Floyd Brown
(WHW) White House Watch
(P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442)
Dear Trusted Friend,
I am using a special
Federated envelope to rush you the enclosed White House Watch 2013
Survey for two key reasons:
1. Our nation is in crisis and the
Political Machine is working overtime to ensure that the next four years build
on the nightmare that was unleashed during the last four years.
2. Committees
in the U.S. House of
Representatives have unearthed enough evidence to
impeachment hearings.
As Chairman of White House
Watch I have been authorized to release this 2013
Impeachment Survey to you
because you have an established record of support, commitment and dedication.
As a member of White House
Watch, you are committed to protecting our nation from the attacks of
Barack Obama... even sacrificing.
Your resolve to ensure that
Barack Obama is brought to justice is recognized and known.
Please know that this 2013
Impeachment Survey could be the difference between another four years of Barack
Obama thinking he is above the law... or the U.S. House of Representatives
faking action to prevent any more abuses of power.
I am rushing to get this
Survey in your hands as quickly as possible. I am spending more than I normally
would to ensure that your survey arrives intact. And I am going to whatever
lengths are necessary to comply with the requirements set forth for your survey
to be valid.
I am urging you to complete
your Registered 2013
Impeachment Survey and return it to White House Watch
within the next four days. I realize it isn't much time.
But this could be the most
important Survey of your lifetime. This Survey has been registered only to you.
For that reason, I am asking you to use the enclosed Air envelope to return it.
I wish I could pay for
postage on your response – but mailing this letter via Federated carrier and
providing an air response is already spending needed funds. Instead I ask you
to take two actions in responding:
1. Apply a First-Class mailing stamp to your Air
envelope to transform it into airmail and get if to me quickly.
2. Write the word CONFIDENTIAL across the back
flap, so that I have indication of tampering.
I know that you realize this
effort is coming from White House Watch's limited resources. But, given what is
occurring, I had no choice but to promise that White House Watch would provide
the needed responses.
I will do anything to ensure that
Barack Obama is held accountable for his apparent illegalities, abuses of
power and rampant culture of corruption.
In his first term in office
Barack Obama destroyed our health care system, our economy and used government
resources for partisan political goals.
I am absolutely terrified of
the devastation that he will unleash now that he has been given another four
years for his agenda. Our democracy is being dismantled brick by brick.
I do not believe that
Barack Obama will stop until there is full government control and a socialized regime –
your money funding that expansion.
I need your help today – I
need to prove to Congress that the American people will not allow these
Please complete your
Impeachment Survey and return it to White House Watch within the
next 4 days. And know that the Registered Survey in your hands could determine
the future of our nation.
I wish I could give you more
time to complete it – but I cannot. I have made a promise – GIVEN MY WORD –
that it would be to Congress as quickly as possible.
And please, when you return
your survey in the air envelope, please also include your generous contribution
to help In the fight to hold
Barack Obama accountable.
Your generous help is the difference between success and failure.
I have spent limited
resources to have your responses count with Congress. Please use the Air
envelope to ensure your voice is heard NOW – LOUD AND CLEAR with your
[requested] Survey and crucial donation (WHW, P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442).
gratitude for your commitment,
Registration number:
Registered to:
DIRECTIONS: This Survey is Registered only
to the person indicated above. Please clearly mark your responses and using the
Air Envelope return this entire page to White House Watch with your generous
donation. Thank you.
1. Do you support a Special
Investigation of
Barack Obama and his administration?
( )YES ( )NO ( )UNSURE
2. Do you believe that enough
evidence has emerged to support
impeachment of
( )YES ( )NO ( )UNSURE
3. Are you concerned that our
nation cannot withstand more of
Barack Obama's abuses of power and dismantling
of our democracy?
( )YES ( )NO ( )UNSURE
4. Do you support your
Representatives in Congress in taking immediate and urgent action to expose
Barack Obama's corruption and remove him from office through
( )YES (
5. White House Watch's
efforts to
Barack Obama have advanced the fight greatly. Will you
please continue to help at this critical juncture by contributing:
(PII) Project
of Policy Issues Institute
5405 Alton Pkwy. * Suite 5A #369 * Irvine, CA 92604
ph# (202) 558-6491
Dear Conservative Friend,
[11-2013 letter] I have good news... Because,
in part, of you, a fellow citizen, Alex Jones, has introduced Articles of
Impeachment against
Barack Obama. This is unprecedented. But it is within our
rights as American Citizens.
Now I am asking you to ask
your representative: Congressman Rodney Alexander to immediately sign the
Articles of
Impeachment to move them forward in Congress.
A this point, there are still
those in Congress who are unaware that this action has been taken. There are
those representatives who are not yet aware that the move for
impeachment has begun... And the first shot fired in this battle was fired by an American
Citizen, not even by a Representative of the people.
Conservative Radio Host Alex
Jones filed Articles Of
Impeachment against
Barack Obama, clearly using The Declaration Of Independence as his basis for doing so.
The Declaration Of Independence states:
a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object
evidences a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right,
it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for
their future security."
That is what is occurring under
Barack Obama's rule.
Barack Obama has repeatedly used executive orders to
over rule Congress and is now saying He will do so to take away the Second
Amendment rights of American Citizens.
At this point, evidence is
emerging indicating that the
Administration has armed Jihadist rebels and
terrorists in Syria who are being commanded by an arm of Al-Qaeda.
He invoked Executive
Privilege when Attorney General Eric Holder was held in contempt of Congress,
sealing documents related to Operation
Fast and Furious – more cover up.
Barack Obama lied to the
American people about what occurred in Benghazi when four American citizens were brutally slaughtered
at the hands of terrorists.
Barack Obama disregarded the
U.S. Constitution and
Separation of Powers when He
initiated a previous attack in Libya – insisting U.N. approval was more important than our
Constitution. That charge alone is definitely a
"High Crime and Misdemeanor."
In agreeing to serve as
Chairman of the United States Security Council on rotating status, He violated Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8
of the Constitution, wherein, "No title of nobility shall be granted
by the United States; and no person holding any office of profit or trust under
them, shall without consent of Congress accept of any present, emolument,
office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or Foreign
Obama signed into law The National Defense Authorization Act,
which allows for the abduction and military detention of U.S. Citizens, without a trial, violating Habeas Corpus.
Time and again
Barack Obama has disregarded the Constitution.
He appointed 32
Czars that are not vetted by Congress and do not report to Congress like a Cabinet Member – instead
they report only to
Barack Obama.
This is a pure violation of
checks and balances set up to protect the people and make sure the President
doesn't take over too much power. Some of these charges would not only warrant
impeachment, they are
To date, there is evidence that
Barack Obama perjured His oath of
office, abused His authority, committed bribery, intimidated others, misused
assets, failed to supervise officials within His Administration, was derelict
in His duty, refused to obey the law and engaged in conduct unbecoming to His
I am asking you to sign the [requested]
letter to your representatives on the other side of this page and authorize me
to deliver it on your behalf to Congress.
And please, when you return
this signed also include your generous contribution to the white house watch.
White house watch is leading the battle for
impeachment –
Barack Obama must be
held accountable.
But I need your help we took
a giant step closer – Articles of
Impeachment have been introduced by an
American citizen and if they are signed by your Representative, Congress can proceed. Please help (WHW, P.O. Box 96442, Washington, D.C. 20090-6442).
appreciation for your commitment,
To my Representative in the U.S. House:
I want you to be aware that
Alex Jones, a conservative radio host and American citizen, has introduced
Articles of
Impeachment against
Barack Obama. This is unprecedented, but in the
U.S. Constitution is clearly states that when there are abuses and usurpations,
despotism, it is our duty as citizens to rise up and protect our nation from
Given that there is evidence that
Barack Obama has:
* Perjured his oath of office
* Abused his authority
* Committed bribery
* Misused assets
* Failed to supervise his officials
* Engaged in intimidation
* Was derelict in his duty
* Refused to obey U.S. law
* Engaged in conduct unbecoming to his office
And now there is emerging
additional evidence of
treasonous activities committed by
Obama and his
Administration. I ask you to immediately sign the Articles of
Impeachment, launching
a full inquiry and the
impeachment of
Barack Obama if the evidence warrants it.
Signature:_________________________________ Date:_____/_____/_____
(PII) Project
of Policy Issues Institute
5405 Alton Pkwy. * Suite 5A #369 * Irvine, CA 92604
ph# (202) 558-6491