Socialist HOBiden (1)!
Exposing Dems (1, 2)!
Divider-In-Chief! Impeach (1)!

Beasts, Tyranny!
Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Rallies! Fake Media...!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Rinos! Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

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Lawlessness, Violence, Crime, Corruption, Victims, etc. (1)!
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris!

Liberal Rioting
Dems & Celebs ProViolence (1)!

Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times ACH Make Up Rules C-Vine News Network, If Eric  Ciaramella is the real whistleblower Chuck Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4)! New York Post, Biden Secret E-mails 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals President Donald J Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump 100% right..Joe Biden and his corruption Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump (2-25-21) I told you so...this is the Truth about Joe Biden Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Biden is evil, Trump must win! Greg Kelly Biden is a Natural Born Liar Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox Biden Tyranny BardsFM American Patriot Patrick Byrne discuss shocking revelations about our election, our freedom and our future... on YouTube EXPOSED: DNC Group Teaches Illigals how to VOTE Clinton-Lynch clandestine tarmac meeting Minn. Somali Leader Confirms Ilhan Omar DID Marry Her Brother Joe and Kamala lie to protect the mob U.S. Justice Foundation The Sovereignty Project

Exposing Dems (1)! Socialist HOBiden (1)! Divider-In-Chief! Border Crisis! Schumer Threats! Adam Schiff Lies! Corrupt Maxine Waters!

Green Right Arrow (2-27-24) Prosecutor on Feeding our Future juror bribe... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-21-24) G. Kelly: George Floyd was not Murdered... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-24-24) 'Extremely gruesome scene': Child, woman found 'brutally murdered' in Hillsborough Co, sheriffs (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-24) Kari Lake obliterates AZ GOP chairman for bribery attempt (1) | Kari Lake speaks about leaked recording of DeWit offering her a job (1) | Arizona GOP head Jeff DeWit resigns amid audio recording row (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-2-23) Ashli Babbitt was murdered... I think the police officer did his job, McCarthy told reporters... (1), Backs Officer Who Shot Ashli Babbitt... (1, 2), Breaks With Trump, Tucker and Marjorie Taylor Greene... (1), McCarthy rejects Rep. Greene s claim that Jan. 6 rioter Babbitt was murdered (1)... (m.i.)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Left-Wing Crime is on the Rise... "From Government to the Streets, Left-Wing Crime is off the Charts"... Report: WH, DOJ Agree to Hide Classified Document Scandal... FBI searched Biden home, found items marked classified, "The items spanned Biden's time in the Senate and the vice president"... Six Antifa Extremists Arrested and Charged with Domestic Terrorism in Fiery Atlanta Riots... Biden and Son Hunter under Seperate Investigations... CNN: Biden Docs have U.S. Intel on Iran and Ukraine... Wray: FBI made Strides in Work with Private Sector... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Lawlessness (1, 2, 3, 4)!

Green Right Arrow (9-9-24) If Trump doesn't win, crime will skyrocket (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-25-24) 'ALL HANDS ON DECK': Ex-Soros CIO sounds alarm for 2024 (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-24-24) Gorka: Corrupt institutions are why we voted for Trump | Higbie (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-24-24) FBI ignores Jim Jordan info request on glaring sting failure | The Record with Greta Van Susteren (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-6-24) Chicago residents fed up over crime crisis: Caldwell (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-27-23) State-Run Media... The Real Agenda Behind Climate Change... Biden's China Ties... Biden Received over $30 Million from China Intel Agents... Wistleblower: Gov't Facilitating Migrant Child Trafficking... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-29-23) Close look at Tyre Nichols' body cam footage. Wake Up America Weekend (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) You're Really Supposed to Think Antifa doesn't Exist... This is All about Diverting and Distracting... 'Mostly Peaceful' Imaginary Group Causes a Lot of Real Damage... Militant Antifa Activists Swarm and Attack Atlanta... Media Seemingly Incapable of Fairly Covering Antifa (Gut)... Mainstream Democrats Breed Antifal Children... (1)!
African Diaspora News Channel Doctrinal Watchdog (Active) [Anti-Christ] Creflo Dollar Welcomes [Abortionist] Stacey Abrams To World Changers Church (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | False Pastor Creflo Dollar Supports Baby Sacrificing Stacey Abrams a Witch Out For Blood (Parts Very Graphic)! | [Pimp Preacher] Creflo Dollar And World Changers Church Exposed (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow The Steal (Gut)!

Green Right Arrow (6-21-24) Democrat just laughs at brutal crime committed... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-29-24) 3 officers killed in shooting in Charlotte, North Carolina | LiveNOW from Fox (1, 2) | 4th officer dies (1, 2, 3, 4) after Charlotte, NC shootout (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-9-24) 'WE'RE IN FEAR': Texas homeowner details effort to evict weapon-wielding squatter (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-17-24) America Destroyed : Crime wreaking chaos across major US... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-23-23) 26 Stores are Leaving NYC... Because of Theft (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-9-23) State of Delusion... The Dishonest Attack Over Social Security... Joe Wants Your Guns... The Left Gushes Over Biden... Huckabee Sanders Makes Clear Case... House Holds Hearing on Gov't Weaponization... Biden Doesn't Live in Reality... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-30-23) America's Culture of Crime (1) | Dems Exploit Another Tragedy... The Swamp Makes Everything About Race for Personal Gain (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Gutfeld on Antifa riots: CNN has still learned nothing (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) Shameless : Antifa back in Atlanta with their antics (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) ... Antifa Back to Setting America on Fire, Setting Cities Ablaze... Antifa Prtesters Called for "Night of Rage"... Atlanta Mayor: Rioters Armed with Explosives... (1)!
Green Right Arrow China (1, 2) | Terror (1, 2)! Bystanders, Victims, Defenders (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, m.i.) | Violence (1, 2), Crime (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), Chaos (1, 2, 3, 4)!

Green Right Arrow (6-15-24) DeSantis: We don't let the inmates run the asylum in Florida (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-28-24) When will they hold people like George Soros accountable?: Retired Brigadier General... Aid to Israel and Ukraine... Hamas Protest aganst Israel (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-4-24) GOP rep gives stunning account of Biden's secret migrant flight program (1) | Arizona sheriff slams KJP s garbage answers' about liberal cities' soft crime policies (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-17-23) Sarah Huckabee Sanders Announces New Steps To Take On Board Of Corrections (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-8-23) Biden's Secret Emails, Time for Answers... AOC Tells Lies to Defend Twitter Censorship of Hunter Story... Hearing on Hunter Story Suppression Makes Left Nervous... Time to Hold the D.C. Swamp Accountable... Dems Stood up and Applauded Biden's Lies... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-27-23) Memphis Police Release Tyre Nichols Arrest Video... Paul Pelosi Body Cam Footage Released... The Left Used This Attack as a Weapon Against GOP... One Bad Action Doesn't Negate a Whole Movement... (1, 2, 3)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-23) It s starting to look incredibly suspicious for Biden family corruption : Sen. Johnson (1)!
Green Right Arrow Marxist hypocrite AOC (1), grandmother (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, m.i.) | ...answer to reducing violent crime? Stop building jails (1, 2) (Al - If true! To Reducing sick, then stop building hospitals) | AOC = Antifa, Obama, Criminal (1, 2, 3) (Mat 7:15-20) | 100% Certainty!

Green Right Arrow (5-24-24) '2.7 Million People Are Now Felons?': Kelly Armstrong Grills ATF Head On Pistol Brace Regulations (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-26-24) Carl Higbie: Adam Schiff mugging shows when politicians have costs, change happens (1) | 'The Five': Top CA Democrats fall victim to crime (1)!
Green Right Arrow DC's Greatest Purveyor of Disinformation... James Clapper, John Brennon, Adam Shift... Our Spies Used Their Knowledge Against Us... Clapper is the Leading Expert in Truth Distortion... You can't Hide From the Truth , Clapper... Tuns Out, They Knew the Laptop was Real the Whole Time... Intel Officials wanted the Laptop to be Russian Disinfo... Clapper: The King of Disinformations... Clapper Acts like a Democratic Operative... (1, 2, 3, 4, 4)!
U.S. Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC-05) (1-24-23) Down with the Deep State... Draining the Swamp... Permanent Washington is the Root Cause for All Scandals... D.C. Swamp is Terrified of Congressional Term Limits... GOP Lawmakers Introduce Amendment for House, Senate Term Limits... Lawmakers Push for Term Limits Constitutional Amendments... Rep. Ralph Norman... America's Fentanyl Crisis Overwhems Seattle Morgue... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-23) 3 Mass Shooting in 3 Days (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (1-23-23) ...Dem Mayors Ask for Money for Problems They Created... DC Mayor Blames Covid for Empty City... DC Crime Drastically in 2023... (1)!
Green Right Arrow U.S. Gov...Hopelessly Corrupt (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)!

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Socialist HOBiden (1)!
Exposing Dems (1, 2)!
Divider-In-Chief! Impeach (1)!

Beasts, Tyranny!
Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Rallies! Fake Media...!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Rinos! Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

God At Work!

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