Socialist HOBiden (1)!
Socialist Democrats (1)!

Shedding of Innocent Blood!

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CRT, Wokeness, Perversions (1) Companies offering to pay for employees' abortion travel
Reality Check - 279 Companies That Support Violent Antifa, Black Lives Matter... (1)!
Woke Corporations: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (5)!
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris!

Green Right Arrow (5-19-24) Lidia Curanaj: Butker speech causing controversy 'simply because he spoke the truth' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-18-24) Greg Kelly: Harrison Butker was standing up against 'crazy woke culture'... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-8-24) J. Kennedy Gives Furious Speech Against Including Trans Athletes In Women's Sports (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-11-24) Greg Gutfeld: Rejecting scientific facts makes you a meanie (1) | Lefties losing it: Talk TV host refuses to pander to non-binary guest s pronouns (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-5-24) Carl Higbie: The rich are backing agenda of the 'whiney babies' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-22-24) Activist (Moms for Liberty Founder) who schooled Joy Reid on public school books ('Pornographic' Books for Kids) speaks out | Rob Schmitt Tonight (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-29-23) Republican Ohio gov Mike DeWine vetoes ban on gender-affirming care (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-29-23) Former CA lawmaker stunned over 'absurd' new law... Gender Neutral Toy Sections (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-28-23) The Five : Is DEI dead? (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-14-23) Rob Schmitt breaks down the DEI scheme (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-26-23) Perversions: American Values Have Flipped Upside Down... Liberal Double Standard Hurt America... Too Much Focus on Woke While Americans Go Broke... Biden Admin Can't Tell Amercans the Truth... Woke Indoctrination has Taken Over Our Institutions... (1)!
Green Right Arrow CRT, Wokeness (1, 2, 3), Racism... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, nine-yr-old, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13/14, 15, 16, Simon Campbell, 18, 19 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37)!
Green Right Arrow Systematic Deception (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!
Green Right Arrow Woke Corp. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)!
Green Right Arrow Reality Check: Obama/Brennan Imported Overseas Terrorists Into US To Form ANTIFA (1) - 279 Companies That Support Violent Antifa, Black Lives Matter... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Dad Faces Prison Opposing Daughter's Decision to Transition (1)!
Cory Yeshua and Daughter appose critical race theory Dad & Daughter Dismissing CRT (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)! 6-year-old shot (1, 2, 3, 4)!
NY Daily News 3-year-old killed (1, 2, 3)!

Green Right Arrow (7-29-24) Pastor calls out drag queens at Olympics ceremony... Mock Lord's Supper (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-24) 'We're trying to send a message': Rep. Hinson leads effort to defend girls' sports (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-4-24) Jillian Michaels: If you speak your mind, you're labeled transphobic | National Report (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-1-24) Jesse Watters: Democrats are acting like Trump committed blasphemy... Trans Psychotherapist Creates Trans Visibility Day (on Resurrection Day)... Dems Went Full Trans On Easter (Passover) Weekend (1, 2, 3) | An evil I've never seen in my lifetime: Michael Savage | Carl Higbie (1) | Greg Kelly: White House Proclamation was 'deliberately offensive' (1)!
(12-9-23) John Schneider on latest movie: 'It pokes the eye of cancel culture'... (1) "Jingle Stinks" (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, m.i.)!

Green Right Arrow Parents Bill of Rights (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow Drag Queen Pedophiles (1, 2, m.i.)!
Green Right Arrow Welcome to WOKE America, population LEFTISTS | Eric Bolling (1)!
Green Right Arrow U.S.A. Go Woke Go Broke (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-11-22) America's Godly Heritage is under Left-Wing attack (1)!
Green Right Arrow Dems Blaming Everything on Race Hurts Them...Woke is Dead (1) | Corporations Embrace Racist Rhetoric (1) | Critical Race Theory is Racism, Dems were the Party of Slavery, Dems created the KKK, Abraham Lincoln murdered by a Dem, Segregation was Championed by Dems... (1) | Obama is Covering for the Leftist Failures (1) | The Woke Cancel Culture (and Government) is waging a Holy War to Kill, Kidnap or Cancel all of our American Icons...The Manupulation of our Kids using Cartoon Characters (1) | The Salvation Army Joins the CRT Game (1) | Serving up justice to woke America (1)!
Green Right Arrow WH, School Boards Colluding Against CRT Opposition (1)!
Green Right Arrow FBI going after moms (1)!
Green Right Arrow The Woke Mob is Coming...Prepare for Another Woke Riot in Your City (1), Because of the Rittenhouse Trial (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Gutfeld)!

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Socialist HOBiden (1)!
Socialist Democrats (1)!

Shedding of Innocent Blood!

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