Larry Klayman


Freedom Watch

(P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)

2020 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 345, Washington, D.C. 20006

(310) 595-0800; ǀ


* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *


RE: " NSA Slayer Goes On Impeachment Hunt" -- Freedom Watch has exposed Hussein Obama's "most outrageous violation of Constitutional rights in U.S. history." Now is the time to strike the legal dagger in the heart of the evil, prying, Marxist Islamist White House! We the People WILL NOT tolerate a COMMUNIST KGB STYLE SOVIET-CHINESE POLICE STATE (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) that Hussein Obama so fervently tries to force upon us. This could be the most important letter you've read!


December 27, 2013


Dear Patriot,


Hussein Obama and his corrupt big- government agencies (1) have criminally perpetrated the biggest violation of your Constitutional rights in the history of America! But Freedom Watch and I just took on his attempt to ensure that the United States is a communist KGB Soviet-Chinese style police state . . . AND WE WON!


Now, the dictator Hussein Obama is on the ropes! The spying Marxist regime of this evil anti-American Muslim Tyrant-in-Chief is coming to an end in 2014! A federal judge has ruled in favor of Freedom Watch and against Hussein Obama's NSA for his unconstitutional spy program (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Your strong support is paying off and you don't want to miss reading the details . . .  


Just a few days ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon, in what was the biggest ruling in the history of government litigation, agreed with me and Freedom Watch that -- just as I've told you in a previous letter -- the Obama machine's spying on you and your neighbors, and storing your private phone records for Big Brother (1, 2) payback, "infringes on 'that degree of privacy' that the founders enshrined in the Fourth Amendment."




And I applaud Judge Leon's courage. Very few people have the guts to take on the NSA! You can check out Judge Leon's complete ruling at our website:


No one but Freedom Watch has ever won a decision of this magnitude! The stakes are high and, with this victory, you and I can begin to legally bring Hussein Obama's Marxist-Muslim totalitarian state to its knees . . . and restore the America that patriots like you and I cherish.


This is a major step toward bringing down the Hussein Obama dictatorship! There has never been a more crucial time in your partnership with Freedom Watch! You will want to read every word of this letter because, with your sustained help, Freedom Watch and I are stepping on the gas . . . to bring a legal end to the sleazy, murderous, anti-military, anti-capitalism, anti-Constitution socialist Islamist-like rule of the illegal Liar-in-Chief sitting in the White House!


First, I want to let you know that, because of your fervent prayers and your strong financial support, 2013 was one of the most effective years on record for Freedom Watch. That means, with your help, Freedom Watch is taking back America from the socialist clutches of the radical usurper who calls himself President.


That's right, Freedom Watch is ramping up the pressure, winning victory after legal victory -- like the one against the National Security Agency (NSA) and its illegal and criminal acts I told you about at the beginning of this letter -- to make sure that Barack Hussein Obama, along with his criminal, anti-Constitution cohort of evil comrades, are removed from office and sent to prison!


Let me tell you, 2014 will be the most important year in American history . . . and I want you to be with me at the tip of the spear! I need you -- America needs you -- to redouble your commitment now to make sure that the Marxist Despot in the Oval Office is brought to his knees and to justice and that his team of evil, hate-America conspirators is imprisoned for their treasonous crimes against you, me, and our beloved Constitution.


Already, as you know from my previous letters I've sent you, Freedom Watch has convened (and is continuing to convene) Citizens Grand Juries in Ocala, Florida (a Bible-belt community with rock-solid traditional American values). The men and women of those Citizens Grand Juries have heard sworn testimonies from experts concerning the release of classified military intelligence information by Obama to our age-old enemies, including al-Qaida and Iran!


Those duly-empanelled members of the Freedom Watch Citizens Grand Juries have listened as skilled professionals testified that the purported "birth certificate" which Obama released in 2011 is a complete and total fraud: the biggest lie ever perpetrated against America!


These Citizens Grand Jurors have heard from grief-stricken family members of the brave fighting men from SEAL Team Six who were killed in action by the Taliban as payback that Hussein Obama and his destructive sidekick Joe Biden (C) (1, 2) offered to our sworn enemies, the Taliban and other jihadist groups, in exchange for those same SEALs taking out the global terrorist Osama bin Laden (1)!


And those jurors stood strong and did the right thing: handing down indictments and citizens courts convictions that will be used by Freedom Watch and me to legally remove this TRAITOR who will stop at nothing to turn the nation that you and I love into his own anti-American, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, pro-Islam, pro-Marxist death trap for patriots like you!


Now, I strongly urge you: don't allow a lack of finances to stand between your patriotism and the permanent loss of the America that you hold so dear. Freedom Watch and I are committed to landing the legal knockout blow against the MARXIST-MUSLIM TYRANT HUSSEIN OBAMA this year!


Already the courts are being summoned to side with Freedom Watch to allow me to dig deep into the nightmare that is ObamaCare. My staff and I are working on your behalf right now to depose the sleazy thugs who devised the bribes and bullying that made the passage of this outrageous and damaging socialist law a reality.


Also, in my capacity as the only attorney to get a judge to rule that a sitting president (Bill Clinton) committed a crime, I am moving ahead to the Alabama Supreme Court with my case that will set the stage for convicting Hussein-Marxist-Muslim-In-Chief-Obama for committing fraud against every voter in America ! It is common knowledge (1) now that his supposed birth certificate is a forgery -- faked in order to give this Kenyan-born Marxist-Muslim dictatorial power over your freedoms!


The Freedom Watch team and I are also moving quickly against Hussein Obama and the destructive imbecile Biden (C) to remove them from office -- to have these Dictators imprisoned (where they can do no more harm to America) for releasing secret combat information that brought our brave Navy SEALs to their gruesome deaths in Afghanistan.


And, just days ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon ruled in favor of Freedom Watch -- and against Hussein Obama -- in our landmark legal case against the wicked spying scheme of Obama's National Security Agency (NSA)! This case alone could cause the White House regime to come crashing down! In effect, the judge conveyed that America is becoming an "Orwellian" KGB-Soviet-Chinese communist style POLICE STATE under the rule of Hussein Obama!


In his ruling, Judge Leon correctly stated that Hussein Obama and his enablers in Congress "may not hang a cloak of secrecy over the Constitution."


In fact, the Judge ridiculed the Hussein Obama-government's case, saying: "Candor of this type defies common sense and does not exactly inspire confidence!"


Judge Leon agreed with me and Freedom Watch that there is absolutely no evidence that the Hussein Obama spying program has actually stopped even one terrorist attack! Both you and I know that Hussein Obama's purpose is to get the dirt on his political enemies -- you and me! -- in order to control, coerce, and annihilate us so he can become America's first Despot-In-Chief, ruling in his own anti-American, pro-Islam, anti-Judeo-Christian style, and not in the vein of our Founding Fathers!


Now I say: NOT SO FAST! With your solid financial commitment, I was able to draw a line in the sand and convince the U.S. District Court to rule against the Hussein Obama regime's despicable tactics! Judge Leon had some strong legal jargon in his ruling against Hussein Obama and his yes men in his NSA and Justice Department:


[Americans] "have a very significant expectation of privacy in an aggregated collection of their telephony metadata covering the last five years, and the NSA's Bulk Telephony Metadata program significantly intrudes on that expectation."


"1 cannot imagine a more 'indiscriminate' and 'arbitrary invasion' than this systematic and high-tech collection and retention of personal data on virtually every citizen for purposes of querying and analyzing it without prior judicial approval."


My dear and patriotic friend, every legal action you've just read about can and will bring an end to the Marxist, anti-Christian, pro-Islam, anti-American, oppressive government regime of the evil Hussein Obama and his co-conspirators. But each action will be left undone, potentially leaving Hussein Obama and his henchmen to reign for life, unless you, and thousands of patriotic minutemen just like you, stand up to the Axis of Evil occupying Washington and force them out of our phones, our homes, our lives . . . and out of public office!


You know as well as I do that the weak and complicit Republicans in Congress will not do it for you! Only you and Freedom Watch, the premier legal watchdog fighting -- and winning -- against the evil tentacles of this Hussein Obama administration, can put a legal end to the unConstitutional tyranny of the lying, foreign-born, treasonous (1, 2), power-hungry usurper now.


That's why I must have your urgent and strongest financial support today! Any of these Freedom Watch cases could break open the Dictator Hussein Obama's regime and send him and his Marxist-Muslim comrades to prison once and for all! And that's exactly why you and I must not allow a lack of funds to cause any of the Freedom Watch legal cases to fall flat!


Think of it, your gift right now of $5000, $3000, or $1500 -- even $500, $200, or $75 -- could be the difference between shackling your children and grandchildren with socialist dictatorship and restoring our beloved God-given American freedoms by sending Hussein Obama to prison!


I must know that you have Freedom Watch's back in 2014. I must know that you are as fired up about the U.S. District Court ruling in our favor, and against the Hussein Obama NSA regime, as I am! We cannot and must not allow him to enslave us to his will and destroy our beloved nation, turning it into a Marxist-Muslim state that serves his false god, Allah.


I must know that you are the traditional American patriot, walking in the footsteps of our Founding Fathers, that I believe you to be. Please, for the sake of our great nation, ring in 2014 with a bang . . . another shot-heard-round-the-world . . . by enclosing your urgent "I'll Stand With Your" gift in the envelope provided. We must have more victories across the country like the one we just enjoyed against the Hussein Obama NSA!


God bless you for joining with me to bring an end to tyranny in 2014. We need to ramp up our efforts and finish the job of removing Hussein Obama from office and having him imprisoned before he destroys all that our Founding Fathers fought for in 1776, and all that We the People continue to fight for today.






Larry Klayman

Chairman and General Counsel


P.S.    The price of liberty is eternal vigilance. I want to thank you for standing alongside Freedom Watch, helping me to be vigilant on behalf of liberty. You know that you helped make the District Court victory against the National Security Agency happen. And, now, 2014 is shaping up to be the most important year in American history. Freedom Watch and I must know that you have America's back. Your strongest possible gift now is even more important than ever (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ




WorldNetDaily Exclusive



EXCLUSIVE: 'Most outrageous violation of constitutional rights in American history'



© 2013


NEW YORK -- Fresh from winning a restraining order against the National Security Agency's telephone surveillance, attorney Larry Klayman declared that the misdeeds of Richard Nixon, who resigned in disgrace, pale in comparison to President Obama's.


"In Watergate, Richard Nixon faced impeachment for breaking into the offices of the chairman of the Democratic National Party," Klayman told WND in an interview.


"Obama has broken into the homes of 300 million Americans."


WND asked Klayman if he was calling for the impeachment of Obama.


"Yes," Klayman responded. "The NSA and the Obama administration are engaging in criminal behavior, and both are lying"


He called it the "most outrageous violation of constitutional rights in American history."


Klayman is a WND columnist and founder of the political-watchdog organizations Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch.


His case, on behalf of a Verizon Wireless customer, was launched after the extent of government spying on Americans was unveiled by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, who said the court's decision made him feel justified in releasing classified documents.


Named in the case are the NSA, Department of Justice and several U.S. officials, including President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder.


Klayman alleged in a WND interview Monday that after he filed the case, he was put under surveillance by the NSA.


The complaint alleges the government, with the participation of private telephone companies, has been conducting "a secret and illegal government scheme to intercept and analyze vast quantities of domestic telephonic communications."


Klayman dismissed Obama administration arguments that the NSA collecting only "metadata" and not recording for analysis the content of ordinary citizens' conversation unless there is suspicion of criminal activity that might violate the Patriot Act or other national security legislation.


"The NSA takes interest in countless Americans, even boyfriends and girlfriends of NSA employees, as we now know," he argued.


"If you end up being a person of interest to the NSA or the Department of Justice, the NSA recording of telephone conversations permits the NSA to know everything about you, even whether or not your wife is pregnant, just by the number of times she calls her doctor and the pattern of her health-care-related telephone conversations"


Klayman charged that Obama's criminal violations in the NSA case are more egregious than Nixon's violations of law in Watergate.


"Nixon did not have Obama's NSA," Klayman said. "Both Nixon and Obama lied repeatedly to the American public after they got caught, but Nixon did not have Obama's technology."


Klayman also praised the courage of Judge Richard Leon of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, who ordered injunctive relief in the case, staying the order only long enough to permit the government a timely appeal.


"Very few people have the guts to take on the NSA:" Klayman said. "Judge Leon knows the NSA can get into the communications of federal judges. That's the level of intimidation the NSA is capable of handing out. Judge Leon is an American hero for his willingness to take on the NSA and the Obama administration."


Klayman explained to WND that he is preparing to return to Leon to begin discovery proceedings in the next phase of the court case. His aim is to take depositions from top NSA administrators and Obama administration officials and to obtain relevant government documents.


Klayman noted that in November, when Leon dismissed the Obama Justice Department's request to delay the proceedings after a status conference, he clearly intended to proceed quickly.


"I don't think Judge Leon is prepared to put up with efforts by the Obama administration to drag this case out:" Klayman said.


In response to a request by DOJ attorney James J. Gilligan for more time, Leon showed no patience.


"We work 24/7 around this courthouse, my friend:" Leon explained to Gilligan. "Twenty-four-seven. I don't want to hear anything about vacations, weddings, days off. Forget about it. This is a case at the pinnacle of public national interest, pinnacle. All hands 24/7. No excuses."


When Gilligan argued the court would be better served if the government had a chance to fully prepare arguments, Leon pointed out that the case had been filed four months earlier.


"You have had, not you personally, the Department of Justice, the NSA and the allied government agencies that have an interest in this, have had four months to think through its position:" Leon responded. "That's a lot of time, Mr. Gilligan. I am sad to say I don't believe or assume that they worked seven days a week for four months. I wish it were true, but I am sure it isn't"


Leon was not sympathetic to the government's suggestion the case turned on classified information.


"I don't know to what extent the government's position is going to be based on classified information:" Leon explained. "I have no idea, but obviously if it is going to be in whole or in part based on classified information, then we have to start figuring out people getting clearances"


In granting Klayman an order for an injunction against the NSA, Leon indicated a stay pending appeal was appropriate because of the national security interests the government was asserting in the case.


At the same time, Leon ordered the government to act quickly in appealing his decision and to be prepared to obey the injunction immediately should the government lose the appeal.


"However, in light of the significant national security interests at stake in this case and the novelty of the constitutional issues, I will stay my order pending appeal:" Leon wrote in his decision.


"In doing so, I hereby give the government fair notice that should my ruling be upheld, this ruling will go into effect forthwith:" he said. "Accordingly, I fully expect that during the appellate process, which will consume at least the next six months, the government will take whatever steps necessary to prepare itself to comply with this order when, and if, it is upheld. Suffice it to say, requesting further time to comply with this order months from now will not be well received and could result in collateral sanctions."




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




Re:  Freedom Watch hits the mother lode with victory against criminal NSA!


December 30, 2014


Dear Patriot,


And the BIGGEST court battle AND WIN in decades goes to . . . Freedom Watch and the American people!


You see, Freedom Watch's vitally important lawsuit against the National Security Agency's (NSA) criminal spy scheme implemented by the Black Muslim fake president Hussein Obama scored the biggest win in American history when U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon called the massive data collection by the NSA storm troopers "unconstitutional." Judge Leon saw through Hussein Obama's and his government collaborators' attempt to turn our country into a police state!


No court has ever ruled against the NSA before Judge Leon's injunction against the spy agency, ordering the NSA and its evil co-conspirators to stop their communist Chinese style police state "dragnet" data mining of YOUR emails, phone calls, and web surfing.


This information is being used to target YOU as an "enemy of the state" who must be rounded up with other prisoners, arrested, tried as a "traitor" to Hussein Obama's regime, and imprisoned or even killed! What the NSA is trying to do and in fact IS doing -- until our SUCCESSFUL COURT VICTORY just days ago -- was the worst constitutional violation in history!


That's why it's SO IMPORTANT that Freedom Watch and I win this critical lawsuit against the NSA to end the Hussein Obama threat to your rights, liberty, and even your very freedom. If Hussein Obama and the NSA win, ALL of your constitutional rights will disappear, and you WILL end up a slave in his Marxist/Muslim dictatorship!


While other conservative lawyers and senators and congressmen sit around and talk about the crimes being committed daily by the NSA, I'm taking action. Our groundbreaking class action suits in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C. to force Hussein Obama and his socialist-Muslim comrades to end their unconstitutional attacks on your rights and liberty has SCORED its first major victory.


I've taken on and defeated Presidents in the past . . . as you know, I am the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that a sitting President -- Bill Clinton! -- had committed a crime!


And now I'm the ONLY lawyer EVER to have a court rule that Hussein Obama's NSA spy machine is violating the Constitution!


But Barack Hussein Obama -- the Muslim scourge who illegally sits in Oval office -- isn't giving up without a fight. That's why I need your URGENT, strong support today to deliver the knockout blow to "Muslim King Hussein Obama" and his criminal "Big Brother" government enterprise, the NSA.


Now, because federal Judge Leon found that the NSA under the socialist-Muslim dictator Hussein Obama violated the U.S. Constitution and in fact is attempting to coerce and enslave the United States into a communist China-like Police State, we are going to trial and will soon be in the discovery stage.


This means that Freedom Watch needs your strong financial support in order to bring down the NSA, CIA, Obama Justice Department and other governmental agencies hell-bent on violating your individual liberties under the great usurper, Hussein Obama. Freedom Watch and I need to take this case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court and we will win!


Freedom Watch is the ONLY patriot legal task force taking decisive action against the NSA and its illegal and criminal spying on YOU on behalf of its evil socialist racist puppet master, the Marxist/Muslim Hussein Obama who illegally "reigns" like an Islamic king from the White House.


And your strong, urgent, generous support is needed to see this vital case against the foreign-born criminal -- Hussein Obama -- and his NSA thugs all the way through to victory. We MUST win to thwart the 'Fraudster-in-Chief's (1) long-dreamed-of Marxist/Muslim dictatorship that will enslave you, me, and all of America forever!


My friend, I can't begin to tell you just how big a victory this ruling is. In fact, it's SO BIG that it's all over the news right now . . . CNN, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Huffington Post, CBS, NBC . . . you name it, and they're all talking about this ground shaking, nation saving case.


Of course, the leftist media isn't happy. That was obvious when CNN's Don Lemon viciously smeared me in a personal attack just before I appeared on his TV news program to talk about Freedom Watch's and America's huge win.


What's more, the network's equally leftist and pro-Obama "legal analyst," Jeffrey Toobin, even branded me a "lunatic" for defending YOUR rights from the Obama/NSA assault on your constitutional rights!


They're mad with rage because Judge Leon's ruling exposes their "Fearless Leader" -- who is just as evil as the worst dictators in history like Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao tse Tung -- as the criminal he is. That's because he's engaged in the indiscriminate, massive, and illegal and unconstitutional invasion of the private lives of you, your loved ones, and me through the NSA's high-tech collection and retention of personal, private information to enslave and destroy us all. Hussein Obama has turned our beloved country into a communist Chinese style police state in his own socialist-Muslim image.


And the NSA -- on the orders of the slimy socialist, Hussein Obama, who wants to force YOU to worship his false god, Allah -- is going after virtually every single citizen in America!


So Judge Leon sent a message to Hussein Obama and his evil comrades that there will be serious consequences if the NSA continues to violate the rights of 300 million Americans.


These are perhaps the BIGGEST legal cases EVER against the government . . . and YOUR PARTNERSHIP with Freedom Watch in holding the Marxist/Muslim fraudulent "president" accountable for his crimes is needed now more than ever!


In fact, Freedom Watch must ramp up support from committed patriots like you so we can carry this NSA lawsuit all the way to victory at the U.S. Supreme Court. It's critical that we not let the Black Muslim Hussein Obama snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.


My friend, I must ask you today for the best, strongest, most urgent gift you've ever given to Freedom Watch. Perhaps you can give two times your previous highest gift.


Every dollar you send is desperately needed to fend off the attacks of the evil Hussein Obama. While he has the deep pockets of taxpayer-funded government lawyers doing his dirty work in court, Freedom Watch and I depend on sacrificial gifts from patriots, like you, who love and cherish our country.


Freedom Watch MUST be prepared, and properly funded, to take this case to the next level. King Hussein Obama and his equally evil ultra-left Muslim enablers won't sit idly . . . they'll do everything they can to defeat Freedom Watch so the NSA can continue its illegal, unconstitutional spying on YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES . . .


And eventually, if Hussein Obama wins, you will find yourself living as a slave in a Marxist/Muslim dictatorship -- ruled by King Hussein Obama -- and worshiping the false god of Islam!


Freedom Watch and I need you to give like never before. Your financial and prayer support, coupled with our grit and determination is the key to winning this case at the U.S. Supreme Court that will STOP the storm troopers at the NSA and take down the evil racist and communist sympathizing impostor in the White House, and return America to the path of moral, fiscal, and national sanity.


Freedom Watch's lawsuit will force Hussein Obama and Company to end their outrageous, criminal domestic spying program in which they search YOUR emails, YOUR phone records, YOUR private information for any "evidence" they can find to use against you. This is the worst violation of constitutional rights in the history of the United States! In fact, former President Nixon's agents broke into one building -- Watergate -- and ultimately was forced to resign. The criminal imposter Hussein Obama has broken into over 300 MILLION homes, including yours, and he should and will be forced to resign to end his anti-American, pro-Islam, radical Marxist takeover! We WILL win, but only with your continued strong financial help.


This lawsuit is expensive. We need funds for lawyers, legal staff, depositions, research and more as the case faces the government's inevitable appeal. So .ILrn asking you to continue standing with Freedom Watch and me as we defeat Barack Obama and the NSA, once and for all. We must do this to take back our God-ordained, constitutionally-protected rights that are disappearing each and every day at the hands of Hussein Obama, the foreign-born, Muslim-raised dictator in the White House.


Without your strong financial support, I fear our great country will pass the point of no return as Hussein Obama and his socialist Muslim allies in and out of government shove the U.S. Constitution into the White House paper shredder!


But Freedom Watch's class actions suit against Hussein Obama and the NSA will stop his anti-American plans dead in their tracks. Please send the very best, urgent, strong gift you can, today.


Don't let America down . . . our nation and your loved ones need your urgent, strong support today. Please let me hear from you right away!


For America's freedom and

continued existence as a

sovereign, independent nation,

Larry Klayman

Founder and General Counsel


P.S.    My friend, Freedom Watch's lawsuit against the NSA is the BIGGEST case against the government in American history and the stakes for freedom are the highest! Your strong and urgent support is desperately needed today. Please give Freedom Watch and me the needed tools to build on this great court victory, and take this case all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. We MUST win this case and stop the Obama/NSA attack on your constitutional rights and mine. Please let me hear from you right away (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)!




* * * * * URGENT MAILGRAM * * * * *




Re:  And Hussein Obama to be tried on multiple Grand Jury charges!


December 12, 2013


Dear Patriot,


The National Security Agency (NSA) -- Barack Hussein Obama's in-house domestic spy outfit -- is STILL watching everything you do . . . and they will continue until they are legally STOPPED in a court of law!


And Freedom Watch is the ONLY patriot group taking decisive action right now to stop the despicable despot's attack on your rights . . .


You see, reports just out reveal that Hussein Obama's "Big Brother" spy agency monitors and records FIVE BILLION cell phone, email, internet and social media locations each and every day, tracking your every move.


What's more, the Hussein Obama regime is using this information not just to see where you're going, but also to discover who you're meeting!


But that's not all this clandestine operation is doing . . . the NSA is also reading your emails and listening in on your phone conversations every day in order to blackmail you and your loved ones into submission to Obama' a illegitimate administration!


That's right . . . everything you say and do is funneled directly into the NSA's hands, and once you're caught up in their massive dragnet, you're automatically transferred into Hussein Obama's top secret master database. Then an electronic file on You is built, containing the most private details about your life.


The agents at the NSA, eagerly serving the tyrannical Hussein Obama regime, are targeting patriotic Americans like you for enslavement in their leader's soon-coming Marxist/Muslim dictatorship.


In fact, Hussein Obama -- the foreign-born criminal illegally occupying the Oval Office -- and his equally criminal allies (like NSA director Keith Alexander) are working hard to wipe out the very foundation of our great nation: the biblical faiths of Christianity and Judaism.


And he's using the NSA to conduct a virtual "round up" of the regime's opponents . . . and once you're "corralled" by Hussein Obama's thugs, the chains of slavery will be snapped on your wrists, and on those of your loved ones.


That's why the evil Fraudster-in-Chief has drafted the "spooks" in the NSA to amass the largest database in the history of mankind . . . and that illegal database is being used RIGHT NOW to brand YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES as enemies of the uber-Obama state who must be eliminated!


Christians and Jews, along with Tea Party patriots, advocates of smaller government, opponents of the criminal IRS, believers in our cherished constitutional rights, and more . . . all have been marked by the Marxist/Muslim fake "president" as targets of his vengeful wrath. And the NSA is busy 24/7 identifying -- and tracking -- those who refuse to toe the socialist Obama line.


But rest assured, Freedom Watch and I are on the job, taking on the dictator, Barack Hussein Obama.


What's more, just as our colonial forbears sent dictatorial King George III packing, Freedom Watch WILL legally defeat Hussein Obama and symbolically "tar and feather" the oppressive a href="../../issues1/obama,tyranny.html">tyrant, driving him from his illegal occupancy of the White House through our vitally important lawsuit aimed at stopping the NSA as well as Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution!


My friend, We the People -- the true and legal rulers of this great land -- have reached our limit . . . we have had ENOUGH of the corruption and incompetency of the Hussein Obama administration and its bipartisan enablers in Congress and the courts.


And we have ALREADY begun the fight to reclaim our nation . . . the Second American Revolution!


That's why I'm so excited to tell you that just days ago U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon heard our arguments for a preliminary injunction to STOP the NSA's massive data collection dragnet. As I argued before the bench, this court is "the last bastion of protection for the American people."


It is the responsibility of this court to stand up for law and justice, and denounce the unconstitutional actions of the < a href="../../issues1/obama,barack.html">Obama regime. But I promise you this: Freedom Watch and I will fight this battle all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary . . . and I need YOUR continued, patriotic support to see this case through to victory!


Not only that, Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution . . . is progressing on multiple fronts:


·          As you read this letter our courageous Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida, is about to try the slippery and slimy Hussein Obama in absentia on even MORE charges of crimes against the people! And conviction on even one charge could put the fraud and his fellow anti-freedom allies behind bars for life . . . where they belong for the good of America.


·          Freedom Watch and I are also suing the secretive Obama administration to release ALL the emails and notes from the ObamaCare negotiations. This evidence will prove he rigged dirty backroom CRIMINAL deals with his allies like Planned Parenthood and other special interests. What's more, we've already won a court decision that this information MUST be turned over to me!


·          Freedom Watch and the Reclaim America Now Coalition (see gathered in front of the White House just a few weeks ago to spread the word: Barack Hussein Obama, the Black Muslim thug who stole the presidency in 2008 and 2012 through fraud and deceit, has been targeted, by We the People of the United States, for EVICTION from the White House.


The Coalition -- comprised already of 41 patriotic organizations and well-known individuals like revered actor/singer Pat Boone, the heroic Maj. Gen. Paul E. Vallely (ret.) and Admiral James "Ace" Lyons -- is growing by the day as more and more Americans see this as our nation's last remaining course of action.


·          Freedom Watch is leading the charge for civil disobedience against the ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL decrees of Barack Hussein Obama and his congressional cronies like Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, Nancy Pelosi, and John Boehner to remove Hussein Obama from the White House.


What's more, Freedom Watch is leading the charge to "dethrone" Hussein Obama, and we're using every means at our disposal.


·          Very soon Freedom Watch and Reclaim America Now Coalition will be traveling to historic Philadelphia to hold a THIRD Continental Congress. This will be the FIRST People's Congress since the Second Continental Congress convened in the same city to sign the Declaration of Independence. And we will ELECT a government-in-waiting to replace the corrupt, tyrannical, illegal Obama regime as soon as we successfully drive the Marxist/Muslim and his cadre of Democrat AND Republican enablers from office.


This is where American patriots will plan the next steps of our glorious Second American Revolution for which we recently "fired the opening shot" just like the colonial heroes who faced down the British forces at Lexington and Concord!


·          I represent in court some of the grieving families of the SEAL Team VI heroes who were ruthlessly slaughtered in Afghanistan by Taliban insurgents. And the blame for their deaths lies directly at the feet of Hussein Obama and his Muslim-coddling co-conspirators!


·          On the eligibility front, Freedom watch is going after the states of Florida AND Alabama in a bid to force Hussein Obama out of the presidency by having the Supreme Courts of those two states rule that the Black Muslim is not eligible to be president and thus must resign or be removed legally.


·          And of course, most importantly Freedom Watch and I have empaneled a Citizens Grand Jury in Ocala, Florida -- a very conservative and religious region of the "Bible Belt." This Jury has already criminally indicted both Obama and his moronic sidekick, Joe Biden (C), with treason!


The Grand Jury has already brought and caused a conviction against Hussein Obama for putting forth a false birth certificate to the American people in an attempt to justify his false eligibility to be president. Many more indictments have been issued against other political and judicial criminals as well, and more criminal trials are planned in the near future.

And within weeks, Hussein Obama will be TRIED on even more charges brought by the jury. [See and for information on the indictments issued against Hussein Obama and Biden (C)] (1).


As a committed Freedom Watch supporter you already know that Freedom Watch and our much-appreciated patriotic allies have already given the criminal Hussein Obama notice that it's time for him to leave the White House. This corrupt band of Marxists and Muslims MUST be legally driven out of office before they push America to the brink of no return . . . and we're precariously close right now.


And Freedom Watch's peaceful, non-violent revolution of civil disobedience and non-compliance with the unconstitutional, anti-American agenda of Hussein Obama's cancerous and destructive regime, will be victorious as patriots like you stand tall with us!


My friend, you know that words are just not enough as we face dire times in our nation. Without action victory will go to the criminal element that occupies the Oval Office. And you CANNOT let that happen.


The evil tyrant -- raised by his atheist mother and Muslim stepfather, then his radical grandparents -- is destroying America and instituting a Black Muslim dictatorship.


Remember this: Hussein Obama HATES America. He hates everything our great nation stands for. And he'll stop at NOTHING to overthrow our sovereign republic!


I urgently need your help to save America from suffering the same fate that befell the great nations of the past as they, one after another, plunged into decadence, deceit, and destructive social and economic policies.


We must rise up together today and remove the Black Muslim traitor occupying the White House. Otherwise our nation will collapse . . . perhaps forever!


It is critically important that we LEGALLY remove the "mullah in chief," Hussein Obama, NOW. And YOU can make that happen!


BRAVE American patriots like you are urgently needed to oppose the evil agenda of the tyrannical Hussein Obama regime. Just as George Washington, John Adams, and Patrick Henry recruited allies in their battle against the tyrant king, George III, Freedom Watch needs YOUR continued strong financial help.


Don't forget that the power to change America, the power to reclaim our nation from the evil clutches of the hateful foreigner, Barack Hussein Obama, is in your hands. He and his fellow criminals that infest our government from top to bottom like the cockroaches they are cannot stop the groundswell of popular support for the Second American Revolution.


This non-violent revolution WILL topple the most corrupt, illegal, and unconstitutional regime to ever infect Planet Earth with its vile poison.


As I've shared with you before, "This REVOLUTION is lip to We the People. The corrupt Democrats oppose it. The spineless Republicans want no part of it. It's up to YOU and ME and millions of other patriotic Americans to take action to legally bring down the axis of evil in D.C. known as the Hussein Obama administration."


Time is short . . . Hussein Obama used his Senate puppet, Harry Reid, to trigger the so-called "nuclear option" so he can fill judgeships and other positions with Marxists, Islamists, and other enemies of America, thus totally destroying our nation!


RIGHT NOW I NEED YOUR URGENT, STRONG FINANCIAL SUPPORT so Freedom Watch and I can continue to fight for America on your behalf. We MUST save America before it goes down for the count. And at this very moment our nation stands at the brink of disaster.


Just as George Washington and the Founding Fathers needed huge amounts of money to finance the Revolutionary War and create a new nation conceived in liberty, so does Freedom Watch.


We are in dire need of an influx of support for this Second American Revolution. The enemy we face today is far more devious, more deadly than King George III. The evidence proves Hussein Obama is a Muslim and a socialist bent on destroying America AND our Judeo-Christian heritage and values!


Any gift -- whether it's $50 or $500 or $5000 or even more -- will help fuel Freedom Watch's Second American Revolution, as well as our vital lawsuits and legal projects that aim to legally depose "King Hussein."




America's fate hangs in the balance . . . it is up to patriots like you to save our nation! Don't let the nation down!


God bless you and I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Larry Klayman, Esq.

Chairman and General Counsel Freedom Watch


P.S.    Please help me depose the corrupt despot who illegally sits in the White House. Help me put him and his evil Marxist/Muslim comrades behind bars where they all belong. Your urgent, strong financial support RIGHT NOW helps Freedom Watch's series of vital lawsuits -- like the one targeting the NSA domestic spy scandal -- and legal projects. A victory in just one of these cases or projects will LEGALLY TOPPLE THE HUSSEIN OBAMA REGIME ONCE AND FOR ALL! My friend, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate your committed support. It is greatly needed . . . please continue to stand with Freedom Watch and me as we wage the Second American Revolution and drive Hussein Obama and his anti-American allies from power! Your support is URGENTLY needed today. Please enclose the best possible, most generous gift you can right away!  (FW, P.O. Box 2789, Washington, D.C. 20013-2789)! ǀ ǀ



WorldNetDaily Exclusive



EXCLUSIVE: Larry Klayman makes plans for 'Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia'



© 2013


"The bells rang all day and almost all night. Even the chimers chimed away."

– John Adams describing the reaction to the Declaration of Independence in Philadelphia, 1776


Last Thursday, I traveled to Ocala, Fla., to honor a great fallen hero and patriot, Steve Hunter, a former leader of the Tri-County Tea Party and someone who has worked with Freedom Watch and me in fashioning and implementing citizens' grand juries there – Steve died in a car crash Nov. 22 of this year. I used the travel time to read the early chapters of the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Thomas Jefferson, by Jon Meacham. "Thomas Jefferson, The Art of Power" (Random House 2013). At the conclusion of his chapters detailing the years leading up to the Declaration of Independence ratified on July 4, 1776, in my native town of Philadelphia, Meacham analyzes the root causes of the "First American Revolution.'  I would like to share this with you, because it underscores, going on 238 years later, why we again, as Americans, must take great risks and pledge our sacred honor, "fortunes" and lives to wage a Second American Revolution, to reclaim our freedoms. Here is what this formidable historian concluded:


"There was no mistaking how significant Jefferson and his colleagues believed the scale of the American struggle to be. One of Jefferson's duties in Philadelphia was the design of a seal for the new nation, a task he shared with Benjamin Franklin and John Adams.


"Reacting to a proposal of Franklin's that invoked the parting of the Red Sea, Jefferson suggested 'Pharaoh sitting in an open chariot, a crown on his head and a sword in his hand passing through the divided waters of the Red Sea in pursuit of the Israelites: rays from a pillar of fire in the cloud, expressive of the divine presence, and command, reaching to Moses who stands on the shore and, extending his hand over the sea, causes it to overwhelm Pharaoh' 'Motto: Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God. The Founders were Moses, George III was Pharaoh, and Americans were the Israelites being led from bondage.


"In truth, the British demands on the colonies were hardly outrageous. The expense of defending the borders (born by the mother country) was considerable. American wealth was substantial; and Edmund Burke (a prominent and respected colonialist) made a compelling case in London for 'virtual representation' ... the argument that the king and Parliament were stewards of the whole empire whether particular colonies could vote for members of the House of Commons or not.


"So why did the colonists take such extreme steps – arming themselves and putting their lives and their families' lives at risk? There is no single answer.


The classical Republican ethos that centered on virtue, harmony, balance, and fear of corruption had come to the Anglo-American world through Renaissance Florence, where Machiavelli and others sought to preserve the best of the ancient republics. The revivals of the 1irt Great Awakening were critical too, for the preaching of the mid-18th century tended to focus on the centrality of the individual soul in relation to God. ... Then there was capitalism. ... Americans were blessed with enormous natural resources and endless economic energy, yet many, including Jefferson, found themselves in perpetual debt to British creditors.


"Succeeding generations have sometimes tried to isolate one of these phenomena as the origin of the Revolution. It seems most convincing though to think of Lockean Liberalism, classical republicanism (via the Renaissance), the Great Awakening, the promise of capitalism, and the hatred of debt (and the British merchants and banks who were owed the debts) as tributaries that all helped form the larger rushing river of the American Revolution " Id. at 112-113.


In short, what Meacham is describing is an unbridled optimism that freedom and its attendant prosperity and well-being, free from excessive debt, will revert to the colonies once the governmental bondage placed upon them by King George and his corrupt Parliament are removed with the help of God's divine intervention and grace.


The parallels to the even direr situation the United States now finds itself in today are striking. We are ruled by someone who is in effect the pharaoh and at the least a Muslim at heart who disdains the Judeo-Christian heritage and foundations upon which our nation was forged and who has rung up extreme national debt and loathes capitalism, instead seeing it his "duty" to redistribute wealth to "his" people for years of their slavery. President Barack Hussein Obama and his compromised if not corrupt enablers in Congress and in the judiciary, like a time warp, have thrust We the People back to 1776 and provoked our Second American Revolution. And, the current revolutionary climate is even more severe, since unlike the colonies, contemporary America is on the steep decline. Our resources, wealth, ethics, spirituality and liberties are being stifled by a socialistic choke hold on our economy and lives, where our "Muslim" president and the government, not God, is to be worshiped and obeyed - else authoritarian henchmen and thugs at the NSA and IRS will destroy you.


To seek redress for our grievances, as our forefathers attempted leading up to independence day on 1776">July 4, 1776, the Reclaim America Now Coalition gave notice in front of the White House on Nov. 19 of this year that if the people's freedoms were not restored by the day after Thanksgiving, the Second American Revolution would begin in earnest. True to the predictions of anyone living in our times, our grievances went unanswered by our illegitimate government usurpers, and now we must make good on our threats of non­violent, civil disobedience to attempt redress.


In this regard, as we mourn the death this week of Nelson Mandela, a great man who, like his American counterpart Martin Luther King, used civil disobedience successfully to bring freedom to his people and by definition all people (who are created equal with certain unalienable rights, as Jefferson put it), let us take Mandela's achievement in liberating South Africa from bondage as a further example of what we can accomplish in freeing our own nation from the choking despotic governmental slavery of Obama and his pliant Democratic and Republican minions in Congress and the judiciary.


We will soon be announcing the date to convene the Third Continental Congress in Philadelphia early next year where, taking a page from the Founding Fathers, we will meet to plan the next steps of our Second American Revolution, with delegates from all 50 states.


We will also use the occasion to appoint committees to coordinate the revolution and to elect a government in waiting to take over on the day when our current corrupt leaders are forced by the citizenry to leave their thrones and freedom is restored to our shores.


Like our Founding Fathers in 1776, the time is now to risk all we have to save the nation from government tyrants before a11 is lost.