treason name="date"/>

Matt Davies


(TFIO) The Task Force to Impeach Obama

(P.O. Box 96432, Washington, D.C, 20090-6432 or 20077-7551)


...The United States Supreme Court has ruled that the Grand Jury is an institution separate from the courts, and over which the courts do not preside. The Grand Jury belongs to no branch of government.


At this point, the Citizens Grand Jury process appears to be the only remaining legal mechanism in place to spur Congress and our courts into the action of protecting our nation from this attack from within.


Barack Hussein Obama has committed treason and must be held accountable.


As a member of the People's Grand Jury, you are being asked to issue a Presentment Motion for action in Congress.


Before you sign the [requested] enclosed Presentment Motion, please carefully review the following requirements:


1. You must be an American citizen, registered voter, without a felony record.


2. You must return BOTH the Presentment Motion as well as the Verdict for delivery to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and for the U.S. House of Representatives as a whole.


3. BOTH motions must be returned independently.


I must be able to account for EVERY SINGLE SELECTED MEMBER OF THE PEOPLE'S GRAND JURY IN RESPONDING. This is a tall order, but the future and safety of our nation is at stake.


Before you sign the [requested] enclosed Presentment Motion and your Verdict, I want you to carefully consider what has occurred:


>  Barack Obama has called for an 80% cut in the U.S. nuclear force.


>  Other nations are increasing their stockpiles of nuclear weapons and Iran is pursuing a nuclear program – but Barack Obama is calling for massive cuts.


>  Thirty-four lawmakers have signed a letter expressing grave concern.


>  Russia has opposed oil sanctions against Iran and has taken no action to aid the world block in preventing that nation from nuclear capability, and Russia has continued to spy on the U.S. – therefore, any act to further Russia's interests is treason.


>  On January 4, 2012, Barack Obama told Congress that he is prepared to share US missile defense secrets with Russia.


>  US officials are planning to provide Moscow with the Standard Missile-3 data, despite security warnings that this move could compromise the effectiveness of the system by allowing Russian weapons to counter the missile.


>  Experts have also warned that Russia could share the secrets with China, as well as Iran and North Korea, to support their missile programs designed to take on the United States.


>  These are technological secrets that have been desired by Russia for years – and now Barack Obama is prepared to hand over the keys.


>  As part of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty signed by Barack Obama in 2011, information about EVERY TRIDENT MISSILE THE US SUPPLIES TO GREAT BRITAIN WAS GIVEN TO RUSSIA.


>  Essentially, Barack Obama sold out our greatest ally to aid Russia and get their signature on the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty.


Article III, Section 3 clarifies that:


"treason against the United States , shall them [enemies] Aid and Comfort." Framers of the Constitution clarified that it is "...aiding the enemies of the USA."


Barack Obama has attempted to destroy our economy, our democracy, our capitalism – but now he is attempting to actually give our enemies secrets that could literally destroy our nation.


That is why you have been called to sit on the People's Grand Jury and provide both a Presentment and Verdict to hold Barack Obama accountable.


Because your Presentment Motion and Verdict cannot be returned at the same time, I am including two special RED ALERT envelopes for you to use.


When you affix First-Class stamps to both envelopes, they will arrive at The Task Force to Impeach Obama's Headquarters within three days.


If you do not raise your voice in outrage now, the consequences will be dire. If you do not take direct action to move Congress towards Impeaching Barack Obama today, then he will continue to jeopardize the safety and security of every American.


If you do not move forward to demand accountability, then I fear that our nation will be destroyed by the very person who was supposed to protect it.




Please be sure to complete both your Presentment Motion for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee to move into action as well as your Verdict issued to the entire U.S. House at large.


Please be sure to complete both your Presentment Motion for the U.S. House Judiciary Committee to move into action as well as your Verdict issued to the entire U.S. House at large.


And when you return both in the SEPARATE provided RED ALERT envelopes, please be sure to include a generous contribution of $60 in both envelopes – to support the fight.


It is an honor to be selected to serve on the People's Grand Jury – please perform your civic duty and protect our nation. Likewise, please include your generous $60 to help The Task Force to Impeach Obama succeed in the fight to Impeach Barack Obama in 2013 (TFIO, P.O. Box 96432, Washington, D.C, 20090-6432 or 20077-7551).


With gratitude for your commitment,

Matt Davies, Director


A project of and paid for by Federation of Responsible Citizens. The Task Force to Impeach Obama is not

a political action committee and does not endorse or oppose the election or defeat of any political candidate. Because FRC lobbies

Congress on behalf of Americans, your donation is not deductible for federal income-tax purposes.

210 North Patrick Street * Alexandria, VA 22314 * Phone (703) 548-1708





Presentment Motion

For Submission to the U.S. House Judiciary Committee


People's Grand Jury Member:



Last First Middle Initial




As required in the qualifications for a Citizen's Grand Jury, I am submitting this Presentment Motion, calling for the U.S. Judiciary Committee to immediately initiate Impeachment Hearings against Barack Obama for treason on the grounds that he has provided "aid and comfort" to enemies of our nation in supplying technological military secrets and in cutting back our nuclear arsenal to dangerous levels.


The American people are asking that he be held accountable for endangering our nation through Impeachment.












Submitted to the U.S. House of Representatives at Large


People's Grand Jury Member:



Last First Middle Initial




On the charge of treason being leveled against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, I find him:


[ ] GUILTY                    [ ] INNOCENT


of all charges. I ask that the U.S. House of Representatives act accordingly in responding to this People's Grand Jury and initiating impeachment proceedings immediately.





