Gov. Mike Huckabee
(CUF) Citizens United Foundation
(P.O. Box 96408, Washington, D.C. 20090-6408)
partial letter] I'm on a mission to stop
the Obama Administration from destroying the America we know and
love. And I'm looking for a few good
Americans to join me. If you believe you have a stake in what happens to our
great country, then I'm counting on your help today...
Do the Right Thing is my plan for taking
back America from the
liberals and their socialist agenda.
But the plan won't work without the support of patriotic America like you who
are outraged that President Obama and his
czars are turning our country into a
weak-kneed, tax-riddled, Socialist-style state.
I know those are harsh words... but they're also honest words.
Just look at the facts:
They've used the U.S. banks, two of the and enormous financial That's
socialism. government to take over "Big three"
automakers, corporations like AIG.
President Obama
has apologized for America's greatness to foreign leaders and actually bowed to
Saudi King Abdullah and Japanese Emperor Akihitohas.
That's weak-kneed. And Obama is slamming middle-class
Americans by rolling back
the Bush Tax Cuts and pushing his massive "cap and trade" scheme,
which would result in the largest tax increase in American history. That's
riddling you with unfair and unnecessary taxes.
national news media want you to think President Obama is a "middle-of-the-road"
leader with your best interests at heart. But
actions speak louder than words. And every action Barack Obama has made
since he took office proves that he is partisan, anti-family, and the closest
thing we have to a socialist in America.
Obama voted to make it illegal for
doctors to treat babies who survive botched abortions. He still refuses to
publicly denounce the vote-scamming, crime-infested, morally-bankrupt members
their radical agenda grants so much power to the federal government that if it
passes, bureaucrats will tell you which doctors you can and can't see, what
kind of car you can buy, and even how much electricity you can use in your own
matter what his adoring fans in the liberal-biased media say, President Obama has proven that he is a
far-left liberal who wants to turn America into a
European-style socialist nation.
Remember, this is a man who said, "whatever we once were, we are no longer just a Christian
A man who warned of "jumping to conclusions"
after Muslim Nidal Malik Hasan murdered 13 servicemen and women in an act of jihad
at Fort Hood, Texas. A man who doesn't think you're taxed enough. A man who has appointed three dozen
"czars," who are
accountable to no one but him.
unfortunately, a man so beloved by the biased news media that they will print
and say anything they can to make the average American forget how dangerous
Barack Obama really is.
you've heard of Citizens United (CU), then you know that for more than 20 years
they have been fighting to restore our bloated and corrupt federal government
to citizen control.
nationwide TV commercials, petition campaigns, rallies in Washington, DC, and
the publication of blockbuster books, CU is the Capitol Hill watch dog you can
count on to guard your family's values and our national sovereignty.
2004, CU spent more than one million dollars to produce the only film in America that refuted John Kerry's lies about President Bush
and the War on Terror.
then they've produced critical documentaries exposing the corrupt United
Nations... the anti-American agenda of the left-wing ACLU... and the massive
security breaches caused by illegal immigration from Mexico.
also teamed up with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich to produce the blockbuster
documentaries "Rediscovering God in America," "We Have the Power," and "Rendezvous
with Destiny."
I am teaming up with Citizens United to offer their patriotic members a copy of
my book that spent seven weeks on top of the New York Times Bestseller list: Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement
to Bring Common Sense Back to America.
the Right Thing is my blueprint for using the values of our Founding Fathers –
the values you and I were raised on – to save our country from the
liberals. They would probably call my values old-fashioned. But I call them
common sense.
like relying on yourself and hard work – not the government – for a living. Protecting the sanctity of life. Keeping
marriage between a man and a woman. Lowering taxes so families can
decide how best to spend their own hard-earned money. And
defending our borders and our Judeo-Christian way of life from the Islamo-fascists who want to destroy us.
more than 200 years these core values of hard work, limited government, and
Judeo-Christian faith have made America the greatest country on the face of the earth.
the liberals can and will destroy our greatness and our freedoms unless you and
I put my plan into action. Mark my words: now is the time to strike.
Obama's approval ratings are dropping. For the first time since taking office,
less than 50% of the American people say they like the way he's running the
country. His "rock star" image is starting to crack.
Americans in the heartland like you and me are finally starting to realize that
if we don't take action right now,
Obama, his left-wing
czars, and his liberal
cronies on the federal bench will strip away everything that is good and decent
about our beloved country.
why I hope you will mark "YES" on your [requested] "2014 Call to
Arms Membership Reply" and join Citizens United as they defend our freedom
and our families from the
Obama liberals. Whether your answer is "Yes or
"No," I want to know...
As a
CU member, you'll receive the monthly – email newsletter,
"Obama-Biden Watch," packed with news, editorials, and analysis of the
Obama's White House that you won't find anywhere else.
for a gift of $35 or more, you'll also receive a personal copy of my
best-selling book, Do the Right Thing. My book is a common-sense guide on how
to reclaim our nation from the
Obama liberals who are stealing our freedoms,
weakening our national security, and eroding our nation's moral compass.
so much at stake for our country and our families, I hope you will accept my
invitation to be a part of this special Citizens United project...
friend, I need patriotic Americans who are willing to join me in this fight
against the liberal agenda to stand with Citizens United today. It's not enough
to shake our heads and complain about President
Obama to our neighbors over the
backyard fence. We've got to take action before it's too late!'re
someone who cares too much about America to let them destroy it... you're an American who's
sick and tired of hearing how
Obama is going to "change" our country.
And that you agree with me that the same "old-fashioned" values that
were good enough for our Founding Fathers are still good enough for us today!...
Thank you for "doing the right thing!"
P.S. I can't wait to send you
a copy of my book and to know there's one more American out there fighting the
Obama Machine. Thank you for joining me and Citizens United today in defending
the America we know and love! (CUF, P.O. Box 96408, Washington, D.C. 20090-6408).