Obama and Administration Treason!

Green Right Arrow ATJ: Barack Obama surely guilty of High Crimes and Misdemeanors, including treason!
Green Right Arrow DA: Treason is an impeachable crime!
Green Right Arrow FAA: ...are guilty of treason... That's what Barack Obama and his anti-Christian allies think of our Chaplains in military...!
Green Right Arrow FRC: President [Obama] and Administration are anti-Christian and anti-religious liberty...!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Criminally indicted both Obama and his evil sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right Arrow FW: U.S. congress to impeach a President... Convict a treasonous tyrant!
Green Right Arrow FW: Obama himself thrown into prison for the high crime of TREASON!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Criminally indicted both H. Obama and his loyal sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Anti-Constitutional tyranny of the lying, foreign-born, treasonous, power-hungry...!
Green Right Arrow FW: This Jury has already criminally indicted both Obama and his moronic sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason (1)!
Green Right Arrow FW: ...Criminally indicted both B.Obama and his loyal sidekick, Joe Biden, with treason!
Green Right Arrow FW: FW's Citizens Grand Jury... indicted B. Obama and Joe Biden for treason (2, 3. 4, 5, 6)!
Green Right Arrow PIJN: ...Smear [Christian Soldiers] as "enemies of the Constitution," or accuse them of "treason" or "spiritual rape..."!
Green Right Arrow TFIO: (CONCRETE EVIDENCE) B.H. Obama has committed treason (against U.S.) and must be held accountable!
Green Right Arrow USJF: B.H. Obama is guilty of treason... immediately impeached... a Marxist who despises our American... (1), and LEGALLY driven from office... (1)!
Green Right Arrow USJF: B.H. Obama Soetero Soebarkah MUST GO... impeachment! The treasonous usurper must be brought to justice immediately!
Green Right Arrow USJF: articles of impeachment against government officials who have committed " treason...!
Green Right Arrow WCJ: ...for this crime, he must be impeached... he's committed treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors!
Green Right Arrow WHW: He appointed 32 Czars that are not vetted by Congress... not only warrant impeachment, they are treasonous!
The White House Fox News Channel on YouTube Fox Business Network on YouTube President Donald J Trump Mike Pence Vice President White House Greg Abbott Texas Governor Greg Abbott Texas Governor on Wikipedia (5-7-20) Trump meets with Gov Greg Abbott of Texas | Trump on Flynn: What the Obama administration did is 'treason' (2-20-18) (2-7-18) (7-20-17) (5-15-17) (2) (3)!

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