Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

Founder and Servant

(PIJN) Pray In Jesus' Name Ministries

(P.O. Box 96959, Washington, DC 20090-6959)


As a Navy Chaplain I was court-martialed, lost my home, pension, and 16-yea r award-winning career, all because I took a stand for religious liberty and prayed in Jesus' name in uniform.


I was later vindicated by Congress, but today the same extremists are targeting all Christian soldiers for court-martial.


Dear Patriotic American,


[3-2014 letter] Will you help me stop President Obama's War on Christian soldier's religious liberty today? All I ask you do is... [Request for,] Sign and return your Faith Under Fire Demand Letter right now! Once I receive your signed Demand Letter I'll send it, along with thousands more, directly to the desk of General Martin Dempsey – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Why General Dempsey?


As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey is the highest-ranking military officer of the U.S. Armed Forces. He also took an oath to defend the Constitution and his fellow soldiers from all enemies...foreign and domestic. Who better to [request for and] read your signed Faith Under Fire Demand Letter than an honorable man like General Dempsey who meets with the President every morning?


After reading your signed demand letter, there is only way General Dempsey will be able to look President Obama in the eyes without scolding him for his unconstitutional attacks against Americas Christian chaplains and soldiers.


President Obama is Threatening to Court Martial and Prosecute Christian Soldiers Who Share their Faith!


Can you believe that? Under Obama's new policies, soldiers are " to express their personal religious beliefs as long as they do not make others uncomfortable." The new law fails to protect religious expression any time it "COULD" have any impact on unit cohesion.


Simply put, if any atheist or homosexual complainer is offended, the Christian can and WILL be punished. Even worse, soldiers are threatened to NEVER use the name of Jesus. If they talk about Jesus, or quote the Bible, our soldiers risk court-martial, prosecution, or even imprisonment. What an outrageous attack on our soldier's God-given rights!


Please Act Now to Defend Christian Soldiers Religious Liberty!


President Osama's policies are a grave threat to religious freedom. That's why I need you to sign and return your Faith Under Fire Demand Letter right now. I'll make sure your signed Demand Letter, along with thousands more, flood General Dempsey's desk, demanding that he makes it clear to President Obama that this type of persecution will NOT be tolerated.


As the highest ranking officer in America, General Dempsey has a responsibility to STAND up and FIGHT for his soldiers rights. If he doesn't, President Obama will continue to court-martial, prosecute, and threaten to imprison U.S. soldiers. Can't happen in America? It happened to me.


My name is Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, founder and servant of Pray in Jesus' Name, an organization that educates the world about Jesus and defends the religious freedom of Christians who pray "in Jesus' name." Much like our soldiers today, as a Chaplain in the Navy I had to make the toughest decision of my life: Do I obey God or man? To me, the answer was simple.


David vs. Goliath


In 2006 I proudly served God and my country as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy. It was during this time that the Secretary of the Navy issued a bad prayer policy requiring Chaplains to pray in a "non-sectarian" manner. Translation: praying in Jesus' name could now result in a court-martial. The policy said commanders could hold chaplains "accountable" who prayed in Jesus' name outside of Sunday chapel. Evidently soldier's God-given rights to religious freedom only extended as far as the chapel doors.


At that moment I vowed to take a stand for religious freedom - not only for Jesus, but for my fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. I took my battle public, to the very heart of the free world, standing at a press conference directly in front of the White House. There, I prayed in Jesus' name in my uniform on national television, an act that violated the Navy's anti-Christian policy.


I figured if they planned to punish Chaplains who prayed "in Jesus' name," then I wanted to be the first. And you better believe they tried to punish me quietly. The last thing they wanted was for the American public to realize that a well-respected chaplain was facing court-martial for PRAYING! So I demanded a trial in court. These domestic enemies of the Constitution sent me to a misdemeanor court-martial where the Navy judge literally ruled that "worshiping in public" was not protected by law, since my public prayer in uniform was not conducted inside a Sunday chapel.


One Man's Sacrifice for Freedom


I was honorably discharged, but I lost my 16 year career, pension, my home, and the honor of serving my country. Tears streamed down my face...but these weren't tears of sadness, no these were from joy. Despite my loss, I took comfort in the fact that I was finally found worthy to share in Christ's suffering. But the story doesn't end there. After hearing of this injustice, a tidal wave of support formed across the heart of America. After my crucifixion came a resurrection.


520 newspapers reported on my persecution rallying 300,000 faithful Americans, 35 pro-family groups, and 75 lawmakers who all petitioned the President to reverse the Navy's policy targeting Christians. Thanks to these caring, vigilant Americans, Congress later struck down, reversed, and rescinded the Navy's unconstitutional policy restoring the rights of chaplains to freely express their faith and to pray in Jesus' name!


But the same forces that tried to make an example out of me are far from defeated. They understand that religious freedom is precious and fragile. It can be taken away in a heartbeat if we don't stand guard. And that's exactly what President Obama is doing today! Fanatics in the Obama administration are sacrificing Christian soldiers' freedom on the altar of political correctness, stripping them of their God-given rights in the name of phony "tolerance." These fanatics tolerate everything BUT Christianity.


Don't be deceived. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to silence free speech for Christian soldiers once and for all.


Evil Can Only Succeed if Good Men Do Nothing


But I've been told you're a soldier at heart, the type of person who refuses to back down from a fight. Like our brave heroes, you're unafraid to stand up for truth and freedom no matter the cost. I pray that's true, because I haven't seen an attack this evil...this diabolical...this un-American, since I stood toe to toe against the highest levels of our government fighting the same battle for religious liberty.


That's why it's so CRUCIAL that you [request for,] sign and return your Faith Under Fire Demand Letter calling on Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dempsey to stand up and support the men and women of the armed forces serving under him! The only way we can win this battle is if thousands of God-fearing Americans like YOU flood General Dempsey's desk with signed Faith Under Fire Demand Letter!


Will You Join Our National Ministry Defending Religious Liberty?


The first step is to rush back your signed Faith Under Fire demand letter in the [requested] enclosed return envelope. And when you do, can I count on you to support our flght with a most generous tax-deductible gift of at least $26?


Not only do the Obama Administration and their anti-Christian allies have endless cash, they also have the national media in their pockets. This gives them the power to influence what makes the news...and more importantly, what doesn't.


Millions of American's aren't even aware of the Obama administration's tyrannical attack on our soldier's God-given liberty. You'll never hear about it on national TV news programs. That's why your generous gift of $26 is so important. Not only will it help us deliver thousands of the Faith Under Fire demand letters to General Dempsey, it will also allow us to...


Reach Millions of Americans on our TV News Program!


Your $26 gift will make it possible for us to break the media blackout and shed some much needed light on these despicable acts of tyranny! You can watch our high-quality, live show on or view this groundbreaking news program on Satellite TV.


We are already able to reach 37 million homes daily, but with your help, we'll reach millions more Americans and turn the tide against this infringement on our soldiers' and chaplains' fundamental liberty.


I've already submitted millions of petitions and won real policy victories to restore free speech and the right to pray "in Jesus name," in 12 states: Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Florida, California and Hawaii.


But only your [requested and] signed Faith Under Fire Demand Letter and generous gift of at least $26 can reverse the new and sinister attach on faith and free speech our soldiers face today.


If you are financially blessed and can afford a larger gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, or even $i,000, I pray you will send it immediately. This will allow us to deliver even MORE demand letters to General Dempsey, petitions to Congress, keep our news program on the air, or God willing, expand to new TV markets!


Please, this may be our last chance to defend our soldiers' right to worship and share their faith. Patriots like you stood with me in my past hour of need, now I am asking you to stand up for freedom with our soldiers everywhere. Don't delay in [requesting and] sending your signed Faith Under Fire Demand Letter and gift of at least $26 today. Thank you, and God Bless America.


In Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

Founder and Servant, Pray In Jesus' Name


P.S.    Please [request for,] sign and return your Faith Under Fire Demand Letter right now! I'll make sure it gets delivered, along with thousands more, to the desk of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey urging him to stand up for the religious liberty of the men and women of the United States armed forces.


           And when you do, will you also send an urgent tax-deductible gift of at least $26? This will allow Pray in Jesus' Name to deliver your demand letters, thousands more petitions to Congress and keep our TV news program on the air, awakening America to ensure no American soldier ever faces court-martial, prosecution, or imprisonment for sharing their faith. Thank you and God Bless America, in Jesus' name [PIJN, P.O. Box 96959, Washington, DC 20090-6959].




As a Navy Chaplain, I was court-martialed, lost my home, pension, and 16-year award-winning career, all because I took a stand for religious liberty and prayed in Jesus name in uniform.


 I was later vindicated by Congress, but today the same anti-Christian extremists are targeting all Christian soldiers and chaplains for court-martial.


Dear Friend,

[1-2014 letter] Will you take one moment to protect our soldier's religious liberty by [requesting,] signing and returning the... Soldier's Faith Petition?


Your signed Petition, along with thousands more, will be crucial in helping Congress pass H.R. 343 – a bill specifically designed to protect religious liberty for America's troops and chaplains. With the very essence of religious liberty at risk, we have no time to waste. That's why it's critical you return your signed petition today.


Over the past few weeks anti-Christian extremists have been working closely with their friends in the Obama administration, plotting to make it illegal for Christian soldiers to express their faith. And it looks like they've finally done it. You've seen the headlines all over the news:


Christian Soldiers May Face Court-Martial and Prosecution for Sharing Their Faith


The Pentagon just announced that "religious proselytization is not permitted within the Department of Defense...Court-Martials...will be decided on a case-by-case basis." Service members are " to express their personal religious beliefs as long as they do not make others uncomfortable."


Meaning...Christian soldiers better keep their mouths shut about their faith! What an outrageous attack on our soldier's God-given First Amendment rights!


Please Act Now to Defend Christian Soldiers Religious Liberty!


This policy is a grave threat to religious freedom. That's why I need you to sign and return the Soldier's Faith Petition calling on lawmakers to support H.R. 343. I'll make sure your signed petition, along with thousands more, reaches the hands of Speaker of the House John Boehner, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, insisting they back this crucial piece of legislation.


If this oppressive new policy remains in place, Christian Soldiers will suffer court-martial, dishonorable discharge, or even imprisonment simply for sharing their faith! Can't happen in America? It happened to me.


My name is Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, founder and servant of Pray in Jesus' Name, an organization that educates the world about Jesus and defends the religious freedom of Christians who pray "in Jesus' name. Much like our soldiers today, as a Chaplain in the Navy I had to make the toughest decision of my life: Do I obey God or man? To me, the answer was simple.


David vs. Goliath


In 2006 I proudly served God and my country as a Chaplain in the U.S. Navy. It was during this time that the Secretary of the Navy issued a bad prayer policy requiring Chaplains to pray in a "non-sectarian" manner. Translation: praying in Jesus' name could now result in a court-martial.


The policy said commanders could hold chaplains "accountable" who prayed in Jesus' name outside of Sunday chapel. Evidently soldier's God-given rights to religious freedom only extended as far as the chapel doors.


At that moment I vowed to take a stand for religious freedom – not only for Jesus, but for my fellow Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. I took my battle public, to the very heart of the free world, staging a press conference directly in front of the White House. There, I prayed in Jesus' name in my uniform on national television, an act that violated the Navy's anti-Christian policy.


I figured if they planned to punish Chaplains who prayed "in Jesus' name," then I wanted to be the first. And you better believe they tried to punish me quietly. The last thing they wanted was for the American public to realize that a well-respected chaplain was facing court-martial for PRAYING! So I demanded a trial in court. These enemies of the Constitution sent me to a misdemeanor court-martial where the Navy judge literally ruled that "worshiping in public" was not protected by law, since my public prayer in uniform was not conducted inside a Sunday chapel.


One Man's Sacrifice for Freedom


I was honorably discharged, but I lost my 16 year career, pension, my home, and the honor of serving my country. Tears streamed down my face...but these weren't tears of sadness, no these were from joy. Despite my loss, I took comfort in the fact that I was finally found worthy to share in Christ's suffering. But the story doesn't end there. After hearing of this injustice, a tidal wave of sup-port formed across the heart of America. After my crucifixion came resurrection.


520 newspapers reported on my persecution, rallying 300,000 faithful Americans, 35 pro-family groups, and 75 lawmakers who all petitioned the President to reverse the Navy's policy targeting Christians. Thanks to these caring, vigilant Americans, Congress later struck down, reversed, and rescinded the Navy's unconstitutional policy restoring the rights of chaplains to freely express their faith and to pray in Jesus' name!


But the same forces that tried to make an example out of me are not defeated. They understand that religious freedom is precious and fragile. Liberty can he taken away in a heartbeat. if we don't stand guard. And that's exactly what's happening today.


Fanatics in the Obama administration are sacrificing Christian Soldiers' freedom on the altar of political correctness, stripping them of their God-given rights in the name of phony "tolerance." These fanatics tolerate everything BUT Christianity. Don't be deceived. This is nothing more than a blatant attempt to...


Silence Free Speech for Christian Soldiers Once and for All


We've come a long way from the days when Gen. Dwight Eisenhower blessed his troops heading to the beaches of Normandy with the message,


"Let us beseech the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking."


Or the momentous occasion when President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill joined sailors in a chorus of "Onward Christian Soldiers." Can you imagine what those on the left would say about these men today? They would no doubt smear [Christian Soldiers] as "enemies of the Constitution," or accuse them of "treason" or "spiritual rape..."


...the same way they are attacking our troops and their supporters today.


Evil Can Only Succeed if Good Men Do Nothing


But I've been told you love our soldiers, and you're the type of person who refuses to back down from a fight. Like our brave heroes, you're unafraid to stand up for truth and freedom no matter the cost. I pray that's true, because I haven't seen an attack this evil...this diabolical...this un-American, since I stood toe to toe against the highest levels of our government fighting the same battle for religious liberty.


That's why it's so CRUCIAL that you sign and return the Soldier's Faith Petition calling on lawmakers to support H.R. 343. This bill will ensure that EVERY soldier's diverse religious faith is protected, even if they pray in Jesus' name!


Right now we are working closely with members of Congress including Representative Walter Jones Jr. to make sure this critical legislation becomes law. This proposed bill would simply allow any chaplain to voice their public prayers according to the dictates of his or her own conscience, outside of Sunday chapel.


But the battle won't be easy. The Obama administration is railroading us at every step along the way. The only way we can win this battle is if thousands of God-fearing Americans like YOU petition with us to stop this unconstitutional attack!


Will You Join Our National Ministry Defending Religious Liberty?


The first step is to rush back your [requested and] signed Soldier's Faith Petition in the enclosed return envelope. And when you return your petition, can I count on you to support this epic battle for freedom with your most generous donation?


Not only do the Obama administration and their anti-Christian allies have endless cash, they also have the national media in their pockets. This gives them the power to influence what makes the news...and more importantly, what doesn't.


You see, millions of Americans aren't even aware of the Obama administrations tyrannical attack on our soldier's God-given liberty. You'll never hear about it on national TV news programs. That's why your generous gift of $25 is so important. Not only will you help us deliver thousands of the Soldier's Faith Petitions to Congress, it will also allow us to...


Reach Countless Americans on our TV News Program!


Your $25 gift will make it possible for us to break the media blackout and shed some much needed light on these despicable acts of tyranny! You can watch our high-quality, live show on or view this groundbreaking news program on Satellite TV.


We are already able to reach 8 million homes daily, but with your help, we'll reach millions more Americans and turn the tide against this infringement on our soldiers' and chaplains' fundamental liberty.


I've already submitted millions of petitions and won real policy victories to restore free speech and the right to pray "in Jesus' name," in 12 states: Virginia, Indiana, North Carolina, New York, Washington, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Florida, California and Hawaii.


But only your signed Soldier's Faith Petition and generous gift of at least $25 can reverse the new and sinister attack on faith and free speech our soldiers face today...." Please request for Soldier's Faith Petitions!


If you are financially blessed and can afford a larger gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, or even $1,000, I pray you will send it immediately. This will allow us to deliver even MORE petitions and keep our news program on the air, or God willing, expand to new TV markets.


Please, this may be our last chance to defend our soldiers' right to worship and share their faith. Patriots like you stood with me in my past hour of need, now I am asking you to stand up for freedom with our soldiers everywhere in the future. Don't delay in sending your Soldier's Faith Petition and gift of at least $25 today. Thank you, and God Bless America.


In Jesus' name,

Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD

Founder and Servant, Pray In Jesus' Name


P.S.    Don't forget to [request for,] sign and return your Soldier's Faith Petition in the enclosed envelope today! I'll make sure it gets delivered, along with thousands more, to the desks of Speaker of the House John Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging them to support H.R. 343 – a bill specifically designed to protect our chaplains' freedom of religion – the very essence of American liberty.


          Can I also count on you to send your most generous donation of at least $25? This will allow Pray in Jesus' Name to deliver your petitions, and keep our TV news program on the air, awakening America to ensure no American soldier ever faces court-martial, prosecution, or imprisonment for sharing their faith. Thank you and God Bless America, in Jesus' name [PIJN, P.O. Box 96959, Washington, DC 20090-6959].