Turning Book Next >> ProTrump Wins!
Divider-In-Chief (1)! Impeach (1)!
Lawlessness! Voter Fraud!

Previous/ProTrump Wins/Socialist HOBiden (1)!
Shedding of Innocent Blood!
Rallies! Witch Hunt! Jan. 6, 2021!

Pharisees and Lawyers!
Rinos! Border! DGB Czar!
U.S.A.! Israel! Afghan!

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Warning! Upcoming Elections!

Nancy Pelosi rips up Trump's speech Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph ACH Make Up Rules C-Vine News Network, If Eric  Ciaramella is the real whistleblower Chuck Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4)! Eric Trump, polls were wrong the first time and they will be wrong again Eric Trump, polls are wrong...are manipulated...aren't accurate Joe and Kamala lie to protect the mob
New York Post, Biden Secret E-mails 10-27-20 Tony Bobulinski Joe Biden knew about Hunter's business deals President Donald J Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump 100% right..Joe Biden and his corruption Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump (2-25-21) I told you so...this is the Truth about Joe Biden Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Biden is evil, Trump must win! Kirstie Alley voting for Pres. Trump, Mother, actress, Lover of CAPS, lemurs and off color language U.S. Actor Matthew McConaughey ...embrace the President Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Jon Voight Academy Award winning Christian actor, Fight now for Trump's Victory! BardsFM American Patriot Patrick Byrne discuss shocking revelations about our election, our freedom and our future... on YouTube Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP! John Schneider Don t trust them. They are playing you. Greg Kelly Tony Bobulinski The Patriot Greg Kelly Pres. Trump has Wisdom and Courage Greg Kelly Pres. Trump the Peace Maker Greg Kelly Biden is a Natural Born Liar Beijing Biden, Jesse Watters' on Fox Biden Tyranny

Videos Exposing Liberal Left Democrat (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.) Demoncrat Dumbcrat Socialist Communist Marxist...! Dems & Celebs ProViolence (1)!
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris! Vote Christian (Links1) Conservative (Links2)! Socialist HOBiden (C)! Border Crisis! 100% Certainty! The Word Witness...Twisted [an inquisition]! Hydroxychloroquine on Wikipedia (9-9-20) The jury is in on Hydroxychloroquine    it saves lives : Rowan Dean Remdesivir on Wikipedia Remdesivir on Wikipedia Survival Know How Face Masks! Trump Address China Coronavirus on Hindustan Times 2-4-20! Trump on Democrats Politizing Coronavirus on The Telegraph 2-29-20! Eric Trump, polls are...are manipulated...!
President Trump on reopening the economy
Pelosi Smear Tactics (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)!
Pelosi Visits Chinatown Amid Coronavirus (1)! Adam Schiff Lies (1)! ProTrump Win Videos!Green Left Arrow
Remdesivir on Wikipedia The Silent Majority, The Lord chose David, We chose Trump President Trump will have a Second Win Three Branches will win, Vote for Life Tim Sheets We Win Tim Sheets Supernatural U-Turns Gen 12:3

EXPOSED: DNC Group Teaches Illigals how to VOTE Clinton-Lynch clandestine tarmac meeting Minn. Somali Leader Confirms Ilhan Omar DID Marry Her Brother U.S. Justice Foundation The Sovereignty Project The Sovereignty Project One Citizen Speaking Tea Party PAC The Lid DC Dirty Laundry Brandon Straka #WalkAwayCampaign on YouTube American Thinker Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Trish Regan Fox Business Network Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Democrates vs. Republicans The Epoch Times The Epoch Times on YouTube Intro, Videos, News, Ads (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13)! (2020) RNC Day 1 | RNC Day 2 | RNC Day 3 | RNC Day 4 | Article II, Section 2! Eric Trump, polls...wrong last...wrong again2! U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away afa Biblical Signs Can a Christian vote Democrat (1, 2, 3)? RINO RESISTANCE (1)! Article VI of the Constitution, no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification Trump...condemned white supremacy...! How Many Days till Presidential Election Rush Limbaugh  It s got to be Donald Trump Donald Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption!
The Electoral College!
begun a good work in you will perform it until the Day of Jesus Christ

Rudolph Giuliani Mayor of NYC, Overwhelming Proof of Voter Fraud Every Legal Vate website

Banner: Lin Wood FIERY Speech Telling GA Candidates to Fight for TRUMP!

Bad Decisions The Joe Biden Story!

Joe Biden Portrait Socialist (1), Communist (1) Biden (C, 1), [(Chameleon) Harris] - Plagiarist, Liar (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, more info), Racist (n***r, 1/1, 215, 3, 4, 510, 67, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1310, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, m.i.) Continue!

Chuck Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices Schumer Threatens Two Supreme Court Justices (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 6-12-24, m.i.)!

Adam Schiff is a liar Adam Schiff Lies (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, more, more, more, more info), Lied for three years about having the truth, about Trump-Zelenksy phone call (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.), Said Biden laptop was Russian disinformation (1, m.i.), Schiff Orchestrated Trump's Impeachment (1), Bar Schiff (1), Lie that could Cost Him His Job (1)!

Corrupt Maxine Waters Corrupt Maxine Waters (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, m.m.i.)!

Sky News Australia, Lefties losing it: (1)!

Div-In-Chief! Lawless (1)! Border (1)!

Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) J.D. Vance torches Harris-Walz ticket: Look to 2020 riots (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-7-24) Gutfeld: Dems are trying to cover this fact up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-2-24) Joe Pinion: 'Lies, damn lies, and statistics' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-26-24) Lidia Curanaj: Even diehard Democrats are waking up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) 'The radical left is destroying this country': Sen. Ron Johnson (1) | Carl Higbie: Democratic policies destroy America (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-9-24) Biden on the brink of losing key Democrat state over energy policy... Dems Worried Israel Support Damaged Biden Image (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-25-24) Higbie: Any government that takes guns away is going to do something terrible (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-29-24) Whoopi proves 'The View' is 'dumbest... Jail Rep. (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-25-24) Biden challenger goes to Trump rally: 'My party is completely delusional' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-24) CNN getting nervous about Biden facing Trump: 'Something's wrong' (1) | Biden heckled by protesters 11 times, blames 'MAGA Republicans' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-6-22) Alex Baldwin shooting... (1, 2, m.i.)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) Cops Under Fire... Two Beautiful little children were killed, but the DA declined to file charges, although there was overwhelming evidence... Woke District Attorneys Hurt American Cities and Let Criminals Back on the Street... Nothing Good Comes from Resisting Arrest, examples to show why... Candice Owens was Spot On!!!... The Result of Years of Demoralizing Police, what they have to put up with... Soft-On-Crime Policies Hurt American Cities... Rudy Giuliani comments... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-23-22) Chris Salcedo: "Farce and Fantasy Replace Prudence & Policy"... Election and Science Denier... Communist China buying up property adjacent to military bases... Nearly 6M illegal aliens streaming into the U.S. at the end of 2 years signifying what they call a secure border, another break from reality... Gavin Newsom Bused Homeless Out of San Fran for Years, about 10K bused (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... Moderate Kevin McCarthy Unveils New 'Commitment to America' (1)... GOP Reps Demand Answers on Gun Purchases Tracking by credit card companies... Rep. Brian Babin: (R-TX) Follow the letter of the Law. The Biden Administration is (blatantly) in violation of the Constitution and the immigration law... The U.S. Postal Service is has got this organization called the Internet Covert Operation Program (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.) where the Post Office is digitally spying on people who question the 2020 election or who are Pro-Second Amendment citizens... RPT: Venezuela (Nicol s Maduro) Sends (Prisoners) Convicted (Violent) Criminals to U.S. Border (into the U.S.) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 m.i.)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-16-22) Judge Names Special Master on Trump Mar-A-Lago Raid (1)... Joe Biden is changing his tune on his political opponents, while his Dems ramp up their threats of violence... "Holding Democrats Accountable for the Harm They Do"... Rep. Tim Ryan (D) said, "We got kill and confront that movement" (1, 2, 3, m.i.); Sen. Mazie Hirono: "Call to Arms" Against Pro-Life Advocates (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.); Rep. Maxine Waters: "...You push back on them. You tell them they're not welcome" (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.); Rep. Nancy Polosi: "Ready to throw a punch" (1, 2, 3, m.i.)... Democrats are pushing violence while they accuse Republicans of pushing violence... Left-Wing Liars.V.P. Kamala Harris: We have a secure border (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.)... Exposing the Corrupt GOP Leadership, those undermining America First candidates out there... Mitch McConnell is using threats of withholding finacial support for Republican in the State of Kentucky if they go near drafting a Convention of States Resolution (Artcle V) for that State. Mitch McConnell is a slap in the face to the Founding Fathers. Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States (Artcle V): It takes 2/3 of States or 34 States to call for a Constitutional Convention. We have 19 States and 15 States to go. Every State Legislature has to pass virtually identical resolution calling for the same kind of Convention about fiscal restraints, term limits, etc... Trump: McConnell Must be Ousted... McConnell deep ties to China... Growing Concerns Over China Infiltrating Gov... (1)... Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA) Compares Concerned Parents to Capitol Jan. 6 Rioters (1, 2, 3, m.i.), also the genius who said Guam would capsized due to overpopulation (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.,), who compares Jewish settlers to 'termites' (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.)...The Left Calls Concerned Parents 'Domestic Terrorest' (1, 2, 3, m.i.)... (1)!
Susan B. Anthony List John Moody, Author of The World We Wish (9-15-22) 54 Days Until Midterms... Sen. Graham's 15-Week Abortion Ban Divides GOP as Midterms Loom. Federal Government needs to stay out of the abortion issues, it went back to states. Federalizing abortion and voting is not Constitutional... Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI): "Call to Arms" Against Pro-Life Advocates (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... WH Spin or Bad Communication... Biden Celebrates as Inflation Rise... Growing Fallout Over Biden's Border Policies... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-15-22) More than 1,200 IRS Agents haven't paid their income taxes. !00's of them are repeat offenders... Treasury IG Agrees to Audit IRS... The politicized FBI adopted fake, discredited, and totally untrue Steele Dossier and made it their own. Main Steele Dossier Source was a Paid (Secret) FBI Informant: "In March 2017, the FBI signed the defendant up as a paid confidential human source of the FBI"... Dishonesty of the WH press... The Trouble withKarine Jean-Pierre: Nutty statement after nutty statement... Sen. Graham's 15-Week Abortion Ban Divides GOP as Midterms Loom. Federal Government needs to stay out of the abortion issues, it went back to states. Federalizing abortion and voting is not Constitutional... (1)!
Trump email on Mar-A-Largo Raid on Gorka with Newsmax https://www.flight93friends.org on Gorka with Newsmax (9-11-22) Exposing Hypocrisy, Swamp...Why 9/11 Matters More Now...When Somebody [Biden] Uses the Word Facist, What does that Condure Up in Your Mind, What is the Imagary that comes to Mind? Is it Ominus Speeches, Red Tinted Rallies? That's what happened outside of Independence Hall in Philadelphia where this Man [Biden] Sadly Bears the Title of President. He [Biden] Labeled Half of America Enemies, a Threat to this Country, 74M Americans, the Most Ever Voting for an Incumbent President [Trump]... Flight 93's Heroes, Recognizing the Heroes Protecting America [flight93friends.com]... Christians Who Believe in that there is No Love Greater than a Man Lay Down His Life for His Fellow Man...Who are the Real Extremists?... Jim Carafano, Ph.D. Heritage Foundation: The Greatest Enemy this Country has Right Now is in the White House... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-6-22) Groomy Our Children...The Worst and Most Divisive Speech in History... Got to See, People at Breitbart News put together Video with Joe's Speech of Democrats and the Far Left at the same time... All those scenes from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Far Left Politial Groups... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (8-31-22) Democrats Lies: Who Do They Think They're Fooling?...Political Targeting of Trump Backfiring On the Left...You Want to Indict Trump, It's not going to Work...The Left Weaponizing Justice System Against Opposition...California Poised to Become America's Trans Youth Refuge...Parents Kept Clueless About their Own Kids...Radical Left Destroying the Family Unit...Biden's Energy Crisis: The Blackouts are Coming (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-20-22) Hypocrites of America...Democrats' Big Lie Narrative backfiring on Them...Dems desperate to convince America that GOP is cheating... Dems undermined Election Intergrity for Decades...Left resorts to Race-Baiting for Voting Rights' Approval...Dems saying Black People can't get I.D. is Racist... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-17-22) Dream Derailed...Turning on Their Own...Breaking from the Party Line...N.Y. Mayor Adams actually wants to fight Crime...Modern Left wants the Opposite of Dr. King..Dems use MLK Day to push Voter Legislation (1)...Dems bang Drums of War... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-12-22) Whose Side are the Left On...Biden's Department of Injustice...Democrates Amerca Last Agenda...Time for answers: Fauci Exposed (1)!
Green Right Arrow (12-14-21) Tornado, Politicizing (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), Gain (1), Fools (1)!
Green Right Arrow Yahoo News Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-28-21) Sen. Ted Cruz: Border is worst I ve ever seen, a full-blown crisis !
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-23-21) Ted Cruz on his upcoming trip to southern border!
USA Today website (3-4-21) 'Borrow-and-spend' stimulus bill is a fiscal monstrosity | Democrats want to send $350B to cities and states with Biden's COVID-19 relief bill, but Republicans see it as wasteful (Video)!

Previous/ProTrump Wins Videos/Socialist HOBiden Videos (1)!

Div-In-Chief! Lawless (1)! Border (1)!

Green Right Arrow (6-18-24) Adam Schiff LOSES HIS DAMN MIND!... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-22-24) The Dems are panicking over this: MAGA ETF creator (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) ...62% of food stamp recipients are able to work... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-3-24) Schumer ignores anti-Israel protests, attacks GOP: All politics all day,' senator says (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-16-24) Ted Nugent: Democrats dream includes 'feces and needles' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-30-23) Joe's and Kamala's America... Kamala is Proof the Dems Have Nothing to Offer... Dazed and Very confused... Dem Policies are Failing America... (1) | Bidens America in Bad Shape... Weakness Begets Wars (1)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-29-22) Chinese Communist Party Round Of Dissenters... Protest Erupt in China over "Zero Covid" Covid Policies... The (Controlling) Democrat Party Admires China... A Disarmed Citizenry is a Subservient Population (1)... Chinese People Risk Everything in Protest (1, 2)... Control Freaks... China is a Warning Sign to Us... Westerners take Freedom for Granted... Musk to Release Twitter Censorship Records... Apple Works with China to Censor... Dark Money Infiltration (1, 2)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Manchin (1) | Sinema (1, 2, 3)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) Assault on the Indispensable Second Amendmnt and the right of self defence... Just as the Government has been turning into the enemy of We the People under the Left-Wing rule, so too has the Press been turned against facts and truth... "The Biased Press, (False, Left-Wing) Narrative Over News"... 2A is for Protection Against Tyranny... Credit Card Companies to Categorize Gun Sales... Criminals Versus Law Abiding Gun Owners... CNN: More Liberal Woman Buying Guns... UPS Changes Gun Shipping Policies... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-27-22) Psycho Shoots Elderly Pro-Life Canvasser... Where is the Department of Justice?... Leftist are Encouraging and Ignoring Violence and Child Sexual Abuse... Pro-Life Man Raided After Defending Son (9-30-22)... Enemies of the State: Attacks Against Pro-Life Centers Go Ignored... Dems Don't Care About the Consequences of Their Words... (1)!
Biden MAGA Rage on Newsmax Medicare Crisis on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-22-22) Biden Stumbles Through a Confused Presidency... Biden's Attack on MAGA Becomes Deadly, 18 year old kid Cayler Ellingson run over because he was deemed to be a Republican extremist by Shannon Brandt, 41, who is back on the street (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... Dems Applaud their own Pro-Criminal Policies (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, m.i.). Jesus said you will know them by their fruits (Mat 17:15-20). Dems are actually the hypocrites and criminals (m.i)... Harris Tells More Border Lies... Santuary Cities Complain About Being Sanctuary Cities... Medicare Crisis (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-20-22) Fossil Fools... U.N. Begs for more Energy & Food... Self-Inficted Shortages... Go Green, Go Hunry... The U.N. is a Destabilizing Force... Climate Zealots are a bigger Threat than Climate Change... The U.N. has Instilled Fear for Years... Fear mongering on climate change since June 29, 1989... Clueless Bureaucrats... The Blantant Incompetence of the U.N.... United Nations Secretariat Ant nio Guterres said we need more fossel so we won't have a famine. Two minutes later, we need to end fossel fuel immediately... (1)!
Fake Progressives on Jenn Pellegrino with Newsmax (9-15-22) Fake Progressives: 'Progressive' Con Artist... Every Dems who is crying for progressive change is a fake, an imposter, a fraud... Joe Never Cared About Black Americans... Two sides of Joe Biden is real. He is the real racist. He lies and accuses others of racism to take eyes off himself... If You Can't Bring Kamala to the Border, Bring the Border to Kamala... Rich Elites on Martha's Vineyard Surprised by Migrant Arrival... Can't Migrants Stay at the Obama's $12M Estate on Martha's Vineyard... (1)!
The Great Purge on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-14-22) The Great Purge, The Left's Witchhunt is in Full Force... This Purge is so clearly similar to the Russian tyrannical leader Joseph Stalin's (1) Great Purge or the Great Terror as it was known... The Left Follows in Tyrannical Footsteps... Power over the State, police surveillance, arbitrary imprisonment... (1)!
Liberal Biden on Greg Kelly with Newsmax (9-12-22) 9/11, Nearly 3,000 killed that day. Four separate plane crashes in one day. Everything changed but people have forgotten. Driven by the mainstream media and their democrat allies, Joe Biden, you know what the worst thing that happen now these days January 6. All those extremist, some call them terrorist. The New York Times, this was once a great newspaper... Take a look at the front page of yesterdays September 11th, not one mention of of what happened that day... Fake News Always has to Bring Up January 6, even George Bush... If he would have had his eye on the ball, perhaps 9/11 would not have happened... Conducted by the Taliban and Alkida, now they are back in control... Democrats Exploiting "White Supremacy" for Political Gain... (1)!
Biden V. America on Boiling with Newsmax (9-6-22) Biden's Role in Trump Raid...America Reacts to Biden's "Dangerous" Rhetoric... MAGA Clinton, who was a Democrat, was the First [but wasn't] to say (1991, 1, 2, 3, 4): "We can Make America Great Again (MAGA)...Judge Grants Trump Request for Special Master... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Groomy Our Children...The Worst and Most Divisive Speech in History... Got to See, People at Breitbart News put together Video with Joe's Speech of Democrats and the Far Left at the same time...All those scenes from Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Far Left Politial Groups... (1)!
Green Right Arrow The Left Clearly Hates America...Biden V. America... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-1-22) Electing Leftist Comes with a Steep Cost...USA to Ukraine: "here's $8M"; USA to Israel: "here's $3.3M"; USA to Taiwan: "here's $1M"; USA to Mississippi: "don't drink the water"...Abandoning Our Own People...$1.2T Infrastructure Bill is a Environmental Bill not for Infrastructure...Google Blocks Truth Social from Apps Store...Biden Accused of Stoking Civil War with "Fascist" Comments... (1)!
Green Right Arrow Fauci, Covid, Vaccine (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37) | Dad Faces Prison for Opposing Teenage Daughter's Decision to Transition (1) | Fauci Responsible for coronavirus... (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) | Fauci's agency spent over $400k on experiments grafting aborted fetal scalps onto mice and rats (1, 2) | Unethical: Vaccines... produced and/or tested using cells derived from abortions (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)!
Green Right Arrow Peter Schweizer, Author Book, Red-Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win (1-27-22) Red-Handed Exposes Elites' Intricate Ties to China...China has compromised Multiple Govt Elites...Pelosi shifted China Stance after making Biz Deals in Beijing...McConnell's Wife has Ties to Chinese Government...Feinstein defended China against Human Rights Violations...Suspected Chinese Spy worked on Feinstein Staff...Don't forget Swalwell's Chinese Spy...Biden Family made $31M from People linked to Chinese Intel (1)!
U.S. Senate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee U.S. Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) Senate Judiciary Committee on facbook U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) U.S. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) (4-13-21) GOP Senators introduce legislation to end MLB's special immunity from antitrust laws (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) "The Corrupt Polititians' Act"/"The Illegal Voting Act" mentioned (Sens. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Josh Hawley (R-MO), and Mike Lee (R-UT) outline their newly introduced bill which aims to end MLB's immunity from antitrust laws) | The truth about illegal voting | 18 U.S. Code 611 - Voting by aliens (unlawful)!
U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away (3-26-21) TED Cruz led a group of Republican senators on a trip to the US-Mexico border where he claims to have witnessed cartel members and human traffickers "taunting" Border Patrol agents | "I'm down at the Texas border along with 18 senators. We made the trip to see the crisis that is playing out"!
Green Right Arrow (3-15-21) Dad Faces Prison for Opposing Teenage Daughter's Decision to Transition | Fauci Responsible... (1 2, 3)!
 on Rumble Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (2-27-21) My Predictions Were Right Joe Biden is Disastrous!
Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (2-26-21) Trump Jr. calls out media double standard between DeSantis, Cuomo!
Donald Trump Jr. Donald Trump Jr. executive vice president of the Trump Organization Author Liberal Privilege (2-25-21) I Told You So... The Truth About Biden!
Tucker Carlson Fox News (1-29-21) Tucker: The American government is at war with its own people | Dems Are Afraid Of The People They're Leading (Supposed to be representing, not to be controlling - Al) | Our Leaders Are Refusing To Admit Their Failures (Biden, who is not my president, and Dems, who do not represent me, unless they repent they will perish, according to Jesus in Luke 13:2-5 - Al)!

Previous/ProTrump Wins Videos/Socialist HOBiden Videos (1)!

Div-In-Chief! Lawless (1)! Border (1)!

Green Right Arrow (10-11-24) Republicans hit Democrats in Senate races on economy, abortion (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-7-24) The left... exploit tragedies to control Americans' rights (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (6-27-24) Terrell says no one deserves reparations ... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-26-24) Nancy Pelosi goes after the Supreme Court (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-26-24) 'Squad' member refuses to congratulate opponent... (1) | ...J. Bowman s primary loss... (1) | ...might be the worst take I've ever heard (1) | Squad Member Jamaal Bowman Crushed in Primary Despite AOC's Hype Attempt... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-21-24) Democrat just laughs at brutal crime committed... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-12-24) John Kennedy Quotes Schumer's Own Words.. (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-24) Fmr Mumford & Sons member calls out Pelosi s 'elitism' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-14-24) Perversion of language, only thing Left-wing is good for... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-14-24) Schumer calls for ousting Netanyahu, interfering with Israeli politics: Report (1) | Larry Kudlow: This is Democratic insanity... Shear stupidity (1) | Chuck Schumer criticized for 'disgusting' comments on Israel (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-2-24) The Left has a new scare tactic ('Christian Nationalism') (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-7-23) Kevin Sorbo: Truth is kryptonite to the people on the left (1)!
Green Right Arrow Gangster Robert Hur (1, 2, 3, m.i.)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-23) Democrats End Game... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-31-23) "Americans are Endagered by Democrats, and Republicans Who Support Them"... Chris Salcedo (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-21-22) Border Invasion, Fentanyl Crisis, Hunter Laptop from Hell Repairman Speaks Out... Mexico, China are America's Primary Sources of Fentanyl and is the Single Deadliest Drug U.S. has Ever Seen... It Overwhelms Border Patrol... Dems Demand Health Care for Illegals, Paid for by Taxpayers... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-12-22, 12-13-22) California in Crisis: Anti Semitism Runs Wild in California... UC Berkeley Creates Jewish-Free Zone, supports end of Israel, Antisemitism and Intolerance at Berkeley... (1, 2, 3, m.i.)... FBI's Abuse of Power... The Left keep trying to get Trump and fail miserably (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-27-22) Freedom Under Attack: A FL student removed from class after parents questioned school's bathtub homework assignment... "It's Not Time to Accomodate the Radical Left, It's Time to Stop Them... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-24-22) Ukraine on Offence; Reclaims 3,000 Square Miles of Territory... Biden Open Border Body Count. Dems Ignore Increase Migrant Death Toll at Open Border, Border Patrol Deaths... Is Free Medicare and Medicaid the Best Option for Our Nation?... Vanderbilt Transgender Clinic Controversy. Republican Lawmakers Call for Investigation into Vanderbilt Transgender Clinic... 200+ Pows Released from Russian Controlled Areas... (1)
Green Right Arrow (9-22-22) TX Gov. Abbott Signed an Executive Order Classifying Mexican Drug Cartels as Terrorist Organizations (1)... Thousand of Russians trying to flee the country to avoid going to war with Ukraine... Gavin Newsom: Trump Policies caused People to Flee CA. Really! Gavin Newsom's Policies have Ruined California (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.), causing people to flee (1)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-21-22) Uncovering Hidden History of Pelosi Family... Big Tech has Too Much Power... Gays Against Groomers have been targeted, taken down by big tech, etc... (1)!
New World Order on Eric Bolling with Newsmax (9-21-22) Putin Issues Nuclear Threat to West... The New World Order Descended on Gotham, The Great Reset, liberal world order hypocrites... Joe Bidens Cements His New World Order Status, new green deal... Al Gore wrong predictions... The New World Order Aims to Control Everything. Plans to implant chips inside your body. The individual carbon footprint tracker (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.)... (1)!
Safe-T-Law-Act in IL on Newsmax (9-16-22) Democrats want to Normalize Anarchy... Safe-T Act (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) Abolishes Cash Bail for Almost Every Offense... Under Radical Dem. Policies, Gov. Pritzker Refuses to Enforce Laws in Quest to 'End Systenic Racism'... (1)!
Reality Check DeSantis on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax Special Delivery Harris on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-15-22) Reality Check: Welcome to Martha's Vineyard, No More Hiding From Your (Border) Crisis, Libs... Kamala has Some New Neighbors (Migrants)... Libs are Learning This is a National Crisis... CNN: Martha's Vineyard is Like the Holocaust... DeSantis: We are Not a Santuary State; Biden sent 70 migrant flights to Florida...Dems use white supremacy and racism to create this false narrative... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-14-22) (Weaponized, Corrupt,) Compromised FBI... FBI Targets MyPillow CEO, and those associated with or supporting Donald Trump...Intelligent Failures... Perhaps I too (Chris Salcedo) will get a visit from the FBI to intimidate me in shutting up, to instill fear in me, to stop my efforts to return to Constitutional oversite to a Government that has grown beyond the consensus of the Governed... Steve Bannon Tells Charlie Kirk 35 MAGA Allies Got Raided Day of Indictment... We ojected to the 2020 fraudulent election. Many hypocritical Dems objected to elections (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, m.i.)... Durham Investigation: Source of Steel Dossier (Igor Danchenko, FBI Operative) was on FBI Payroll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... Why Didn't the J6 CMTE investigate Security Failures?... Capitol Police whistleblower memo lays Jan. 6 'intelligence failures' on Polosi watch... How many FBI Agents on the ground were fanning the riot on Jan. 6?... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-12-22) Russia Hoax Laptop Deniers Awarded Government Jobs...Trump Lawyers Oppose DOJ's Request to Block Special Master...The Daily Wire, By: Zach Jewell 9-7-22, Poll: Most CNN, MSNBC Viewrs Say 'Disinformation' Causing Hispanics to Vote Republican (1) ...Hollywood Hypocrisy..."Title IX" Under Attack, which for 50 years has protected Women's sports... (1)!
Saving Law and Order on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax Power Grab: The New IRS Army on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-9-22) Saving Law and Order...Libs have Destroyed our Communities... This Looks Like a Third World Country... The Left let it Happen... Conservative Churches in the Crosshairs [Again]... The IRS Targeted Tea Party Groups...! (1)!
Green Right Arrow (7-29-22) These are the House lawmakers who bucked their parties on assault weapons ban--Rinos Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Pa.) and Chris Jacobs (R-N.Y.) voted for assault weapons ban (1, more info)!
Green Right Arrow Republican Voters don't want Gun Control (1)!
Green Right Arrow Rules for Thee but not for Me (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-8-22) What Putin's War Reveals About Democrats (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-18-22) America is being ruled by Idiots (1) | Dead on Arrival...Democrats' Election Intergrity Con-Job...Dems Desperate to avoid Progressive Mutiny...Biden's Rhetoric on Election Laws is Embarrasing...Control Freaks...Warren exposes the Real Plan... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-14-21) 298 Days until the 2022 Midterm Elections...Democrats push Danderous Policies...Biden's Approval Ratings keep getting worse (1)!
Green Right Arrow Athlete collapses wearing mask (Al - Possible from not enough oxygen and carbon dioxide poisoning)
U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee Mike McCormick Mike McCormick Author Joe Biden Unauthorized Can-Do Justice through Dlemency Amy Povah, Founder, Can-Do Foundation, Can-Do Justice through Clemency (1-21-21) The Greg Kelly Reports 1/21/21 | Breaking Trump News (2) (3) | Farewell Mr. President (Don't want Joe Biden to succeed, mainly his policies. He's just the opposite of what he preaches, a leader of hypocrites - Al) | Trump Didn't Incite A Riot | Speaking The Truth | We The People? (The Biden puts fence around him but he's desires to open the Southern border. Protection for him, but none for "We the People" - Al) | Calls For Exec Order Banning Conservative Views, which is against the First Amendment | Mike McCormick, Former Bidens Stenographer, Author, "Joe Biden Unauthorized" (Mike McCormick: You know I listened to his speech today... he wasn't the real Joe Biden that I knew... his big scheme about unity, I don't see him as a person to unify this country. I don't think he done a good job in his campaign... There is is a lot of behind the scene stuff, in Ukraine, in China... Joe Biden got himself wrapped-up in... Lying about his son's behavior for years...) | Trump Grants Clemency To Over 140 People Before Leaving Office | Amy Povah, Founder, Can-Do Foundation, Pardoned By President Trump | Prison Reform A Hallmark Of Trump's Presidency!
Executive Orders (1-29-21) Maricopa Co. to Audit Election Systems; McConnell Rips Biden Policy; Gaetz Rails Against Liz Cheney | (Biden's executive order hypocrisy; packing the court - Al) | Pelosi: 'Enemy Is Within Congress' | Trump To Work On Boosting GOP House Races (President Trump meets with Kevin McCarthy) | Senator Hires 13 Trump Admin Officials | A New Movement To Continue Trump's Legacy; Russ Vought President, "Center for American Restoration" to carry on Trump's legacy of "America First" | Biden abolishes Trump administration's "The 1776 Commission" which upholds founding ideas!

Previous/ProTrump Wins Videos/Socialist HOBiden Videos (1)!

Div-In-Chief! Lawless (1)! Border (1)!

Green Right Arrow (9-9-24) Democrats don't want any accountability (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-23-24) The real war on women is being perpetuated by Dems (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-10-24) Lefties losing it: Rita Panahi hails lone officer protecting monument from violent mob (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-15-24) Chris Salcedo: Did you notice ?... "Democrats are guilty of what they accuse other"s (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-7-24) Carl Higbie: 'Democrats think minorities are stupid' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-22-24) L. Curanaj: People who usually vote Dem. are waking up (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-31-23) Joe Must Go... Joe is Not the Leader America Needs... Support for Joe is Rapidly Declining Across the Board... Trump Never Let Us Down on the World Stage... Joe Has Never Been Good at Foreign Policy... Radical Dems (like BLM) Quick to Support Anti-Democratic Orgs... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-30-23) America's Culture of Crime (1) | Dems Exploit Another Tragedy... The Swamp Makes Everything About Race for Personal Gain (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-26-23) Maybe the Phoniest Democrate in the House Wants a Big Promotion... Adam Schiff is Perfectly Trained... Lie with no Remorse... Schiff Announces Senate Bid on Chinese Media (TicTok)... Schiff Orchestrated Trump's Impeachment... Lied for three years about having the truth, about Trump-Zelenksy phone call (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.), said Biden laptop was Russian disinformation (1, m.i.), etc... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (10-13-22) Two Police Officers Killed in Ambush Shooting... Consequences to Years of Demoralizing Police... Fake News Spun Anti-Cop Hate for Years... Everyone Jumped on the Virtue Signal Train... Woke Mob Cancels Anyone Who Supports Police... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) DEA Dire Warning, Warns of Bright-Colored Fentanyl... Expers Warn Gas Prices Likely to Climb Higher... Rep. Kevin McCarthy, The GOP's Commitment to America... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-22-22) If You Don't Stand for Something, You'll Fall for Anything: You Need to Believe in Something... It's true in politics, just ask the swamp... Fake News' Trump Obsession Never Ends... Trump's Real Estate (1)... Biden's Attack on MAGA Becomes Deadly, 18 year old kid Cayler Ellingson run over because he was deemed to be a Republican extremist by Shannon Brandt, 41, who is back on the street (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... The Military's Gone Woke... In his speech Joe Biden seems to have given up... Double Standard on homeless and migrants (m.i.)... Democrat Hypocrisy at it's Finest... Migrant Death Go Unnoticed by the Left. Over 1,300... Democrats Love Fake Outrage... Gavin Newsom Bused Homeless Out of San Fran for Years, about 10K bused (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... Biden's Secret Migrant Flights are A-OK with the Left (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... Fox News has Become the Fakest News... American Values Shifting in a Big Way... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-19-22) The political motive CBS (Face the Nation) news, in which suppose to not have a political motive, is clear... Why is Left-Wing Violence Ignored by MSM?... What We Know About the Suspect in GOP Baseball Practice Shooting... Should We Trust News Outlets Devoted to Propaganda?... Invent Boogyman... NBC Deletes Tweet Comparing Migrants to Trash... (Hypocritical) Dems Meltdown After Migrants Arrive in Blue Cities... Martha's Vineyard Locals Cheer Migrants Relocation... Outrage Over Biden's "Digital Assets" Exec Order (1)... Credit Card Companies (Unconstitutional) to Track Gun Purchases (1, 2, m.i.)... Appeals Court Rejects Big Tech's Effort to Censor Users... Exposing the Climate Cult... The Truth About Natural Gas... (1)!
JOENOCCHIO on Chris Salcedo with Newsmax (9-15-22) JOENOCCHIO (1, 2)... A Taste of Their Own Destructive Policies. They have to live in the hell hole they created for the rest of us, and they don't like it very much... Exposing Racists Democrats... The Left Promotes Violence... "A Party of Hypocrites"... Biden hides in the dark of the night his flying of Illegals all over the Country... Migrants Arrive Outside VP Harris' Residence... With open border... Harris is a joke, she came once, she is pathetic. They are propagating this. They are responsible for the largest of human smuggling and sex trafficing in human history... $80 billion to hire 87,000 IRS Agents but no guards in schools... Dems Refuse to Secure Schools... Sen. Mazie Hirono's (D-HI) "Call to Arms" Against Pro-Life Advocates (1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6, m.i.)... Dems History of Promoting Violence... Left-Wing Attacks on 2nd Amendment... The Great Reset, Social Justice... The Dangerous Partnership... (1)!
Federally Funded Fraud on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-14-22) Federally Funded Fraud: Durham: FBI Paid a Russian to Lie About Trump, so they could justify an assault on a just elected President of the U.S.... Durham Investigation: Source of Steel Dossier, Russion Igor Danchenko, FBI Operative was on FBI Payroll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-12-22) 9/11 Becomes a Political Weapon for Democrats...How Far will Democrates Go?... Democrats trying to tie the horrors of 9/11 to the present day Republican Party... At this point there's nothing Biden and Company won't say to keep a political stranglehold on this Country while they work tirelessly to dismantle it and distroy the quality of life... Forget the Problems and Focus Evil Repulicans... You're the Real Threat... Pay no Attention to Dems Ruining the Country... Biden's Bizarre and Angry 0/11 Memorial Speech... Dems Plan to Win by Villainizing Half the Country... (1)!
Manufactured Crisis on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-8-22) The Manufactured Self-Made Energy Disaster (Crisis) in California... Much of California is a Desert... In 1925 it was 114 when carbon emissions were a fraction of what they are today... Cali's Psychosis over Trump Led to Virtuue Signaling Suicide... Biden Forcing this Nation to Take His Climate Poisen Pill... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-3-22) The Tea Party's Legacy...What Happened to the Tea Party?... How the IRS Destroyed the Tea Party... 87,000 New Agents Join the IRS... The IRS' War on Conservatives... Small Businesses not safe from the IRS' Tax Agenda... IRS: The New Gulag... Weaponizing the IRS... The Abuse of Tea Party Patriots... ()!
Green Right Arrow (1-22-21) Wisconsin Republican Reps. Glenn Grothman, Bryan Steil and Scott Fitzgerald discuss the Keystone XL pipeline!
Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Lou Dobbs Author The Trump Century Dan Springer joined Fox News Channel (FNC), Fox News Correspondent Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...for FOX News Channel (FNC) Mike Emanuel chief congressional correspondent...on Twitter U.S. Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) Banking Member, House Oversight Committee Gordon Chang Asia analyst Author The Coming Colapse of China Gordon Chang Asia analyst Author The Coming Colapse of China Gordon Chang Asia analyst Author The Coming Colapse of China Gordon Chang Asia analyst Author Nuclear Showdown Rep. Matt Gaetz faceboof Rep. Matt Gaetz on YouTube Rep. Matt Gaetz author Firebrand U.S. Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona (R-AZ), House Freedom Caucus Chairman U.S. Representative Andy Biggs of Arizona (R-AZ), House Freedom Caucus Chairman on Wikipedia (1-21-21) Lou Dobbs Tonight 1/21/2021 [FULL] | FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS (2) (3) (4) (5) | [FRAUDULENT] President [STOLE THE ELECTION] Biden Reminises About Dinner with XI| (...height of contradiction hypocracy) | Left-Wing Violence Erupts Out West | Protestors Damage Oregon Democratic Party Office | 100+ Anarchists Disrupt Seattle, 3 Arrested (Democratic Party Of Oreon Statement "We're frustrated and disappointed about the damage done," but nothing more... On one building was written "Kill the American Dream"... Nobody condemned the left-wing violence) | Lawmakers Suggest Trump Impeachment Trial Could Last Only Three Days Days Despite Evidence In Trump's Favor (...this is the sixth year the radical dems persecution against the President without evidence...) | FBI Knew Prior To Capitol Riot Extremists Were Planning Violence | Right-Wing Oath Keepers & Left-Wing Extremists Like John Sullivan Agitated Mob | President Trump Encouraged Crowd To 'Peacefully and Patriotically' make your voices Heard | (Inspite the evidence...) Democrates & 10 [Rinos] Republicans Voted to Impeach President Trump Over Riot (Polosi knowning her Constitutional duty, ignoring our Presidents right to free speech and due process, which they are violating) | [Despite] President Biden Claims To Want Unity; Democratic Leaders Continue Push For Impeachment (...violating his Constitution rights and abusing their power...they are deepening the division... among Americans...) | Pelosi On How Impeachment Would Bring Unity | McCarthy: Biden's First Actions Isn't Addressing Urgent Needs Of Americans (Neither you Rino when you agree with Dems about Trump - Al)... | (Biden flip-flopped wrong way) Sen Biden Backed Border Fence (Biden 2006: "I voted for a fence, I voted, unlike most Democrats - and some of won't like it - I voted for 700 miles of fence" ...but now open borders and stopping the construction of border wall) | (McCarthy flip-flopped right way) House Minority Leader McCarthy Walks Back Comments Suggesting Trump Contributed To Riots (Him and ten other Rinos rushed to judgment impeached Trump, kind of late now - Al. McConnell's ignorance and betrayl of the President...) | President Biden Will Keep Retain FBI Director Christopher Wray (He spent years stonewalling Republican lawmakers, trying to get to the bottom of Obamagate and the plot to over through the Trump Presidency...He will continue as a Director of a corrupt organization...) | Jim Jordan calls on Democrats to halt Trump impeachment trial!

Previous/ProTrump Wins Videos/Socialist HOBiden Videos (1)!

Div-In-Chief! Lawless! B. Crisis!

Green Right Arrow (7-11-24) Carl Higbie: Democrats are dooming our country (1)!
Green Right Arrow (6-7-24) Lefties losing it: Sky News host roasts 'leftie' Jill Biden after Trump rant (1)!
Green Right Arrow (5-13-24) 'Lady, you don't know what's best for us': C. Higbie calls out Nancy Pelosi's elitism (1) | Nigel Farage: Populism is on the march, elite loathe common people (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-27-24) Dems paying off news outlets to get favorable coverage (1)!
Green Right Arrow (4-3-24) Oregon Recrimalizes Drugs After Policy Caused Chaos (1)!
Green Right Arrow (3-17-24) T. Basile: The Left wants to do more than defund the police (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-24-24) Finnerty: Watch one Democrat who admits his own party's 'delusion' (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-16-23) Adam Schiff Caught in BIG LIE That Could Cost His JOB! | Breakdown | Huckabee (1)!
Green Right Arrow (11-16-23) Polosi scandal and cover-up... (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, m.i)!
African Diaspora News Channel Doctrinal Watchdog (Active) [Anti-Christ] Creflo Dollar Welcomes [Abortionist] Stacey Abrams To World Changers Church (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) | False Pastor Creflo Dollar Supports Baby Sacrificing Stacey Abrams a Witch Out For Blood (Parts Very Graphic)! | [Pimp Preacher] Creflo Dollar And World Changers Church Exposed (1, 2)!
Green Right Arrow (10-19-22) Libs Don't Realize How Extreme They are on Abortion... Hundreds of (failed) aborted Babies every year are left on a cold steel table alive and suffering until they die and the doctor won't do a thing... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-28-22) Joe Made a lot of False Promises... Cops Under Fire: The War on Police... Fake News Spent Years Demoralizing Police Officers... Obama did nothing productive to help... Obama Spent His Whole Career Inflaming Tensions... The Results of Years of Demoralizing Police, Crime Spikes... The seeds have been sown, now crime is out of control... The Failure of the Defund the Police Movement... AmericasSheriff.com... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-27-22) Crime... Mutilating children... a money making machine for hospitals... Alfred Kinsey's Sick "Research is making a Comeback..." (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-27-22) Shutdown: Senate Set to Vote on Govt Funding Bill... nothing for broken border security... Rep; James Comer (R-TX): Hunter Biden Crisis continues to get worse... By deeply corrupted FBI, Pro-Life father arrested at gun point protesting outside abortion clinic... Crime Spiraling out of Control in Democratic-Led Cities... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-22-22) Covid Con Artist: Half of a Trillion Dollars Stolen... Billions Stolen from Covid Relief... Stolen Identities Used in Covid Fraud... Schemes... Gov. give evertbody money so they can depend on them "...$400 billion believed to have been stolen from the $900 billion Covid unemployment relief program -- at least half taken by international fraudsters..." Little Oversight made Covid Funds Easy to Steal... Waste, Fraud, and Abuse... Waste is endless... Another Big Government Failure... Gov. has no competition... Maine Dept. of Ed Teaches MAGA is "White Supremacy"... Babies in Womb React to Flavor (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, m.i.)... Gavin Newsom's Policies have Ruined California (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.) ... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-22-22) Democrate Week of Whoppers... Cue the LiberalTears... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-19-22) Welcome to the Jungle... Guy arrested Friday night for criminal actions with an axe (Tommy Hawk) at a McDonald's and out Monday. He was in custody for about 15 minutes. Has an interview with... N.Y.C. is out of Control... Gov. Hochul isn't up for the Job... We are in a crime crisis... Obama Only Got Involved When it Served Him... (1)!
Trump: Lindell FBI Raid on John Bachman with Newsmax (9-14-22) Mike Lindell Targeted in FBI 2020 Election Probe, his phone seized...Judge Unseals Additional Portions of Mar-A-Lago Affidavit... On 7-6-22 Trump turns over hard drive (How ironic they have done nothing to criminal Hunter's hard drive)...Judge Won't Force Records Disclosure in Alleged Hunter Biden Gun (thrown into trash can in 2018) Episode...Durham Investigation: Source of Steel Dossier (Igor Danchenko, FBI Operative) was on FBI Payroll (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, m.i.)... Disney Workers, Teachers, Deputy Chief, Correction's Officer, 7 Illegal, etc. Among 160 Arrested in Orlando, FL Area Sex, Drug, Human Trafficking Sting (Operation) by Polk County Sheriff and Detectives...Twitter Whistleblower (Fmr security chief Peiter "Mudge" Zatko) Reveals Major Security Flaws (Foreign Chinese and India Gov. Spies/Agents working) with Platform (1, 2, 3, 4, m.i.), leadership is misleading the public, lawmakers, regulators and even its own board of directors... Gov. Working with Big Tech...Joe Biden's Electric Car Clown Show...Dems Celebrate IRA as Inflation Rags...Biden (talks sbout inflation, economy, etc.) says the Stock Market doesn't reflect the state of the economy as you well know. Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ): They (Schumer, Polosi, Biden) do not know what they're talking about. Not trying to be cruel or rude but this President is full of crap...The Stock Market collapsed yesterday...There's no professional sports stadium in America that could hold all of them (new 87,000 IRS Agents) in one place if you wanted to have a meeting...they are (will be) going after the averge guy... Drew's acronym: Inflation, Taxation, Recession Creation Act (1, m.i.)... Growing Push to Ban Lawmakers, Families from Trading Stocks... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (9-12-22) This year's hurricane season has been eerily quiet. Will it last?... The Climate Change Hoax Thrives Among the Left...Because of dust...Climate Change Cultists Write Headlines to Serve Agenda...Climate Scammers pushes typical rhetoric that man and carbon dioxide are to blame...The New World Order...Rising sea levels, which hasn't happened...Why do the Liberal Elite continue to buy luxury homes right next to the sea?... They want to control us...Obama, Bill Gates, Climate Change Mafia, World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, God Father of the New World Order, Schwab, Head of the Climte Change Mafia... (1)!
Power Grab: The New IRS Army on Rob Schmitt with Newsmax (9-6 & 9-22) Power Grab: The New IRS Army...Imagine 87K Lois Lerners Looking at Your Taxes... Targeting Middle America... (1, 2, 3)!
Green Right Arrow (9-3-22) Texas Gov Sending Buses of Migrants to NYC, D.C., and Chicago... Divider-In-Chief... Ongoing Southern Border Crisis Fueling Fentanyl... The Dems Hidden Agenda: Indict Trump Before thr Mid-Terms... Southern Border Makes its way North... Russia Halts Gas to Europe... Via Nord Stream1 Pipe Line... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (2-11-22) Incentivizing Bad Behavior...Society is decling because of Democrat Policies...Old School Junkie: They Us to be Homeless...NYC opens Supervised Injection Sites for Drugs...Crime is No Longer being proscuted...Govt Money incentivizes Hospitals to lie...Democrat Policies creating Lawlessness... (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-17-22) Biden's Bigoted Background...Who are the real Racist in America?...The Democrats: The Party of Slavary...The Democrats V. the Civil Rights Movement...How the Democrats Sabotage Democracy (1)!
Green Right Arrow (1-13-22) Media Immediately Jumped to Race-Baiting Narrative...Racial Quotas Destroy Diversity...Hollywood's Founding Fathers were Jewish...Joe is the Racist-in-Chief...Microsoft Word goes Woke (1) | Socialist-Democrates Declare Their Opponents Enemies (1)!
Zabar10 Shows on YouTube Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost Ken Paxton AG of TX on Wikipedia John Barrasso (R-WY) U.S. Senator U.S. Senator Ted Cruz on YouTube U.S. Senator Ted Cruz U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Author One Vote Away Chad Wolf Department of Homeland Security Chad Wolf Secretary of Homeland Security CChad Wolf DHS Secretary on Wikipedia (4-4-21) H.R.1: "The Corrupt Polititians' Act" | Ken Paxton: Open borders costing Texas billions of dollars | Chad Wolf: Border Patrol seeing record number of migrants at southern border | Sen. Barrasso: Biden administration hiding migrant crisis from American public | (2) (YouTube video parts cut out - Al) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)!
Maria Bartiromo on Fox News Channel Author The Cost U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on YouTube U.S. Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) on facebook (3-28-21) Sen. John Kennedy, R-La., on border crisis, COVID-19 origins | Biden talks with historians about building legacy (and Media and Big Tech censureship) | Biden immigration policy is Obama administration on methamphetamines !
Kimberly Klacik Republican Congressional Nominee in MD-District 7. ProTrump on Twitter Kimberly Klacik Republican Congressional Nominee in MD-District 7. ProTrump on Twitter Want To Stand Up To Big Tech? - A Message From Kim Klacik!
(2-26-21) Big Business Sides With Leftists In Pushing Highly Destructive Equality Act !
(2-25-21) 6 Reasons to Oppose the Orwellian 'Equality Act'!
Stop HR4 (1, 2, 3)!
(2-24-21) 11 Myths About H.R. 5, the Equality Act of 2021!
The Stream website (2-8-21) Time Magazine Article Celebrates Conspiracy to Fix 2020 Election!
(2-13-21) Seven Senate RINOs that voted to convict Our Beloved Donald J. Trump (1) (2) (3)
Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee Tom Cotton (R-AR) Senate Armed Service Committee on YouTube (1-17-21) Biden s putting American workers last, foreigners first with reversed policies: Sen. Tom Cotton!
(1-13-21) A rush to judgment and impeachment by ten House RINOs (1) (2) (3)
The White House President Donald J Trump (10-28-20) Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption! Donald Trump Media and Big Tech refuse to cover Biden Corruption!

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