ObamaCare Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly

Executive Director

Attorney    Constitutional Expert  • Author

(USJF) United States Justice Foundation

(P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)




New layer of scandal about to rock America! Barack Hussein WHAT?


"[H]as the White House just inadvertently acknowledged that there are grave problems related to Obama identity, and that it is intellectually and/or morally incapable of distinguishing these problems from 'genuine' security issues?"


-- Dr. Jason Kissner, Associate Professor of Criminology

(California State University at Fresno)


March 26, 2014


Dear Patriot,


Barack Hussein Obama's "birth certificate" scandal is about to reach its climax!


For years the Leftist media has tried to bury the much-maligned Constitutional scandal at the root of Barack Hussein Obama's theft of the Oval Office. But . . . with the resolve and dedication of patriots like you, the United States Justice Foundation is continuing to overturn stone after stone getting to the heart of questions that demand answers!


Now, I am writing to you today to let you in on one of the most perplexing cover-ups yet . . .


In another bizarre twist that points to deepening criminality, one instance of official government paperwork indicates that the name of our Usurper-in-Chief is not Barack Hussein Obama. And it's not Barry Soetero, either!


And that fact is likely connected to the untimely death of the late Hawaii state health director. Keep reading . . .

You may recall that Loretta Fuddy was elevated to the position of Health Director for the state of Hawaii just a few short months before the sketchy release of Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate, now renowned as an obvious forgery.


Now, new evidence suggests that Ms. Fuddy was connected to the Obama forgery scandal in ways that you likely have not heard anywhere else. In fact, her relationship with Mr. Obama's mother, the late Stanley Ann Dunham, seems to stretch back decades . . . and it places them both at the center of an international Muslim cult!


My friend, this new evidence will fill in many of the missing pieces in the Obama cover-up puzzle. And, this year, 2014, will be the year that Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., and his Marxist accomplices, must answer for the high crime of stealing the Presidency, not once, but twice!


Of course, you know that the United States Justice Foundation (USJF) and I cannot do that alone. Your commitment to defending the U.S. Constitution, through thick and thin, is the steam that drives the USJF engine forward toward justice for the American people!


That's why I am asking now for your urgent gift of $125. Without the generous and sacrificial gifts of patriotic Americans, USJF would have to choose which cases to fight on behalf . . . defending the Second Amendment, tackling terrorist-breeding Islamic mosques, taking on the One World policies of John Kerry and the United Nations, bringing legal actions to force the tyrant Obama to come clean on his fraudulent election victories, and so much more . . .


. . . the fact is, they're all critical to the survival of our nation, as Mr. Obama and his socialist allies are opening up a multi-front war against you, me, and the American people!


You may recall that this scurrilous man even threatened to sue USJF out of existence, due to our continued legal successes against the Obama faction!


That's why . . . I need your continued help now, more than ever! Your gift today of $75, or even $150, will allow USJF to kick off this new year by remaining on the offensive -- in court and out! -- against the Obama scandal machine.


And, there's no doubt, with the new information that I'm about to share with you, that the Obama minions will be attacking the United States Justice Foundation in full force!


You see, Loretta Fuddy may have been privy to the knowledge that Barack Hussein Obama, on at least one important document, went by the name Barack Hussein Soebarkah. The sad news, though, is that Ms. Fuddy met her untimely death, as the only victim of a small plane crash, just a few weeks ago.


Ms. Fuddy, however, left in her legacy the fact that she served as chairwoman of Subud USA -- an international Islamic cult, originating in Indonesia, with headquarters in Chicago and Hawaii!


Barack's mother, Stanley Ann (Dunham) Soetero was also a member in good standing of the Subud cult. This relationship took Ann Soetero to Jakarta, Indonesia in the 1960's . . . where little Barack was thought to be adopted by his new Muslim Indonesian stepfather.


However, as Ann Soetero attempted to return to the United States years later, her revised passport application included one Barack Hussein Soebarkah. Ann was not able to produce a birth certificate or adoption papers for her seven year old son, nor was he included on her previously-issued 1965 passport -- thus requiring the passport authority to issue to him the last name Soebarkah.


Soe: signifying his adoptive father, Lolo Soetero


Bar: meaning "son," in the Islamic language


Kah: translated as "who"


'Soebarkah,' therefore, roughly translates into Barack/son who is/adopted by Lolo Soetero.


To quote a recent Proof Positive report on this topic, "The bigger question at hand [is] how did young Barry under ANY name or CITIZENSHIP get to Indonesia to BE ADOPTED in the first place without a birth certificate on file or without inclusion on his mother's passport?"


. . . the lies and cover-up must stop! This blatant and increasingly clear violation of the United States Constitution's Article 2 eligibility requirement is beneath the dignity of the Office of the President.


Barack Hussein Obama Soetero Soebarkah MUST GO!


Of course, the United States Justice Foundation is fighting the Obama spying tactics of the National Security Agency. Of course, USJF is combating the thug tactics of the Obama Internal Revenue Service. And, with your immediate help, USJF can and will yank out the root of this willful corruption -- Barack Obama himself!


Now, impeachment is simply not the best option. That statement may come as a shock to you. But only a court determination will serve to both remove Mr. Obama from office, and wipe clean every illegal and illicit act signed by his Presidential Pen.


That's right, impeachment by the House of Representatives, and conviction by the U.S. Senate will leave intact ObamaCare, the anti-gun Executive Orders, the expansion of NSA wiretapping -- every step toward tyranny that this Dictator is taking.


Instead, USJF is working on several cases moving through the court system, right now, that will rid America of both this Tyrant-in-Chief, AND every Marxist action with which he is imperiling the foundations of the United States!


My friend, after his first stolen election, Mr. Obama's first order of business was to seal every fact about his life. Gone from public scrutiny are his:


·          Parents' marriage license

·          Adoption records

·          Indonesian elementary school records

·          Occidental College financial aid records

·          Harvard Law School records

·          Columbia College records

·          Illinois State Bar Association records

·          Illinois State Senate term records

·          Medical records

·          Passport records


I say: enough is enough! And, with your help, USJF can, and will, connect the dots that lead to a fraudulent White House, and the unconstitutional usurper intent on bringing America to her knees!


Yes, this year, 2014, is shaping up to be the most important in American history. I am urging you now to please join USJF, with your crucial gift today, in doubling down against this Marxist Obama regime. The treasonous usurper must be brought to justice immediately!


I am depending on your support -- and America is counting on patriots just like you -- to restore Constitutional justice in 2014!


For a renewed America,

Michael Connelly


P.S.    The stories just don't a d up. With your essential gift now, I am determined to get to the bottom of the Obama/Soetero/Soebarkah scandal, no matter where it leads! Join with me, and with USJF, today to indict and remove the usurper sitting in the White House (USJF, P.O. Box 131637, Houston, TX 77219-1637)!