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[Washington] Political Establishment
["Swamp Creatures"] Rinos!
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ProTrump Wins! ProTrump!

More Christians need to confront the [socialist] special interest, elite, pharisaical, hypocritical, political establishment of today, because of what they are doing to destroy our "life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," and our values. In His day, Jesus confronted the establishment when some questioned His authority (Mark 11:27-33), when He went about preaching the gospel of the kingdom, healing (Mat 4:23-24), saving life (Luke 6:9-10), not destroying it (John 10:10), and giving (granting) eternal life (John 17:2).

According to the Word of God, all things were made by Jesus, who is the Word became flesh (John 1:14). In Him is life (John 1:1-5), and He is the light of the world (John 8:12; 9:3-5. God is light and in Him is no darkness (1 John 1:5).

The one argument about when natural life begins should be easy to answer. Jesus Christ! Consider the issues of the living unborn and natural life (especially the unwanted and elderly). The two coexist and are inseparable. If you take away one altogether, the other would cease to exist. But no one can take away the eternal life that Jesus gives (John 10:27-29).

I have a dream! If all the faithful, good (Mat 25:21-23) and wise (conservative) servants' (Luke 12:42-44) of the Lord would persistently and openly come together, forget about their tax exempt status for a season, stand their ground, not compromising their Godly principles, pray (Luke 21:36), be sober (1 Th 5:6-8) and preach the Word of God (1 Tim 4:1-4); how many convicted, special interest, wicked servants (Mat 24:42-51) would be able to continue to promote, uphold and grow their hypocritical world? I believe the servants' of the Lord would win more of their arguments, the Lord God would bless, the culture of life and freedom would thrive, and the culture of death and socialism would decline.

I was surprised when I actually heard [Liberal, Democrat, Socialist] U.S. Senator A.C.H. [Wikipedia] of today's Washington establishment say on video, "They ain't no rules around here... We make 'em up as we go along...." That summarizes perhaps many so-called servants mentality.
One Citizen Speaking Obamacare: the face of democrat corruption ...!

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