlier, wherein Judge Leon testily told the Obama Justice Department lawyers to get the show on the road and finally file an answer to the complaint as they were in default for not having responded timely, President Obama's lawyers stonewalled the judge in the answer they later filed on the day reserved for love, not obstruction of justice.


In this answer, the Obama Justice Department told the judge that President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, NSA Director Keith Alexander and other collaborators in the NSA's illegal spying scandal are above the law and did not need to respond, claiming falsely that they were never served with the complaint. Remarkable as it may sound, the Obama Justice Department and its clients obviously feel that they are a privileged class – free to lie to a court or Congress whenever it suits their interests.


But when it comes to the NSA and its enablers, this is nothing new. The agency and the so-called intelligence community as a whole have racked up quite a record of deceit and outright lying to the secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and Congress, where James Clapper, the director of national intelligence, got caught perjuring himself, claiming that the NSA does not spy on American citizens if they have no connection to terrorism. Of course, given Congress' impotence if not outright lack of courage, Clapper was not held accountable for these lies. But in front of Judge Leon a valiant courageous man and judge, they may have met someone who will finally have them account for their lies and criminality.


As set forth in a motion I filed last Thursday, titled "Motion for Entry of Default (Judgment) and To Strike Defendants' Answer to Third Amended Complaint":


"The Obama Justice Department is playing its usual game, which has been to try to delay, obstruct and throw a monkey wrench into every aspect of this case, which the Court has observed is a matter of 'pinnacle' national importance."


"It thus stands to reason given the Court's preliminary injunction order of December 16, 2013, which finds a clear cut violation of the Fourth Amendment concerning the unconstitutional collection of telephonic metadata, that not only a default judgment be entered, but that the Court enter judgment on liability against all of the individual Government Defendants pursuant to FRCP Rule 55(a) and 55(b), particularly given the flouting of this Court's process. The issue of damages alleged against the individual Government Defendants can be tried later before the jury, after the parties have the opportunity to take discovery on damages"


The reason President Obama and the other individual Government Defendants are liable individually for their illegal unconstitutional acts stems from the landmark Supreme Court case of Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 403 U.S. 388 (1971), which also involved the Fourth Amendment. As also pointed out to the Court in my motion:


"Indeed, the individual Government Defendants  . . . are liable for their tortious, unconstitutional acts under Bivens. The Supreme Court held in that case that a violation of the Fourth Amendment's command against unreasonable searches and seizures by a federal agent acting under color of federal authority – precisely what is occurring now by Government Defendants – gives rise to a federal cause of action for damages as a consequence of the agent's unconstitutional conduct. Specifically, the Court ruled ' . . . petitioner is entitled to recover money damages for any injuries he has suffered as a result of the agents' violation of the Amendment.'"


As a result of the Supreme Court Bivens' precedent, the real possibility exists, whether or not Judge Leon enters a default judgment at this time on liability, that when our case is tried Obama and the other individual Government Defendants will be socked by a jury for huge monetary damages, in addition to the injunction that we have already obtained to stop the outrageous spying by the NSA.


In addition to our request that Judge Leon enter judgment for liability now against Obama and the other individual Government Defendants, my motion also seeks to strike, as lawyers say, their answer of the non-individual Government Defendants, which are the NSA and the Justice Department, which signs off on the illegal spy programs through the certifications of Attorney General Eric Holder. The reason for this aspect of our motion is because the Obama Justice Department only answered that part of our complaint that suited them and withheld information, on the bogus claims of national security. So what I asked Judge Leon to do was to require the Obama Justice Department to submit two answers, one that is for the public to see and one that would be submitted to the court in camera, that is for only the judge to see at this stage since he has a security clearance. As the judge is an honest man, I trust that he would "do the right thing" with this so-called national security information. My goal is to move our case into the discovery phase and then to trial as soon as possible.


For it is important that all matters involving the illegal NSA spy programs be litigated to a successful conclusion as soon as possible, as this most egregious violation of the citizenry's rights in American history must be stopped immediately. And, indeed this is our mission, and this is why we have asked the Supreme Court to affirm Judge Leon's Dec. 16, 2013, preliminary injunction order at this time.


Each day our constitutional rights continue to be violated is one day too many. It is time to wage a legal revolution, and the case before Judge Leon is just one of the tools that must be used to end the tyranny of President Obama, his NSA henchmen and others in both political parties who have sold We the People out to the devil of government corruption and subjugation.


http://www. wnd.corn/201 4/02/nsa-spv-case-heats-up/#64tk8 UC3m9objl UE. 99




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




Re:  And Hussein Obama to be tried on multiple Grand Jury charges!


December 12, 2013


Dear Patriot,


The National Security Agency (NSA) -- Barack Hussein Obama's in-house domestic spy outfit -- is STILL watching everything you do . . . and they will continue until they are legally STOPPED in a court of law!


And Freedom Watch is the ONLY patriot group taking decisive action right now to stop the despicable despot's attack on your rights . . .


You see, reports just out reveal that Hussein Obama's "Big Brother" spy agency monitors and records FIVE BILLION cell phone, email, internet and social media locations each and every day, racking your every move.


What's more, the Hussein Obama regime is using this information not just to see where you're going, but also to discover who you're meeting!


But that's not all this clandestine operation is doing . . . the NSA is also reading your emails and listening in on your phone conversations every day in order to blackmail you and your loved ones into submission to Obama's illegitimate administration!


That's right . . . everything you say and do is funneled directly into the NSA's hands, and once you're caught up in their massive dragnet, you're automatically transferred into Hussein Obama's top secret master database. Then an electronic file on You is built, containing the most private details about your life.


The agents at the NSA, eagerly serving the tyrannical Hussein Obama regime, are targeting patriotic Americans like you for enslavement in their leader's soon-coming Marxist/Muslim dictatorship.


In fact, Hussein Obama -- the foreign-born criminal illegally occupying the Oval Office -- and his equally criminal allies (like NSA director Keith Alexander) are working hard to wipe out the very foundation of our great nation: the biblical faiths of Christianity and Judaism.


And he's using the NSA to conduct a virtual "round up" of the regime's opponents . . . and once you're "corralled" by Hussein Obama's thugs, the chains of slavery will be snapped on your wrists, and on those of your loved ones.


That's why the evil Fraudster-in-Chief (1) has drafted the "spooks" in the NSA to amass the largest database in the history of mankind . . . and that illegal database is being used RIGHT NOW to brand YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES as enemies of the uber-Obama state who must be eliminated!


Christians and Jews, along with Tea Party patriots, advocates of smaller government, opponents of the criminal IRS, believers in our cherished constitutional rights, and more . . . all have been marked by the Marxist/Muslim fake "president" as targets of his vengeful wrath. And the NSA is busy 24/7 identifying -- and tracking -- those who refuse to toe the socialist Obama line.


But rest assured, Freedom Watch and I are on the job, taking on the dictator, Barack Hussein Obama.


What's more, just as our colonial forbears sent dictatorial King George III packing, Freedom Watch WILL legally defeat Hussein Obama and symbolically "tar and feather" the oppressive tyrant, driving him from his illegal occupancy of the White House through our vitally important lawsuit aimed at stopping the NSA as well as Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution!


My friend, We the People -- the true and legal rulers of this great land -- have reached our limit . . . we have had ENOUGH of the corruption and incompetency of the Hussein Obama administration and its bipartisan enablers in Congress and the courts.


And we have ALREADY begun the fight to reclaim our nation . . . the Second American Revolution!


That's why I'm so excited to tell you that just days ago U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon heard our arguments for a preliminary injunction to stop the NSA's massive data collection dragnet. As I argued before the bench, this court is "the last bastion of protection for the American people."


It is the responsibility of this court to stand up for law and justice, and denounce the unconstitutional actions of the Obama regime. But I promise you this: Freedom Watch and I will fight this battle all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary . . . and I need YOUR continued, patriotic support to see this case through to victory!


Not only that, Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution . . . is progressing on multiple fronts:


·          As you read this letter our courageous Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida, is about to try the slippery and slimy Hussein Obama in absentia on even MORE charges of crimes against the people! And conviction on even one charge could put the fraud and his fellow anti-freedom allies behind bars for life . . . where they belong for the good of America.


·          Freedom Watch and I are also suing the secretive Obama administration to release ALL the emails and notes from the ObamaCare negotiations. This evidence will prove he rigged dirty backroom CRIMINAL deals with his allies like Planned Parenthood and other special interests. What's more, we've already won a court decision that this information MUST be turned over to me!


·          Freedom Watch and the Reclaim America Now Coalition (see gathered in front of the White House just a few weeks ago to spread the word: Barack Hussein Obama, the Black Muslim thug who stole the presidency in 2008 and 2012 through fraud and deceit, has been targeted, by We the People of the United States, for EVICTION from the White House.


The Coalition -- comprised already of 41 patriotic organizations and well-known individuals like revered actor/singer Pat Boone, the heroic Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (ret.) and Admiral James "Ace" Lyons -- is growing by the day as more and more Americans see this as our nation's last remaining course of action.


·          Freedom Watch is leading the charge for civil disobedience against the ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL decrees of Barack Hussein Obama and his congressional cronies like Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner to remove Hussein Obama from the White House.


What's more, Freedom Watch is leading the charge to "dethrone" Hussein Obama, and we're using every means at our disposal.


·          Very soon Freedom Watch and Reclaim America Now Coalition will be traveling to historic Philadelphia to hold a THIRD Continental Congress. This will be the FIRST People's Congress since the Second Continental Congress convened in the same city to sign the Declaration of Independence. And we will ELECT a government-in-waiting to replace the corrupt, tyrannical, illegal Obama regime as soon as we successfully drive the Marxist/Muslim and his cadre of Democrat AND Republican enablers from office.


This is where American patriots will plan the next steps of our glorious Second American Revolution for which we recently "fired the opening shot" just like the colonial heroes who faced down the British forces at Lexington and Concord!


·          I represent in court some of the grieving families of the SEAL Team VI heroes who were ruthlessly slaughtered in Afghanistan by Taliban insurgents. And the blame for their deaths lies directly at the feet of Hussein Obama and his Muslim-coddling co-conspirators!


·          On the eligibility front, Freedom watch is going after the states of Florida AND Alabama in a bid to force Hussein Obama out of the presidency by having the Supreme Courts of those two states rule that the Black Muslim is not eligible to be president and thus must resign or be removed legally.


·          And of course, most importantly Freedom Watch and I have empaneled a Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida -- a very conservative and religious region of the "Bible Belt." This Jury has already criminally indicted both Obama and his moronic sidekick, Joe Biden (C), with treason!


The Grand Jury has already brought and caused a conviction against Hussein Obama for putting forth a false birth certificate to the American people in an attempt to justify his false eligibility to be president. Many more indictments have been issued against other political and judicial criminals as well, and more criminal trials are planned in the near future.

And within weeks, Hussein Obama will be TRIED on even more charges brought by the jury. [See and for information on the indictments issued against Hussein Obama and Biden (C)] (1).


As a committed Freedom Watch supporter you already know that Freedom Watch and our much-appreciated patriotic allies have already given the criminal Hussein Obama notice that it's time for him to leave the White House. This corrupt band of Marxists and Muslims MUST be legally driven out of office before they push America to the brink of no return . . . and we're precariously close right now.


And Freedom Watch's peaceful, non-violent revolution of civil disobedience and non-compliance with the unconstitutional, anti-American agenda of Hussein Obama's cancerous and destructive regime, will be victorious as patriots like you stand tall with us!


My friend, you know that words are just not enough as we face dire times in our nation. Without action victory will go to the criminal element that occupies the Oval Office. And you CANNOT let that happen.


The evil tyrant -- raised by his atheist mother and Muslim stepfather, then his radical grandparents -- is destroying America and instituting a Black Muslim dictatorship.


Remember this: Hussein Obama HATES America. He hates everything our great nation stands for. And he'll stop at NOTHING to overthrow our sovereign republic!


I urgently need your help to save America from suffering the same fate that befell the great nations of the past as they, one after another, plunged into decadence, deceit, and destructive social and economic policies.


We must rise up together today and remove the Black Muslim traitor occupying the White House. Otherwise our nation will collapse . . . perhaps forever!


It is critically important that we LEGALLY remove the "mullah-in-chief," Hussein Obama, NOW. And YOU can make that happen!


BRAVE American patriots like you are urgently needed to oppose the evil agenda of the tyrannical Hussein Obama regime. Just as George Washington, John Adams, and Patrick Henry recruited allies in their battle against the tyrant king, George III, Freedom Watch needs YOUR continued strong financial help.


Don't forget that the power to change America, the power to reclaim our nation from the evil clutches of the hateful foreigner, Barack Hussein Obama, is in your hands. He and his fellow criminals that infest our government from top to bottom like the cockroaches they are cannot stop the groundswell of popular support for the Second American Revolution.


This non-violent revolution WILL topple the most corrupt, illegal, and unconstitutional regime to ever infect Planet Earth with its vile poison.


As I've shared with you before, "This REVOLUTION is lip to We the People. The corrupt Democrats oppose it. The spineless Republicans want no part of it. It's up to YOU and ME and millions of other patriotic Americans to take action to legally bring down the axis of evil in D.C. known as the Hussein Obama administration."


Time is short . . . Hussein Obama used his Senate puppet, Harry Reid, to trigger the so-called "nuclear option" so he can fill judgeships and other positions with Marxists, Islamists, and other enemies of America, thus totally destroying our nation!


RIGHT NOW I NEED YOUR URGENT, STRONG FINANCIAL SUPPORT so Freedom Watch and I can continue to fight for America on your behalf. We MUST save America before it goes down for the count. And at this very moment our nation stands at the brink of disaster.


Just as George Washington and the Founding Fathers needed huge amounts of money to finance the Revolutionary War and create a new nation conceived in liberty, so does Freedom Watch.


We are in dire need of an influx of support for this Second American Revolution. The enemy we face today is far more devious, more deadly than King George III. The evidence proves Hussein Obama is a Muslim and a socialist bent on destroying America AND our Judeo-Christian heritage and values!


Any gift -- whether it's $50 or $500 or $5000 or even more -- will help fuel Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution, as well as our vital lawsuits and legal projects that aim to legally depose "King Hussein."




America's fate hangs in the balance . . . it is up to patriots like you to save our nation! Don't let the nation down!


God bless you and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Larry Klayman, Esq.

Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch


P.S.    Please help me depose the corrupt despot who illegally sits in the White House. Help me put him and his evil Marxist/Muslim comrades behind bars where they all belong. Your urgent, strong financial support RIGHT NOW helps Freedom Watch's series of vital lawsuits -- like the one targeting the NSA domestic spy scandal -- and legal projects. A victory in just one of these cases or projects will LEGALLY TOPPLE THE HUSSEIN OBAMA REGIME ONCE AND FOR ALL! My friend, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your committed support. It is greatly needed . . . please continue to stand with Freedom Watch and me as we wage the Second American Revolution and drive Hussein Obama and his anti-American allies from power! Your support is URGENTLY needed today. Please enclose the best possible, most generous gift you can right away!  (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ



WorldNetDaily Exclusive



EXCLUSIVE: Larry Klayman makes plans for 'Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia'



© 2013


"The bells rang all day and almost all night. Even the chimers chimed away."

– John Adams describing the reaction to the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, 1776


Last Thursday, I traveled to Ocala, Fla., to honor a great fallen hero and patriot, Steve Hunter, a former leader of the Tri-County Tea Party and someone who has worked with Freedom Watch and me in fashioning and implementing citizens' grand juries there – Steve died in a car crash Nov. 22 of this year. I used the travel time to read the early chapters of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Thomas Jefferson, by Jon Meacham. "Thomas Jefferson, The Art of Power" (Random House 2013). At the conclusion of his chapters detailing the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence ratified on July 4, 1776, in my native town of Philadelphia, Meacham analyzes the root causes of the "First American Revolution.'  I would like to share this with you, because it underscores, going on 238 years later, why we again, as Americans, must take great risks and pledge our sacred honor, "fortunes" and lives to wage a Second American Revolution, to reclaim our freedoms. Here is what this formidable historian concluded:


"There was no mistaking how significant Jefferson and his colleagues believed the scale of the American struggle to be. One of Jefferson's duties in Philadelphia was the design of a seal for the new nation, a task he shared with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.


"Reacting to a proposal of Franklin's that invoked the parting of the Red Sea, Jefferson suggested 'Pharaoh sitting in an open chariot, a crown on his head and a sword in his hand passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites: rays from a pillar of fire in the cloud, expressive of the divine presence, and command, reaching to Moses who stands on the shore and, extending his hand over the sea, causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh' 'Motto: Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. The Founders were Moses, George III was Pharaoh, and Americans were the Israelites being led from bondage.


"In truth, the British demands on the colonies were hardly outrageous. The expense of defending the borders (born by the mother country) was considerable. American wealth was substantial; and Edmund Burke (a prominent and respected colonialist) made a compelling case in London for 'virtual representation' ... the argument that the king and Parliament were stewards of the whole empire whether particular colonies could vote for members of the House of Commons or not.


"So why did the colonists take such extreme steps – arming themselves and putting their lives and their families' lives at risk? There is no single answer.


The classical Republican ethos that centered on virtue, harmony, balance, and fear of corruption had come to the Anglo-American world through Renaissance Florence, where Machiavelli and others sought to preserve the best of the ancient republics. The revivals of the 1irt Great Awakening were critical too, for the preaching of the mid-18th century tended to focus on the centrality of the individual soul in relation to God. ... Then there was capitalism. ... Americans were blessed with enormous natural resources and endless economic energy, yet many, including Jefferson, found themselves in perpetual debt to British creditors.


"Succeeding generations have sometimes tried to isolate one of these phenomena as the origin of the Revolution. It seems most convincing though to think of Lockean Liberalism, classical republicanism (via the Renaissance), the Great Awakening, the promise of capitalism, and the hatred of debt (and the British merchants and banks who were owed the debts) as tributaries that all helped form the larger rushing river of the American Revolution " Id. at 112-113.


In short, what Meacham is describing is an unbridled optimism that freedom and its attendant prosperity and well-being, free from excessive debt, will revert to the colonies once the governmental bondage placed upon them by King George and his corrupt Parliament are removed with the help of God's divine intervention and grace.


The parallels to the even direr situation the United States now finds itself in today are striking. We are ruled by someone who is in effect the pharaoh and at the least a Muslim at heart who disdains the Judeo-Christian heritage and foundations upon which our nation was forged and who has rung up extreme national debt and loathes capitalism, instead seeing it his "duty" to redistribute wealth to "his" people for years of their slavery. President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised if not corrupt enablers in Congress and in the judiciary, like a time warp, have thrust We the People back to 1776 and provoked our Second American Revolution. And, the current revolutionary climate is even more severe, since unlike the colonies, contemporary America is on the steep decline. Our resources, wealth, ethics, spirituality and liberties are being stifled by a socialistic choke hold on our economy and lives, where our "Muslim" president and the government, not God, is to be worshiped and obeyed - else authoritarian henchmen and thugs at the NSA and IRS will destroy you.


To seek redress for our grievances, as our forefathers attempted leading up to independence day on 1776" Day="4" Month="7"> July 4, 1776, the Reclaim America Now Coalition gave notice in front of the White House on Nov. 19 of this year that if the people's freedoms were not restored by the day after Thanksgiving, the Second American Revolution would begin in earnest. True to the predictions of anyone living in our times, our grievances went unanswered by our illegitimate government usurpers, and now we must make good on our threats of non­violent, civil disobedience to attempt redress.


In this regard, as we mourn the death this week of Nelson Mandela, a great man who, like his American counterpart Martin Luther King, used civil disobedience successfully to bring freedom to his people and by definition all people (who are created equal with certain unalienable rights, as Jefferson put it), let us take Mandela's achievement in liberating South Africa from bondage as a further example of what we can accomplish in freeing our own nation from the choking despotic governmental slavery of Obama and his pliant Democratic and Republican minions in Congress and the judiciary.


We will soon be announcing the date to convene the Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia early next year where, taking a page from the Founding Fathers, we will meet to plan the next steps of our Second American Revolution, with delegates from all 50 states.


We will also use the occasion to appoint committees to coordinate the revolution and to elect a government in waiting to take over on the day when our current corrupt leaders are forced by the citizenry to leave their thrones and freedom is restored to our shores.


Like our Founding Fathers in 1776, the time is now to risk all we have to save the nation from government tyrants before a11 is lost.




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *


Re: ObamaCare is the last straw! You and I must kill it before it's too late for America! The loser Republicans now cannot make good on their promise! We, together, must save the nation and protect our loved ones from the evil Obama and his wicked deeds by criminally indicting, trying, and convicting him . . . and putting him in prison!


November 18, 2013


Dear Patriot,


I am writing you this letter from Tel Aviv . . . taking cover and listening to the wails of the air raid sirens, suffering the consequences of the traitorous so-called President, Barack Hussein Obama, who has conspired to harm Israel and the United States by supporting his fellow Muslims over Christians and Jews!


I am here in Israel to try to help America's best ally -- and the home to our Judeo-Christian heritage -- in any way I can.


The whole world knows that Hussein Obama is on the side of the radical Islamic jihadists who are, right now, murdering Christians and Jews alike because they no longer fear American intervention. Notwithstanding Hussein Obama's Muslim roots and sympathies, that's because the Traitor in the White House is too busy intervening in and destroying our own freedom at home!


You see, Hussein Obama believes he can do whatever anti-Constitutional action he pleases because he thinks he's won. But . . . just like the Revolutionary War hero John Paul Jones, "I have not vet begun to fight!"


With the hapless Republicans now dead as a viable political opposition (in fact they were never any real opposition to Hussein Obama), you and I are the last line of defense to save the nation and protect our loved ones from this evil.


That's right . . . Freedom Watch and I are already fiercely defending your God-ordained rights in court, day in and day out. Now, with your strong financial commitment, I am continuing on the offensive against the Black Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic socialist Traitor who criminally stole his second election -- as he is ineligible to serve as President, since he was not born in the United States to two U.S. citizen parents.


The actions of Hussein Obama require that we together wage the Second American Revolution and you and I will not back down! Now, as the racist Hussein Obama and his Marxist band of Black Muslim communists roll out the death panels and privacy invasions that make up ObamaCare, I am already on the attack! With your strong financial support, we must now go it alone; the worthless and fatally compromised Republicans have blown it and are in fact dead as a political force.


Now, it's time for "We the People" to take charge and finally kill ObamaCare and remove Hussein Obama from office. Despite their false commitment to do so if they won the election, they can no longer do it; so We together must do it!


In fact, after the likely bribed Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who was previously thought to be a conservatives, turned his back on you and your family -- and the U.S. Constitution! -- to rule on the side of evil and uphold ObamaCare, Freedom Watch won a monumental court victory that could allow me and other Freedom Watch attorneys to depose the Hussein Obama White House and expose the wicked and evil backroom deals forged to push ObamaCare down our throats. By exposing these criminal acts, we can kill ObamaCare by showing the nation and the world that its enactment and implementation were part of Hussein Obama's criminal enterprise to take over our freedoms and harm hard-working Americans who, like us, don't want free handouts and earn what we get.


Indeed. Hussein Obama and his socialist Democratic Party won reelection back in 2012 because they promised to hand out "goodies," like free contraceptives and abortions, at taxpayer expense, to anyone who wanted them. This is despite a 17-trillion dollar budget deficit that is bankrupting the nation and our families!


My friend, you know that I will not stop until Hussein Obama is indicted, convicted and removed from the Oval Office. He should pay for his crimes, making him an example for all future politicians and judges like Chief Justice John Roberts, by rotting in a prison cell for the rest of his life.


Of course, dead beat so-called Republican "leaders" like Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell won't do it. They don't have the guts . . . and they're both too tied to the sleaze that permeates Congress. It is up to Freedom Watch -- and you! -- to clean out the rats' nest in Washington. D.C. before it's too late! The Republicans cannot do it. They have miserably lost as a result of their cowardice and fatally compromised lack of moral clarity and courage!


I am a former prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice and I am the only lawyer to ever have a court rule that a President, Bill Clinton, committed a crime. I know exactly how the corrupt establishment system works . . . and how to root out and eliminate that corruption that the Black Muslim socialist Hussein Obama is forcing upon you, your children and your grandchildren. But Freedom Watch and I cannot keep up our legal assault without your continued strong financial support! We really need your continued-help during these times that "try men's souls" -- when our nation is in great danger of being destroyed by Hussein Obama and his impious accomplices.


Freedom Watch lawsuits, investigations, and Citizens Grand Juries require added funding for new staff, office space, new case and criminal grand jury filings and other necessities . . . and I know I can count on you because you care as deeply as 1 do about the fate of our great nation! We can't lose time and must act quickly now, before the United States goes down the drain, particularly now that the "Muslim in Chief" has no political opposition and thinks he has "clear sailing" to remake America in his Black Muslim socialist image.


Already, Freedom Watch's Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida indicted Barack Obama and Joe Biden (C) for treason as a result of their release of highly classified information that resulted in the gruesome deaths of American patriots such as U.S. Navy Seals exposed to the terrorists who shot down their helicopter in Afghanistan. Equally treasonous, these two criminals, Obama and Biden (C), also released U.S. and Israeli war plans to remove Iran's nuclear facilities. As you know, Hussein Obama's buddies in Iran, the neo-Nazi leaders of this radical Islamic state, have pledged to use their newly-acquired nuclear weapons in their sick and perverted "religious" jihad in the name of Allah to kill all Christians and Jews and destroy the "Great Satan," the United States, and its best ally Israel.


Now because of their high crimes and misdemeanors, we will try Hussein Obama and his equally-criminal Vice President in a people's court of law, convict them and seek to have them thrown in prison where the sun don't shine and where they can do no further harm to our great nation.


Through letters like this, and our websites and, I will keep you up to date on all that we are URGENTLY doing to legally rid the nation and the world of the likes of Hussein Obama. And there will be lots of new information as Freedom Watch and I are the last line of attack against the evil Hussein Obama and his sick and destructive so-called healthcare scheme.


That's because, with your committed support, we will press on with our Second American Revolution to kill ObamaCare by exposing its criminality and then indicting, trying, and convicting Hussein Obama and his collaborators -- like crooked and compromised Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, before our Citizens Grand Juries, for this outrage that robs us of our freedoms, our health, and our money.


With your continued strong financial help, I will bring to light and to justice the dark and treason activities that the anti-American Hussein Obama and his partners in crime like Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts (as well as the baby killers at Planned Parenthood and the crooks in the drug industry that bribed Hussein Obama and his socialist comrades) forced upon us to enact and implement ObamaCare so they could all line their own pockets at the expense of American taxpayers like you.


Consistent with our unrelenting effort to put the socialist Muslim Hussein Obama in prison where he belongs, I am also convening another Citizens Grand Jury to try and then convict Hussein Obama for his theft of the Office of the President.


You see, it's widely known that Hussin Obama is not legally eligible, as a natural-born citizen, to serve as President. His forged birth certificate scandal is well documented . . . and the Citizens Grand Jury has heard testimony, under oath, that Hussein Obama is not a Constitutionally-elected President. The Freedom Watch Citizens Grand Jury subpoenaed famous Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his right hand man, Investigator Mike Zullo, to testify before the Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida. They are pleased to be summoned to tell the truth and are committed to come show their considerable evidence to the American people through our Citizens Grand Jury.


This is the only way, my good friend, to cancel every evil deed -- every tyrannical edict, including ObamaCare! -- that Hussien Obama has conspired to put into effect to take away our freedoms! He must be removed from office! And I will personally present to a judge all the sworn testimony and all the judicial exhibits pertaining to Traitor Obama's theft of the Presidency, his treason ObamaCare legislation and other high crimes and misdemeanors. If we don't do this now and make all efforts to save our great nation, then who else will? Not the Republicans, whose own compromised and corrupt party is now, in practice, dead.


I can't do it, however, without your immediate strong financial help. Please, do all you can to bless Freedom Watch with a check of at least $100. And, if you're able, please send $250 or $500. The very fate of this nation and your loved ones hangs by a thread . . . but, together, you and Freedom Watch can, and will, remove Hussein Obama and restore the greatness of America! We have no choice as the weight of the nation is now squarely on our collective shoulders.


The Republicans, never our great protectors of freedom anyway, are now destroyed and we must now restore America completely on our own. That is fine with me and I know it is with you, because, like our Founding Fathers before us in 1776, we have pledged our fortunes, our lives, and our sacred honor to protect our God-given unalienable rights to freedom!


Obama and Biden (C) are even more evil than King George III was in American colonial times. They must be legally removed from office now and put in prison before they totally destroy our freedoms and our lives, as well as our beloved nation that cannot afford another three years -- or more! -- of this evil rule over us!


Finally, I pray that God will watch over and protect us all as we embark upon this crusade to save our nation and our loved ones from the evils of the Hussein Obama regime!


May God be with you and me in this noble mission!

Klayman, Esq. Chairman and General Counsel


P. S.   Together we can legally kill ObamaCare and remove Hussein Obama from office before it is too late. It'll take your continued committed and strong financial support to do this.. . and, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for all you have done and will continue to do in our crusade to preserve our freedoms. God bless you and your loved ones and God save the United States of America, the greatest nation on earth (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




RE: The Second American Revolution


November 14, 2013


Dear Patriot,


Revolution is in the air! And soon, it will be upon America! And it is our ONLY hope!


We the People have had enough . . . no longer will we sit back and allow the ungodly, anti-American collective that rules the White House to subvert and destroy the inalienable rights granted us by God -- rights preserved over the centuries by the blood of patriots, many of whom made the supreme sacrifice on behalf of their nation.


And just as the Founding Fathers had the undeniable, God-given COURAGE to stand up to the tyrannical despot who ruled from across the sea, so too, American patriots are waking from their slumber -- stirred by the criminal actions of the illegal alien occupying the Oval Office -- to take on and legally defeat our own 21st century, self-proclaimed "king" . . . Barack Hussein Obama.


Now, this "Second American Revolution" is a peaceful, non-violent revolution of civil disobedience and non-compliance with the unconstitutional, anti-American agenda of the Obama regime. It is patterned after the world-changing movements of Mahatma Gandhi in India, Lech Walesa in Poland, and Martin Luther King here in the U.S.


And I'm proud to say that Freedom Watch is leading the charge to rally our fellow citizens to this vital cause, this crucial battle that will, without a doubt, decide the ultimate fate of our nation. Please keep reading . . .


My friend, America is at a crossroads this very day. Listen closely and you'll hear the leftist war drums beating in the background. Hussein Obama and his band of Marxists and Muslims, both in and out of government, have set their sights on making YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES slaves of the ultra-leftist and Socialist Obama/Soros New World Order!


Their war on you and your freedom is already underway. In fact, it's been ongoing since Obama's first day in the White House which he stole through Marxist/Muslim and deceit.


If America is to be saved . . . if "this nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal" is to survive and continue as a shining city on a hill . . . if this is to happen, then We the People MUST take action TODAY to stop Hussein Obama's illegitimate regime from exercising its ill-gotten power against you and me.


And that means peaceful, non-violent REVOLUTION!


You know that there's virtually NO ONE in D.C. that we can count on. The Democrats are in the bag for their puppet master, and the vast majority of Republicans in Congress were trained in the "go along to get along" school of politics. Getting reelected by filling their campaign coffers is their priority . . . they couldn't care less about saving America.


That means it's up to YOU and ME. And we CAN win this battle, despite the media's constant barrage of negative reporting.


Consider the words of colonial patriot Patrick Henry, paraphrased to fit today's America which suffers under the tyrannical hand of Barack Obama:


The media tells us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary as King Barack I. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed -- when Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the other anti-gun zealots have overthrown the Second Amendment -- and when one of Obama's Department of Homeland Security and NSA spy storm troopers shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope and change, until Obama shall have us bound hand and foot? Sir, we are NOT weak if we make proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. Millions of people, politically armed in the holy cause of Liberty . . . are invincible and can defeat any force that the Marxist Obama can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up allies to fight with us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.


My question to you, my friend, is this: will you stand with Freedom Watch and be among the vigilant, the active, the brave? If so, please continue reading this vitally important letter to see just what's at stake, and what you can do to save America . . .


You see, Freedom Watch is bravely putting everything on the line defending your precious, God-ordained rights. My friend, Freedom Watch and I represent your best opportunity to stop Hussein Obama and the vile CRIMINAL men and women -- like Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid and others who are working to enslave you and your loved ones -- who surround him and willingly do his socialist bidding.


As the founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, I have battled against the depths of political corruption in which anti-American and anti-Judeo/Christian Muslim operatives like Hussein Obama wallow and plot against us.


I've spent years combatting the enemies of America and our constitutional republic on your behalf! I've taken on the worst criminals who've disgraced our national stage, like the evil twins of corruption, Bill and Hillary Clinton.


In fact, I'm the ONLY lawyer EVER to obtain a court ruling that a sitting U.S. President -- Bill Clinton -- committed a crime!


And I've had such an impact on the political and legal scenes that the writers of the popular TV show The West Wing designed a character -- Harry Klaypool -- based on me! You can read about this and more in my book "Whores: Why and How I Came to Fight the Establishment." See for more information on this book.


My lawsuits are legend . . . suing the Obama administration to release the emails and notes from the ObamaCare negotiations that will prove he rigged dirty backroom CRIMINAL deals with Planned Parenthood and other special interests (and winning a court decision that this information MUST be turned over to me!); and going after the state of Florida in a bid to deny Hussein Obama the presidency by having the Florida Supreme Court rule that the Black Muslim is not eligible to be president and thus must resign.


And then there's Freedom Watch's unprecedented, groundbreaking lawsuit before the Alabama Supreme Court -- which is now governed by its great Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore (the Ten Commandments Judge who stood up to communists and atheists) -- challenging Hussein Obama's eligibility to be president of the United States. This case will be instrumental in finally having Hussein Obama investigated by the authorities for deMarxist/Muslimed voters . . . then also declaring him INELIGIBLE to be president!


Beyond that, and most important, Freedom Watch and I have empaneled a Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida -- a very conservatives and religious region of the "Bible Belt." This Jury has already criminally indicted both Obama and his evil sidekick, Joe Biden (C), with treason! [See and to see the indictment that was issued against Hussein Obama and Biden (C).]


And, we have already procured a conviction against Hussein Obama for putting forth a false birth certificate to the American people in an attempt to justify his eligibility to be president. Many more indictments have been issued against other political and judicial criminals as well, and more criminal trials are planned in the near future. We are also holding Hussein Obama and his NSA legally accountable for spying on all Americans to coerce and blackmail us all into submission.


No other conservatives or anyone for that matter has the proven track record I've amassed over the past couple of decades with Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.


That's why your urgent and generous support of Freedom Watch will have a vital impact unmatched by any other group around. We boldly charge in where others fear to tread!


My friend, NOBODY but Freedom Watch is taking on Hussein Obama in a legal forum that can truly lead to his ultimate defeat and imprisonment. We're not about talk . . . Freedom Watch is all about action!


And that is why Freedom Watch has stepped forward to lead the Second American Revolution that will reclaim our country from the Marxist/Muslim, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic Obama.


You see, Founding Father Sam Adams put it best:


"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards; and it is our duty to defend them against all attacks."


And today, our liberties and our Constitution are under attack from the Marxist/Muslim who illegally sits in the Oval Office, Barack Hussein Obama. And it IS our duty, as citizens of this great nation, to stand tall in America's hour of need and DEFEND ourselves from the Obama regime!


I'm asking you today to join with Freedom Watch in the Second American Revolution. Help us legally drive the Impostor-in-Chief from the presidency. You can help in THREE WAYS:


·     First, become a card carrying member of Freedom Watch's "Brush Fire Brigade." This group is based on Sam Adams' famous quote: "It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires of freedom in the minds of men."


Be among the few patriots who, as Adams said, are part of the "irate, tireless minority" willing to SPEAK the truth about and truly act on to seek redress about what is truly happening in our country at the hands of King Barack the First.


The Second American Revolution doesn't need millions upon millions of Americans in order for it to be successful. All we need are a few patriotic men and women to win the war for the heart and soul of America . . . just as the Founding Fathers rallied the troops to defeat King George III!


I want YOU to be that patriot in your neighborhood, your church, your city. I want YOU to set brush fires of freedom in the minds of those with whom you have contact. Don't let a single day go by without sharing the TRUTH with someone else.


So please sign and return the [requested] enclosed reply form, and be sure to check the box that says "I want to be part of Freedom Watch's Brush Fire Brigade!" For a gift of $35 or more, I'll send you a Brush Fire Brigade membership card for you to carry in your wallet.


·     Second, PRAY like never before for our beleaguered nation. America needs men and women of biblical faith to intercede on behalf of our country and society. We must, just like the Founding Fathers, constantly be on our knees, imploring the blessing of heaven in our fight for freedom!


Prayer can move mountains. George Washington knew this. Sam Adams knew this. Patrick Henry knew this. And WE must always remember this vital fact.


·     Finally, GIVE as you are financially blessed, blessing Freedom Watch -- and America! -- in return.


You see, it is the financial gifts of patriots like you that propel Freedom Watch, enabling us to take on and defeat the foes of freedom like Barack Hussein Obama. And unless he is stopped, Hussein Obama WILL win and America will fall!


Freedom Watch's many lawsuits and legal projects are successful because committed patriots like you STAND TALL and provide us the needed resources to carry through these critically important projects to a successful conclusion.


And that means legally evicting Hussein Obama from the White House, and putting him and his criminal co-conspirators behind bars where they belong!


Remember the words of Patrick Henry -- the firebrand of the FIRST American Revolution -- when he said: "United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy the union upon which our existence hangs."


My friend, we MUST be united in opposing the evil, Marxist/ Muslim agenda of Hussein Obama, Joe Biden (C), Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the vicious, anti-American thugs who want to overthrow the United States of America.


Please . . . fill out the [requested] attached reply form and return it to me today with a strong, urgent financial gift for Freedom Watch. Give us the "weapons" we need to wage the Second American Revolution. This is a war that MUST be won.


It is vital that we evict Hussein Obama and his cronies from office through the Second American Revolution. This is only way to save America. And it will take YOUR strong, urgent help, my friend.


Any gift -- whether it's $50 or $500 or $5000 or even more -- will fuel Freedom Watch's "Second American Revolution" that will send America's modern day King George III packing!


Not only that, our Revolution may result in putting Hussein Obama behind bars . . . and once there, he and his axis of evil will no longer be able to harm our great nation.


Perhaps you're in a position where you can bless Freedom Watch with an even bigger gift, say, $10,000 or more -- you can literally change AND SAVE the future of America, NOT TO MENTION THE LIVES OF YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Please pray now to see if this is what God wants YOU to do!


My friend, please don't delay. Take action TODAY. Hussein Obama won't put his evil plans on hold while we raise the needed funds to legally defeat and remove him and end his Marxist/Muslim regime through our non-violent Second American Revolution.


Please heed this urgent plea . . . stand tall for America today. I MUST hear from you immediately. God bless you for your love of country, dear friend!


For America's freedom and

continued existence as a

sovereign, independent nation,

Larry Klayman Founder and General Counsel

Freedom Watch


P.S.   The Second American Revolution is HERE! I need YOU to join with Freedom Watch and me as we lead this non-violent movement to reclaim our country from the evil Barack Hussein Obama and his criminal co-conspirators. Please fill out the reply form below and send it back today with your most generous, strong and urgent gift for Freedom Watch (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789). ǀ ǀ




World NetDaily Exclusive



Exclusive:  Larry Klayman shares draft of new declaration in preparation for D.C. rally


© 2013


The news coming out of Washington, D.C., this week serves as a stark reminder about how our so-called government has ignored the grievances of We the People and why it is time to rise up in a peaceful, non­violent revolution to alter,-amend-or abolish it if our leaders do not heed our demands.


ObamaCare and the National Security Agency scandals are prime examples. A socialist, ultra-leftist "Muslim" president and his Democratic minions pass this destructive piece of legislation, the Republican opposition does little if anything to initially stop it - figuring that they will use it for political fodder in the 2012 presidential elections and the 2014 congressional elections - a Republican chief justice of the Supreme Court, John Roberts, in a majority opinion joined by the Court's leftist justices, rubber stamps it despite its unconstitutionality, and years later the American people, who are having their health insurance canceled by the millions, learn that they have been deMarxist/Muslimed by their president. Add to that the massive spying on American citizens by the NSA, implemented by President Obama and sanctioned by Republicans like Sen. John McCain and Rep. Peter King, coupled with the Obama Department of Homeland Security's stockpiling of weapons, ammunition and use of domestic drones for the internal security force to use against the people, and you have a revolution in the making.


Two hundred thirty-seven years after the original Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776, in my hometown of Philadelphia, we are again at the threshold of revolution, and indeed this revolution will begin on our new independence day, Nov. 19, 2013, when the Reclaim America Now Coalition, supported by the masses who are being summoned to Washington, D.C., that day, reads our renewed Declaration of Independence at a demonstration across from the White House beginning at 10 a.m. in Lafayette Park.


This Declaration of Independence will incorporate all our Founding Fathers incorporated into theirs and include the America people's similar list of grievances, which if not considered by the ruling establishment, will surely result in their demise. For if these grievances are not satisfied in short order, not only will the people call for the resignation of President Obama and Republican leaders like House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, but, if this does not occur, we will consider alternative legal courses of action - as did our Founding Fathers with the divine guidance of our Lord.


Here is the proposed Declaration of Independence of Nov. 19, 2013. The Reclaim American Now Coalition solicits your input before this Independence Day to finalize it for We the People. Contact us at




When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these States; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the current president of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world and a list of demands that require resolution.


1.    The National Security Agency's (NSA) over-broad and spy unconstitutional spying on American citizens needs to be curtailed and limited to those who are legitimately related to terrorism, terrorist acts, or those who are or could be linked to breaches of national security.


2.      The rules of engagement, which favor Muslim jihadists, must be changed in order to preserve the lives of American military units.


3.      The attempt at socializing the United States of America by enacting the unconstitutional healthcare plan ObamaCare must be blocked, and ObamaCare as it stands must be repealed.


4.    The current administration must agree to significantly lower taxes for all U.S. citizens.


5.      The Internal Revenue Service must be abolished entirely leaving in place only a reasonable consumption or flat tax.


6.      Immigration reform is critical to our nation's survival. We must seal the borders and not allow any illegal immigrants into the country. We must come up with a plan that does not involve amnesty.


7.    The budget deficit must be significantly reduced.


8.    The president must submit himself to examination and appear in front of a citizens'grand jury to answer questions under oath regarding his illegal, treasonous and impeachable actions during his presidency.


9.      The president must provide a physical, original copy of his birth certificate to We the People and submit himself to the scrutiny of qualified forensic experts.


10.   The United States must not push for a Palestinian State on the West Bank.


11.   The United States must support the Egyptian military and rid all Muslim Brotherhood ties.


12.      The United States of America must support Israel in a pre-emptive strike against the Islamic Republic of Iran to destroy its nuclear facilities.


13.      Pledge that our Second Amendment rights to bear arms will never be abridged and that our weapons of self-defense will never be confiscated.


In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury and blatant lies. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.


Now have We been wanting in attentions to our current president. We have warned him and his administration from time to time of attempts by their legislature to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us. We have reminded him of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.


We the People, therefore, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these States, solemnly publish and declare, That these United States are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; free from the tyranny of President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised and corrupt Democrat and Republican Party enablers in Congress and the courts, that they are Abolished from all Allegiance to the current government's regime, and that all political connection between them and the current government, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, We the People have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, We the People mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor to save our beloved nation and preserve the freedoms bequeathed to us by the Founding Fathers.




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




Re: Urgent call to all American patriots!


October 17, 2013


Dear Patriot,


It's time to Occupy Washington [The 2nd Revolution begins Nov. 19] and demand that Barack Hussein Obama, America's fraudulent commander-in-chief, resign in disgrace from the office he stole from We the People!


You see, just last month a citizens' court -- convened by Freedom Watch, and for which I served as the People's Prosecutor -- convicted the Black Muslim who sits in the Oval Office for defrauding the American people.


These courageous, patriotic citizens did their constitutional duty, and saw through the Hussein Obama regime's smoke and mirror of lies, and returned their verdict of GUILTY on a charge of submitting a forged birth certificate to state and federal officials.


The racist Hussein Obama was only able to "win" the presidency -- twice! -- through his criminal actions . . . actions that now demand his immediate removal!


And Freedom Watch is leading the charge to legally drive the corrupt and evil Marxist pretender to the throne from office NOW, before he totally destroys the United States of America. And I need YOUR continued strong financial support to win this victory!


My friend, November 19 -- just a few weeks away -- has been designated "Occupy Washington" day, and patriots from all across the nation will gather in the nation's capital to protest and seek the removal of the criminal regime that hopes to enslave every decent and God-fearing American, including you and your loved ones.


But we don't only seek Hussein Obama's resignation, even though he is the clear ringleader of the band of ruthless criminals trying desperately to overthrow the U.S. Constitution and turn America into a Marxist/Muslim caliphate where every single man, woman, and child will be forced to worship Hussein Obama's false god, allah, and submit to his communist inspired vision of the country.


No, Freedom Watch is also demanding the resignations of Obama's chief criminal collaborators in the U.S. Congress, two men actively working against We the People each and every day: Democrat Senator Harry Reid and Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner.


My friend, Reid and Boehner are not only WORTHLESS in the cause of liberty, but are destructive. In fact, they may be the most anti-liberty men to ever hold their respective offices!


Hussein Obama, Reid and Boehner are the true AXIS OF EVIL in America they are a gang of criminal conspirators who hate freedom and liberty. And they must be legally stopped.


That's why I've issued the clarion call for all patriots to gather in Washington, D.C., on November 19. We must peaceably assemble, and demand that these criminals resign immediately and leave town or face the consequences of people.


And the people demand the resignations of the Mullah-in-Chief, Hussein Obama; his U.S. Senate errand boy, Harry Reid; and Republican collaborator John Boehner, who refused to take a stand and stop an illegal, ineligible usurper from being sworn into the presidency . . . instead choosing to look the other way and allowing the Constitution to be shredded!


You can help make that a reality!


You see, I need to see YOU in Washington on November 19. It is vitally important that we gather and speak with one united voice against the ongoing Hussein Obama war against the American people and our beloved Constitution.


Please help save our nation by sending your most generous gift today to help underwrite the costs of this nation-changing event that will shake the government like nothing else!


 A strong, urgent gift today -- perhaps even $500 or more -- can help make Occupy Washington a revolution that will bring Hussein Obama/Reid/Boehner to their knees, and force these evil criminals from office. Once ejected from their government seats, they will no longer be able to fulfill their Marxist, anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic plans to overthrow our constitutional republic.


My friend, you already know how critically important Freedom Watch is to the survival of America. You KNOW that we're the ONLY conservatives group on the scene that's fighting the most important battles, the battles that will determine whether or not our nation survives or falls prey to Hussein Obama's globalist masters -- like George Soros -- who are pulling the strings behind the scenes in the Obama/Reid/Boehner regime.


Remember: NO ONE stands for liberty like Freedom Watch . . .


In fact, right now I have a blockbuster lawsuit before the Alabama Supreme Court -- with staunch Christian conservatives and the heroic "Ten Commandments" judge Roy Moore as Chief Justice -- challenging Obama's eligibility to be president.


Then there's Freedom Watch's courageous lawsuit in Florida that will result in denying the fraud in the White House that state's 29 electoral votes. This ruling will prove Obama's ineligibility and force him to resign from office immediately, But Freedom Watch hasn't stopped there.


·        Freedom Watch has one of the ONLY lawsuits challenging ObamaCare with a real chance of winning and putting an end to that evil legislation and its death panels, healthcare rationing, and unending tax increases. What's more, our suit goes after Hussein Obama for taking bribes from special interests like Planned Parenthood and the drug manufacturers so they could make billions at the expense of your health.


·        We've launched a series of class action lawsuits against Hussein Obama, the National Security Agency, Verizon, and others for their complicity in the biggest domestic spy program ever one that lets them spy on YOUR phone calls, emails, text messages, internet searches and much more to coerce and enslave you to Hussein Obama's will.


·        Not only that, Freedom Watch and I are representing in court the families of the [22] slain SEAL Team VI heroes and other special ops servicemen [five National Guard, and three Air Force], 30 of whom died [when Taliban insurgents -- who got inside information where the helicopter would be, and when -- shot down their helicopter in Afghanistan with a rocket-propelled grenade] as a result of Joe Biden (C) leaking classified information [identifying them as the group that took out terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden] that put a target squarely on their and their families backs [as well as endangering their families here in the States!].


My friend, the Freedom Watch staff and I put in incredible hours each and every day as we take on Hussein Obama and his criminal cohorts on your behalf! And that devotion to you and to our country continues with Occupy Washington on November 19!


The truth is, We the People have NO political party in Washington that represents US. The Democrats? They are so corrupt and, well, crazy, that virtually every bit of legislation they offer is intended to slap chains of bondage on your wrists, and upon the wrists of those you love.


And the Republicans? While they often pretend to say the right words, they, too, are corrupt to the core, and under the "leadership" of Speaker John Boehner, the GOP has become a useless and extinct dinosaur incapable of protecting our freedoms and constitutional rights.


We need your strong financial support so we can strand strong against the cockroaches that infest our government.


Remember: the anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, pro-Muslim, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-homosexual Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA is a Marxist tyrant. He has been trained since youth, by both his Marxist/atheist mother and his Communist mentor, to hate America, and to hate YOU.


And his political congressional puppets, Harry Reid and John Boehner, are likewise tyrants in their own chambers, and they will do everything they can to snuff out the light of liberty and freedom in Congress -- and thus, in the country -- by attacking the few courageous men and women there who stand up for the Constitution.


The American people urgently need your support TODAY. Please, if at all possible, come to D.C. on November 19 for Freedom Watch's Occupy Washington. Just as our Founding Fathers stood up to King George III, the tyrant who sought total control over the lives of the American colonists, we must stand strong today against a tyrant who is more evil, more dangerous, more anti-God than ANY enemy we have ever faced in our nation's history.




And please include a strong, urgent, and generous gift for Freedom Watch today. Your ongoing support is needed for Occupy Washington and our many lawsuits and legal projects which I've detailed above, as well as many other Freedom Watch projects.


The fact is, Freedom Watch's legal efforts go far and wide and are strong and effective. I know I've shared this with you before, but it bears repeating . . .


There's Freedom Watch's work with the congressional Tea Party Caucus to spearhead impeachment hearings against the Fraudster-in-Chief -- the foreign-born tyrant who seeks YOUR enslavement -- so we can finally evict him from the People's House and return our country to its former greatness. And I need YOUR continued help to do that!


And nobody is exposing Hussein Obama's Muslim ties like Freedom Watch. We're here each and every day, researching, exposing, and leading the fight against his evil plans to wipe out and enslave all the Christians and Jews in this country as part of his long-dreamed-of Muslim dictatorship! And I need YOUR continued help to END Obama's agenda!


Freedom Watch's BIGGEST ongoing success, of course, is that our Citizens' Grand Juries are doing the work that judges and gutless congressional politicians in both parties continually refuse to do. And I need YOUR continued help to do that!


Freedom Watch's Citizens' Grand Juries have ALREADY issued numerous indictments and have obtained a conviction against the Black Muslim/Marxist, phony "president," B. Hussein Obama. More convictions are to follow. Just look what these patriotic Americans have already accomplished:


·        Issued indictments against Hussein Obama and his evil sidekick, Joe Biden (C), for releasing CLASSIFIED information that resulted in the deaths of the Navy SEAL Team VI and other special ops heroes when their helicopter was shot down by Taliban insurgents in retaliation for killing 9-11 mastermind terrorist Osama bin Laden;


·        Issued an indictment against Hussein Obama's lapdog and evil Attorney General, Eric Holder, for lying to Congress about "Fast and Furious," his -running scandal in which military grade weapons were sold to Mexican drug cartels, leaving Brian Terry, a U.S. Border Patrol agent, dead;


·        Issued an indictment against former First Lady, Senator, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her cover-up -- and obstruction of justice concerning the deaths of four Americans, including our Ambassador to Libya, in Benghazi, Libya;


·        Issued an indictment against the cold and calculating Marxist mastermind Hussein Obama for using the IRS as his personal political enforcers by having them target conservatives, religious, and pro-Israel groups for harassment, and even denial of tax exempt status;


·        Issued an indictment against the fraudulent "President" for presenting a forged birth certificate as "proof" of his eligibility to serve in that office;


·        Issued indictments against U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Elena Kagan for violating their oaths of office by allowing Kagan to participate in the ObamaCare hearings even though she was clearly unqualified to do so because of a glaring conflict of interest, and unconstitutionally giving ObamaCare the Court's seal of approval;


·        Issued indictments against Hussein Obama and Keith Alexander, head of the National Security Agency, for their massive domestic spy scandal in which the federal government is confiscating, searching, and SPYING on YOUR private phone records, emails, Internet searches, credit card purchases, and more for "evidence" to use against you, and to brand YOU an "enemy of the state";


·        Issued an indictment against Florida State Attorney Angela Corey for falsifying the arrest warrant of George Zimmerman in the racially charged Trayvon Martin case.


My friend, Freedom Watch has a track record that is UNEQUALED, and our victories are directly attributable to the support of good friends like you. YOUR support helps Freedom Watch take on and defeat the evil, racist, Black Muslim/Marxist, Hussein Obama. And he MUST be stopped now!


What's more, as you well know, there is only ONE legal conservatives strike force with the experience, the will, and the guts to legally take down the fraud in the White House . . . and that "law firm" is Freedom Watch. As you know, I am the only lawyer to ever have succeeded in having a court rule that a president, Bill Clinton, committed a crime. See


Freedom Watch is on the job, working day and night to legally cut out the cancer that has infected and is killing our nation with its deadly poison. And that cancer is BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, the sworn enemy of freedom, true religion, and the American people, and worshiper of the false Islamic "god," allah.


Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution WILL succeed in deposing "King" Barack and his court jesters, Harry Reid and John Boehner.


And on November 19, the People's voice and force WILL be heard throughout the nation's capital. Occupy Washington will be "the beginning of the end" for Hussein Obama's evil, Marxist, Islamic reign of terror! Join us that day if you can . . . your voice is needed . . .


It's time to take up legal "arms" against Hussein Obama/Reid/Boehner, and bring the battle directly to the enemy . . . I must hear from you right away.


For freedom and justice and the

preservation of our great nation,

Larry Klayman, Esq.

Chairman and General Counsel


P.S.    Occupy Washington is YOUR opportunity to let your voice be heard! Join us in the nation's capitol on November 19 as we unite to demand the resignations of Hussein Obama, Harry Reid, and John Boehner. It's time to clean house of all the enemies of liberty and freedom . . . (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ




WorldNetDaily Exclusive



Exclusive: Larry Klayman calls Americans to descend on nation's capital


© 2013


It was recently revealed that the National Security Agency, or NSA, has been spying on all Americans by tracking their travel plans and movements and allowing internal personnel to violate the privacy of their boyfriends, girlfriends, husbands and wives - to see if they are cheating - through metadata intrusions into their email and Internet communications.


Undoubtedly, this is just the tip of the iceberg. No surprise here! This outrage is just the latest example of the loss of our freedoms and a further power-grabbing attempt by our so-called government to coerce the American people into submission. No matter what one's political persuasion, this most recent abuse serves as a stark reminder that all Americans have an interest in having their grievances forcefully redressed, and fast.


In this context, the government shutdown continues, with Democrats and Republicans playing games with the futures of all of us. Not that government services in many instances are all that necessary or important, but this further breakdown of the political establishment, along with the impotency of the legal system to redress citizens' complaints, further underscores why the American people need to get off their couches and take strong, decisive action to restore the republic to the vision of the Founding Fathers.


It's bad enough that ordinary citizens' interests and complaints are thrown in the trash by the political establishment in our nation's capital, but when our fighting men and women in the military are also treated like dirt, then you know that the nation is headed down quickly.


Last week's government leaks about a raid by Navy SEALs in Somalia, coming after the Benghazi and Extortion - -17-scandals, show the-lack of concern for the safety and well-being of our fighters paid by the establishment to­ our country's heroes. In an Oct. 8, 2013, front-page article titled, "Imperfect Intelligence' Said to Hinder U.S. Raid on Militant in Somalia," New York Times reporters Nicholas Kulish and Eric Schmitt disclosed:


Since American Special Forces were forced to retreat during a raid on a coastal Somali town on Saturday, the Shabab militant group has tried to use as a morale jolt and propaganda tool, posting pictures of abandoned American equipment and boasting that its fighters beat back the same Navy SEALs featured in movies and video games – the same unit that got Osama bin Laden.


The American raid in enemy territory was never going to be easy, particularly not against the well-armed, experienced fighters of the Shabab. But American officials say the operation quickly became even more difficult when Navy SEALs discovered many more civilians than they had expected, making for the kind of 'imperfect intelligence' that ended up scuttling the mission.


The intelligence flaws were partly to blame, American officials said. As a group of about 20 commandos entered the Shabab compound, they encountered far more civilians than they had anticipated, including women and children, American officials briefed on the operation said.


When the gun battle with Shabab fighters erupted, not only was the element of surprise lost, but the mission commander also feared that a prolonged firefight could kill large numbers of civilians.


Not learning from prior leaks that had put a target on the backs of Navy SEALs and other special ops forces after it was revealed by the Obama administration for political purposes that they had killed Obama bin Laden, which resulted in 22 SEALs and SEAL support personnel having been murdered by the Taliban in retaliation when a CH-47D helicopter was shot down over Afghanistan on Aug. 6, 2011, this latest leak further puts these special ops heroes' lives in jeopardy. Contributing to the shoot-down was the Obama military's rules of engagement, which seek to win the so-called "hearts and minds of the enemy," putting more emphasis on protecting radical Muslims and their civilian communities than our own servicemen. As reported, the Navy SEALs were prohibited from successfully completing their mission because of a paranoiac fear that a few Muslim civilians might be killed. Instead, the lives of our heroes were put at risk and they were forced to retreat under duress - a maneuver that could have resulted in their deaths.


Simply put, the "Muslim in Chief" coddles the Muslim enemy over our own U.S. military men and women. Yet, almost as bad is that establishment national security Republican "experts" like Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham stand by and allow these treasonous acts to continue without saying a word.


And, all of this and more highlights why We the People must occupy Washington on Nov. 19 and come in the millions to demand the resignations of our nation's so-called leaders. Not just Obama must go, but key leaders in the Republican Party. If we do not succeed with our nonviolent revolution, surely another recourse will break out.


When the people are ignored and coerced into submission, and our military heroes are held out to dry and sacrificed to a Muslim enemy by a "Muslim president" and his Republican enablers, it is only a matter of time before the people and the military rise up to remove the shackles that have been placed on them by the government. That time is now. We the people have had enough!


Please join us in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 19. Stay tuned for more details about this nonviolent revolution designed to peacefully remove this political establishment cancer, before it kills our beloved country.