Michael Connelly

Executive Director

Attorney    Constitutional Expert  • Author

(USJF) United States Justice Foundation

(P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)




Dear Patriot,


Barack Hussein Obama is guilty of treason! You see, there is new evidence that clearly and directly links Mr. Obama to the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.


In fact, this evidence shows that BILLIONS of American tax dollars have been funneled directly to Muslim Brotherhood officials and operatives!


What's more, it's been reported that documents now in the hands of the Egyptian military prove, without a doubt, that this money was paid by the U.S. Embassy in Cairo to dozens of militant terrorists whose stated goal is to eventually turn the United States into an Islamic caliphate.


And here's the kicker: the "bag man" for all the loot passed to the terrorists was none other than Mr. Obama's Kenyan half-brother, the militant Muslim Malik Obama!


Now, you may be wondering WHY Barack Obama siphoned tax dollars from the American treasury for his Islamic allies in Egypt. But the answer is simple: power.


Mr. Obama paid the bribes to guarantee transfer of the Sinai Peninsula to Hamas... the Gaza Strip terrorist sect that regularly lobs missiles into Israeli cities and towns.


Not only that, Hamas is responsible for killing thousands of Israeli civilians and wounding countless more. Control of the Sinai will give Hamas 165 more miles of direct border with Israel from which to launch even more terrorist attacks against our trusted ally. And every single attack on Israel is the potential start of World War III.


My friend, this shocking revelation should put Barack Obama -- the fraud in the White House -- behind bars . . . and that's exactly what the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) and I aim to do. And I need YOUR help to make that happen. Please keep reading . . .


You may know that the Muslim Brotherhood was overthrown by the Egyptian military after the terrorist government was discovered torturing political opponents.


What's worse, Brotherhood operatives even CRUCIFIED opponents, specifically Christians, by nailing them naked to trees in front of the presidential palace. Many of the victims were "abused" before death . . . and based on treatment of non-Muslims in other countries, it was likely sexual abuse.


And while these atrocious acts were going on, Barack Hussein Obama -- a Muslim-raised, Communist-trained, globalist -- secretly funneled billions of YOUR tax dollars to these vicious monsters!


That's why I'm writing you this vitally important letter today. I need YOUR help in demanding that Congress convene immediate hearings on these incredible allegations.


My name is Michael Connelly, and I'm privileged to serve as the Executive Director of the United States Justice Foundation -- your conservative voice in the courts since 1979. USJF is on the front lines of the most critical battles affecting America's very existence as a sovereign republic.


The United States Justice Foundation is leading the charge to expose Barack Hussein Obama as a foreign-born, illegal occupier of the Oval Office. In fact, USJF is pursuing a series of groundbreaking lawsuits and legal projects against Mr. Obama . . . with a unique twist!


You see, while everybody else is demanding that Barack Obama be immediately impeached over his many crimes against the American people, I'm saying, "Not so fast . . ."


The truth is that if Mr. Obama is impeached and removed from office, every piece of legislation that he's signed -- including ObamaCare -- will stay in place!


The same goes for his many executive orders -- like the ones he issued attacking your right to own guns -- and every single appointment he's made . . . like the radical Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor on the U.S. Supreme Court.


Vitally important fact!


But I say Barack Obama must be LEGALLY driven from office, as Constitutionally ineligible to serve as President. Only in this way will his illegal actions be OVERTURNED.


This, my friend, is what separates the United States Justice Foundation from the crowd! And USJF is leading the way in defending the U.S. Constitution from ongoing attacks by the "big guns" of the Left, like the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, Hillary Clinton, and, of course, the impostor in the White House, Barack hussein Obama.


That's why the United States Justice Foundation has mounted this new, critically important campaign to demand that our elected representatives in Congress immediately investigate these charges that Mr. Obama paid BILLIONS of dollars in bribes to members of the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!


The leader of the evil organization, deposed Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, announced that "Jihad is our path" during his heyday of power. And Barack Obama, a treasonous Marxist who despises our American values and traditions, saw the opportunity to do great harm to our nation . . . and he took it.


Billions of dollars -- in annual payments to individuals of up to nearly one million dollars each -- were paid by our very own embassy to these vicious murderers, under orders from Mr. Obama himself.


The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization that has indiscriminately killed demonstrators, pulled off political assassinations, and brutally tortured and even crucified, opponents . . . and Barack Hussein Obama funneled them all this money -- your tax dollars -- through his own Muslim brother!


Mr. Obama MUST be held accountable for this traitorous act. And Congress MUST take action today.


You see, Barack Obama's pro-Muslim agenda is undeniable. His "A New Beginning" speech in Cairo in 2009 gave evidence to his pandering to Islam. Then he began a series of Ramadan dinners at the White House, while simultaneously dropping the annual "Day of Prayer."


And Mr. Obama sports a wedding ring with an Arabic inscription that exclaims "There is no god but Allah"! . . .


It's the gifts of patriotic Americans like you that enable USJF to lead the opposition to Barack Obama's pro-Muslim agenda that threatens our nation's existence.


And your support also helps the United States Justice Foundation to continue pursuing its many groundbreaking lawsuits that WILL drive the fraud in the White House out of office and overturn every piece of legislation he's signed -- including ObamaCare! -- every executive order he's issued, and every appointment he's made . . .


Remember: the monthly payoffs to murderous assassins and others in Egypt -- with your tax money! -- represent serious charges against Barack Hussein Obama. These charges MUST be investigated. And you can make that happen.


You know what needs to be done. I'm counting on you to stand tall today, and take action to save America from the clutches of the pro-Islam fraud in the White House!


With justice for all,

Michael Connelly


P.S.    Time is running out! Every day, the pro-Mush forces in the United States are making great headway toward the destruction of our sovereign republic. And their leader? None other than the foreign-born squatter in the White House, Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. But you can help the United States Justice Foundation and me legally drive him from office by demanding that Congress investigate charges that Mr. Obama funneled BILLIONS of dollars in bribes to Muslim Brotherhood operatives in Egypt. Simply mail the [requested] enclosed postcard to your member of Congress and tell him or her that action needs to be taken NOW. And don't forget to send a generous, tax-deductible gift to help USJF with our vital legal work defending America (USJF, P.0. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)!