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Misappropriation, Embezzlement of a Trust Fund (Advice) is Against the Law Updated (Print)!
STOP THE RAID (1, 2) of S.S. on Pork Barrel Spending (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)!
Robbed S.S Trust Fund! No Benefits to Illegal Aliens (1, 2, 3) !
Obama's (1, 2, 3) Sidekick Biden (C), (Chameleon) Harris!

[This is a Newspaper Article that's near the end of L.T.G. Volume Two.] Consider this, I believe (after you've read the following information you'll agree) some U.S. Congressmen, U.S. Legislatures, who can be like the Pharisees and lawyers Jesus confronted (Mat 15:1-9; 22:34-40; Luke 7:29-30; 10:25-26; 11:44-46, 52), have actually robbed the [our] Social Security Trust Fund and used its funds for unauthorized and unethical purposes.

Peter J. Forbes ( TSCAA NSCC) said, "Social Security isn't WELFARE, and it isn't WASTEFUL PORK BARREL SPENDING... The Trust Fund Raid, benefit cuts, and new, risky 'Privatization' schemes: these are the dangers to Social Security not our Benefits!... Congress raided [Social Security Trust Fund surpluses] $62 Billion in 2012 and $62 Billion in 2013" (1)!

The Seniors Coalition (TSC) on "Social Security Trust Fund 'Theft:' The politicians have taken more than TWO TRILLION DOLLARS from Social Security and spent it on their wasteful 'give-away' programs since 1986. Now, with liberal President Barack Obama back [now Joe Biden] in the White House and the liberal Democrats solidly in control of U.S. Senate [Republcans now have the majority [now minority] and have not done their job for those who elected them], this 'theft' is likely not only to continue, but get much, much worse" (1).

Wanda Powe (AFSC) said, "President Obama [now Joe Biden] and his liberal cohorts are attempting to spend more of your Social Security Trust Fund for their special interest, pork barrel projects." Amy M. Ridenour (NRSTF) said, "WHEREAS, for too long, big government has been raiding money from my Social Security Trust Fund and spending it on corporate welfare and various other pork-barrel programs" (1).

According to TSCAA (A Project of NSCC), " ratify...proposed 28th Amendment STOPS Congress from spending Trust Fund money on regular government expenses and wasteful pet projects" (1).

With your help, The Seniors Coalition (TSC) "We'll also fight to protect your Social Security Trust Funds with a 'Lock Box,' so your future Benefits can't be raided to pay for the politicians' wasteful 'ear-marks' [and 'pork-barrel' spending]. And we'll keep leading the fight to 'STOP PAYMENT!' of your Social Security Benefits to illegal aliens from Mexico" (1, 2)!

Larry Hyland, Chairman of (TSCL) The Senior Citizens League, said, " Congress has already spent our Social Security Trust Fund reserves and replaced them with worthless IOU's" (1). "...Congress has 'raided' the Social Security Trust Fund to finance pork barrel projects and other unrelated government spending for a total of $3.25 TRILLION (1) [TSCAA NSCC] since 1968 [CSSSM, A Project of NAUS]!"

Are those possibly some reasons why some Congressmen (Pharisees and lawyers, hypocrites) haven't done anything about corrupt Obama [now Joe Biden], because they are corrupt too? What part did the Trustees have in this crime? And Obama [now Joe Biden] wants to rob (or cut as HCRTF, A project of NCPPR, puts it) $716 billion from Medicare to fund ObamaCare!

Misappropriation, embezzlement [robbery] of a Trust Fund is against the Law! There would be enough Social Security and Medicare Funds for the elderly and not in the red if Congress and the Presidents wouldn't have embezzled (stolen) the money!

Considering the wrongdoings of Nixon and Clinton, Congress should have impeached and convicted (IOC) Obama [now Joe Biden] (ring-leader of our woes) ten times by now and removed (evicted) him from office. If they don't soon and Obama [now Joe Biden] doesn't resign, Patriots may legally drive him from office (FW) and force him from the White House (USJF).

Many Republicans in Congress need to get some righteous backbone, especially the leadership. I many congressmen are in the same boat as/with Obama [now Joe Biden]?

Liberal Congress needs to get their hands out of Americans' pockets and start doing something constructive!

Note: Secretive (Czar) Barack Hussein Soebarkah (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, more info) Obama, who fundamentally and stealthy is a muslim and a socialist (obamalaw), had (45) unconstitutional czars [with Dark Money (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)] setup up ("drone czar" John Brennan (1, 2, 3), left-wing czars, evil Czar comrades, communist Czars, "gun control" Czar, "Green Jobs" Czar, etc....) in his administration!

RE: In the Webster's New World Dictionary, I found that tsar, tzar and czar is an emperor, which is a title of the former emperors of Russia, autocrat, despot, absolute ruler. According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible with Dictionaries, the Hebrew word tsar (H6862) was translated "enemies, narrow, tribulation," etc. in the KJV.

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